"Stop talking nonsense."

After listening to Ah Yin's explanation, Su Cheng lowered his eyes and said calmly.

Of course he understood what the other person just said, he was just surprised that she would make such a suggestion.

Ah Yin's current form of existence is not purely human.

Whether she regained her physical body back then or was truly reborn later in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, she relied on the help of the Eternal Life Sword.

On the basis of Su Cheng's martial soul's talent field and the resonance of the five elements of the soul ring, coupled with the continuous convergence of homologous energy in the small world of the Blue Silver Grass Forest, combined with her already intact soul body and the powerful immortality of the Blue Silver Emperor , was able to regain a new life.

The body that Ah Yin condensed after his rebirth is no longer as simple as the soul beast's original form. It is actually a body formed by energy gathering, and the natural energy is formed from virtual reality. Neither human nor beast, very mysterious.

It is for this reason that Ah Yin is so powerful when practicing Xiantian Kung, with almost no bottlenecks, because the power of flesh and blood in her body is originally transformed from soul power.

In this way, she can of course merge into the Eternal Life Sword again. If she is willing, the soul rings on her body can indeed be filled into the Eternal Life Sword.

In fact, when Ah Yin was first resurrected, he continued to inhabit Su Cheng's martial spirit. It wasn't until after the battle in Wuhun City that she was completely disconnected from the Eternal Life Sword.

But reintegrating into the Changsheng Sword means that she will lose her freedom again. And giving up the soul ring means that her physical body will lose the foundation of its existence and turn back into the spirit body it once was.

Moreover, there was no possibility of regaining her body in the same way, because at that time, she had completely transformed into a part of Su Cheng's martial spirit.

No one would willingly make this sacrifice.

Su Cheng didn't think he was qualified to let another free being make such a sacrifice.

"I don't deserve this."

Not to mention that he doesn't need to find ways to continue the path of a soul master now. Even if his future is really cut off, he will find other ways to practice and advance in the worst case.

But he would never use this method, relying on sacrificing others to fill his own martial soul's shortcomings.

If he really did this, wouldn't all his persistence in the past become a joke?

Compared with strength, the purity of mind and will is much more important.

"Why isn't it worth it?" Ah Yin didn't think so.

She stared at Su Cheng with her clear and moist eyes, "I was resurrected by you and my benefactor. Now it's natural for me to find a way to repay your kindness."

"Okay, don't say such things again." Su Cheng frowned. "There is no need to mention titles like benefactor. There is no so-called kindness between you and me. I benefited a lot from taking your soul bone, and then I found this forest with your help. If there is any kindness, You’ve already paid it off.”

"Who said it was paid off! What kind of kindness is more important than the kindness of saving a life? This cannot be compared with what you said. And..."

At this point, Ah Yin's voice paused slightly, as if it was a bit difficult to speak.

But after looking at Su Cheng, she gritted her teeth and continued: "Besides this, you also brought me a lot of happiness, which is a mood I have never experienced before."

"There is also torture and pain." Su Cheng leaned against the big tree and took another sip of Baihua Brew. He glanced at her and said calmly, "You said it to me personally a year ago, and you forgot it so quickly?"

Ah Yin was startled when he heard this, and suddenly remembered the scene when his emotions broke out in the flower garden at the back of Wuhun City.

Although she felt a little embarrassed, she still said stubbornly: "Well, I am happy to do this, and it has nothing to do with any favors. I regard you as my younger brother, and I don't want this kind of thing to affect your future. With your talents and abilities, I can There should be a broader ceiling.”

"..." Su Cheng was silent this time.

After a long time, he raised his eyes and glanced at Ah Yin, whose face was full of determination, "Do you know what this means to you?"

Ah Yin turned her cheek to one side, not looking at him, and whispered softly as if nothing had happened:

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just returning to the Sword of Eternal Life. What's more, even if it is integrated into the Sword of Eternal Life, it will be countless times better than the previous state of hazy soul sleeping. And I don't care about this kind of thing. Yes, I know my potential and abilities, and the upper limit is only that high."

