Su Cheng's words fell into A Yin's ears.

She subconsciously looked sideways at him, her eyes dazed, and her heart beating powerfully in her chest.

At this moment, she seemed to have a lot of inexplicable emotions arising out of thin air, and then turned into fine hot currents that spread inside her body until they settled in unknown deeper parts.

Su Cheng also turned his head and looked at her.

He knew that Ah Yin still had some knots that were difficult to let go of, but he was not sure where exactly the point that troubled her the most was.

So I can only roughly guess that the reason why the other party is hesitant, even if the relationship with him is so close, still hesitant, may have something to do with Tang Hao's things.

It may not be that the lingering feelings are over, otherwise even if she did not follow Tang Hao and leave, she would not be able to stay in Wuhun City like that. After all, no one has ever restricted her freedom.

What's more, A Yin had made it very clear to him a year ago.

So, maybe it's the guilt caused by "betrayal"? And lack of confidence in yourself? This made her want to consider herself as a "sister" more, but she was still reluctant to take a step forward.

Su Cheng could only guess this way.

However, perhaps even Ah Yin himself may not fully understand these things.

As long as the critical moment is not reached, she has never had any opinion. This is true whether she ran around with the Tang Hao brothers twenty years ago or silently tied herself up in Wuhun City in recent years.

Only in the life-and-death situation like that back then, or when she was stimulated to the verge of explosion by Su Cheng last time, would she take action.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng's eyes flashed and he looked at the man opposite who seemed to be in a dilemma.

"Tang Hao, you and I have said enough today. There is no point in continuing. Ah Yin is here now, and I have never restricted her freedom. I will not restrict her now or in the future. .”

He released his hand holding A Yin.

"The decision is in Ah Yin's own hands. I will not use any big principles to restrain her, and there is no such thing as any kind of kindness between me and her. If she is willing to leave with you today, I will never stop her in the slightest."

After saying that, he stood there with his arms folded and stared at Tang Hao quietly.

Hearing this, Ah Yin felt the unconstrained palm, but felt inexplicably empty in his heart.

The other party's approach of seemingly giving her free choice did not make her feel very happy.

"Ah Yin!"

Tang Hao's eyes lit up and he called out anxiously in a slightly rough voice.

Facing Su Cheng now, he knew that he had no chance of winning as he was still injured.

If the opponent forces A Yin to stay, even if he tries his best to explode the ring and other means, the chance of winning will be extremely slim.

He even had to consider whether this would completely anger Su Cheng, and whether he could bear the consequences afterwards.

After all, he is not alone. He is still bound by the sect and family behind him.

And behind Su Cheng, there is the Wuhun Palace with unfathomable background to back him up.

But now, since the other party said that it depends on Ah Yin's wishes, he thought that as long as he persuaded him a few more times, he might not have no chance.

However, you must also consider how to respond if the other party regrets it.

Tang Hao didn't believe what Su Cheng said just now.

Those high-sounding words were just a way to confuse Ah Yin. Come to think of it, A Yin's transformation into what he is today is absolutely inseparable from his scheming.

Tang Hao admitted that he really couldn't say anything similar.

He believes that he always does things upright and does not play these little tricks at all.

Ah Yin has little experience, so it is normal for her to be deceived. No wonder she.


However, when it came time to speak, Tang Hao suddenly became speechless.

He has no other cards in his hand.

After thinking about it, it seems that I can only use Tang San to talk about things.

After all, in the human world, apart from being hunted down and sacrificed, the various experiences he and Ah Yin had experienced, it seemed that this common bloodline was worth mentioning.

"Ah Yin, Xiao San is almost nineteen years old now. Do you know why I named him Tang San——"


Before Tang Hao could finish his sentence, he was interrupted directly by A Yin.

There was some inexplicable annoyance in her voice.

She suddenly didn't want to stay here anymore, let alone hear those endless past events.

"Tang Hao, please stop talking. I have already told you that he is not my son, and you should not mention him to me again. It is impossible for me to leave with you. You can leave by yourself and forget about me. We don’t owe each other anything from now on.”

After speaking, A Yin glanced at Su Cheng beside him and opened his mouth.

But until the end, she said nothing, just lowered her head and walked a little further away.

Su Cheng was stunned by her reaction.

