After hearing what Su Cheng said, Ah Yin, who had been lying quietly on his chest since the beginning, did not speak for a long, long time.

He just raised his slender white neck slightly and looked up at him carefully.

When the two first met, Su Cheng, who was just in his early ten years, still looked very immature. There was a youthful feeling that no matter how mature his temperament was, he could not completely conceal it.

But now, he has completely grown from a boy to a man, both in appearance and temperament.

Looking at his handsome eyebrows and eyes that are more natural and harmonious than in the past, looking at his calm eyes that are as gentle as water, and looking at his once hard-to-conceal sharpness, like a sharp sword unsheathed, transformed into the free and easy nature he is today, Take your time...

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Ah Yin's mouth, but there was a hint of loss and bitterness hidden in it.

It's such a pity that during the past few years of his rapid growth, I couldn't accompany and witness him from beginning to end...

Leaning on Su Cheng's chest, Ah Yin lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes covering his gentle and watery eyes.

She whispered in a low voice: "Su Cheng, do you know what I hate most about you?"


"Obviously he is just a child, but he is always so self-righteous. He always feels as if he understands others very well, and he makes firm judgments about the past and the future. It is as if you know better than me what I think and what I will do in the future."

"..." Su Cheng raised his eyebrows when he heard this but said nothing.

"However, maybe you are indeed right." Ah Yin subconsciously stretched out her long fingers and grabbed the lapel of his clothes. "I have never had any independent opinions. I always waver in my decisions because of other people's will. Occasionally I make my own decisions once or twice. , the result is to bring more unreasonable troubles and regrets to myself and the people around me."

"Then don't think about it anymore. I actually don't like to talk about meaningless truths. You just need to leave the future in my hands."

"Give me some more time, okay? I haven't thought about many things clearly yet."

"Time..." Su Cheng smiled, "Of course there is no problem, my sister."

"..." Hearing this title again at this time, Ah Yin looked slightly embarrassed, and an inexplicable feeling of shame surged in his heart.

She whispered: "Stop shouting like that."

"Why, don't you always want to be my sister?"

"If you say no, you can't. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

Ah Yin raised his elbow and hit Su Cheng's chest hard.

She knew that this guy often had a bad taste, and calling her that at this time was obviously intentional.

"Okay, if you don't scream, don't scream." Su Cheng said casually without sincerity, then took the wine jar at hand and handed it over, "Do you want to drink?"

Then he looked at the broken wine jar not far away and the still slightly damp ground, "It's a pity that you wasted a jar of good wine."

"Then you can only blame yourself for going too far. I also have a temper."

Ah Yin retorted in a low voice, but felt relaxed inside.

No matter what, I finally got back into his heart, right?

At this time, she looked at the huge wine jar in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and then took a cautious sip.

"I heard that alcohol can anesthetize nerves, but I don't know if it's true or not. If you can really get drunk like this, you probably won't have to worry so much anymore..." She thought secretly in her heart.

No matter how thorough the conversation between the two was, and whether Ah Yin could truly let go of the past in the future, she would not be able to overcome the hurdle in her heart that easily.

Especially when she thought that she was not like Qian Renxue or Zhu Zhuqing, who could perfectly match Su Cheng regardless of age, appearance, race, or identity. After all, she had had the special experience of being a wife and mother.

Even if Su Cheng didn't say anything, could he really pretend that nothing had happened?

Not to mention, if I see Tang Hao and the others again in the future, how will I deal with it, and will it affect Su Cheng's mentality? These are issues she has to consider.

If it were another transformed soul beast, there probably wouldn't be so many worries. Perhaps it would be easy to let go of those complicated and unnecessary emotions and quickly reinvest in a new life.

Because adapting to nature and survival of the fittest are inherently animal instincts.

Even if they take the form of humans, it will be difficult to completely erase these habits accumulated in the past.

This can actually be seen from Xiao Wu.

From an emotional perspective alone, she was naturally extremely loyal to Tang San, but in some of her behavioral habits, she was actually not too constrained by worldly ethics.

When he first entered human society, he naturally chose to sleep with Tang San, who had a brand-new bedding.

In addition to being more comfortable, another very important reason is that close contact with talented human soul masters can help her grow quickly after she has just transformed.

This is for self-preservation.

