The environment of the Bluesilver Grass Forest is very suitable for Su Cheng's cultivation. ░░x░.░c░o░m░

The so-called suitability here does not refer to strong natural soul power, and he does not need to rely on absorbing soul power to improve.

The key is that this forest is ancient and quiet, and it is remote and rarely visited.

Compared with other places, this special atmosphere that can affect his state of mind is more conducive to his further integration of power.

In addition, thanks to the special nature of his ability, although Ah Yin's soul power cannot be used well in combat, it can assist Su Cheng in his practice.

If we talk about Bibi Dong's soul power, it helps him strengthen his soul essence, harmonize yin and yang and thicken his foundation.

So Ah Yin's extremely tolerant energy, although not as powerful as Bibi Dong, brings more comprehensive effects and is more auxiliary.

By increasing the activity of the real power in Su Cheng's body, it can speed up the integration of the soul into the body, and the effect is even better.

However, this kind of life cannot last long after all, he has many other things to do.

Time passed, and soon another month passed.

Deep in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, Su Cheng closed his eyes and concentrated, silently observing his own condition.

Under the powerful instinct feedback of Zhenli, his body has almost no secrets to himself.

Regardless of the bone meridians or the bloodline martial soul, they are all clearly visible.

Even those pale golden flames that were difficult to deal with in the past and adhered to the flesh and blood of the meridians are now very few left.

Even if he wanted to, he could wipe it out completely without much effort.

And his strength has now risen to a level above that of a third-level god, and he is a third-level god with no shortcomings.

But even so, there are still two places in the body that he still can't fully see through.

One of them is the "Eye of True Sight" attached to the soul bone.

This magical organ played an extremely key role in his cultivation and research. It contained the original power inside and concealed extremely mysterious principles. Even with his current strength and background, it is difficult to fully understand.

I can only roughly feel that this thing is actually incomplete. Although the structure is sophisticated, it seems to be missing a certain core inside.

If there is a chance to make up for it in the future, maybe we can go one step further and gain a stronger ability besides "seeing through".

The second is the "simulator" that changed his martial soul talent and guided his continuous growth with some inexplicable will in the past.

Today, he finally saw the existence form of this thing.

It was not attached to the sea of ​​spirit or the soul as he imagined, but hidden deep in the blood.

The nature of its energy is very similar to that of the original power, but compared to the tiny drop of original power that was rewarded before, the amount of this part of energy is much larger, and it is also natural and self-contained.

It seems that because of its huge number, it has developed some special attributes, or operating rules, which constantly interact with the external environment with the help of his body.

It is probably due to the existence of this characteristic that this energy can have various special effects on Su Cheng and even the people around him.

"...Then, let's just do it for the last time."

Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of thick air, and made a decision secretly.

The next time you enter the simulated world, you can directly stimulate this part of the energy with your real power, stimulate all the power in it, and complete the battle in one battle.

After all, there is no way for him to directly absorb this kind of energy, so naturally there is no good thing about skipping the simulation stage to obtain rewards.

What's more, even if it can be done, it doesn't mean much.

Although the power of the source is very strong, it can only have an icing on the cake promotion effect for him, and its use is somewhat similar to a catalyst to improve the efficiency of energy operation.

However, the marginal utility of such a huge amount of source power is actually very low.

Rather than utilizing this crude method, it is better to enter the simulation and convert this energy into other benefits by completing tasks.

However, if all of them are activated, I am afraid that the situation in the simulated world next time will be much more complicated than before...

"what's on your mind?"

Just as Su Cheng was concentrating on his thoughts, a soft questioning voice came from behind.

Ah Yin didn't know when she came to him.

Seeing Su Cheng's slightly solemn expression, she subconsciously raised her arm and gently stroked his eyebrows with her fingertips, smoothing out the wrinkles in the middle.


Su Cheng came back to his senses, a smile appeared on his face again, and he put his arms around the other person.

Then the palm of his hand climbed to the position with the greatest gravity and gently kneaded it.

The next moment, the soft touch spread from his fingertips throughout his body, instantly making Su Cheng feel refreshed.

