Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 305 Ah Yin’s elastic bottom line

Tang Hao did not stay in the college education committee office for too long.

He didn't originally like to socialize with others. If the current situation wasn't critical, he would definitely wait until Tang San's current training was over before returning to Shrek Academy.

After Tang Hao was completely gone and Flanders confirmed that there were no traces of spiritual prying eyes, he stepped forward.

He patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder gently, glanced at Liu Erlong who was standing beside him with his head down and said nothing, and comforted him: "Haotian Mianxia probably just said it unintentionally.

"After all, as the youngest titled Douluo of his generation, he also inherited the title of 'Haotian', and his strength has always far exceeded that of his peers, so he is inevitably arrogant.

"In the end, he was seriously injured by a junior, and also lost a precious soul bone and an arm. It was inevitable that his mentality was unbalanced and a little impatient.

“But with his open-mindedness and magnanimity, he will probably be able to adjust quickly, so don’t take it too seriously.

"As for the relationship between the two of you, that is your own business. No one has the right to interfere. There is no need for you to sacrifice your own happiness to achieve anything."

"..." Yu Xiaogang remained silent and did not speak.

Liu Erlong raised his head and looked at Flender, his eyes slightly red, "Thank you, Boss Fu."

It was only at this moment that she finally felt a little relieved in her heart.

Although she attaches great importance to feelings, it is actually extremely difficult for a person to stick to something that is not recognized by anyone for a long time.

There are very few people who can do this. Those people are either firm-minded, arrogant and confident, or they are aloof and indifferent to the world.

Obviously Liu Erlong does not possess these qualities.

Her character seems to be impulsive and strong, but her actual qualifications are average, and she is not as strong as she appears on the surface.

After experiencing her father's repeated obstruction, Tang Hao's scorn, and Yu Xiaogang's many evasions, there was still an unattainable woman like Bibi Dong as her imaginary enemy. She really needed this kind of verbal comfort and encouragement. .

On the other side, Flanders saw that Yu Xiaogang remained silent and did not speak, and he suddenly became anxious, "Xiao Gang, you should also express your attitude!"

"Huh?" Yu Xiaogang seemed to have just come back to his senses, frowning and looking at the other party, "Flanders, don't you think Tang Hao has become a little crazy? He has no regard for the safety of Xiaosan's life. , I only want to practice and improve my strength. I think, I am afraid that the matter of him being injured by Su Cheng is not as light as he said, and there may be other hidden secrets in it. "


Flanders couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Yu Xiaogang's biggest concern at this time would be this issue.

Flanders hesitated for a moment, then sighed: "Xiao Gang, what unpleasant things happened between you and Haotian Mianxia? Why do I feel that since we came back from the Killing City more than two years ago, our relationship has changed?" The relationship seems to be a little strained."


Hearing his question, Yu Xiaogang's face instantly turned gloomy, and he didn't want to say anything more, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Yu Xiaogang, stop!"

The next moment, Flanders' angry voice suddenly came from behind, and he seemed a little angry.

Among the three people in the Golden Triangle, Flanders, as the eldest brother, rarely gets angry and usually tolerates the other two close friends.

Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong were both stunned by the sudden expression of interest at this time.

Yu Xiaogang's figure also subconsciously froze in place.

"What can't you tell us?" As he spoke, Flanders took his arm forcefully and straightened his body.

"Our martial soul fusion skills require a tacit understanding of each other. The name of the famous golden iron triangle in the soul master world is also due to the mutual achievements of the three of us. If now, you still want to continue to hide it, then I have nothing to say. . But you are a master of theory, and you should know very well whether the maximum power of the Golden Holy Dragon can be exerted in the future if things continue like this!"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's blank expression, Flanders' tone softened, "You have to understand that no matter what happens, Erlong and I will always be on your side. If you have any ideas, you can tell us us."


Yu Xiaogang pursed his lips. After being silent for a long time, he slowly said: "After we left the small town in the Killing City, we met the Wuhundian group headed by Bibi Dong and Su Cheng. Bibi Dong The strength she showed at that time far exceeded the level when she was in Wuhun City. Tang Hao lost a fight with her, so he directly chose to escape."


"This, how is this possible..."

Hearing this, both Flanders and Liu Erlong were in disbelief for a moment.

This kind of behavior of escaping from battle is undoubtedly completely inconsistent with Tang Hao's past performance, that image of a domineering and powerful man.

