After just asking a simple question, Ah Yin said nothing more. He just lowered his head and let Su Cheng move his hands up and down.

It seems that with this fig leaf, she can temporarily let go of the constraints of worldly concepts or the differences in status, and enjoy this moment of tenderness with peace of mind.

Even his body, which was slightly stiff, relaxed a little bit.

But the constant itching in her heart became more intense and continuous, making her a little unbearable, and her suppressed breathing gradually became faster...

Seeing that A Yin had no resistance, Su Cheng's caressing movements began to become more unrestrained.

As for physical examination and so on... let’s talk about it someday!

Thinking of this, he simply put down the wine jar, moved his body slightly and changed his sitting position, then stretched out his hands and hugged Ah Yin directly into his arms.

Su Cheng's action obviously exceeded A Yin's expectations.

And the spear that was pressed against the vital part of the plump buttocks felt extremely clear.

When she felt the murderous cold light coming from between her buttocks and the tip of the gun, her already soft and relaxed body suddenly shook violently, and the wine bottle in her hand almost fell to the ground with difficulty.

But at this moment, Su Cheng didn't leave her much time to react, and lowered her head directly, first using the tip of her nose to gently smell the fragrance of the grass and trees between her hair and forehead. Then, he went one step further, slowly licking and kissing her fair and slender neck.

Like a tiger lingering among flowers, it is both rough and gentle, forming a strange picture that seems stimulating and contradictory but harmonious and moving.

As Su Cheng's actions became more and more extreme, A Yin's blue and gold palace dress had become messy. The complicated and gorgeous outer dress fell to the ground at some point, and even the silk gauze lining looked crooked.

The two palms in front of her body moved up and down and caressed her gently, while the head protruding from the side tasted her red lips and tongue.

Suppressed gasps came out intermittently from Ah Yin's mouth, but his whole body seemed extremely obedient, allowing him to "check his body" without much resistance.

Only when Su Cheng tried to put his palms into his underwear did she grab his wrist to stop him.

Obviously, the current action is already the bottom line of mutual understanding for Ah Yin.

As she said before, she still needs some time to think things through before she can completely change her mentality.

No matter how confused and infatuated she was at the moment, and there were other reasons to cover it up, she still couldn't let go of all the worries in her heart.

Su Cheng didn't force himself when he saw this.

Since I said I was willing to wait, there is no rush for this moment.

If you can take this step today, you no longer need to worry about the future.

The two big hands used the clothes to knead the plumpness of the beauty's chest vigorously. The movements were rougher and more powerful than at first, allowing them to change into various shapes in their hands.

Ah Yin's blurred water eyes were half open and half closed, and it was difficult to find traces of the soft and clear temperament she once had on her stunning face.

I don't know whether it was because of the Baihua Brew she just drank or the fermenting affection in her heart at this moment, which made her cheeks look red, as if she was drunk but not drunk.

The subtle expressions at the corners of the eyes and eyebrows will always change slightly due to the movements of the fingers and palms wandering around the body surface.

When Su Cheng occasionally touched a bit of firmness in the round and soft mass, he would gently tease and pinch it with his fingers. Whenever this happens, Ah Yin's breathing becomes a little thicker unconsciously, and she makes a slight muffled sound.

Suddenly, he noticed the wine bottle that A Yin was still holding tightly in his hand, and his heart moved slightly.

"If you drink it like this, what taste will it taste like? Why don't I feed it to you?"

As he spoke, he reached out and took the wine bottle from the other party's hand.


At this time, Ah Yin seemed to be intoxicated in a dream and couldn't extricate himself.

It was as if she heard what he said, but also didn't seem to understand what he was talking about at all. She just unconsciously made a faint nasal sound that sounded like confusion and recognition.

"Come, let me feed you."

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Cheng's lips, he raised his head and took a sip from the wine bottle, then leaned over and sealed the delicate red lips of the beauty beside him.

As for Ah Yin, who was already a little confused, he obviously didn't realize what he wanted to do at first.

Seeing him leaning his head closer, he ignorantly offered his lips and tongue for him to examine.

The next moment, large gulps of wine flowed between their lips and teeth.

Stimulated by the spicy taste, Ah Yin suddenly woke up and realized what the other party was doing.

The half-lidded eyes suddenly widened.

