After seeing Su Cheng, whom he hadn't seen for nearly a year, Ah Yin felt happy at first, but then thought of the other person's joking words just now, and suddenly felt a surge of anger and resentment.

The various emotions that have been surging in my heart, the complicated thoughts of the past year, and the lingering images in my mind...

When they actually saw it, what they originally wanted to say were completely shattered by Su Cheng's teasing words.

"Why are you talking!"

A Yin's eyebrows stood up, her face turned red, and she jumped down from the bluestone. She no longer had the awe-inspiring fairy posture she had just now.

Although she was yelling angrily, she still came close quickly.

However, when he came closer, Ah Yin was shocked.

She felt the difference between Su Cheng now and the past.

At this time, the other party completely lost the strong energy fluctuations that once filled his whole body and showed his strong sense of existence all the time.

Although the young man in front of him looks very natural and is not weak in his senses.

But from an energy perspective, he is far from what he used to be.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?"

The joy and anger in Ah Yin's heart subsided, and a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

So he got closer, and for a moment he didn't care about the offense the other party had just made with his words.

An ordinary strong person may be able to find out what's different about Su Cheng, but it's never possible to see how deep he is.

And those who are extremely powerful like Bibi Dong can sense how terrifying he is, and his instinct for adapting to the situation seems to be innate in every move he makes.

But that also relies on the strong intuition of the strongest person, and it doesn't really mean he can see through it.

In fact, if the two had not had the experience of dual soul cultivation, Bibi Dong would never have been able to spy on Su Cheng's true situation.

But Ah Yin is different.

Although she was far from Bibi Dong in terms of strength, she was still a bit stronger at the level of perception.

Especially now that she was in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, she had a unique advantage and could sense Su Cheng's state more clearly.

In A Yin's eyes, Su Cheng at this time was extremely weird.

Although his behavior was natural, his whole body did not show any strong energy fluctuations.

That is really not there, rather than being hidden or suppressed, almost like an ordinary soul master who has lost most of his soul power.

As for the natural and calm temperament displayed on her body, she also turned into a strong-willed person in her eyes.

Su Cheng, on the other hand, was stunned by her sudden question, "What's wrong?"

"Where is the soul power in your body? Where are your innate powers?" A Yin's eyes were full of surprise and worry that could not be concealed.

"Did you see it?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised at first, but then his heart moved slightly, but he did not explain immediately.

He just raised his hand and made a move, and the Wuhun Eternal Life Sword appeared in his hand, surrounded by a lonely soul ring on the outside, which looked very pitiful.

The light of the long sword was also restrained and dim, without the sharpness that could not be concealed in the past.

"Ring explosion? No, this is not a ring explosion. All your soul rings have completely disappeared?! Why... why is this happening?"

Ah Yin stared at the longevity sword in disbelief, her voice trembling slightly.

She was too familiar with this martial spirit.

Her spirit body used to reside in it, and she could also control the talent fields derived from the Eternal Life Sword.

She also understood the first five five-element soul rings that could complement each other very well. Even if the rings were exploded, it would be impossible for the fluctuations to completely disappear.

Therefore, it is even more clear that the state of the Eternal Life Sword at this moment is by no means as simple as exploding a ring.

Those soul rings have really all disappeared!

However, with Su Cheng's strength, who in the world can hurt him?

And when a soul master's soul completely loses its soul ring, what's the difference between him and a useless person?

Under such circumstances, how can he continue to improve? Is there any chance he can be promoted to Contra or even Titled Douluo? !

For people like Su Cheng, if the way forward is cut off, where should they go in the future?

His wishes, his ambitions, everything he had gained from studying and practicing day and night, didn't it all become useless?

Can he withstand such a blow...

"Without the soul ring, how will you be promoted in the future?! Wait, maybe..."

Having said this, Ah Yin's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

But he suddenly stopped talking and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"What's the point? Even if the power is gone, just look for a new direction. As long as there is still life, there are always other ways out." Su Chenghun put away the longevity sword nonchalantly and said casually.

Although he still possesses powerful power, this is also true.

If he had not had this kind of confidence and awareness, even if he had to use the broken ring at that time, he would not have been able to deal with it calmly, and his mentality would have been unbalanced in the subsequent processing.

Even if Bibi Dong risked his life to save him, it might not be able to bring him back from the edge of life and death. A better result would be to exchange one life for another.

