Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 293 Tang Yuehua’s uneasiness (Happy New Year!)

"It's right to understand the information, but no matter how many questions you ask now, it's just looking at flowers in the smoke, and it may not be true. Yuehua has only met them once, and he usually lives in Tiandou City, how much can he know What's the real situation? Don't let these things affect your state of mind. There are many powerful people in Wuhun Palace, and Bibi Dong is an extremely terrifying enemy. You should have been mentally prepared for it. "

"……I see."

Tang San nodded, his expression calming down again.

After thinking for a while, he continued to ask: "By the way, aunt, you said you would meet Zhu Zhuqing and purify her murderous intention? Did she also obtain the realm of the God of Death? But she clearly did not complete the victory in the Hell Killing Fields."

As the strongest person before Tang San, the legend of Gale King Zhu Zhuqing has always been very popular in the Killing City. All kinds of news about her are endless, and naturally there are many followers who are always tracking her victory progress.

Although there are many relevant opinions, one thing is very certain, that is, she will definitely not complete the 100 wins, unless she can fight two or three games in a day without stopping.

But this situation is almost impossible, because even if she can support herself, she will not be able to match enough opponents.

As for those who have not passed through Bai Sheng, the killing intent in their bodies is not enough to form the God of Death Domain. Tang San, who had just obtained the God of Death Domain, was very sure of this.

"No, she shouldn't have the realm of the God of Death. Even her murderous aura is specious, which is very different from your father and son."

After hearing this, Tang San, who had been tense, finally relaxed a little.

This was already the best news he had heard in a while.

"Okay, it's useless to talk about these things anymore. Let's stop talking about old times here." Tang Hao seemed to not want to talk any more, so he stood up and walked to the center of the hall.

He turned his back to Tang Yuehua and said in a deep voice: "Yuehua, I leave the mistress to you. He has just come out of the killing city, and his aura is impetuous. Only you can best help him at this time."

"What do you mean, what about you?!" Hearing the implication of Tang Hao's words, Tang Yuehua's expression changed suddenly, "You are going to leave again this time? What will happen to the sect if you leave? The most impressive sect in the world. , actually want to hide it, do you know the pain of the disciples of the sect? And brother, do you know how hard and tormented he has been in these years? "

"...I can't do anything to help the sect. I don't want to apologize to my eldest brother. I believe he understands me."

"I understand! You are the famous Haotian Douluo, and you still say that you can't help the sect? You said that the elder brother can understand you?!" Tang Yuehua seemed a little excited, and the words he used were much more vulgar, and there was a trace of anger on his fair cheeks. Flushing.

Then, she suddenly remembered something and quickly added: "Did you know that Wuhun Palace has already started to attack the three upper sects! Because of Su Cheng's relationship, the Qibao Glazed Sect has already had some conflicts with the royal family. Discord. Moreover, Yu Tianheng, the eldest grandson of Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, was also wandering in the circle of imperial aristocrats some time ago. Do you think that with their family’s style, it would be possible if it were not for external pressure? Is this kind of action coming?”

When Tang Hao heard this, his expression changed several times, but in the end he took a deep breath and said calmly: "Yuehua, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I will consider these things myself. As for the sect, I am no longer a member of the Haotian Sect. How can I go back? Although I feel sorry for the sect, I do not regret anything I have done."

With that said, Tang Hao threw out a roll of sheepskin map and it fell into Tang San's hands.

"One year later, follow the map and return to the valley to find me."

After saying that, he walked directly outside.


Tang Yuehua ran over in large strides. Perhaps because of his speed, the palace clothes on his body made a soft sound like tearing.

Tang Hao stopped but didn't look back.

"Help me take good care of Xiaosan. After a year, when he goes to see me, you can take him back to the sect to recognize his ancestors and return to the sect. At that time, you can tell the eldest brother that Xiaosan is my explanation to the sect. I can't do it He will complete the tasks for me. Yuehua, tell your elder brother that he is the son of me and Ah Yin, and he is also my only son."

"Brother——" Tang Yuehua shouted.

The next moment, Tang Hao's figure had faded in front of her and then disappeared.

Tang Yuehua stood there, tears flowing silently.

It had been twenty years since she saw Tang Hao again, but the reunion was so short. At this moment, she felt that her heart ached and she wanted to suffocate.

Tang San just stood behind her and waited silently.

After a long time...

"The relationship between you and my father is really just brother and sister?"

Out of nowhere, he suddenly asked such a question, but he regretted it as soon as he said it.

No matter how you say it, the other person is your biological aunt and one of the few remaining relatives.

Saying such words really seems disrespectful to the other party.

Moreover, I probably thought wrongly, how could I have such a strange idea...

But what Tang San didn't expect was Tang Yuehua's instant reaction.

A blush flashed on her fair and elegant cheeks, and her eyes seemed to be in a daze for a moment, but she quickly stopped and reprimanded with a hint of embarrassment: "What are you talking about!"


Tang San lowered his eyes and fell silent.

But he quickly raised his head again as if nothing had happened: "You said before that my mother moves freely in Wuhun City? Is this true?"

Tang Yuehua shook his head, "It's probably just a misinformation. Don't think too much about these things. Just wait for your father's arrangements. Maybe in a year, he will tell you everything. I can see that he cares about you very much." Have confidence, otherwise he wouldn’t say that you are his account to the sect, you should be nineteen years old this year?”

"Two months to nineteen."

"Your father walked out of the Hell Road of the Killing City at the age of twenty-eight. You were nearly ten years earlier than him. It seems that you are really the hope of the sect. You know that he asked you to stay here for a year because he wanted to Want to learn something from me?"

Tang San shook his head blankly.

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San with burning eyes, "In the next year, I will teach you various noble etiquette and music. From now on, I am your aunt and your teacher."

"Aristocratic etiquette?"

"Yes, I am here at the Tiandou Empire Palace Etiquette School, which specializes in teaching various noble etiquettes. You should also feel my field, right? This talent field is called the Noble Circle, and my soul power is currently nine. class."

"Mutated martial soul, talent field... Okay, I understand."

For some reason, Tang San's calmness made Tang Yuehua feel a little uneasy.

Immediately he shook his head again to get rid of those strange distracting thoughts.

Maybe it's just an illusion.

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