But in his arms, Ah Yin obviously couldn't stand the stimulation, or was feeling ashamed.

He immediately turned around and buried his head in his arms, thus hiding the intimate movements between the two of them.

Also hidden was the pretty face that had already been dyed crimson.

Even though she had done this many times, she still felt extremely shy.

It's even a little hard to understand why the other party can carry out such intimate actions so nonchalantly.

"Have you thought about it?"

"What have you thought about?" Ah Yin's cheek was buried in Su Cheng's chest, her voice seemed muffled.

I wanted to ask him to stop what he was doing, but I was too embarrassed to say so, so I could only twist my body slightly.

"When are you going to admit your relationship with me and stop fooling yourself here?"

"..." Ah Yin raised his head after hearing this, held down the troublesome hand, and looked at Su Cheng silently.

Then he said calmly: "You can just leave when you are tired of staying with me. Why bother asking me again."

"Tired of being idle? Why do you say that?"

"I can feel that you are still worried."

"Oh, I can only watch but not eat. Of course I'm worried. I'm counting the days." Su Cheng shook his head and sighed.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin's original calm expression was instantly broken, her pretty face flushed, and she looked away to avoid his gaze.

Su Cheng found it interesting.

To be honest, among the women who were close to him, Ah Yin was the oldest and had some experience in the past.

Logically speaking, she should be the most calm person about this kind of thing.

But the truth is just the opposite, she is the shy one.

Others, whether Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing or Bibi Dong, rarely show similar emotions.

Moreover, although Ah Yin has a submissive personality and always looks easy to bully, in this regard, he is surprisingly persistent.

"What nonsense is this? Food, sex, and desire are the driving force for human progress." Su Cheng said with a smile, "Why, do you still have any hesitations now?"

"At least... at least not in the Blue Silver Grass Forest..."

"Why not here? I can block out all noise and interference, and there won't be any problem."

"That's not OK."

"Okay." Su Cheng sighed, "But I do still have something to do, and it shouldn't take too long. How about I come back to stay with you after it's finished?"

Having said this, he raised his eyebrows at Ah Yin again, "How about it, do you want to come with me?"

"..." Ah Yin glanced at him, seeming a little moved but also hesitant.

"If you have any concerns, just say so."

"I am willing to be with you, but I have to meet those people..."

Oh, it turned out to be social terror.

Su Cheng laughed dumbly, then stretched out his hand, and only the longevity sword with the seventh soul ring appeared in his hand.

He stretched out his finger and flicked the blade of the sword, "How's it going in here?"

Ah Yin's form of existence is very special and he is not a real human being. Although a case exactly like hers has never appeared in the world, other similar special situations are not impossible to find.

For example, some spirit beasts that can transform into human form without reshaping, or the existence of some elves with special attributes, the human body is only one of its manifestations.

Ah Yin's face turned red and she said angrily: "What do you want to do? Control me like before?"

"Why do I control you? Of course I let you come and go. What's more, without your consent, based on your current energy attributes, I don't have the means to forcefully control you like before. But speaking of it..." Su Cheng looked her up and down with strange eyes, "Why are you blushing? Why, do you have this fetish and want me to control you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't mean it!" Ah Yin suddenly became angry and quickly defended himself.

"Okay, okay, it's just a joke. Besides, even if I offer you shelter with the Eternal Sword, it's only temporary. After a while, even if you want to come in, you won't have the chance."

"What do you mean?" She was stunned when she heard this.

"After my cultivation reaches a breakthrough, there is no need for this martial spirit to exist. I will completely integrate this part of the blood into my body to enhance my body's essence."

"...Does it have to be this way?"

Ah Yin pursed her thin lips lightly, and there was a ripple in her heart.

This longevity sword has a very special meaning to her.

Noticing the change in her expression, Su Cheng was startled, and then changed his words: "It's okay to keep it. Although it's a bit wasteful, if it's your request, it doesn't hurt to agree to it. In fact, the key to fusion lies in this first The Seven Soul Ring is of extraordinary value to me. As for the martial soul itself, it has little impact."

Ah Yin looked at the longevity sword in Su Cheng's hand, and then at his expression, his eyes flashing.

