Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 292 Tang Yuehua: Something is wrong with my sister-in-law

In the God Realm, in the rugged and steep canyons, malice and evil thoughts are so strong that they cannot be eliminated.

A looming, twisted figure was sitting cross-legged above the muddy swamp in the center of the canyon, with a purple face that looked extremely hideous and ugly.

At the same time, an extremely obvious look of excitement flashed deep in her eyes.

She sensed the faint fluctuations that appeared one after another from the distant lower world.

"Jie Jie Jie, although this boy is slightly inferior in terms of qualifications, his progress is very fast. What exactly has he experienced, and the degree of distortion of his mind and will is even more exaggerated than that of the previous girl."

Accompanied by a burst of deep, hoarse, strange laughter, the figure looked increasingly weird and twisted.

Although she didn't know the details and what exactly stimulated the successor she re-selected, since the seeds had sprouted, she just had to wait quietly.

"Hmph, Shura, use my divine will as a whetstone for your heir. Even if you are the God of Law Enforcement, you still don't take me seriously. What a pity that Tang Chen is full of killing intent but not enough evil thoughts. My self-awareness is not firm enough, otherwise it would be good to be my successor."

This person is clearly the Rakshasa God, the god of evil thoughts who is notorious in the world of gods.

Although the divine world emphasizes the word "balance", even the two great god kings control the laws of good and evil respectively, and the camps of the gods are also divided into the dark side and the light side.

But as a first-level god, the Rakshasa God is so crazy and twisted that even the gods on the dark side can't help but avoid him and don't want to have too much contact with him.

"This time you are willing to put down your face and eliminate most of the evil thoughts in the Killing City. However, do you think this can prevent the erosion of my spiritual thoughts?

"As long as his own malice is sufficient, even if he is only slightly contaminated, my Rakshasa power will continue to grow with his own will as nourishment, and sooner or later he will start the divine test..."

In the Shura Temple, a tall figure covered in blood stood in the center of the temple, like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

At this time, he was also briefly casting his gaze on Tang San who was on Douluo Star.

"...Boy, try your best to withstand the erosion of Rakshasa's evil thoughts. As long as you don't fall too deep, you can still be saved. This is already putting a lot of pressure on you."

How could he not know that Tang San was contaminated with a small amount of Rakshasa divine power?

In fact, even what happened to Tang Chen and Bibi Dong before was also caused by his deliberate laissez-faire.

The only difference is that Tang Chen was completely unable to withstand the erosion of Rakshasa's divine power, but he misjudged Bibi Dong's side.

He never thought that Bibi Dong had indeed successfully survived the erosion of evil thoughts, but she had actually taken advantage of the situation and started the Rakshasa Divine Examination, causing him to lose an extremely excellent successor candidate.

And he won't make the same mistake a second time.

This time, he cleared away a large number of Rakshasa powers entrenched on the road to hell.

"Damn Rakshasa, you would rather give up a successor than continue to disgust me. There is no end."

Until now, God Shura didn't know that the reason why Bibi Dong's Rakshasa test was interrupted was not because of Rakshasa God's initiative, but because there were other hidden reasons.

Shura's divine power restrains Rakshasa's divine power extremely seriously, and the relationship between the two gods is naturally quite bad.

With some tacit understanding between them and the protection of the God of Destruction, it was normal for the Rakshasa God to cause some stumbles, but he was not stupid enough to come in front of the Shura God to make himself unhappy and talk about things.

However, God Shura did not wipe out all the Rakshasa powers on the road to hell.

For today's Tang San, tempering Rakshasa's evil thoughts is an essential process.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Tang San's foundation was too shallow, and he would never be able to complete the Shura Divine Test in his current state.

As for the crazy and twisted evil thoughts in the Rakshasa's divine power, although it is extremely dangerous, it can also be regarded as a double-edged sword.

If he could successfully survive the erosion of evil thoughts, both Tang San's mind, will, and physical foundation would improve greatly.

Only in this case would he have a chance to successfully inherit the Shura God's throne and accommodate the powerful and domineering Shura divine power.

God Shura has been observing Tang San for a long time. With the temperament of this heir, he should not fall over like Tang Chen did.

What he was worried about was that the other party would start the Rakshasa test by accident like Bibi Dong.

