"Your Majesty Haotian, what are you...?"

In the Academic Affairs Office of Shrek College, senior college officials including Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, Qin Ming, etc. gathered here.

Looking at Tang Hao's empty right arm, and sensing that he could now maintain a level of cultivation at the Contra level, Flanders looked shocked.

"I met Su Cheng, and that boy's strength exceeded my expectations."

"Are you talking about the Su Cheng who just became the elder of Wuhun Hall? Is he already so strong?!"

Flanders and others knew Tang Hao's strength very well.

Even though his old injuries have not healed, he still possesses powerful combat power comparable to that of a peak Douluo.

Su Cheng is not yet nineteen years old, but he can cut off one of his arms. No matter how you think about it, this is completely impossible.

But in the face of everyone's surprise, Tang Hao had no intention of continuing to explain.

Even though he had made up his mind at this moment, he had no intention of thinking about what happened a few days ago.

What he experienced that day was the greatest shame in his life.

And when he saw the sad expressions on the faces of the people in front of him, Tang Hao, who was already in a bad mood, became a little impatient, "Don't worry, even if you lose a soul bone and your cultivation falls to the Contra level, an ordinary titled fight will Luo is still no match for me."

"Soul bone?!"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this, and then he understood why Flanders said that Tang Hao's strength had dropped sharply.

It turned out that it was not a recurrence of the old injury, but that there was still a soul bone in the arm that the other party lost!

According to his "research", once a soul master loses the soul bone he has fused with, his level will drop by at least ten levels.

As for Tang Hao's statement that he could still rival ordinary titled Douluo, they did not question it.

After all, when Tang Hao first debuted, he had a record of not losing against Titled Douluo with his Soul Douluo cultivation.

Now, he even possesses a hundred thousand year soul ring, which is blessed with the Haotian Hammer, the number one martial soul in the world.

With such a foundation, even if his cultivation level is insufficient, he can still be regarded as a Titled Douluo level combat power.

"Where is Xiao San? Where is he now? What was the result of his experience in the Killing City?"

Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth and asked quickly. For the time being, he could no longer care about Tang Hao's nonsense.

Compared to the Haotian Douluo who has fallen from the altar in his heart, there is no doubt that Tang San, his only direct disciple, is much more important.

"Don't worry, he's not with me."

Tang Hao glanced at him and understood his thoughts clearly. He didn't bother to talk nonsense and said bluntly: "Xiao San has successfully passed the test of the Killing City and added the Killing God Domain to the Clear Sky Hammer. However, the murderous aura in him is too heavy. It takes time to resolve it slowly. So after I took him out of the Killing City, I took him to see an old friend."

"Old friend?" Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Logically speaking, at this time, the other party should send Tang San to him as soon as possible, and let him formulate the next training plan for him.

What's more, this was what the two had agreed upon after sending Tang San into the Killing City. They had a tacit understanding with each other and should not change it.

However, Yu Xiaogang believed that he knew what was appropriate. If Tang Hao found another strong person, it would not be a problem.

But there are countless Titled Douluo in the world. Apart from the elders who are latent cultivators in Wuhun Palace, and the Haotian Sect which is still in a closed state, which Titled Douluo is on good terms with me?

Thinking of this, he asked tentatively: "Who is your majesty?"

"He is not a titled Douluo, but an ordinary person, but he can be of great help to the current mistress."

Hearing him ask this, Tang Hao frowned subconsciously, but still explained.

Although Yu Xiaogang can no longer be used to contain Bibi Dong, his knowledge is still indispensable to Tang San's future growth. In this regard, Tang Hao is still willing to give him this face.

"Your Majesty Haotian, I'm afraid it wouldn't be appropriate to let an ordinary person teach the mistress, right?"

Unfortunately, Yu Xiaogang obviously didn't appreciate it. Regarding Tang San's educational philosophy, he was not willing to give in.

"Xiaosan is now at an age when his cultivation is advancing rapidly. No matter what uniqueness your old friend has, it is not suitable to waste too much time at this time." At this point, Yu Xiaogang seemed to be suddenly alert and asked : "Did that person also make some achievements in theory?"

"What do you know?" Tang Hao said coldly, "How can you understand the secrets of the realm of the God of Death? Do you know what the consequences will be if you let the murderous aura pour into Xiaosan's body?"


Yu Xiaogang's expression changed slightly when he heard this, but he was speechless for a moment.

He considered himself to be unique in teaching his disciples, and his knowledge was unparalleled by few, but unfortunately his cultivation level was too low, and no matter how rich his theoretical knowledge was, his vision was still narrow.

Real high-end knowledge is always only in the hands of a very small number of top experts. If there are too few samples, it will naturally be difficult to spread it.

Let alone understanding things like the God of Killing Domain, he had never even heard of it before.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Xiaogang had no choice but to ignore the problem for the time being, and said instead: "In that case, let's wait until the murderous problem is relieved by the mistress, and then return to the academy as soon as possible. Don't delay for too long.