Not only was it difficult to adapt to the sudden increase in the strong smell of alcohol, but at the same time, he was shocked by this way of drinking with his lips as a cup.

A sense of shame that was so strong that it almost suffocated her instantly exploded in her heart, and her already flushed cheeks were suddenly stained with blood.

But at this moment, the delicate red lips that were firmly sealed, and the tongue that was flexibly prying open the gaps between her teeth, made it completely difficult for her to resist...

Just like that, after a long few minutes, the sip of wine finally flowed into her belly unconsciously, mixed with each other's saliva.

Only then did their lips part.

Ah Yin held her heaving chest and gasped hard, trying her best to calm down the strange feeling in her heart - rather than being uncomfortable, it was actually more about being at a loss due to some unimaginable shameful stimulation.

However, before she could completely calm down, another shadow shrouded her from the side.

Seeing Su Cheng's face coming closer, Ah Yin was immediately shocked and quickly stretched out his hand to refuse, "No! No!"

As she spoke, she shook her head to dodge, determined not to let him succeed again.

Seeing this, Su Cheng no longer pressed, swallowed the wine in his mouth, shook the wine bottle in his hand and said with a smile, "Then I can feed you this, right?"

Ah Yin was relieved.

Although it is a bit strange, it is still much better than the method just now.

The actions between the two of them just now were a bit too lewd.

Even in her senses, this kind of practice is more exaggerated than skin-to-skin contact.

No matter how much she deceives herself, she cannot regard this act of "feeding wine with her mouth" as the so-called "body check."

However, when Su Cheng brought the jug to her mouth, and Ah Yin opened her mouth to drink shyly, Su Cheng, who was holding the jug, tilted it a little wider, whether intentionally or unintentionally. A large amount of wine poured out instantly.

Except for a very small amount of wine that went into Ah Yin's mouth, most of the clear and fragrant liquid flowed down the corners of her lips and chin.

Then it flows through the slender neck, and then flows through the thin shirt and the lower abdomen...

Wherever the drink touched, it brought a chill to the surface of her skin that was hot with lust.

Soon, most of the wine left in the pot was emptied.

At the same time, Ah Yin's messy silk lining was completely soaked and clung to the surface of her delicate body, completely outlining her moving body curves.

The entire upper body under the light blue clothes became looming at this moment, semi-transparent, and extremely sexy and alluring.

Ah Yin quickly reached out to cover her collar, and at the same time glanced at Su Cheng complainingly, ready to use the soul power in her body to evaporate the wine stained on these clothes and skin.

"Wait a minute." Su Cheng quickly reached out and put his hand on her shoulder, "You have already wasted a jar of good wine, but you can't do this again."

After saying that, he turned over and pushed Ah Yin down, placing his hands on the grass on both sides of her head.

Ah Yin lay face up on the ground, his straight long legs bent and propped up subconsciously.

The long blue hair that was originally spread down her back and reached her waist and hips was spread on the ground as her posture changed.

In particular, those two plump breasts did not overturn as she lay on her back. Instead, they stubbornly resisted the continuous pull of the planet's gravity.

Even the wonderful arc outlined on the outside continued to rise and fall with her inhalation aggravated by tension.

"W-What are you going to do?"

Looking at the face so close in front of her, Ah Yin asked softly.

His voice trembled slightly unconsciously, and his eyes were a little shy, a little nervous, and a little scared.

Su Cheng didn't speak immediately, but just looked at her carefully.

Under the tug of the recent movements, Ah Yin's thin underwear also opened a little.

Snow-white shoulders, delicate collarbones, and even a small half of the snow-white peaks that shone like porcelain were all exposed.

In addition, after the clothes were soaked by the wine, the deep gaps that were already looming were revealed, giving her a strong charm that was holy and mixed with a little bit of coquettishness, which was extremely attractive.

"It's so beautiful."

Su Cheng praised in a low voice.

Then he raised an arm, stretched out his palm and gently stroked Ah Yin's cheek and temple hair, his fingertips sliding slowly.

From the slender and neat eyebrows, to the soft and blurred eyes, to the exquisite three-dimensional bridge of the nose, and the soft and moist lips.

His movements were gentle and slow, his eyes were clear and serious, and he didn't seem too impatient because of the lust just now.

With his gentle caress, A Yin's eyes also showed slight changes.

The tension in my heart gradually subsided and I looked at him calmly.