Therefore, he did some tricks on the road to hell to prevent him from making the same mistakes again. This was a method that the Rakshasa God could not imagine.

"If it doesn't work, just find more channels for you to vent, and just make up for it afterwards..."

God Shura sighed secretly.

In fact, he didn't like this kind of underhanded method, but if Tang San couldn't succeed, he didn't know how long it would be before he had the chance to find the next heir to the throne.

And as an innate god, his view of right and wrong on certain things is different from that of humans.

What's more, he only passed on part of the Rakshasa God's methods.

The real culprit is still the God of Evil Thoughts.

After a moment, God Shura turned around and left the temple.

As the God of Law Enforcement in the God Realm, he has many affairs and countless life planets that need to be monitored, so he does not have so much time to spend on this one thing.

In the luxuriously decorated top floor of Yuexuan, three people who already recognized each other gathered and sat together.

At this time, Tang San had also taken off his mask.

Gently stroking his unnaturally stiff face, Tang Yuehua's eyes turned red, and he whispered: "Your name is Tang San, right? You look like your father when he was young. Has he suffered a lot over the years?"

Naturally, she was fully aware of the wanted order issued by Wuhun Palace. Although she was angry inside, she had nothing to do.

In addition, because Su Cheng had appeared in Yuexuan, she had also found out some things through various channels in the past few years.

"Yes, aunt, my name is Tang San."

Tang Yuehua's palms were warm and soft.

Being touched by her like this, Tang San couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and the rich blood energy between his brows also dissipated a little.

"Tang San...Tang San..."

As he muttered the name in a low voice, Tang Yuehua's eyes seemed sad and happy.

Back then, Tang Xiao, Tang Hao, and A Yin were training together, and A Yin was the third sister among them.

Tang Hao's intention in naming his son this name is too obvious.

She turned to look at her brother's old face, pursed her lips, but in the end she just sighed with tears in her eyes, "Brother, how did you become like this?"

Tang Hao didn't seem to care. He chuckled and said, "Silly girl, when did you become so crying?"

When Tang Yuehua heard this, a hint of anger finally appeared on his face.

"It's not because of you, how many years has it been? There is no news about you at all. I only found out from somewhere else some time ago that you had appeared in Wuhun City..."

At this point, her voice paused, and she subconsciously glanced at Tang San next to her, with an expression that seemed hesitant.

After hesitating, he gritted his teeth and whispered: "Xiaosan's mother..."

"...A Yin...she is resurrected..."

After Tang Hao was silent for a long time, he answered in a low voice with some difficulty.

As he spoke, his fists clenched tightly involuntarily, his downcast face was full of pain, and a familiar feeling of powerlessness filled his body.

It's like this again, every time...

When the two of them parted that day, the words A Yin said and the images that lingered like a nightmare came to mind again...

"She...she was captured by the people from Wuhun Palace."

Finally, Tang Hao spat out this reply with a dry voice.


Hearing this, Tang Yuehua hesitated to speak.

During the fierce battle in Wuhun Hall at that time, compared to Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong, Tang Hao, Su Cheng, Qian Renxue and others who appeared one after another, Ah Yin, who appeared briefly, could only be regarded as an unattractive person. A small supporting role that attracts attention.

There are only a few people who even know her true identity. At most, there are a few people who are interested. They may be able to make some guesses from the few words in Tang Hao's words, but they may not really take it to heart.

Therefore, most people's focus is still on the 100,000-year-transformed soul beast, the Haotian Douluo who has returned to the world, the powerful Spirit Hall, and the geniuses Qian Renxue and Su Cheng.

But Tang Yuehua is obviously different. Although her strength is low, she has deep connections with the royal family and nobles of the Tiandou Empire. She has rich information channels, and she can get a glimpse of them.

More importantly, she knew A Yin's exact identity.

At that time, after learning that the other party had resurrected and appeared, she was still in a daze for a while in shock.

Later, I made inquiries based on this and learned some other information.

Although Wuhun City is not a place where everyone can enter and exit at will, it is not always closed. After all, it still has contacts with high-level officials from all walks of life. What's more, Wuhun Palace has made a lot of moves in recent years, and its contacts with the outside world have become much closer.

"Brother, I...I heard someone say that I saw my sister-in-law in Wuhun City. She...she seemed to move freely, and she didn't look like she was imprisoned by Wuhun Palace..."


