Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 294 Ah Yin’s tangle (Reader Master takes off in the Year of the Dragon)

The sunlight is like golden threads, passing through the gaps in the ancient forest and dappled throughout the forest.

The breeze gently passed through the leaves, making a faint rustling sound.

In the interplay of light and shadow, there is a soft and beautiful figure wearing a blue and gold palace dress, quietly leaning on the thick trunk of an ancient tree, lying on her side with her eyes closed, as if she is taking a rest.

Behind her, the shape of the huge ancient tree was also very strange. The whole body is a clear blue, and the color is crystal clear. Countless slender vines climbed up, and in the middle, there was a mark that looked like a human face.

This person and tree were suddenly A Yin, who had returned to the Blue Silver Grass Forest for nearly a year, and the unique plant-type soul beast Blue Silver King that grew in the center of the forest.

At this time, several thick vines drooped and swayed, sweeping away the originally airtight branches and leaves, leaving a narrow passage.

The warm spring sun fell from it and enveloped A Yin's body, covering her with a golden halo.

The delicate skin becomes whiter and whiter under the sun, shining with a luster like the first snow. The delicate and gentle face is quiet and serene, seeming to have completely integrated with this ancient forest.

But her state of existence is fundamentally different from Su Cheng's situation of being in harmony with the external environment, which is visible to the naked eye.

It's more like she coexists with nature, no, to be precise, the entire natural forest is enjoying her gifts.

Ah Yin himself is the core and foundation of this forest. He is connected with the entire land and has a strong sense of presence that others cannot ignore.

"You are worried a lot, can you tell me about it?"

The old face in the middle of the ancient tree showed extremely human concern, and human words came out of its mouth.

"Did you see it?" Ah Yin opened his eyes and gently smoothed the hair hanging down from his temples.

"Haha, I've seen it a long time ago, but you didn't tell me, so I didn't ask."

Blue Silver King's voice was gentle and kind, with a faint smile.

Compared with the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin who once had a hundred thousand years of cultivation, now he is more like a kind and wise elder.

In fact, the Blue Silver King's real survival time is indeed much longer than A Yin.

When she was just born, this Blue Silver King was already the king of the Blue Silver Grass Forest.

The so-called years of cultivation of soul beasts cannot truly represent their growth age, because in addition to natural growth, soul beasts can also increase their age through cultivation and absorb free soul power from the outside world.

As a unique bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin obviously does not need to rely solely on survival time to accumulate cultivation like ordinary Blue Silver Grass, and his strength grows extremely fast.

Not only that, unlike the Ayin Soul Beast who was able to rapidly increase his cultivation level during his haphazard cultivation and slumber, it took tens of thousands of years for the Blue Silver King to gain wisdom.

Although it cannot move, the entire forest is its eyes and ears. It has witnessed too many changes in personnel, joys and sorrows.

It possesses wisdom accumulated over time and experience.

Ah Yin had nothing to hide about the family-like Blue Silver King behind her, or maybe she did have some desire to talk, and she didn't feel comfortable expressing many of her thoughts.

After a moment of silence, she whispered: "I made a mistake."

"Oh? Is it because of the young strong man named Su Cheng?"

"How do you know?" Ah Yin was stunned for a moment.

"Haha, in the year since you came back, you have only mentioned his name. What's more, I am also deeply impressed by that adult."

"..." Ah Yin's pretty face blushed at first, and then a trace of sadness emerged between her brows, "My feelings seem to be out of my control. I know clearly that it is wrong, whether it is for me, him, or But for other people, this kind of change should not happen..."

"Are you talking about human feelings?"

"Well, human beings value emotions the most." A Yin nodded lightly.

"To treat friends, one should be tolerant and sincere; to treat lovers, one should be loyal; to treat relatives, one should be selfless and tolerant... But I don't seem to be able to do any of these. Tell me, am I wrong? What should I do right? , should we give up our current wrong behavior and feelings?”

"Are you asking me? But I'm just a tree."

Ah Yin: "..."

"Haha, but I think I probably understand what you mean." The smile on Blue Silver King's face made of bark and vines became more and more obvious, and the vines outside his body were also gently swaying, "King, you I’m in good shape.”


"I'm just a tree, and my feelings are not that complicated, so I can't tell what is friendship and what is love or family affection. However, I just want to ask you, if you are wrong, are you willing to give up?"

"..." Ah Yin was silent.

give up?

How could it be possible to give up.

It took a lot of effort to get everything back on track. Is this the end?

In this case, why did she have to stay in a place like Wuhun City for so long, being looked down upon by others, and enduring loneliness.

But precisely because she didn't want to give up, her heart became increasingly painful and hesitant.

The softer and kind-hearted a person is, the more they will blame themselves and feel guilty for hurting others, and fall into mental internal friction.

"...King, I have seen many human beings' grudges and hatreds arising from various emotions.

"The ethics that human beings call ordinary ethics are the institutional rules that they gradually formed in order to form groups, organize societies, and maintain order. But these rules are also constantly changing with the changes of the times. Different classes of human beings need to The rules to follow also vary.

"The time span you have spent in the human world is too short, so you don't have deep impressions, but I have seen too much...

“I also know that in addition to having rich and complex emotions, human beings also have desires and ambitions that other creatures cannot match, various grand ambitions and dreams, and a free spirit that constantly tries to break through the shackles.

"It's just that many people, either forced by the helplessness of life or the pressure of the world, can only integrate into the collective rules called "ordinary" and "order". But in the beginning, who Never had dreams and impulses?

"But, my dear king, you are different. You are not an ordinary person. You are the only king among ten thousand, the only Blue Silver Emperor in the world. Why should you put yourself in jail for nothing?"

The steady and kind voice of the Blue Silver King slowly reached her ears.

"Why did you want to integrate into human society in the first place? What was your original intention? Do you still remember it now? Could it be that you just transformed into a human for the sake of cultivation?"

"My...original intention?"

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