Seeing this, Su Cheng sighed softly, "You know what kind of person I am, Ah Yin, don't be so impulsive anymore. Whether it's a sacrifice or other things, when you make a decision, it's best not to let it go. My future self will regret it. The cultivation of soul beasts is already difficult, and it is even more so for you."

He lowered his eyes and looked at the clear wine in the wine jar, "To get to this point, to get the peace and freedom you have now, is hard-won for you, so don't not know how to cherish it. There are some things you should think clearly before you say them. "

"This is not impulsive. Over the years, I have been deceived and helped by others, and I have seen many people and things that I never really understood before. Have you forgotten, that was all what you taught me." A Yin She shook her head and looked him straight in the face.

"Having been with you for so long, of course I know what kind of person you are. I also know that you would rather take that sword yourself than let the two of them get hurt. As for other things, they have nothing to do with me."

Su Cheng frowned slightly and said nothing.

He seemed to be in a daze, but also seemed to be deep in thought.

"Can you...can you call me sister?"

In the silence, Ah Yin suddenly said these words.

"elder sister……?"

When Su Cheng heard this, he raised his head and looked at the other party blankly.

He suddenly laughed in relief, "But I don't want to be your brother."


Hearing his answer like this, Ah Yin was a little disappointed.

However, before she could say anything, Su Cheng smiled again and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry about me anymore."

As he spoke, he gently raised his palm and said, "Do you still remember what you said when you evaluated innate power before? What you said at the time was indeed correct. State blessing is not a long-term way, and a road that cannot be stable is incomplete. This time I It can be considered a blessing in disguise, as I have truly managed to harmonize the power within my body."

Having said this, Su Cheng stretched out his finger and pointed forward.

There was no gesture, and almost no power fluctuations were emitted, but at this moment, A Yin felt a warning sign in his heart.

Her senses clearly told her that this blow was not threatening at all, but in her intuition, it seemed that this blow could cause a huge crisis for herself.

This extremely contradictory feeling between reason and intuition made her extremely uncomfortable with her keen perception.

The next moment, a breeze blew by, and bursts of powder were scattered on the huge bluestone standing not far ahead that had been blown by wind and rain for thousands of years.

A huge "silver" character about a foot deep appeared.

Seeing this scene, Ah Yin opened his eyes wide and his pink lips were slightly opened in shock.

Surprise, confusion, joy and many other emotions flashed through my mind.

Although this kind of destructive power is nothing, many high-level soul masters can easily do it.

But the scary thing is that when this sword was sent out, there was no warning or any fluctuation at all. It's just that some kind of specious power seemed to have arisen inexplicably in Su Cheng's body, and then he easily swung such a powerful blow.

While it is both destructive and destructive, the control it shows is even more astonishing. Even the shades of the handwriting are completely unified, no more and no less.

"Xiaoxue's sun fire is very powerful. In terms of its power when facing a fight, even my innate strength is not as good as it was. It was Bibi Dong who saved my life at that time. But it is precisely because of the special nature of this flame. Sex, while burning my body and soul, actually promoted the integration of various powers in my body, taking a crucial step forward."

Su Cheng retracted his palm and explained slowly: "In the past year, Bibi Dong has tried her best to help me heal and recover, and with her help, I have gradually mastered this power. I named it 'True Power' .Although it is not as powerful as the explosive power of the previous innate power, and the upper limit of my combat power has also been greatly weakened, this state is stable and long-lasting, and there is still huge room for improvement in the future. From a long-term perspective, in fact, I am now It’s even better than before.”


Ah Yin looked at the bluestone, and then looked back at Su Cheng's palm, his eyes full of confusion, as if he was trying to digest and understand the meaning of his words.

But as time passed, her expression changed little by little.

The initial surprise and confusion gradually turned into grievance and resentment.

"Why didn't you say anything just now?!"


Su Cheng was stunned when he heard this.

But before he could say anything more, the beauty sitting next to him suddenly stood up, with waves of flushing on his face.

