When their lips touched each other, there was a thunderous explosion in Ah Yin's mind, shaking all her thoughts away and turning them into a blank.

Even at this moment she forgot to resist. His eyes suddenly widened in shock and fear, and the remaining anger in his eyes had long since been thrown away.

Even her delicate body was completely stiff in an instant.

Ah Yin may have thought about such a day for a long time, but she was too stubborn to admit it, or maybe she never really thought about it...

But no matter what, neither of them should have reached this point at this time, nor should they have reached this point so soon.

However, no matter what she was thinking at this moment, Su Cheng obviously had no intention of stopping.

One arm hugged A Yin's waist, and the other hand had put down the wine jar at some point, holding the back of her head and stroking her long, silky hair like seaweed.

Then the tip of his tongue pried open the jade teeth like braided shells and drove straight in. Then he held the exquisite fragrant tongue that was shy and stiff, and teased it gently.

The aroma of wine mixed with a light floral aroma and other complex and difficult-to-identify aromas of herbs slowly melted on Su Cheng's taste buds.

The remaining wine was wiped away by his licks and kisses, and the taste seemed to be much more wonderful than the previous Baihua Brew.

While savoring the difference, he flexibly retracted his tongue, licked the moist pale pink lips again, and scraped it between the neat white teeth...


Ah Yin was completely stunned by Su Cheng's series of extremely skilled attacks.

It probably took a few seconds, and it seemed like a century had passed, before she finally realized what had happened in that moment.

That flexible tongue kept wreaking havoc in the mouth, sometimes gently licking the lips, sometimes exploring deeper, entangled with the tip of his own tongue...

"You um... um..."

Ah Yin hesitated and tried to speak, but all he could produce was a hoarse, unclear voice.

So she stretched out her arms and pushed Su Cheng's chest hard. At the same time, she tilted her head back and her body subconsciously retreated.

But those two strong arms hugged the back of her head and waist respectively, making it impossible for her to move much.

The push-off movement of his hands was even more feeble, how could he resist Su Cheng's fierce offensive.

As time passed slowly, a large flush soon appeared on the delicate and white cheeks. There was a touch of blood in the corner of his eyes, like crystal clear agate, exuding a kind of charm that was completely different from before.

The originally clear Jian Shui Qiu pupils were extremely blurred, and there seemed to be a thin mist steaming between the eyes half-opened and half-closed.

The look in his eyes had long ago changed from the initial frightened, angry, and embarrassed look to the current moist, enchanting, and forgetful state.

Maybe it's because of the residual alcohol leftover from the Baihua Brew she just drank, and her complicated mood that was already ups and downs, or maybe it's because of Su Cheng's skills, and the faint emotions deep in her heart...

In short, Ah Yin's mind was full of dizziness at this moment, and she had no idea where she was, as if she was being coerced by the other party and thrown into another world beyond her imagination.


Tiny gasps mixed with faint moans, mixed with a faint smell of alcohol, are spit out in the mouth and nose, as if it has been further fermented. The fragrance is rich and fragrant, and it is far more intoxicating than those old spirits. …

Suddenly, A Yin's body, which was gradually softening, suddenly stiffened.

The next moment, the strength of the struggle that was several times more intense than before burst out from her body.

At some point, Su Cheng's palms were no longer satisfied with lingering on the round waist, but began to wander on the surface of the graceful body that was as soft as water.

It slides over the sudden and beautiful curve below the waist, gently kneads the plump buttocks, and then climbs up from the thigh...

From the flat, tender and smooth lower abdomen, to the delicate and delicate belly button, to the soft southern hemisphere that is tall and tall but feels excellent to the touch...


With a crisp sound, clear bright red palm prints appeared on Su Cheng's cheek, and their lips and tongues separated.

"you you……"

A hoarse voice with violent tremors came from A Yin's mouth.

She pushed Su Cheng's body away with force, stretched out her arms and pointed at his face, her eyes woke up from the previous daze, and her lips couldn't stop trembling.

Whether it was because of anger, shyness, or the numbness and strangeness that kept emerging from her body, her whole body was trembling slightly, as if she was about to fall to the ground the next moment.

The towering arc of her chest kept rising and falling, and even breathing required her to use all her strength to do it.

