What is your original intention?

Ah Yin's eyes were a little dazed.

In fact, I didn’t think too much about it at first.

As a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, there are only two paths that can be chosen.

Transform into a human and start practicing again as a human soul master.

Or continue to grow as a soul beast, continue to experience the test of heavenly tribulations, and then wait for the next thousand years, or die.

Ah Yin finally chose to transform and start another life.

She couldn't remember clearly the reason why she made this choice at that time.

Because of the yearning for the human world? Or is it the fear of disaster?

"...Curious, I am very curious about another world. I want to see what human society looks like."

"So, what kind of experience did you have after entering the new world as a human being?"

"What was your experience at that time..."

Ah Yin pondered.

At that time, she was full of curiosity about everything.

The human world is so wonderful, not as boring as the forest.

A variety of delicious food, beautiful costumes, interesting performances, and all kinds of magical items.

Although her personality is not very active, she is still attracted by the colorful life.

The spirituality and creativity of human beings are far inferior to those of soul beasts.


Looking back now, it seems that at that time there was only continuous experience and adventure, then sparring with soul masters, fighting soul beasts, and then chasing and escaping...

However, she had already experienced enough similar things when she was a soul beast.

Even if he is the only Blue Silver Emperor in the world and is protected by his ethnic group, his extremely long growth process will never be smooth sailing.

Those things are actually not interesting. At least in her current view, fighting and becoming stronger are just a very one-sided microcosm of the human world.

What's more, she has never been obsessed with improving her strength.

The reason why she never chose to leave alone was because she had long been accustomed to following.

Psychological inertia and vague fear of the unknown prompted her to dare not leave her comfort zone.

This is also due to personality reasons.

She has never been very opinionated.

Also as a transformed soul beast, Xiao Wu recklessly broke into the academy where soul masters gathered at a young age when she had not even attached her first soul ring.

But Ah Yin, lingering on the edge and testing for nearly twenty years, finally made up his mind and cautiously entered another mysterious realm with yearning and fear...

Seeing that she remained silent, Blue Silver King seemed to know the answer, but did not continue to talk more.

It just said: "You may have forgotten what happened at that time. What about the past few years? Do you feel that you are really happy as a human being?"

After hearing this, Ah Yin woke up from his daze and subconsciously recalled his experiences in recent years.

I had mixed feelings in my heart for a while.

Everyone and everything she has seen over the years also seems to revolve around someone.

But it's not just that person.

No matter the events I experienced or the form of life, it was completely different from that time twenty years ago...

The surprise and confusion when they just woke up, the panic and worry after being forcibly bound by the Eternal Life Sword, all coexist and communicate harmoniously in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi...

In the process, she continued to witness the boy's growth and witnessed many wonderful scenes that were difficult for her to understand.

However, that guy was obviously just a kid at the time, but he always liked to act mature and would always point fingers at his own affairs. But he always hit the point and left her speechless.

Then, with the other party's efforts, she actually obtained a "physical body". Although the body structure was very simple, it was also a surprise that she had never dared to expect.

After all, at that time, she was, to put it harshly, just a prisoner trapped in a martial spirit.

Although she didn't say much, she was really grateful to Su Cheng in her heart.

Then, she got the opportunity to visit Tiandou City alone, the largest and most prosperous city in the Tiandou Empire.

But at that time, she didn't really want to wander around such a strange and huge city by herself.

Maybe that’s what you want too?

It's just that inherent habit and inertia, and the mentality of hoping that someone can rely on you has taken over again.

However, this time this person did not give her a chance to refuse, and just left her alone in Tiandou City.

As a result, she was surprised to find that everything was not as difficult as she imagined, and she no longer had the worries she had at first.

It wasn't until much later that Ah Yin realized that it was because of the Immortal Sword.

At that time, no matter where she was, she could always feel an extremely clear connection with the martial soul, and the resulting strong sense of security in being able to return to it at any time.

I don't know since when, that sword of longevity has gradually turned from a prison at the beginning into a safe and comfortable haven.

So no matter when and where, no matter what happened, even if she was defrauded of all the gold soul coins she had, she never really felt panicked.

Later in Tiandou City, Ah Yin also experienced a lot of things, met a lot of people, and was even taken in by a kind-hearted aunt for a while.

These experiences are unprecedented...

Until that day, everything was completely different.

Due to Su Cheng's deception and his own concealment, the two parted ways and have been rejected by the Eternal Life Sword ever since.

Fortunately, the misunderstandings were eventually cleared up.

In just a few years, it is impossible to describe the various emotions and the ups and downs of her mood in just a few words.

"...It's really hard to be a human being, but it's also very happy." Ah Yin murmured in a low voice with a smile.

"Life and death are just a moment, but many things seem to be more profound than life... No matter ordinary or extraordinary, everyone has their own life and their own happiness. I never knew this before... …”

"It seems you already have the answer in your mind."

"W-what answer?"

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted, the smile on her face froze, then her face turned red, and she stammered a question.

"Why do you remember so clearly the events of the past few years, but have so few memories of your past experiences? Don't you have an answer in your mind as to whether those memories are more important or less important? I think for you, twenty or thirty years have passed. It’s not too long.”

"That's not the same thing!" Ah Yin retorted subconsciously.

"Is that so? So in your mind, what kind of relationship do you think you have with Su Cheng?"

"he and I……"

Hearing King Lanyin's question, Ah Yin's thoughts of questioning and venting his emotions that he couldn't control came to mind, as well as the agreement he made when they parted and the random thoughts he had in these days.

Inexplicably, he recalled Su Cheng's hug when they parted, that feeling of being extremely satisfied and fulfilled.

Her face turned red and her eyes subconsciously dodge, "I regard him as my younger brother..."

"Although I know that human beings have extremely rich emotions, I can't empathize with you after all." Blue Silver King gently shook the vine, seeming to be laughing, "But because of this, you don't have to feel shy in front of me. , I watched you grow up."

"..." Ah Yin raised his elbow and hammered the tree trunk behind him, and yelled angrily: "Don't make random assumptions, I'm not shy!"

"Of course, you are always the most correct." King Blue Silver corrected his previous point of view smoothly, and then continued: "Dear King, do you still remember what I said to you before? Where is your original intention? You should continue to persevere. Don't restrict yourself with human concepts, because they themselves are extremely changeable creatures.

"Even humans themselves can really distinguish friendship, love and family affection so clearly? Friendship may gradually transform into love, and love will ferment into family affection over time. I think the transformation of human emotions is Extremely amazing.

“Friendship is mellow and long-lasting, love is blazing and selfless, and family affection is deep and selfless. In the process of getting along with each other, all kinds of emotions may not exist in a single way.

"King, isn't this just like the jar of Baihua brew you prepared a few days ago? I remember that you collected nearly a hundred kinds of ingredients and carefully brewed it."

At this time, the Blue Silver King's voice suddenly paused slightly, "Speaking of which, was that jar of wine specially prepared by you for him?"

"I...I just want to taste it myself."

"Really? Why don't I remember you like this kind of thing."

"I learned it in the human world, and it's very interesting."

"That's it." King Blue Silver didn't expose her stubbornness, but just said with a smile: "But when that adult comes, let him have a taste."

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