Tang Hao suddenly stood up and interrupted the other party's words, breathing heavily, and blood suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Even with Tang Yuehua's temperament, he was so frightened by his sudden and terrifying behavior that the blood drained from his face.

"……Feel sorry."

Tang Hao wiped his face and sat back down weakly.

Did he really not understand what Tang Yuehua said?

Replaying the scene of that day over and over again, is there really no suspicion or doubt in my heart?

of course not.

He just didn't want to believe it or admit it.

The soul masters have various methods, and Wuhundian is even more despicable, and there may be other hidden reasons.

Thinking like this, he became more determined to go to the Bluesilver Grass Forest to find out what was going on as soon as possible.

"Maybe my information is wrong, brother, you will definitely be able to rescue my sister-in-law in the future."


Tang Hao said nothing more, but nodded blankly.

On the other side, Tang San frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something before.

Although he was one of the witnesses present that day, at that time his mind was completely occupied by Xiao Wu's sudden death, and even his perception of the changes in the outside world was somewhat unclear.

In fact, the appearance of his mother did not cause much disturbance in his heart. Even the conversation between his parents did not make much impression on him.

All the memory scenes about that day were actually filled in based on Tang Hao's description afterwards.

But with the conversation between the two and their attitudes and reactions, it became clear that what happened that day was not as simple as Tang Hao said, and some more real vague memories gradually emerged...

Thinking of this, a flash of black mist inadvertently flashed through the depths of Tang San's eyes again.

"By the way, brother, there is something else I have to tell you." At this time, Tang Yuehua seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly spoke again, "More than a year ago, there were two young people about the same age as the mistress. Came to me."


Tang Hao, who had suppressed those images in his heart again, was a little strange at first when he heard this.

Isn't it normal for people to come in and out of Yuexuan?

But he immediately reacted and his face froze, "What are you talking about...?"

Naturally, Tang Yuehua would not show off, and said bluntly: "One of them is Su Cheng, the elder of Wuhun Palace who is now famous all over the world, and the other is Zhu Zhuqing, the direct disciple of Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace."

"Elder of Wuhun Palace——"

"They recognized you?!"

Before Tang San finished speaking, he was interrupted by another more urgent cold shout.

Tang Hao's expression changed dramatically, and he stared into Tang Yuehua's eyes, his powerful aura ready to go.

If she was recognized by Su Cheng and then led him to wait here with Bibi Dong, wouldn't she and Tang San be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth?

Not to mention that extremely weird boy, Bibi Dong's strength today is also different from what it used to be. Compared to that fight in Wuhun Palace, he was several times stronger.

Tang Yuehua was stunned by Tang Hao's reaction.

For some reason, she seemed to see a hint of nervousness and...fear in the other person's eyes? !

Maybe it's just an illusion...

After gathering his composure, Tang Yuehua slowly shook his head and said, "Probably not. He just discovered something special about my field and asked me to help him purify the killing intent of Bibi Dong's successor. He didn't do anything else. I want to use His position, if he knew my identity, he would never give up so easily."

After hearing this, Tang Hao relaxed.

If it's just a field, then there's no problem.

The least suspicious thing about Tang Yuehua is precisely her martial spirit and realm that are completely different from those of the Haotian Sect disciples.

"Auntie, what did you mean when you said that the elders of the Spirit Hall and the Pope's direct disciples just now?" At this moment, it was finally Tang San's turn to speak.

"Less than a year after Su Cheng joined Wuhun Hall, he was promoted to be the elder by Wuhun Hall. As for Zhu Zhuqing, I don't know much about it. I only learned about her identity and background after they came to Yuexuan that day. . But that little girl is indeed very strong. If I read correctly, she should already have the Soul Emperor cultivation level."

"Soul Emperor?!" Tang San's expression changed, "And Su Cheng..."

He composed himself before continuing: "Why can Su Cheng become an elder? Aren't the elders of Wuhun Palace all titled Douluo?"

"Theoretically -"

"Okay." Before Tang Yuehua finished explaining, he was interrupted by Tang Hao.

He turned to look at his son, "How are the two of them doing? They have little to do with you for the time being. Why, don't you have confidence? Are you afraid?!"

Tang San was stunned when he saw this. He didn't understand why his father was suddenly angry, but he still shook his head and said, "No, I just want to know more information about the enemy."

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