Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 306 Your big breasts block my sun exposure

Listening to Su Cheng's words, the Blue Silver King, who had always been calm before, seemed a little flattered.

It has great respect and gratitude for Su Cheng, and even had a vague fear in the past.

Of course, this fear has become very weak now.

In addition to being affected by the relationship between Su Cheng and A Yin, the most important thing is the change in Su Cheng's current aura.

The deepest impression he left on the Blue Silver King was the will of annihilation and nothingness that he unintentionally exuded after condensing the fifth soul ring when he first came here.

The feeling of destroying everything and shattering the world is really terrifying.

It can be said that death energy and vitality are natural enemies of each other, and plant-type soul beasts have more or less life attributes, so they naturally hate death energy.

But the aura that Su Cheng exuded at that time was not death, but a sense of desolation that was far higher than what he imagined.

Even if the world no longer exists, how can we talk about the survival of life?

Under the impact of this comprehensively restrained aura, the animal instinct is naturally giving frantic warnings all the time.

As for the fact that Su Cheng had brought Zhu Zhuqing, whom he knew he had a close relationship with, to the Blue Silver Grass Forest to gather soul rings, it didn't really care.

Just like what Blue Silver King himself said to Ah Yin before, it has seen too many different interpersonal relationships, so it doesn't think this is a problem.

Not only was there no problem with Su Cheng's behavior, but on the other hand, if Ah Yin wanted to date many men at the same time, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Humanity's understanding of ethics is always evolving. If the time scale is extended, Su Cheng's current situation is not special at all. Even further back in time, there was a matriarchal society.

However, this is only its own point of view based on an objective perspective.

As for how the parties concerned view those relationships and how they will choose to handle and respond to them, with their wisdom they will certainly not speak blindly.

"Thank you for your compliment." Blue Silver King said humbly, "But what exactly does the 'power of the earth' you just mentioned refer to?"

"Well, this is just a description. I have never seen a case that can match this situation. How should I describe it..."

Su Cheng glanced at Ah Yin, who was sitting not far away and watching him silently, and frowned in thought.

In the past period of time, of course, they not only interacted intimately, but also frequently conducted serious physical examinations. During this period, Su Cheng did a lot of research on Ah Yin's energy attributes.

Then he was surprised to find that the other party's attributes were not the so-called "power of nature" as imagined.

Although Su Cheng has never really seen what the force of nature is, he has only seen the existence of this energy in simulated rewards.

But with his current knowledge, he can roughly guess some clues.

It is nothing more than a special power to balance the ecology and control nature, allowing the owner to gain broader vitality and even a certain degree of immortality.

Going a step further, you may be able to fight with the help of various natural environments, which is almost equivalent to sitting on a super-powerful field.

This trait is indeed in line with Ah Yin's situation and is very close to her original development route.

But it's actually more than that.

As Su Cheng got to know more deeply, especially when he tried to test the energy changes in A Yin's body with the help of his own true power, he discovered that this energy was not only extremely tough, but also gave him a bottomless feeling. Nourishing ability. It can speed up the birth and death of the real power in Su Cheng's body, and accelerate the integration of soul and body.

This is extremely strange.

If it is just a strong vitality, which should be reflected in the physical body, how can it even affect his true power?

Moreover, the regenerative nature of this energy, in addition to the wood attribute, also reminded Su Cheng of his former earth attribute number one soul skill.

The first soul ring taken from the bloodline soul beast of the Mountain Dragon King's descendant gave him extremely powerful soul skills.

After using it, not only can the strength, endurance and toughness of his body attributes be improved, but whenever he stands on the ground, he will also have the illusion of being connected to the blood of the earth, and there will be a continuous flow of gentle energy from under his feet. in vivo.

In A Yin's body, Su Cheng also felt the heaviness like the earth, which seemed to be able to carry all things.

In this case, rather than saying she is the son of nature, it is more appropriate to call her the mother of nature.

The energy combines the depth and weight of the earth and the vitality of vegetation. This is by no means an ordinary wood attribute or earth attribute, and even has a hint of the Five Elements realm after the five elements have successfully evolved in the past.

It's just that compared to his five elements, which are indifferent and balanced with each other, A Yin's power is more focused on growth and nurturing.

"...You can understand that the land under our feet is an expanded version of the Blue Silver Grass Forest to her. As long as she stands on this planet, she will be able to use the power of the world to fight in the future."

Having said this, Su Cheng glanced at the Blue Silver King in front of him and said, "Well, it's like you can borrow the power of the Blue Silver Grass Forest. Of course, the increase is very different."

"Your Majesty is already so powerful?"

King Blue Silver suddenly looked shocked when he heard this.

It understood very well what Su Cheng meant by what he said.

Thinking of it as a mere eighty-thousand-year-old soul beast, it is still far away from the threshold of one hundred thousand years. The bottleneck that troubles it is not only its age, but also its bloodline.