"..." Ah Yin gasped, took two steps back, leaned against a big tree, lowered his head and tried to calm down his agitated and complicated mood.

She felt a burning tingling sensation on her lips now.

Maybe it was because the two of them had kissed for too long, or because Su Chengcheng was using too much force, those pink lips looked slightly swollen.

It was also stained with an unusually alluring crystal luster, which added a touch of seductive charm to her pure and delicate temperament.

Time passed slowly in silence.

Ah Yin, who was leaning against a big tree, felt a mixture of emotions in her heart at the moment, including anger, embarrassment, confusion, self-blame, and a trace of regret...

Why did it suddenly become like this? Why did this happen? I was clearly not ready yet...

No, this should not happen at all!

They shouldn't have this kind of relationship with each other!

You should refuse the other person's approach from the beginning. Even if you are a brother and sister, you should keep a distance.

After such a fuss today, how can we continue to get along with each other in the future?

And that slap just now, was it too hard? Maybe he just didn't control himself...

No, what am I thinking about? He should be the one to apologize to me. How could he do such a thing? Should I just let him bully me like this?


For a long time, Su Cheng and A Yin did not speak again, and the awkward atmosphere spread.

In other words, it should be that Ah Yin was very embarrassed, her face flushed, her head lowered and silent.

On the other hand, Su Cheng, the instigator, was acting as if nothing had happened.

He didn't even know when the jar of Baihua Brew returned to his hands, and he was drinking it slowly and tastefully, while standing there silently sizing up Ah Yin a few steps away.

"You..." He slapped the other person in a hurry, but no sound was heard for a long time, so Ah Yin looked up with mixed emotions and a tangled heart.

But when she raised her head and looked at Su Cheng, she was stunned.

I saw the other party drinking wine very casually, with a calm look on his face.

It was as if just a moment ago, whether he was kissing her or touching her, it was just a basic operation that didn't require much thought and was not worth making a fuss about.

"...Su Cheng, what do you mean!"

After seeing this scene, Ah Yin's eyes instantly turned red.

While I was angry, I also felt a little aggrieved.

His eyes, which had not shed tears when he was bullied just now, suddenly filled with water.


She bit her thin lip, then stood up straight while holding on to the big tree, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?"

When Su Cheng saw this, he immediately came to her side and held her waist again, stopping her next move.

"What do you want to do?!" Ah Yin's expression suddenly changed, and he looked up and glared at Su Cheng.

"Don't worry yet, just listen to me."

Su Cheng used a little force on his arms to pull her to sit on the ground, and he also leaned against the trunk of the big tree.

But this time, his movements were very regular. Except for his left arm holding A Yin's waist, there were no other unnecessary movements.

Ah Yin hesitated for a moment, and stopped struggling for a moment out of some confusing emotions that even made her confused. Even this kind of hugging the waist is actually intimate enough.

A woman's waist and a man's head are both untouchable.

"Don't be so excited, and don't misunderstand me. I don't mean to belittle you. But if I don't be more intense, based on your character, I'm afraid we don't know when our relationship will progress. After all, There isn’t much time left for me…”

Since Tang San had appeared from the Killing City two years ago, he must have begun to come into contact with the inheritance of God Shura.

"Wha, what's the relationship?!"

Ah Yin stiffened, avoiding Su Cheng's eyes, and turned his gaze to the ground, his eyes trembling slightly.

Her brain was already in chaos at this moment, and she didn't notice the profound meaning of Su Cheng's last words.

"I told you, I don't want to be your brother." Su Cheng smiled, raised the wine jar and took a sip, then said calmly: "I want to be your lover."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ah Yin's expression suddenly changed when he heard this. His face turned bright red at first, and then turned completely pale.

"What's wrong?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Can't you even think about it?"

Although he didn't just think about it, he had already put it into action just now.

"Don't say such things." Ah Yin shook his head, his voice gradually became lower, but his tone was extremely firm, "I am so much older than you, and... and... in short, it can't be done!"

"How old are you? Don't you all start counting your age after you transform? With our cultivation base, it's no problem to live for thousands of years. What's the matter with a few decades?"