If he pays too much attention to power, how can he let go of the soul origins that are constantly contributed while the fire burns his soul?

In fact, when he took Qian Renxue's sword, Su Cheng was already prepared to pay the corresponding price.

It was a blessing for him to be able to save his life, and other changes that happened later were just due to chance.

After so many years of continuous study and study, what I have accumulated is not only the knowledge, but also the confidence to find the possible path from the impossible.

After putting away his martial spirit, Su Cheng's nose twitched slightly and his eyes looked into the distance.

"It smells so good. Did you prepare something good for me?"

"How can you still be in the mood to talk about this?"

Ah Yin's expression was slightly anxious, and he was increasingly certain that something was definitely wrong with the other party, otherwise there would be no need to change the subject like this.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind and looked up at Su Cheng, "First tell me what happened."

The words fell, but the other party showed no intention of paying attention.

After turning his head and quickly locking a direction, he walked straight towards that direction.

Ah Yin stamped his feet angrily, but had no choice but to follow, and said anxiously: "You are talking!"

If she wasn't worried about Su Cheng's current state, even with her character, she would be tempted to take action at this time.

Su Cheng turned a deaf ear to the constant chattering around him, and soon came to the entrance of a cave.

In front of the moss-covered damp stone cave, several huge wine jars were placed neatly, but it seemed that the sealing was not very good, and the clear and rich aroma of wine continued to waft out from inside.

"Can you still make wine?"

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows with a look of surprise on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he unceremoniously went into the cave and took out two jars.

He casually lifted one of the jars and put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it. The rich aroma of wine mixed with the fresh air of flowers poured into the nasal cavity, and the smell was extremely alluring.

Su Cheng turned to look at the beauty following behind him, his eyes slightly bright, "Can I drink?"

"No!" Ah Yin said angrily.

But unfortunately, the person opposite rarely listens to her suggestions or obstructs her.

The wine jar weighing dozens of kilograms was as light as nothing in Su Cheng's hand.

The clear and translucent wine poured down from the broken mouth of the jar, turning into a string of crystalline threads and falling into his mouth.

The aroma of wine mixed with the aroma of flowers explodes on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, and then flows down the throat and through the esophagus, giving off a light spicy and burning sensation.

After swallowing a sip of wine, the strong smell of alcohol still lingered between the teeth, which was extremely satisfying.

After just one bite, he felt like he was a little addicted.

In fact, Su Cheng has never been addicted to alcohol.

Over the years, he has almost never touched this kind of thing.

First of all, there is no time, and cultivation and research are not enough. How can I find the mood to taste wine and get drunk.

Secondly, when his cultivation level is low, he cannot control himself well, and being drugged by alcohol may cause problems, which is not conducive to his cultivation.

But today, these Baihua Brewings carefully brewed by Ah Yin are obviously quite different, and even Su Cheng can't resist the temptation of the taste.

Like those new teas she once grew, they were all one-of-a-kind delicious drinks.

I think if Ah Yin opens a tea house and restaurant similar to "Yue Xuan" in the future, it will definitely be popular among the world.

"Do you want to drink it?" After savoring the lingering fragrance between his lips and teeth, Su Cheng handed the wine jar to her and asked with a smile.

"I don't drink." Ah Yin shook his head.

Looking at Su Cheng, who had a look of enjoyment after drinking, the worry in her eyes could not help but shrink, and there was a hint of joy in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

No matter what, my thoughts were not in vain.

"If you don't drink, what are you doing with these? Are they specially prepared for me?"

"Can you be more serious!"

Ah Yin scolded lightly, feeling suddenly depressed.

I was so worried about him, but he still looked so nonchalant.

Su Cheng smiled when he saw this and didn't care. He pulled A Yin to sit down on the grass next to him and said calmly: "You have also seen my current situation. I have been trying my best to heal my wounds in the past year. As I promised you before, I will study the soul. I’m afraid I can’t do anything about the method of condensing soul rings on my own for the time being.”

After saying that, he poured another mouthful of Baihua Brew into his mouth, but his eyes glanced at A Yin beside him intentionally or unintentionally, silently observing the other person's reaction after hearing his words.

Ah Yin's expression paused slightly. She almost forgot about this before.

That seemed to be a wish she had made a long time ago. What she thought was an extremely important pursuit now seemed so insignificant.

