Looking at the towering trees everywhere and the countless bluesilver grasses scattered throughout the forest, Tang Hao's expression seemed a little dazed. ൠ

A long time ago, he only knew that there was such a place, which was the hometown where A Yin grew up as the Blue Silver Emperor before he transformed.

I also learned from A Yin that if the Blue Silver Grass clan loses their king, then the descendants of the Blue Silver Emperor who have the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor will have the opportunity to awaken to the complete Blue Silver Emperor under the guidance of this forest. The blood of the Silver Emperor.

However, he had never been here at that time.

At that time, Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, and A Yin were training together. He and Tang Xiao were both in a critical period of high spirits and rapid improvement in strength, so they naturally had nothing to focus on.

Later, as Ah Yin's identity was exposed, the two people who had established a relationship had to face the pursuit of Wuhun Palace again, and they were busy running around and fleeing, which took up most of their time.

During this period, Ah Yin didn't mention it much, and Tang Hao didn't even think of asking in detail.

Otherwise, after the other party dies, he will not think of sending his grass seeds back to this forest for recovery.

The first time he really came here was during the Soul Master Competition five years ago. He entered this forest in order to help Tang San awaken the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit.

But this time, Tang Hao felt something strange in his heart.

Unlike last time, he now has more information and can roughly piece together some doubts.

The Blue Silver King was once certain that Tang San could not awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit, and he also showed a cryptic attitude. At that time, he did not understand its true meaning. Now it seems that the other party may have seen the resurrected Ah Yin.

But if that's the case, why did Ah Yin appear in Wuhun City and not want to retreat with him?

You know, there is a life-and-death feud between Ah Yin and the Wuhun Palace. She had no choice but to sacrifice herself after being forced by the former Pope Qian Xunji.

In addition, Wuhundian has always been the biggest enemy of the soul beast clan. In addition, due to the influence he had when getting along with the brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, Ayin has no reason to join them.

I'm afraid all the doubts are still focused on the weird and evil Su Cheng.

How did that guy discover the place where he hid the grass seeds and soul bones, and how did he resurrect Ah Yin?

Is the person who appears in Wuhun City really the A Yin he knows?

The closer he got to the depths of the forest, the more uneasy Tang Hao felt, and a faint shadow enveloped his heart...

In this small world shrouded in ancient forests, Tang Hao's spiritual power could not be released very far.

Therefore, when he saw a man and a woman appearing not far away without warning, he froze on the spot.

All kinds of thoughts came to my mind instantly, and even my brain came to a standstill for a moment.

The man and woman seemed to be a perfect match indeed.

The man is handsome in appearance, with a free and easy demeanor, and the woman is even more beautiful in appearance. Her appearance is hard to find in the world, and is far better than the man next to her, but her expression is slightly unnatural.

Looking at their two palms held together, Tang Hao's face suddenly turned pale, and there was throbbing pain in his heart.

Suddenly, there was an illusion that a nightmare had come to reality, and even bursts of suffocating dizziness occurred.

The scene in front of him made him at a loss as to what to do, but there was also a hint of enlightenment in his subconscious.

There is an inexplicable and absurd feeling of "It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this."

But at the next moment, a more violent emotion swept over like a landslide and tsunami, overwhelming the doubts, panic, pain, and most of the reason in his heart.

It was a raging rage like a prairie fire!

It is unbearable for any man to bear and face such a situation!

The flame of being betrayed by his beloved crazily burned every inch of Tang Hao's nerves. Veins popped up on his forehead and his eyes were bloodshot.


Low and hoarse questions slowly came out of his mouth.

On the pretty face not far away that was haunted by dreams, he couldn't feel the slightest bit of the other person's joy at seeing him again.

There is no so-called imprisonment, and there is no suffering in Wuhun City.

She looked even more beautiful than before.

That's not a change in appearance, but a huge difference in temperament.

However, she was avoiding her eyes at this time.

There may be some guilt, but there is no melancholy, no regret, and no surprise or emotion at seeing myself again.

She was just standing there quietly with her delicate hand held tightly by another man, a man who was even about the same age as her own son.

Anyone who looks at them at this time will feel that Su Cheng and A Yincai look more like a couple.

On the other side, Tang Hao, who was unkempt and slovenly, seemed out of tune with the two of them.

Of course Tang Hao is not ugly.

In this world, appearance is often linked to talent, and martial soul bloodline can feed back the appearance of a soul master to a certain extent.