Compared with this, the importance of the difference between men and women obviously ranks extremely low.

And after that, as an agility-based attack spirit master who is good at close combat, Xiao Wu's domineering jutsu skills can only be most effective when fighting close to the enemy.

Soul skills like the Soft Bone Lock require close contact with the enemy to achieve the effect of suppressing the opponent.

Many other human female soul masters would probably have concerns in this regard, but she never hesitated to use it.

This is not because she is wild by nature, but because of differences in concepts.

After all, there are many extremely aggressive lone vicious soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, and they also have to deal with the hunts of human soul masters.

Xiao Wu, who has grown up in a dangerous environment, will naturally not let those human concepts affect her life safety.

In the life-and-death struggle between animals, what does close contact count for?

Who would consider these unnecessary issues during a battle?

Even the changes that happened to Xiao Wu later, including letting go of hatred for Tang San, and even completely abandoning the entire soul beast group, were essentially transformations that occurred naturally as he integrated into a new life and adapted to a new environment.

But it is difficult for Ah Yin to do the same thing.

Maybe it’s because of the Blue Silver Emperor’s inherent habits, or maybe there aren’t too many dangers in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, or maybe it’s because she has been wandering around the edges of human society for too long and observing after she transformed...

Of course, maybe this is just her innate nature.

That soft and kind heart is even more deeply infiltrated by secular concepts than ordinary humans.

However, this is exactly what makes her cute.

Su Cheng also understood this, so even if there was not much time, he was still willing to continue waiting.

Su Cheng couldn't help but laugh secretly when he saw Ah Yin next to him, worried and eager, cautiously approaching to drink.

Immediately, he took out a medium-sized container from the soul guidance device that Wuhun Palace had re-equipped for him, and poured about two kilograms of Baihua Brew into the wine jar to fill it up. Then he put it on Ah Yin's hand, "These are for you, drink slowly, and the rest belongs to me."


Ah Yin held the wine bottle and swallowed it gently.

Suddenly I was surprised to find that if I didn't drink it so quickly, the Baihua Brew I made would actually taste pretty good.

Although the taste is still a little spicy and burning, after the drink is swallowed, the lingering fragrance lingers in the mouth for a long time, leaving an endless aftertaste.

At the same time, a slight feeling of dizziness entered my mind.

I can't tell what it feels like, but it's not uncomfortable anyway.

"When are you planning to return to Wuhun City? Do you have any other arrangements?"

Ah Yin asked while gently sipping the wine in the pot.

But when she spoke, her eyes seemed a little evasive.

If possible, Ah Yin actually hopes that Su Cheng can tell the time for his return to be longer.

She doesn't want to be separated from Su Cheng now, but she also doesn't want to go back with him.

If you go back to Wuhun City, you still have to face those people in Wuhun Palace. What's more, even though Qian Renxue has left that place, Zhu Zhuqing is still there.

She really didn't know how to deal with those relationships, and in what capacity she could stay by Su Cheng's side.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Su Cheng glanced at Ah Yin, "I will stay here with you until I get your answer."

For him, the most important thing to do recently is to naturally accumulate the foundation and wait silently for the complete integration of soul and body power.

In this case, any cultivation environment no longer matters, and even the soul power from the outside world is dispensable.

At least that's true at this stage.

"..." Ah Yin's eyes moved when she heard this, and a hint of joy flashed in her eyes, which she quickly hid again.

Su Cheng, who was sitting next to him, seemed unaware.

His left hand continued to rest on Ah Yin's shoulder, and his right hand held the huge wine jar, holding her in his arms while drinking and chatting.

He drank very quickly, and before long, the large jar of Baihua Brew was almost at the bottom.

He wasn't addicted to alcohol, but it was a rare relief for him.

It took nearly a year to heal.

During this year, no matter how smooth his progress was, he could not completely relax.

He hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time.

However, although the Baihua Brew made by Ah Yin tastes good, the alcohol content is not too high. This amount of wine cannot have much effect on his digestion ability.

After drinking so much, I was only slightly tipsy.

In comparison, Ah Yin's progress was much slower, and only half of the bottle of wine had been drained until now.

At this time, Su Cheng's hand suddenly began to move slowly again.

Anyone with such a soft and fragrant beauty in his arms would probably have difficulty restraining his instinctive impulses, not to mention that he has never been an abstinent person.