But soon, he roughly understood. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Hao, who had a stiff face and a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Okay, you can get out now. Isn't Ah Yin's attitude obvious enough?"


After hearing this, Tang Hao just reacted, but he still felt a little unbelievable.

Perhaps, Ah Yin's mind has really changed, and she no longer relies on herself and loves herself as much as before.

This is not incomprehensible, after all, I failed to protect her and let her down.

However, how could Ah Yin, a kind-hearted person who had a clear sense of guilt in his eyes before, suddenly become so indifferent.

That kind of tone was not what Ah Yin could say in my impression.

Also, what did she mean by "that's not my son"? Do you not even recognize your own blood, flesh and blood?

In fact, this was not the first time he heard similar words. A Yin also said similar words when they were parting in Wuhun City.

Why is this? !

No mother with any conscience would do such a thing.

What's more, he is kind-hearted A Yin.

The veins on Tang Hao's forehead popped out, and he was breathing heavily, obviously very angry.

For the first time, he completely ignored Su Cheng's threat and stared intently at the woman standing a little further away.

"Do you know what you are talking about?!" He roared loudly, "As a mother, how can you say such things! Have those desires made you lose your humanity?!"

"Shut up!"


The next moment, with a suppressed low groan, Tang Hao's right arm fell down.

The incision was neat and smooth, and a lot of blood spurted out.

"If you keep talking nonsense, it's not just an arm. No matter what A Yin does or says, she has no obligation to explain to you. She doesn't owe you anything. As for Tang San's problem, you'd better think more about it yourself."

Su Cheng frowned and retracted his fingers, still not showing any breath, as if the sword just now had nothing to do with him.

"Leave this soul bone, hurry up and get out."

He has no time to talk to Tang Hao now, there is a beautiful woman waiting for him over there.

But he didn't intend to kill him just like that, teaching him a lesson was enough.

The other reasons were secondary. The main reason was that even if he wanted to kill Tang Hao, he would still have plenty of opportunities. There was no need to do it in this place and in front of A Yin.


Tang Hao remained silent to stop the bleeding, his face turned slightly pale due to the severe pain, but he also instantly extinguished the strong anger that could burn away all reason.

After giving Ah Yin one last look, he silently turned around and walked out of the Bluesilver Grass Forest.

With just one strike of the sword, he felt the gap between himself and Su Cheng very deeply.

That is unfathomably powerful.

Even stronger than Bibi Dong back then, much stronger!

Is this peerless Douluo level strength? A nineteen-year-old peerless Douluo? Tang Hao couldn't understand.

However, his confidence in Tang San was shaken again...

After Tang Hao left, Ah Yin lowered his head and said nothing for a long time.

Su Cheng ignored the soul bone that fell to the ground, stepped closer to it, and said casually: "What? Do you think I went too far?"

Ah Yin shook his head gently and whispered: "You are very generous and free-spirited. If I choose to go with him, what will you say? In your heart, am I dispensable?"

Su Cheng was completely stunned when he heard this.

He suddenly understood where Ah Yin was really struggling. The hesitation caused by those special identities in the past is stronger than imagined.

What she needs is not this so-called respect and freedom at all, but a sense of security.

"Haha, I was so nervous just now. How could I really let you go with him? I said that on purpose just to impress you." Su Cheng chuckled.

"I saved his life last time, but if you hesitate a little this time, there's nothing you can do about it. I can only help you put an end to it. I've never had any principles in this regard."

"He thinks one thing and talks another."

Ah Yin bit her lip, but her eyes softened.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Who told you to be so easy to deceive?" Su Cheng put his hand on her shoulder, "After struggling with the past for so long, it's time to start anew."

Having said this, Su Cheng chuckled and lowered his head, his lips close to the edge of A Yin's ear.

Under the sunlight, it glows with a transparent and reddish color, which is exquisite and pleasant.

"But first of all, let's continue to check the body first."

Hearing the words "check the body", Ah Yin stiffened and his pretty face felt slightly warm, but he didn't say much.

"Eh? Why are you blushing?"

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly put his head over and looked at her carefully, with a look of surprise on his face, "Are you thinking wrong? This is a very serious examination. Didn't we agree?"

After hearing what he said, the blush on Ah Yin's face not only did not fade away, but instead turned from the original light pink to a deep crimson.

She lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Do you know, sometimes what you say is really annoying."