It can be said that except for very special martial souls, as long as they are soul masters with good martial soul qualifications, there are almost no ugly soul masters.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted not taking some time to tidy up his appearance.

Although now, factors such as appearance are no longer irrelevant.

"Long time no see, Tang Hao. I let you off the hook last time. I didn't expect you to dare to come here."

Ah Yin had no intention of speaking. The person who spoke was Su Cheng.

His voice was calm, without any emotion revealed, and he just stared at Tang Hao closely with his eyes.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Tang Hao felt a chill in his heart, and even diluted some of his anger, regaining a lot of reason.

His strength is quite good, although it cannot be called the ultimate, and his foundation has been damaged and has not fully recovered.

But he was once one of the most powerful people in the world, and he could clearly feel how terrifying Su Cheng was at this moment.


Tang Hao took a deep breath, trying to calm down his confused mind before talking.

At this point, he simply couldn't continue to deceive himself.

That person is Ah Yin, yes, but it is very likely that he is no longer his Ah Yin.

She obviously recognized herself.

The trace of guilt in his eyes cannot be faked.

It's just that the tenderness, adoration and love of the past are no longer there. In addition to guilt, there is more determination and calmness.

Obviously, she was not forced, and this was not Wuhun City, but Blue Silver Grass Forest.

If she really had no choice but to go with Su Cheng, how could this place be so quiet and peaceful, without any trace of fighting.

No matter how strong Su Cheng is, he can't control all the spirit beasts in this forest silently.

At this time, Tang Hao suddenly focused his eyes and noticed something was wrong with A Yin.

The decent palace dress wrapped her whole body.

The soft and graceful figure curves are perfectly highlighted by the complicated and gorgeous dress.

But beyond these appearances, the other party's slightly disheveled sideburns and the large number of kiss marks on his long white neck still did not escape his eyes.

Just now, Ah Yin, who was in a complicated mood, had no time or thought to take care of these details.

In other words, she only cared about Su Cheng's mood at that time, and did not consider how she should face the sudden arrival of Tang Hao.


Huge anger exploded in his heart, and Tang Hao's mentality completely collapsed.

The next moment, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from his body.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand, and the nine optimally configured soul rings appeared and flashed.

Especially the ninth spirit ring that was one hundred thousand years old was emitting a dazzling scarlet light.

Seeing such a powerful configuration of martial souls and soul rings, Su Cheng was not moved at all, nor did he have any intention of summoning the martial souls.

He just said calmly: "Are you sure you want to fight with me?"

I didn't see him making too many moves. As the words fell, his whole aura changed instantly.

It was as if the martial soul's true form had been unleashed, turning into a majestic giant sword that reached the sky and the earth, standing in front of him like a mountain.

But in fact, he is still himself, neither using the domain nor using the martial spirit.

Tang Hao's forward body paused, his expression constantly changing.

He hesitated.

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows when he saw this, with a knowing smile on his face.

There are only three kinds of people in the world who can be fearless: insane lunatics, fools with brain problems, and dead people who cannot think.

As the saying goes, "The ignorant are fearless."

Because I don't understand its power, I have no fear in my heart.

The so-called "bravery" of many people actually comes from ignorance, not understanding the horror between life and death, and not understanding the gap in strength between each other.

This kind of "bravery" is not true courage at all. In the final analysis, it is just recklessness and willfulness.

Twenty years ago, maybe Tang Hao would have swung this hammer without hesitation, because at that time, he didn't understand anything at all.

But now he no longer has this urge.

Time has worn away his will, and various costs have taught him how to behave.

The false halo given to him by his powerful sect and top talent has long since been shattered.

Instead, Ah Yin, who was standing next to Su Cheng, looked at the hundred thousand year soul ring flashing red, moved his lips slightly, and subconsciously turned to look at Su Cheng's expression.

Su Cheng didn't notice this subtle movement of hers, but it was caught in the eyes of Tang Hao, who was facing him and didn't dare to move rashly.

Tang Hao's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something, and said in a trembling voice: "Ah Yin, have you forgotten? The ninth soul ring on my Clear Sky Hammer was from when we faced the pursuit of the Spirit Hall together. The power you gave me in order to save the lives of our father and son! This is the testimony of our relationship! Over the years, I have never forgotten the scene of that day even for one day!"

Ah Yin's pretty face turned pale when she heard this.