If she had known that this outcome would come, would she have still taken the initiative to stand up during the battle in front of the Pope's Palace?

After Su Cheng teamed up with Qian Renxue to kill Xiao Wu to obtain the soul ring, she did not stay away.

Which one is more important between the two? In fact, I already had the answer in my heart at that time.

She shook her head and whispered: "It doesn't matter, that doesn't matter. You haven't said yet, how did it end up like this?"

"Why do you think it's because of this?" Su Cheng laughed at himself and asked softly.


Ah Yin was stunned when he heard this.

Yes, what could be the reason?

Who in the world has the strength to hurt Su Cheng, who has mastered the innate power?

Unless, the person who hurt him has also learned the innate power, and his talent and talent are far beyond ordinary people, and even come from behind.

Inexplicably, two faces with completely different temperaments appeared in front of them, but both were exquisite and beautiful.

"Bibi Dong? Or Qian Renxue?"

"Ha, you really guessed it."

Su Cheng chuckled lightly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"It's Xiaoxue. Her strength has broken through a lot. She somehow knows what happened between me and Zhuqing, and wants to kill her. I have no choice but to take her sword, otherwise there is a high chance that one of them will The last one died."

"She, how could she do this..."

Ah Yin's eyes trembled, and her pretty face turned slightly pale.

Is that woman really that extreme?

No matter what the secret is, it won't develop to the point of taking people's lives, right?

"It's not her fault, this is my own retribution." Su Cheng sighed softly, raised the wine jar and took a sip, "Oh, the punishment for greed..."

Having said that, he did not hide what happened that day.

It started from Qian Renxue breaking out of the barrier and stabbing Zhu Zhuqing with that astonishing sword, to the end when he himself narrowly escaped death and resolved the life-and-death crisis with the help of the secret method of broken rings, and Qian Renxue decisively left Wuhun City.

Except that he didn't talk much about Bibi Dong's situation, he told everything about what happened that day and the entanglements between himself, Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing.

Listening to his eloquent talk, Ah Yin's mood and expression kept changing accordingly.

Various emotions such as horror, sigh, and fear emerged in turn.

"...That's all for the day."


When Su Cheng finished speaking, Ah Yin was silent for a long time without speaking.

Then he reached for another jar of Baihua Brew, opened the mud seal, and followed Su Cheng's example and took a sip into his mouth.

But she'd obviously never really tasted the drink.

Although these Baihua Brewings were brewed by her own hands and her own strength was strong enough, she still choked on the spicy wine, her face turned red and she coughed a few times.

"Don't you want to drink?" Su Cheng looked at her in surprise, reached out and patted her back gently, suppressing a smile and asked.

"I, you... why does this stuff taste so bad!" Ah Yin wiped his lips, feeling a little aggrieved.

"It won't taste bad if you drink too much, not to mention your wine-making skills are excellent. And wine is a good thing, it can make people forget many worries. Unfortunately, with my physique, it is difficult to get drunk."


Ah Yin gasped lightly, but out of the corner of his eye, he was looking at Su Cheng who was sitting next to him.

Although she was not used to the taste of wine, this kind of thing could only slightly stimulate her taste buds and would not have much impact at all.

Her mind was still on the person beside her.

Especially when I saw the confusion and confusion deep in Su Cheng's eyes, I felt inexplicably distressed.

Caught between two women, he was helpless, he was seriously injured and even nearly died by the one he loved, and now his soul ring was broken and his future was ruined.

I'm afraid those rhetorics are just trying to force a smile, right?

What kind of mood does he have, coming to look for him at this moment?

At this moment, the previous thoughts suddenly became more determined.

She stretched out her palm and grabbed the forearm of the young man beside her, "Su Cheng, let me make up for the imperfection of your martial spirit."

"What did you say?"

Su Cheng looked up in surprise.

"I said……"

Ah Yin gritted her teeth and avoided his slightly probing gaze, but her voice was very determined, "I can make up for your lack of martial arts, I can do it."


Seeing that Su Cheng didn't speak, Ah Yin thought that he didn't believe it, so he quickly explained: "I and the Eternal Life Sword are perfectly compatible. As long as I and the Eternal Life Sword are re-bound, my current martial soul foundation and all the soul rings can be filled." Go to your martial spirit."

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