Su Cheng walked slowly in the forest.

Huge ancient trees that block out the sky and sun can be seen everywhere in this place. The proportion of the soul beast level blue silver grass that is usually considered to be one in a thousand in this forest is also quite astonishing.

Although the sunlight is partially obscured by the tree canopy, the surrounding plants emit a blue light that is still clear even in the daytime, creating an alternative and wonderful beauty.

Su Cheng felt extremely relaxed when he stepped into this blue and silver grass forest again.

The first time he came here, he wanted to rely on his own strength to condense the soul ring. At that time, he felt this strange atmosphere that was as self-contained as a small world, which made him extremely alert.

The second time, he was not doing it for himself, but to help Zhu Zhuqing be promoted to Soul Emperor. But with his level of strength at that time, he no longer paid attention to this specious little world.

But this time, Su Cheng's feelings were slightly different from those in the past.

The Bluesilver Grass Forest still looked like a small world, but it was no longer vast in his heart.

Even if necessary, he can use the power of this world to fight, even if he neither has the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor nor is he a member of this small world.

This is a difference in realm.

Today's Su Cheng is completely different from what he used to be.

The energy and the body are connected as desired, the soul is constantly integrated into the body, and the combination with each other becomes closer.

Without spending any energy, he can keep himself in the best fighting state at all times, and at the same time, he is also in the most relaxed leisure state.

Not only that, his strength is naturally and continuously improving almost every moment.

Although the speed of improvement is slow and steady, he now possesses god-level strength. If he were to be a soul master, it would not be as simple as level one or two.

It can be said that the gap between the powerful third-level gods and the weak third-level gods is even greater than the gap between peak Douluo and ordinary people.

In the future, when his soul is completely integrated into the body, and instinct and consciousness are no longer separated from each other, it will be the time for the next qualitative change.

With the help of the instinctive perception extended from outside the body, Su Cheng quickly locked onto A Yin's current location, but the other party did not feel his breath.

In the simple sensory perceptions of the surrounding Blue Silver Grass spirit beasts, there is not much difference between him and other Blue Silver Grass soul beasts.

It's unremarkable. There is nothing special about it except that it moves very fast.

Su Cheng's steps were slow and slow, with a faint smile on his face.

As for Ah Yin, his senses have always been good.

Although this sister is a bit silly, she is kind and brave, and possesses certain qualities that most people in this world do not possess.

This kind of shining point of humanity is extremely rare, although she is not a pure "human being".

If the incident in the Soul Master Competition finals had not happened, the relationship between the two might have taken a step forward.

But it's not too late.

Today, Su Cheng's mood has begun to change.

This is inevitable.

The so-called improvement of realm does not only refer to strength. If so, he would not name his new power "True Power".

Nature is natural, returning to nature, moving with the world, this is the true meaning.

It is precisely because of the improvement in strength and confidence that the tolerance for many things can be increased accordingly.

The essential reason why Su Cheng acted decisively that day was out of caution.

Maybe A Yin at that time really wanted to save Xiao Wu's life as she said, and didn't consider other things.

But for him at that time, he couldn't leave such hidden dangers around him.

He does not have such a strong ability to resist risks, and he does not dare to gamble.

A person's magnanimity is directly related to his strength.

If you have nothing to rely on but want to pretend to be open-minded, you are often just comforting yourself.

This reliance may be due to strength, background, or other opportunities.

In the past, Su Cheng had the simulator as a plug-in, and he also knew the direction of some future events. He had the confidence to possess the general trend and destiny.

But those things are not his real strength after all, and there are always threats from the outside world.

Even if you understand the innate power, you still have to guard against the prying eyes of the divine world and avoid being strangled in the cradle by powerful gods.

Only now, with his completely stabilized strength and state, he is confident that he can hide something even in front of the gods. Only then can he finally truly relax and examine many relationships with a higher perspective.

Su Cheng himself couldn't tell whether this change in mentality was good or bad.

Although he hoped that he could always maintain those pure intentions, he also understood that that was extremely difficult to achieve.

Because human nature is like that.

Either because the external environment is easier, or because one's own status and strength change, ideas will always change.

All he can do is to try to stay true to himself, at least emotionally, to maintain his original intention.

Su Cheng's walking speed was not very fast, but it only took him more than half an hour to reach the depths of the forest.

Walking past two sturdy ancient trees that require several people to hug each other, a beautiful picture unfolds in front of you.

On the huge blue stone, stood a beautiful figure wearing a blue-gold palace dress. Her eyes were blank, and she didn't know where she was looking or what she was thinking in her heart.

The long, smooth blue hair was scattered on her back and fell to her waist and hips. Her hair fluttered gently in the breeze, unlike ordinary people.

In Su Cheng's eyes, Ah Yin at this moment is like a goddess who "does not eat grains, breathes wind and drinks dew, rides on clouds, rides on flying dragons, and travels across the four seas." She is beautiful in nature and noble in spirit.

She is the finishing touch of this picture, but she also seems to be leaving the picture at any time and flying away in the wind.

Su Cheng was stunned when he saw it.

In the past, Ah Yin's temperament was of course very good, combining the elegance of empty orchids and the softness of light cloud nephrite, but it was definitely not to this point, and she truly had a unique and unique style.


"Hey, that little girl, give me a smile."

For some reason, Su Cheng wanted to destroy this strange and beautiful atmosphere and pull the goddess down from the clouds.


Hearing the familiar voice and joking tone, Ah Yin instantly woke up from his reverie.

She turned back slightly confused and immediately saw the young man standing not far away smiling at her.

For a moment, all kinds of emotions came rushing over, but when I thought about it carefully, I couldn't distinguish the specific ones.

She suddenly understood the meaning of what Blue Silver King had said before.

Why do some things need to be distinguished so clearly?

Isn't this surprise and satisfaction what I yearned for when I left the forest and entered the human world ignorantly?

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