"Then I will come with you." She said softly.

The decision was not difficult for her.

In fact, now Ah Yin is reluctant to separate from Su Cheng.

Although the other party had previously promised to stay here with her, she was not the kind of greedy person.

She has always been used to thinking about everything for others, so she naturally doesn't want to tie Su Cheng here to waste time and delay other things.

For A Yin, it is enough for the other party to have this intention.

"Since you agree to leave with me, not in the Bluesilver Grass Forest, does that mean that you are willing to go one step further with me?"

"Don't talk about this yet." Ah Yin blushed and quickly changed the subject: "Where are you going to go next?"

Seeing this, Su Cheng didn't rush to force her. He just observed her expression and said slowly: "I'm going to look for Xiaoxue first to see if I can find any trace of her. With my current hiding ability, as long as I don't rely on Too close, she shouldn’t be aware of my presence.”

In any case, after such a long time passed, Xiaoxue could at least calm down even if she was still angry.

Even if she has no intention of returning to Wuhun City in a short period of time, she can't just wait passively like this. She should always take the initiative to think of a way.

But when it came to this matter, he was actually not very sure.

No matter what the result is, whether it can be found or not is a matter of speculation.

This world has more than just Douluo Continent, the Far North, the vast sea, and even other continents...

If Qian Renxue is not among the two empires, where can he find her in such a vast world?

Now I can only try my best.

But in fact, there is a very high probability that the other party is no longer within the boundaries of the two empires.

Because this place has almost no experience effect for Qian Renxue.

Her situation is somewhat similar to mine.

For her, at this stage, understanding the will of the blazing sun, further harmonizing the will in her body, and controlling that high-level energy are far more important than absorbing soul power or even attaching a soul ring.

Moreover, the biggest reason why Qian Renxue chose to leave Wuhun City in the first place was to avoid herself.

In this case, why are you stranded on this continent?

Regarding his statement, Ah Yin did not show any displeasure. Instead, he nodded and agreed: "You are indeed sorry for her. You should find her and apologize to her seriously."

"You don't mind?" Su Cheng was a little surprised.

The other party's reaction was a bit beyond his expectation.


After A Yin lowered his head and was silent for a moment, he spoke softly: "Why should I care? I have been married and had children -"

"I told you many times not to say that again."

Before she could finish her words, Su Cheng interrupted her impatiently.

He frowned and said solemnly: "I didn't care about the past. It was only me who forced you to reach this point. You don't have to take all the problems on yourself."

Ah Yin glanced at him and moved her lips, but in the end it turned into a sigh, "Okay, even so, what about Qian Renxue? How can she not mind? She cares about you so much that she values ​​you and even sacrifices Life forces you to choose between her and Zhu Zhuqing. My appearance makes it even more difficult for you."

As she said that, she stretched out her fingers to gently touch Su Cheng's face, "Don't worry, I won't restrict you or anything. I've said it before, no matter what you do, I will help you and support you."

"is that so……"

Su Cheng looked back at her, thought for a while and said: "Then I will tell you clearly in advance. If you regret it in the future, I will not agree. If you want to find someone else again, no matter who that person is, I will Find that guy and kill him."

"Pfft~" Ah Yin couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't worry, as long as you don't abandon me like before, I won't leave you. Even if you abandon me, I won't find anyone else. ”

It was obviously a shameless declaration, but her mood was inexplicably brighter.

"I'm not as smart as you. I just long for the warmth of the world. As for those complicated emotions, I don't actually understand them very well. Maybe... I am not a real human being after all."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

What are the many emotions of human beings?

Even not counting the time when her soul just transformed and fell asleep after the sacrifice, she has been floating in the world for nearly twenty years.

But for the human heart, it is always as if it is separated by a piece of frosted glass, hazy and unclear.

"Humans are inherently complex creatures. No two people will be exactly the same in the world. You are already purer than most humans."

"Yeah." Ah Yin nodded and looked at Su Cheng with her water-colored eyes, "You should tell less lies in the future."

"Uh, why are you saying this all of a sudden?" Faced with such a look, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Because this is a very bad habit." Ah Yin said seriously.


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