"Yeah, it's hard to imagine, isn't it? In fact, if Su Cheng hadn't still had some sense that day and was wary of my status as guest minister of the empire and didn't want to provoke a dispute between the two major forces, I might have died there."

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath, with a bitter feeling in his tone that his idol was completely disillusioned.

"To be honest, I was mostly surprised at first and couldn't understand it. But when I thought about it later, there was actually nothing I couldn't understand.

"Since his debut, until the last battle with the former Pope Qian Xunji, he had never lost. But after that battle, Qian Xunji died, and the Haotian Sect was forced to close the mountain. Tang Dynasty Hao was even wanted by Wuhun Palace across the continent, and he kept his name incognito and never dared to appear in front of others.

"In fact, his so-called domineering power is only based on strong strength. When his life is threatened, what difference does it make compared with ordinary people?"

Speaking of this, his voice unconsciously contained a bit of sarcasm, or maybe he was self-deprecating, "During the battle in Wuhun City, when he saw that there was nothing he could do about it, didn't he take his mistress and evacuate as soon as possible? If my guess is correct, the woman who suddenly appeared at that time should be Xiaosan’s biological mother.”

These things are all details pieced together bit by bit by Yu Xiaogang, who has become more and more deeply troubled in recent years.

At this time, I poured it all out, and I suddenly felt relaxed, and my face was no longer as stiff as before.

As he spoke, Flanders and Liu Erlong's expressions gradually became surprised. For a moment, they forgot their previous unhappiness. They absorbed and digested the information with all their strength, but they didn't know what to say.

Too much information overloads their brains.

Flanders pressed Yu Xiaogang's shoulder, with a tangled look on his face, admiring and distressed at the same time.

He knew very well that in the past, Yu Xiaogang had always regarded Tang Hao as a road sign idol and spiritual guide.

Now that I encounter this kind of thing, I'm afraid the blow will be even greater than imagined.

Liu Erlong didn't think much, he just silently squeezed Yu Xiaogang's hand and said firmly: "Xiaogang, I will always be with you, no matter life or death."

Yu Xiaogang glanced at her, sighed, and said nothing more.

Liu Erlong is not as powerful as Soul Saint, so what can he do even if he is determined?

The biggest role is just to cooperate with himself and Flanders to perform martial soul fusion skills.

"By the way, Xiaogang, what do you think about what Prince Xuebeng said some time ago? No, he should be called the prince now." At this time, Flanders suddenly asked.

"Are you talking about those element academies?"

"Yes. Those elemental academies have always ignored the empire's solicitations in the past, but now they are willing to serve as branches of Wuhundian Academy. It is a bit incredible no matter how you think about it, and I don't know whether this is true or not."

At this point, his expression was filled with doubts and a bit of worry, and deep down in his heart there was inevitably a bit of envy.

Compared to other strong men, Flanders does not have such big ambitions.

The second priority is making money, and the first priority is making Shrek Academy bigger and bigger.

No matter how you look at it now, Wuhundian Academy has become a benchmark in the industry and is the ultimate dream of all soul master education practitioners.

"Eighty percent of it is true." Yu Xiaogang frowned helplessly, "You also know that Wuhun Palace's behavior has always been unscrupulous. If you really want to win over the power of the academy, with the strength of those few academies, I'm afraid even if you don't want to agree, It doesn’t work either.”

He couldn't help but sigh, "Every knowledgeable person in the world doesn't know about Wuhun Palace's wolf ambition, but what can be done about it? If you want to change this situation, in the final analysis, you can only rely on absolute strength to crush it.

"But fortunately, there are only a few colleges, and the dean is only at the Contra level. As long as Xiao San succeeds in cultivation, the students in our college will also achieve something, and they may not be able to fight in the future.

"The layout of Wuhundian Academy will actually have more impact on the future. We only need to focus on the present."

"..." Flanders looked vaguely weird when he heard this.

The word "Xiao San" was inseparable from the other party's words. It seemed that he had already regarded Tang San as his only hope.

But thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with what Yu Xiaogang said.

There was no way, even the Haotian Douluo was unreliable, so who could they count on?

So he nodded in agreement: "That's what you said."

In the Bluesilver Grass Forest, nearly a month had passed since Tang Hao was driven away.

During this period, the relationship between Su Cheng and A Yin developed rapidly.

In fact, based on their previous situation, it would be a matter of course for their relationship to take a further step.

After taking the first step, the so-called bottom line is just A Yin's unilateral tough talk and entanglement.