What she was most afraid of hearing now was this kind of thing, especially when it was mentioned in front of Su Cheng.

It wasn't because he regretted the sacrifice at that time, or because he was reluctant to part with the power, but because he was worried that Su Cheng might have a grudge against him.

This past relationship is what she is feeling now.

When it comes to relationships, men and women often have different attitudes.

Most men are passionate and long-term, but women are infatuated and unfeeling.

When they love someone, they often do it with all their heart and soul, but when they truly let go of their past relationship, they will do it much more decisively than men.

When Ah Yin began to accept Su Cheng's affection, began to think over and over again over the past few years, and gradually faced the changes in her inner emotions, in fact, the core of what she cared about had completely changed.

She glanced at Su Cheng again.

But Su Cheng obviously didn't care about that, he just shook his head with disappointment.

"Tang Hao, Tang Hao, isn't it a very honorable thing for you to have such a soul ring? If you directly punch me, I can still praise you and applaud your courage. Or Just turn around and leave, so that I can take a high look at you and have the sense to endure the anger and humiliation. But using these things to play emotional cards is really disgusting."

"What do you know?! You are just a villain who destroys other people's families!"

Tang Hao gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice.

"Destroy the family?" Su Cheng's eyes flashed with a hint of ridicule, "That is your own family, your own sect. Even the soul rings for hunting soul beasts are the soul rings of your two brothers. It is you who are promoted. Soul power. As for what Ah Yin wants, have you really cared?"

At this point, he suddenly paused and said thoughtfully: "Speaking of this, I have to ask you. Why did you take her through the city to attract attention when you clearly knew her identity? ? Why, is the improvement of your cultivation more important than her life safety? Or, have you already planned to use her as a stepping stone for your promotion? "

Hearing this, Ah Yin next to him was slightly startled, and subconsciously raised his head to take a look at Tang Hao.

Although she has let go of those things, after all, this was an experience that she had sacrificed her life for.

"You fart!"

Tang Hao was furious when he heard this, his eyes were blood red.

"We agreed to return to the Haotian Sect to get married, but instead we were attacked and hunted by people from your Wuhun Palace! Even your Wuhun Palace later issued an edict to denounce the Haotian Sect! My father died because of this, and I I didn’t even get to see him for the last time! For Ah Yin, I’m willing to give up everything!”

"Giving up everything for Ah Yin?" Su Cheng chuckled in surprise or ridicule.

"I don't know if you really think so, or if you are comforting yourself. But tell me, what did Ah Yin get from you? Even if she died for you, what did you do for her? Haha, Spending your days drinking heavily to remember your memory?

"Not to mention finding a way to resurrect her and make up for your mistakes, you don't even have the courage to risk your life to avenge her, right?

"Also, where have you been hiding in the past few years after Wuhun City appeared? Why haven't you thought about her situation?

"Don't make me look down on you because of Tang San. I know very well what kind of life that guy lived when he was a child."

After he finished speaking, Tang Hao did not immediately speak out to refute.

But he was still staring at Su Cheng with his red eyes, holding the handle of the huge Clear Sky Hammer tightly in his hand, obviously unconvinced.

"Tang Hao, if you had known in advance that what you did would bring such disaster to the sect, what choice would you have made? In your heart, which one is more important between life, the sect, and A Yin? What's more important, can you figure it out yourself?

"Everyone has their own choices and responsibilities. What you do has nothing to do with me. It's just that when you can't bear the price for your words and deeds, and you can't make up for it in other ways after the accident, you still say it here. Isn’t it ridiculous to talk arrogantly?”

"Shut up!" Tang Hao suddenly became furious, "You have no idea what the two of us have been through. We also have a child!"

Having said this, he turned to look at A Yin, with a hint of pleading in his eyes, "A Yin, mistress is still waiting for you. He is our son, have you forgotten?"

"Ha, that's a ridiculous statement." Su Cheng said lightly.

"'Because you and I have a past, because we have experienced life and death together, and because we have a child, you should always love me!' Is that so? What, you want to engage in moral kidnapping?

"Why? Tang Hao, before saying this, ask yourself if you are worthy. What she loves should be a specific person, not a certain concept or a certain story!

"I tell you, you have always owed her, but she has never owed anyone!"

Su Cheng seemed to be talking about Tang Hao, but in fact, he took this opportunity of confrontation to say it to Ah Yin.

He had no interest in educating such a man.

Whether the other party did something right or wrong has nothing to do with him.


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