"..." Ah Yin stared at the ground blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After another moment, he said softly: "Don't you already have Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing? Why bother to tell me this..."

"Oh, that's true." Su Cheng scratched his head, "After all, he is a playboy who is not devoted to his feelings. It is really shameless to say such things to you again."

"No, that's not what I meant." Hearing what he said, Ah Yin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and denied, "It's me, and I don't deserve to be your lover. Don't let your thoughts wander. We don't possible."

After saying that, she seemed to be relieved.

Finally, I clearly refused, and finally truly corrected my identity.

Whether verbally or mentally, she seemed to have been relieved of a heavy burden at this moment.

Maybe a little regretful, but also feel relieved.

Finally, I no longer need to continue to torture myself and internal conflicts due to some inexplicable and ridiculous ideas.

However, Su Cheng tightened his arms around her waist at this moment and said calmly: "What if I insist on it?"

"Su Cheng, please, don't force me." Ah Yin moved slightly, her voice was bitter and a bit begging.

"Let me be your sister, okay? We are just like before, like when we first met. Wouldn't those days be great? I won't ask you to do anything for me. As long as we can continue to get along like that, I I’m very happy.”

"I'm not forcing you, you're forcing yourself." Su Cheng sighed.

"Ah Yin, why are you always so entangled? When can you live a little more selfishly and freely? Don't have so many worries, and don't think so much about right and wrong. It's obviously an incarnate soul beast, but it's better than a human being. There are more concerns.”

He turned his head and stared at the other person's pale and pretty face. Even though the pair of eyes were covered by thick and slender eyelashes, a subtle look of panic could still be clearly seen in them.

Gently stroking Ah Yin's soft blue long hair with his palm, Su Cheng's voice was soft and gentle, "A Yin, say goodbye to the past completely. You have never done anything wrong. No matter those memories of the past, It doesn't matter whether it is happiness or pain to you. People always have to look forward. Since you said that to me in Wuhun City, you should make corresponding preparations. I am I will never let you go again."

Perhaps it was because Su Cheng had never said such words to her in a similar tone. At this time, in A Yin's heart, the gentle and serious voice in his mouth was even more powerful than the previous fierce kiss.

Although it wasn't as overwhelming as it came, it moistened her whole body and mind silently, making it even more overwhelming.

Just like in the vast desert with no way forward, a traveler who has been practicing asceticism for several days without getting a drop of water suddenly drinks a handful of clear sweet spring in despair. The front suddenly becomes brighter, and the light of life is restored because of the nourishment of the clear water. Rejuvenated.

"But..." Ah Yin stretched out her hands to cover her cheeks, but still couldn't stop the tears that kept flowing from between her fingers, "But it really can't be done..."

"Why not? Is it because of Tang Hao? Or because of Tang San?"

Although Su Cheng's voice was unusually calm, after he said these two names, he could clearly feel that A Yin's body next to him suddenly trembled slightly.

"Ah Yin, you may not know that I met Tang Hao two years ago. Based on his strength, he was not worth mentioning in my eyes at the time. You should understand that I am not exaggerating."


Ah Yin said nothing.

In fact, she knew about it.

Bibi Dong had approached her before. Although she didn't know what the other party's real purpose was, she did mention her encounter with Tang Hao.

"But I didn't kill him." Su Cheng continued to whisper quietly, "Because I don't need a person's death to erase a past, and I don't think you need it either. The past is just the past, not glory. It’s not a shame, you just need to think about how you can live a happier life in the future, that’s enough.”

"..." At some point, Ah Yin had already put down his hands, raised his pale and pretty face slightly stained with tears, and stared at him blankly.

"However, the past is not without value. It is precisely because of your unique origin and experience that your various shining points as a 'person' have been polished even more dazzlingly."

Su Cheng reached out and held A Yin's shoulders, pressing her head to his chest.

"You should understand that I never value those external things. From the beginning to the end, all I value is the human heart.

"I don't need you to be my sister, and I don't need you to protect me. On the contrary, I can protect you and shelter you in the future. As long as I am alive, I don't need you to make any sacrifices for me.

"I can't guarantee that I can make you happy every moment in the future, but I can definitely fulfill your wishes.

"I know what you want, and I know what I can give you."

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