"After all, the battle of a soul master still requires teamwork and the support of teammates. The current student pool of Shrek Academy is very good, and they are all soul masters with great future.

"I told you about Poseidon Island before. If Xiaosan wants to go there in the future, he will also need to support each other with other partners."

"Since you mentioned this, you have reminded me." Tang Hao raised his eyebrows and his voice was cold.

"It's not like you haven't seen the situation in the Soul Master Competition. Those so-called teammates are simply embarrassing to use. At the critical moment, their role is extremely limited, but it will drag down Xiao San's progress.

"Only the weak need to rely on their team. Have you ever seen how many powerful titled Douluo rely on their teammates to fight? Even the two Jugui from the Wuhun Palace are able to fight because of that special Wuhun fusion skill. Act together.

"As for Poseidon Island..."

At this point, his voice paused for a moment, and before Yu Xiaogang and others could refute, he continued to say decisively: "Master, when you teach Xiao San in the future, please stop instilling those team concepts in him. As for Poseidon Island, let him go and explore on his own! If he doesn’t experience enough dangers, how can he achieve enough growth!"


Yu Xiaogang suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Hao in disbelief.

Looking at the other party's face with a cold and hard expression, a chill suddenly rose in my heart.

It was hard for him to imagine that this would be said by a father.

This argument is not only crazy, it is almost crazy!

For a moment, he couldn't care less about politeness and retorted hastily: "I told you before, right? That place is called Devil's Island. It is extremely dangerous. Even the Wuhun Palace was destroyed there. Sha. If Mistress goes alone, she will have a narrow escape!"

"Nine deaths are better than ten deaths and no life! With the current strength of Wuhun Palace, if Xiaosan doesn't work hard, he won't even have a 10% chance of winning in the end!"

Being repeatedly rebutted by Tang Hao and using Tang San's life as a bet, Yu Xiaogang inevitably felt a little angry in his heart.

Not to mention that he has always been extremely proud of his own wisdom and knowledge, so naturally he cannot bear this kind of questioning.

"Then let me ask, what about the wanted orders from Wuhun Palace that are all over Tiandou territory now? Have you ever thought that in the future, Xiao San will not only have to face those difficult experiences, but also be careful of the pursuit from behind. You just have the heart to let him To bear so much pressure alone?!”

When Tang Hao heard this, he frowned tightly and became increasingly impatient.

He came here today not to talk nonsense, nor to wait to be questioned by others, but to arrange follow-up plans.

As a result, Yu Xiaogang kept talking endlessly, which made him unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Okay, okay, Xiaogang, since His Majesty Haotian said so, please don't worry too much if you want to be sensible. Xiaosan is not only your student, but also his son."

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a bit stiff, and both Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang seemed unable to control their emotions, Flender quickly stepped forward to smooth things over, but he felt helpless in his heart.

It was clear that he was facing a formidable enemy, but this kind of atmosphere existed behind closed doors, which really made him unable to be optimistic.

I don’t know what happened between the two of them. Ever since they returned from the Killing City together last time, there seemed to be a lot of estrangement.

In fact, the current situation is not because Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang are too stubborn, but because of human nature.

In good times, even if everyone has some problems or occasionally disagrees, they will often be downplayed or even ignored by other people in the team, intentionally or unintentionally.

But when adversity comes and external pressure increases, many people will subconsciously magnify the problems of their teammates around them and turn a blind eye to their own faults.

Unless there is a leader who can hold the team together, huge differences will inevitably arise and even fall apart.

It is a pity that neither Tang Hao nor Yu Xiaogang are qualified to make the decision now.

As for Flanders, Liu Erlong and others, they are not the core of the team and can only temporarily play the role of mediator. It is obvious that they are not capable of being leaders.

If Tang San were here, he might be able to make the final decision.

Even though he is insufficient in terms of strength and seniority, he is everyone's hope, and others will naturally be much more tolerant of him.

On the other side, Tang Hao saw Flanders coming out to ease the atmosphere, and his expression relaxed slightly.

For Flanders, he still has some respect. After all, he has been promoted to Contra, and his own strength is justified.

If he and Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong could form a trinity of martial soul fusion skills, they would be considered to be at the level of a titled Douluo.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao glanced at Flanders and others, "Don't think my words are unpleasant. Do you think teammates must be trustworthy? I'm afraid you don't know yet. That Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek Academy has already Joined the Spirit Hall."

"What, is this true?!"

"Of course it's true. She has even become Bibi Dong's personal disciple, and was sent to the Killing City by Bibi Dong! In the past, only Bibi Dong and I were the only ones who owned the God of Killing Domain. Isn't this enough to explain the problem? ?”

This time, not only Yu Xiaogang, but also Flanders, Liu Erlong and even Qin Ming were stunned on the spot.

Especially Flanders, his face turned pale.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of many things in the past, and finally turned into a figure and appeared in his mind.

The once vague premonition of uneasiness seems to be slowly coming true...