"Really? Well, if you want to do other tests, that's up to you."

"Who said I wanted to do other tests!"

"I think it's okay." Su Cheng laughed and pulled A Yin towards the place where the two of them rested.

Tang Hao came at the right time today.

Without this confrontation, it might have taken a lot of time for Ah Yin to fully understand everything.

But now that she has seen this and said those words, it must not be long before she completely changes her mentality.

Half a month later, in Tiandou City, Shrek Academy is stationed.

With only one arm left, Tang Hao entered the staff residence deep in the college with a dejected face.

There is a room here just for him.

In fact, with his cultivation level, the journey back to the academy from the Bluesilver Grass Forest would not have taken that long.

But Tang Hao, who lost the soul bone of his right arm, suffered far greater damage than it seemed on the surface.

Even during the whole process, Su Cheng didn't leave any hidden tricks on him.

However, Su Cheng's attack speed was so fast that Tang Hao had no time to react.

This meant that as he was injured, not only was he unable to clean up the old injuries in his body's meridians by cutting off his arm soul bones, but it actually made the original injuries on his body much worse.

Not to mention that for a soul master, the integrity of the limbs is extremely important. The meridians are the carriers of soul power. An injury of this magnitude is of extraordinary significance.

In the battle to be promoted to Titled Douluo twenty years ago, Tang Hao was severely injured.

In the past, he relied entirely on his strong cultivation and physical support to persist.

Now that I have lost the soul bone of my right arm, not only has my cultivation level been greatly reduced, but I can barely maintain it at the Contra level and will not continue to fall. The old injuries can only be suppressed, and I don't know how long it will take to stabilize again.

But for him now, the most fatal blow was neither the physical injury nor the heavy pressure brought by Su Cheng's terrifying strength.

Instead, they lost their goal and motivation to move forward.

During these nearly twenty years, there were only three things on his mind:

Destroy the Wuhun Palace to avenge Ah Yin, find a way to make up for the losses he caused to the sect, and raise Tang San to grow up.

Among them, the former is the most important.

Although he only thinks about these three things most of the time, he never really puts in much effort and spends most of his time dawdling.

But there is still a goal after all.

Especially with the awakening of Tang San's twin martial spirits, it gave him some motivation that he had not seen in a long time.

He was extremely determined at that time.

As long as this child can grow up smoothly and practice hard, he will definitely become a peerless strongman in the future and fulfill his long-cherished wish.

But what about now?

Ah Yin was resurrected, and Ah Yin fell in love with him. He even saw that Ah Yin was about to stand in the same camp as Wuhundian, and even refused to recognize his own son for Su Cheng.

So, what does my persistence mean?

Hasn't everything turned into a complete joke?

"...Boom, boom, boom."

"Your Majesty Haotian, are you injured? Did something happen?"

At this time, a dull knock on the door suddenly sounded, accompanied by the questioning voice of Flender, the principal of Shrek Academy.

When Tang Hao returned to the academy, he had no effort to hide himself. With Flanders's cultivation level, he could naturally notice it.

"Let me be alone."

Tang Hao's voice was filled with deep fatigue.

Outside the door, Flanders turned and looked at Yu Xiaogang, then shook his head helplessly.

When Yu Xiaogang saw this, he could only frown and didn't say anything more, but he was secretly relieved.

Judging from Tang Hao's tone, it seemed that the matter was not urgent, and it probably had nothing to do with Wuhun Palace's wanted order.

There is some gap between him and Tang Hao now, but facing the strong threat from Wuhun Palace, there can be no mistakes in this alliance.

Fortunately, there were several other people mediating during the process, and it seemed to be quite harmonious on the surface.

In this way, a week passed quickly.

On this day, Tang Hao's door suddenly opened, and his figure appeared outside the room again.

If anyone who knows him well observes him at this time, he will find that his eyes have become calm and firm again, even much firmer than before.

It has to be said that for a man, especially a man with a high self-esteem like Tang Hao, the power of cuckolding is, to some extent, more powerful than a life-and-death feud.

He had already figured it out, since Ah Yin had a change of heart, he would use force to get her back!

Perhaps it is difficult for him to do this based on his current strength alone.

However, he also has a son who is very talented.

With Tang San's agility and intelligence, it's still unclear what the future will be like.


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