But in this forest, its combat power can reach a level comparable to that of a peak Douluo. One can imagine how much the blessing of the external environment will greatly improve and benefit it.

And if Ah Yin owned the entire land and the entire planet as his backing, his strength would be unimaginable.

"She's still far away." Su Cheng saw the Blue Silver King's thoughts and couldn't help laughing.

"It's just a prototype now. She doesn't even have a deep understanding of how to use this power, let alone use it in combat. This requires a lot of time to accumulate slowly.

“Think about how long it took from the time you were born until you gradually took control of the entire Bluesilver Grass Forest, not to mention that her current situation is much more special than yours.

"Even though Ah Yin has amazing potential, the time it takes to get to that point is by no means easy."

Speaking of this, his eyes showed a thoughtful look, and he said thoughtfully: "But having said that, it is not completely useless in battle, at least it can be said to be invincible.

"If in the past, when she was the incarnation of the Blue Silver Emperor, her so-called 'immortality' was just a slightly exaggerated statement. But now, I am afraid that no one on this planet can really kill her.

"Unless it is that kind of powerful and extreme divine power, there is a chance to really harm her. As for completely erasing her, I am afraid it requires an existence of the level of Shura Divine Power and Destruction Divine Power to do it."

Hearing what Su Cheng said, Blue Silver King's expression became more horrified, "Did you just say divine power? Has His Majesty's bloodline reached this level?"

Although it is well-informed, its vision is limited to one realm after all, and it does not know much about the situation of the gods.

I just roughly know that it is a powerful existence that transcends ordinary living beings.

Thousands of years ago, there once appeared on this continent an "Angel God" whose strength was higher than that of Titled Douluo.

But it has only been heard.

As for how powerful its true power is, it is obviously impossible to see it.

"The key reason is not the bloodline." Su Cheng explained casually, "The bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor is only one of the factors, which is considered a basic condition. But her ability to evolve to this point is actually the result of many opportunities.

"But in the final analysis, it is just a very special kind of soul power. If you really want to transcend the mold of a soul master, you need some other opportunities."

As he said that, he glanced at Ah Yin not far away, with a faint smile on his face, "Don't worry, I will help her."

The Xiantian Kung Fu can produce miraculous effects on certain people with extraordinary characteristics. This is not only a characteristic of the technique, but also a characteristic of this world.

Just like the profession of "soul master", there is actually no fixed and unified development path.

Because the martial souls awakened by different soul masters are also different and closely related to the soul, many changes will naturally occur.

For example, the most critical opportunity for Qian Renxue to take the previous step lies in her own special soul and martial spirit, supplemented by the practice of innate skills, and her subsequent deeper understanding of the skills. be successful.

It was the existence of this precedent that gave Su Cheng enough confidence to help A Yin go further.

It might even be a coincidence that the other party's current special form of existence is the development direction that a soul beast like the Blue Silver Emperor should really choose.

The paths may be a little different, but the destinations leading to them are very much the same.

No matter what, how could the only king who was raised by all the blood of his family be as ordinary as an ordinary soul beast?

For any creature, the leader in the tribe will always have something unusual, and even have a special mission, which is called the fate of the tribe.

Of course, the creature that can achieve similar achievements is not necessarily the Blue Silver Emperor. Other plant-type soul beasts with prosperous bloodlines, and even animal-type soul beasts, may not have similar opportunities.

But how can the final choice of route be so easy?

For these soul beasts, their animalistic instincts have already determined them. When they develop and evolve, they will basically turn into human form or continue to grow to a higher age based on their inherent experience. It is difficult to innovate.

But no matter what method he uses, he will not easily abandon the physical body that he has cultivated and grown step by step to reshape a new body.

Of course, it is indeed difficult to achieve this level without any experience.

At least with Ah Yin's IQ, Su Cheng doubted that even if she really mastered a lot of knowledge, she would never have this chance...

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Just as Su Cheng was secretly complaining, Ah Yin seemed to find a hint of contempt and some kind of malice hidden deep in his eyes.

Immediately he asked questions consciously.

"Huh? I just think you are very outstanding. The king of the Blue Silver Grass clan is quite unique."


Ah Yin looked suspicious.

But for the time being, he couldn't ask any more questions, so he pursed his lips and returned to silence.

Seeing this, Su Cheng chuckled and turned to look at the Blue Silver King, "Speaking of which, before she left the Blue Silver Grass Forest, why didn't you teach her the principles of behavior? I think she is very easy to deceive."

"This is an oversight on my part. I just thought that Your Majesty also needs to grow up, and the power of her bloodline is enough to ensure her safety. It is Your Majesty's own decision to enter human society, and I have no right to interfere. However, I I have told her many things about the human world, and I think the reason why His Majesty chose the path of transformation may have been influenced by this."

Saying that, the Blue Silver King sighed.

The old face, which was made of tree bark and vines, showed some regret and guilt.