Perhaps it was because of the Baihua Brew that he had just drank, or because of something else, A Yin's mood became extremely excited at this moment, and his cheeks were filled with blood from anger.

"I'm so worried about you. Is it fun to lie to me?!"


"Yeah, in your eyes, I'm just a transformed soul beast! Unlike Qian Renxue, even if she kills you cruelly, you still tolerate her in every possible way! I'm really pretentious, what I said just now , in your mind, it’s like a joke, right?”

"I just haven't had time to elaborate..."

After hearing his explanation, Ah Yin's expression changed again.

She suddenly remembered that a similar situation had happened before.

It’s this kind of routine again, and it’s fraud through concealment!

Her eye circles were slightly red, and her eyes were watery, staring at Su Cheng.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be so exaggerated, right?" Su Cheng's heart skipped a beat, "Why are you having such a big reaction?"

"I understand. In fact, you still don't believe me. Are you testing me here?"


"You don't have to deny it." Ah Yin's voice was extremely cold, "Yes, I am not as smart as your Qian Renxue, and I don't have those messy thoughts, but you don't think of me as a fool either!"

As she spoke, she leaned over and lifted the wine jar in front of her, suppressing her disgust at the taste of the wine, and took a big sip, "I don't understand, why are you so wary of me? You look down at me, and your heart is full of arrogance. and prejudice! Su Cheng, are you really so hard-hearted?!"

Seeing that she was really angry, Su Cheng couldn't help but smile bitterly, "No, don't get excited first. Didn't we just meet each other not long ago -"

"You don't have to say such things to me! Do you still think that I can be deceived by you so easily? From the time we met until now, so much time has passed. You have had many opportunities to explain, but you have always avoided talking about it. The reason why you did this, Aren't you just testing me? What, you want to see if I will be disadvantageous to you after you lose your power?"

"..." Su Cheng was speechless.

In fact, Ah Yin was right. He really had this kind of thought before.

When Ah Yin misunderstood that his strength was greatly reduced, he did this instinctively without even thinking about it.

Because of the other party's past, Su Cheng, even if he didn't say it, actually always had a trace of hesitation towards Ah Yin in his heart.

Without the restraint of the Eternal Life Sword, he has never been able to completely trust it.

Even when they parted ways in Wuhun City, he left a ray of innate power in A Yin as an early warning.

Although he has great power, he is not afraid of betrayal.

But as a man, I always hope that the other party can be sincere in this regard.

Before he gives his heart, he must first confirm whether the other party has other thoughts - although with his position and complex emotions, he is not qualified to do such a thing.

Ah Yin just stood there and took another sip of Baihua Brew.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, her eyes became a little blurred, the corners of her eyes showed a deep pink color, and she even smelled of alcohol.

She held a huge wine jar in one hand and pointed at Su Cheng with the other hand, "Haha, congratulations, you succeeded! How is it? Are you satisfied now?"

Speaking of this, A Yin's face showed a look of surprise, "No wonder you wanted to talk to me about researching self-condensing soul rings at the beginning. Why, you thought I was using you? Haha, then you really think highly of me! I'm so stupid, worrying about you and spending all this time on you for nothing!"

After saying that, she slammed the wine jar in her hand.


The wine jar shattered in response, a large amount of wine poured out, and then quickly seeped into the ground, filling the air with a rich aroma of wine and flowers.

"You are so disappointing! As I said before, these wines were not brewed for you at all! You are right, you are this kind of person. I have been deceiving myself and have never seen you clearly! "


Su Cheng blinked, dazed for a moment because of the other party's gaffe.

But soon, he came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Okay, you are right, but didn't you say you wanted to be my sister?"

"?" Ah Yin was stunned for a moment, not understanding the connection.

Su Cheng stretched and stood up, "Sister was born to be bullied by his younger brother."

"Then I don't want to be a fool."

"It's not up to you now."

As he spoke, he suddenly stretched out his arm and wrapped his arms around Ah Yin's flexible and slender waist.

Then he leaned over, lowered his head, and blocked those pink and soft lips with his own.

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