Even if nothing happened, she wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

And with the arrival of Tang Hao, the conversations between several people, and the decisive words spoken by A Yin in desperation, undoubtedly greatly accelerated the speed at which Su Cheng continued to break through her inner defenses.

Up to now, apart from not taking the last step, there was nothing else they could do, and almost all the advantages were taken by Su Cheng.

Even the final bottom line is probably only a matter of ten days and a half.

At this time, Su Cheng was sitting on the ground very casually, with a huge wine jar in front of him.

This is the last inventory. After drinking this jar, it means that A Yin has squandered all the large amount of Baihua Brew that he had worked hard to brew.

Opposite him, the huge and ancient Blue Silver King had a calm and peaceful face outlined by the bark of vines. Several vines swayed gently around it, opening a channel for the falling sunlight.

Ah Yin was sitting not far away, supporting his arms with his curled knees and supporting his chin with one hand. He stared blankly at the people and trees in front of him who were talking casually, and suddenly he felt a very strange feeling in his heart.

It was as if the elderly person who had grown up with her since childhood was having a heart-to-heart conversation with her sweetheart, and she just needed to be by his side quietly, and she would naturally feel like a family.

Although it is not as exciting as adventure life, nor as interesting as the customs of the world, you can see many scenery that you have never seen before. But, it's very peaceful and relaxing.

"It would be nice if I could live like this forever."

A thought suddenly flashed through Ah Yin's mind.

Then he laughed and shook his head.

How can it be?

He still has a lot to do, a great future, and great ambitions. Even if he can't help, he can't be a stumbling block on his way forward.


Ah Yin couldn't help but have various thoughts in his heart, "Will he be willing to stop for me..."

"...Sir, your Majesty is pure and kind-hearted. Although I am not qualified to say this, I still ask you to take good care of her in the future. I think you will also need her company."

"That's natural." Su Cheng nodded gently, stared at the Blue Silver King in front of him, and said calmly, "She said she wanted to give me a child."

"Oh? That's a good thing." Blue Silver King smiled in surprise.

"Su Cheng! What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Not far away, Ah Yin, who had been paying attention to what was going on here, suddenly became restless and shouted angrily with a red face.

Then he turned to look at the old tree, "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's nothing!"

It is true that her bottom line is very low now, but she can swear that she has never said such a thing, not even when she drank too much!

"Of course, I believe you." Blue Silver King shook the vines and calmly comforted her.

Su Cheng turned a deaf ear to her rebuttal.

However, he did not continue to joke, and instead looked at the Blue Silver King and asked casually: "You should also feel it, right? Now A Yin is no longer a simple Blue Silver King, she carries a more tolerant and powerful The energy and foundation. That is not the power of plant-based martial spirits, nor is it just the power of nature, but the power of the entire earth."

"Is that so?" Blue Silver King's old face showed some surprise.

"Please forgive my ignorance. I can only roughly feel that Your Majesty has changed greatly from the past. But the specific nature of this power is difficult for me to understand. Compared with human spirituality and creativity, although I I can barely boast that I am knowledgeable, but I have only lived a long life in vain."

Su Cheng waved his hand and said calmly: "You don't have to be modest. To be able to survive for such a long time and still be able to protect a place's safety is quite extraordinary. At least I think it's hard to do that."

He is not flattering, and he has no need to flatter the other party.

The Blue Silver King in front of me is indeed quite unique.

It can be said that the Bluesilver Grass Forest in which he is located can spend tens of thousands of years so quietly and peacefully, which is by no means an easy matter.

In comparison, although the Star Dou Forest has existed for a very long time, it is not like he has never been to that place before. No matter the ordinary plants or various spirit beasts living there, the traces of time are not obvious on their bodies.

The reason why this situation occurs is of course due to the large number of interpersonal factors in that place.

But more importantly, the forest was not a single entity. Soul beasts like the Silver Dragon King are powerful, but they are only "guests" there and cannot be called "masters".

On the other hand, in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, although the Blue Silver King talks about the bloodline level, it is still far from the level of the Blue Silver King. But this forest can have the current atmosphere, and it plays a mediating role that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor was definitely not born casually.

At least like the environment in an ordinary mountain village, even if there is no Blue Silver Emperor alive in the world, it is impossible for any Blue Silver Grass that has transformed into the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline to appear in such a place for hundreds of millions of years.

Of course, perhaps the Blue Silver King himself may not know the truth behind this.

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