Su Cheng had a smile on his face.

No matter in the past or now, he is working hard to pursue strength.

But gaining strength is just a means, not the ultimate goal.

He wants to become strong, not to defeat anyone.

But to break through the constraints, gain freedom, go to distant places that have never been, and see the scenery that has never been seen before.

Of course, there are also those promises that are near or far that cannot be given up or let go.

"These good wines can't be wasted."

As he said that, Su Cheng buried his head between the neck and breasts of the beauty beneath him, and took a big gulp of the "fine wine" that was spilled.

The next day, in the ancient forest, sunlight fell through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the tall trees, falling on the man and woman sleeping in each other's arms.

The woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, and her facial features are delicate and soft. At a glance, you can feel a holy, graceful and refined aura.

But at this time, her clothes were a little messy. Outside the light blue silk gauze, a wrinkled palace dress was draped very casually on her body. Her whole body was wrapped around the other one in a very uncharacteristic manner. In the man's arms.

In comparison, the man holding her arms seemed to be sleeping in a much more normal position.

One of his arms is around the woman's waist, and the other hand is on the back of her head. At first glance, he doesn't think there is anything special, but upon closer inspection, you can feel that this man seems to have some kind of special ability that can be in perfect harmony with nature. Aura.

These two people were Su Cheng and A Yin who had been drinking until late yesterday.

As the sun gradually brightened, Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes, reached out and patted the beauty in his arms, and joked with a smile: "Don't pretend to be asleep, get up when you wake up."

His current situation is extremely special. No matter how deep or light he sleeps, he actually has the instinct to communicate with the outside world.

So, when Ah Yin woke up, he actually woke up right after him.

After hearing Su Cheng's words, Ah Yin had no choice but to open his eyes and sit up.

In fact, she had just woken up, and she was still struggling with how to quietly get up alone without disturbing Su Cheng.

After all, facing this situation, it was still inevitable for her to feel a little embarrassed.

A Yin turned his back to Su Cheng, and calmly arranged his clothes while pretending to be calm and asked calmly: "Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to check my body and study my strength structure? Do you have any conclusions now? "

"Do you really think that's a physical examination?" Su Cheng asked in surprise when he heard this, "Can't you see that I'm actually taking advantage of you?"

"You?!" Ah Yin turned her head in shock and stared at him with her beautiful eyes wide open.

Of course she knew that it was just a random excuse Su Cheng made, and it wasn't really a physical examination.

What really surprised her was how could the other party say such shameless words so confidently?

However, as soon as Su Cheng said this, the person who had nothing to say instantly turned into A Yin himself who raised the question.

She gritted her teeth, her face full of anger and grievance that she clearly understood but didn't know how to speak.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. Yesterday has passed, and it will be the same if I do the inspection today."

As he spoke, Su Cheng stretched and stood up, walked up to A Yin, and looked at her silently.

"I don't know where you learned all these bad thoughts."

Ah Yin did not raise his head to look, but muttered in a low voice while trying to smooth out the wrinkles on his clothes.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, my cheeks couldn't help but turn red.

In fact, nothing really happened between the two of them yesterday.

Since Ah Yin wasn't ready yet, Su Cheng naturally wouldn't force it.

Of course, there is no shortage of advantages that should be taken advantage of.

Later, he took out several jars of the remaining wine in the cave and drank it, and A Yin also continued to drink a lot.

With a hint of drunkenness, they fell asleep directly here.


Just as the two were chatting and joking, Su Cheng suddenly looked slightly moved and glanced at A Yin, "Someone is coming."

Ah Yin was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

She is not like Su Cheng today, whose movements and movements are almost instinctive, and she can detect all changes within the range of perception without using her heart.

At this time, her mind was focused on Su Cheng, mixed with all kinds of complicated emotions, so naturally she had no time to observe her surroundings.

It wasn't until he heard Su Cheng's words that he released his senses around him.

However, when her perception touched the figure walking into the Bluesilver Grass Forest, her expression suddenly changed.

He glanced up at Su Cheng with a hint of panic, then quickly averted his gaze, only using his peripheral vision to carefully observe his reaction.

"Let's go and have a look." Su Cheng said calmly.

"..." After hearing what he said, Ah Yin pursed her lips and did not speak, but the expression on her downturned pretty face seemed a little resistant.

"What's wrong?"



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