He took a deep breath and turned to look at Yu Xiaogang, "Zhuqing's Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, and Mubai..."

"You mean...?"

Hearing his reminder, Yu Xiaogang immediately realized that Zhu Zhuqing's Netherworld White Tiger Spirit appeared inexplicably, and Dai Mubai disappeared at the same moment.

"No wonder... no wonder... no wonder she is so strong, even stronger than the mistress who was personally taught by me. I said, this was completely unreasonable and impossible, but it turned out to be such a sinister method! "There was anger in Yu Xiaogang's voice, but also a little bit of surprise after seeing the truth that was hard to detect.

"Extracting other people's martial souls to fill one's own, this, this is the evil soul master's method! What a long-term plan, what a vicious mind, what a cruel heart! What a Bibi Dong, what a Spirit Hall, what a Zhu Zhuqing!"

"Xiao Gang!" Compared to Yu Xiaogang's anger at being deceived, Flanders was really sad.

He and Dai Mubai spent a lot of time together. At that time, Shrek Academy was in extremely poor conditions and faced difficulties in cash flow. It was only thanks to the generous support from the Star Luo Empire prince that it could be opened.

Yu Xiaogang turned around and looked at Flanders, "How dare you use such evil means to call yourself the holy land of soul masters! Don't worry, when Xiao San succeeds in his cultivation in the future, he must uproot the Wuhun Palace and make a living for Mubai. Revenge and bring peace to the world!"

Looking at the conversation and looks between the two of them, Tang Hao didn't say much.

It's enough that each other's goals are the same. As for the reason, it doesn't matter at all.

"In less than a year, Xiaosan will be able to solve the sequelae left by the Killing City. Master, you'd better find a way to learn more about the situation on Poseidon Island. The more information you have, the more you can gain by then. Be sure. Don’t think that I’m harsh on my mistress. The strength of Wuhun Palace is now much stronger than imagined.”


"Your Majesty Haotian, how about you, what are your plans next?" Seeing Yu Xiaogang's silence, Flanders asked proactively.

"I'm going to return to Haotian Sect to see what's going on with the sect now." Tang Hao said lightly.

He said he was returning to Haotian Sect, but in fact he just planned to meet his eldest brother Tang Xiao.

As for the others, Tang Hao was not prepared to pay attention.

If he still has the strength he had in the past, he will naturally try to mobilize one or two of them no matter what.

But now that the soul bones inherited from the family have been lost, his own cultivation has declined significantly.

Without the support of strength, he did not have enough confidence to face those stubborn Haotian Sect elders.

"By the way, I heard that something went wrong with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Even the eldest grandson of the Yu family came to the Imperial Capital to bring in reinforcements?"

At this time, Tang Hao's expression moved slightly, as if he suddenly thought of something, and turned to look at Liu Erlong, who had remained silent before.

"Dean Liu, didn't you say you would return to the family to keep in touch? How is the progress?"


Hearing this, Liu Erlong was stunned for a moment, seemingly a little surprised by Yu Tianheng's movements.

After a moment of silence, he opened his red lips lightly and said in a low voice, "I only stayed in the family for a few days before I was kicked out by my father. He told me that he would not recognize me unless I left Shrek Academy forever. This daughter has no room for maneuver at all. Moreover, he also told me not to have any contact with Xiaogang from now on. "

"Then just listen to him." Tang Hao immediately frowned, "You are brothers and sisters. There is nothing wrong with what your father said. You really shouldn't stay together. It's against ethics, so why force it?"


Yu Xiaogang became angry when he heard this.

In order to relieve the pressure on Wuhun Palace, he did make an expedient measure to persuade Liu Erlong to put aside his personal relationship temporarily.

But this was his own decision, so why should Tang Hao point condescendingly?

However, when his eyes met Tang Hao's, and as they looked at each other, the scarlet cold light in the other's pupils pierced the hair on the back of his neck.

It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, and he was silent for a moment, not daring to say anything more.

Tang Hao obviously couldn't hold himself any longer.

However, although Yu Xiaogang was silent, Liu Erlong was obviously not afraid at all. This matter was her fault.

For Yu Xiaogang, she would not hesitate to leave the family and sever ties with her father, but how could she be swayed by Tang Hao's few words.

Immediately he glared at Tang Hao with red eyes, "Your Majesty Haotian, how can you say such a thing?! I am free to choose who I like, not even my father has the right to dictate my feelings!"


Tang Hao's brows moved slightly when he saw this. He looked at the irritable Liu Erlong and then at Flanders, who was frowning slightly. He didn't want to continue to entangle him any more.

So he waved his left hand and said in a slightly impatient tone, "What's there to say about this kind of taboo relationship? Family love is the first priority. I advise you to just break it off. If you really have no choice, the worst case scenario is to deceive your father for a while. Time, when the situation improves, you and the master will have the opportunity to continue to be together. It is better to focus on the overall situation first, and don't lose a lot of help because of these trivial matters."


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