"I didn't expect that something like that would happen and we almost lost His Majesty. For us people of the Blue Silver Grass clan, she is like a mother and has irreplaceable importance to us. Really I am very grateful to you for resurrecting His Majesty and bringing her to me again."

"Needless to say, Ah Yin also has extraordinary significance to me."

"It would be great if His Majesty had transformed later, or could have met you sooner. He wouldn't have gone through those hardships, suffered for a long time, and sacrificed his life for others in vain. If it hadn't been for sacrifices, most of them would have There is absolutely no chance for a strong human being to actually harm His Majesty who has the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor."

Ah Yin, who was not far away, trembled slightly when he heard this, and his face turned slightly pale.

She pursed her lips slightly, but could not speak.

She didn't understand why the Blue Silver King mentioned this again in front of Su Cheng.

Every time she talks about past entanglements, talks about Tang Hao, Tang San, talks about sacrifices and other things, there is always an indescribable awkwardness in her heart.

I'm afraid Su Cheng will feel uncomfortable after hearing this.

This is normal. After all, he is not pure. No matter how much he says he doesn't care, how can he really not have any grudges at all?

Ah Yin didn't know that King Lanyin said this on purpose.

It knew that Ah Yin always had some concerns in this regard, and the various performances of the other party during the year he came back to the Bluesilver Grass Forest were enough to illustrate the problem.

As a family member, the Blue Silver King will of course have similar worries. After all, Su Cheng is a pure human being, and this concept may be even more serious.

However, there is a saying in the human world called "Habits become natural".

If you always avoid it and treat it as a taboo, it will become more and more serious as time goes by. Until it becomes a knot hidden in my heart, it will explode one day, and the consequences may be even more serious.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to take advantage of the current heat of their relationship to say everything that needs to be said clearly. If you mention it a few more times, the nature of the incident will gradually be diluted.

Compared to Ah Yin's evasion, the experienced Lanyin King was obviously much more understanding.

However, Su Cheng's reaction next was something neither of them expected.

He glanced at the Blue Silver King, poured the last sip of Baihua Brew from the wine jar into his mouth, and said calmly: "You said this wrong."

"Wrong?" Blue Silver King asked in surprise.

"Wrong, very wrong."

Su Cheng threw the empty wine jar aside and lay back on the ground, resting his arm on the back of his head.

His eyes seemed to be looking towards the lush canopy of trees that blocked the sky from the sun, or they seemed to be looking through the branches and leaves towards the distant blue sky.

"Of course it would be nice to meet her earlier, but is it too late now? As long as we can meet her, it is a gift from fate. If we don't miss it, it won't be a regret.

"As for the sacrifice you mentioned... there is never a 'free' sacrifice. Because it was her choice, and she has never regretted it. This is enough. Since Ah Yin has chosen to be a human being, you should not Then evaluate her words, deeds and choices from the perspective of the 'Blue Silver Emperor'.

"Whether it is because of emotion, impulse, or some kind of belief, there are always some things in life that are higher than life and death. When it comes time to really make a choice, even if you are afraid, you still have to face it. .”

Su Cheng turned his head and changed into a more comfortable position, with some emotion in his voice.

"Overcoming the instinct to continue living and overcoming the fear of facing death is not something everyone can do. Only when things come to a close do you know how difficult this choice is."

The scene in Wuhun City when Qian Renxue stabbed that sword appeared in his mind.

Even if he could block such a terrifying blow, he would not be sure of surviving afterwards. How could he not be afraid in his heart?

But even so, it's better than letting them die because of him.

"Being smart and stupid is just a matter of intelligence. But being brave and cowardly is a matter of character." Su Cheng said softly.

"It's a pity that some people don't know how to cherish. Even if they survive, they are just zombies, surrounded by pain and guilt throughout their lives, struggling between cowardice and hesitation, and wasting the efforts of others.

"But when you act on your own and make your own choices, you don't need to care about the rewards of others. If you want to do something, just do it. The pros and cons, whether it's worth it or not, you just need to understand. Isn't it what others say in a few words? Can you judge?”

"...So that's what you think." Blue Silver King couldn't help sighing, "I think I finally understand why, given His Majesty's character, he finally chose to be with you."

"You understand, that's not why she's with me." Su Cheng rolled his eyes secretly.

At this time, a huge shadow suddenly shrouded from above, blocking the sunlight shining through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

At the same time, there is a faint breeze and fragrance hitting the body.

After Su Cheng glanced at it, he waved his hand lazily, "Move your big breasts farther away, so that they block my sunshine."

"Su! Cheng!"

Upon hearing this, the expression on Ah Yin's face instantly changed from gentle and shy to one of embarrassment and anger.

It was no longer possible to maintain his usual dignity and quietness, so he rushed down and covered his mouth with his hand.

A thin voice seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, "When you speak, can you pay a little attention to the occasion!"


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