Unknowingly, the palm of his hand slid down from his shoulder to Ah Yin's waist, and then he began to explore inside silently.

Soon, his palms traveled to the other party's flat belly, and through the silk palace skirt, he gently stroked and kneaded the delicate soft flesh under the skirt.

Probably due to the difference in physical structure, Ah Yin is not like ordinary practicing soul masters. There are always some subtle muscle marks on his body, which is soft and firm when touched.

Her waist feels extremely dense, and I can't say which one is better, but it is indeed very comfortable to touch.

At the same time, Ah Yin's drinking movements stagnated slightly.

If Su Cheng's palm falling on his waist could only be considered unintentional at first, then his actions now were obviously very blatant.

Not only that, the two of them were extremely close to each other at this time, not only their bodies were close to each other, but their heads were only a few feet apart.

As their ears and temples rubbed together, the other party's hot breath mixed with the strong smell of alcohol sprayed on the back of her earlobe and neck, making her body feel weak.

Even though he was leaning in Su Cheng's arms, his whole body was a little unsustainable and was almost turning into a puddle of spring water.

Ah Yin felt a little hot.

The continuous billowing heat waves came not only from the breath exhaled between the other party's breaths and from the evil hands roaming all over her body, but also from the depths of her own heart.

A trace of desire is beginning to slowly ferment.

Under such internal and external attacks, Ah Yin's face quickly turned crimson.

Fine beads of sweat slowly seeped out from the temples and around the collarbone.

Even those unspeakable private parts seemed to be filled with waves, one wave higher than the other, constantly hitting the inner dam.

Ah Yin lowered her head silently and pretended to be calm. Only her slightly narrowed eyes and furrowed eyebrows reflected that she seemed not to be at peace in her heart.

As time passed, the subtle itching under my lower abdomen became more and more obvious.

It seemed like there were small insects biting inside her body, and it seemed like a delicate little hand was gently pressing it. It was both painful and comfortable, and it tortured her to the point where she couldn't move up or down.

It was as if his nerves were being roasted under the sun, and his mind was in a daze.

The next moment, her legs tightened involuntarily, and then rubbed back and forth subconsciously.

Ah Yin moved her trembling lips slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she bit her red lips tightly without saying anything to stop her.

She didn't dare to open her mouth now, for fear that if she made a sound, she would moan out loud.

But with her silent indulgence, Su Cheng's actions began to become more and more wanton.

The fingers silently moved upward little by little, and finally once again covered the ball that was difficult to grasp with one hand.

But this time it's not just the southern hemisphere, it's held directly from top to bottom.

——This is the inevitable result.

Under the same surface area and density conditions, the mass of the ball is greater, and the gravity is naturally greater.

This extremely regular shape is inherently mysterious and attractive.

No matter the planet under our feet or the shining sun hanging high in the sky, they all have this perfect shape.

Because of this, it is of course not surprising that the round hemisphere unconsciously controls the direction of the palm.

On the top of the larger hemispheric peak, there is an exquisite spherical bulge, which is also extremely mysterious.


As the treasure at the top of the peak was picked and twisted by fingers, Ah Yin finally couldn't help but let out a suppressed groan.

Only then did she regain some sense from her daze.

Feeling the sticky feeling between her legs and the slight subconscious twisting of her whole body, she was so embarrassed that she almost shed tears.

She quickly grabbed the other party's dishonest wrist and whispered in a voice as thin as a mosquito, "No."

"Why not?" Su Cheng asked, pretending to be confused.

"You, don't move."

"Oh, you said this."

Su Cheng coughed lightly and explained in a serious voice, "Don't think too much, I'm checking your body. Do you remember what I told you before? Your power is very special now, I have to help you Take a look to feel at ease.”

"Is that so?" Ah Yin asked softly, hesitatingly.

As soon as the words came out, the expression in those misty eyes suddenly became more and more shy.

Although she is not very smart, she is not a fool either.

Su Cheng's words were full of loopholes, and you knew they were nonsense as soon as you heard them.

Who would examine body and strength structures this way?

Not to mention the "real power" that she couldn't understand and what kind of magical effects it had, wouldn't the inspection effect of the eye-shaped external soul bone between the opponent's forehead be much better?

Perhaps, she just needs a reason to continue convincing herself.


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