"Snow Emperor, go and stop him. ஜ۩۞۩ஜஜ۩۞۩ஜ"


A look of surprise flashed across Snow Emperor's cold cheeks.

Although she hasn't gotten along with many people, her hundreds of thousands of years have not been in vain, and her clear and delicate mind is far beyond A Yin's.

Qian Renxue's expression and attitude just now clearly didn't mean this.

"That man, don't let him go to the island."


"Don't make me angry."

Qian Renxue's voice became colder, and the blazing white flames loomed in her eyes, which made the Snow Emperor feel cold in his heart.

She had never seen Qian Renxue in such a state, and she did not dare to say anything else.

The powerful power hidden deep in the opponent's body seemed to be beginning to stir.

Looking at the familiar Poseidon Island in front of him, Su Cheng took a deep breath.

The slightly salty and moist sea breeze flowed into his chest, making him feel familiar.

Nearly two months have passed since leaving the Blue Silver Grass Forest.

After all, I didn’t know Qian Renxue’s specific whereabouts before, so I could only search blindly like a headless fly.

He walked around the two empires, numerous principalities, and even the depths of the Star Forest for several times, but he never felt the presence of the other party.

Fortunately, he didn't gain anything in this process.

Not only did his relationship with Ah Yin break through the final barrier, but he also gained considerable benefits in the process.

Ah Yin has special attributes and has a strong ability to tolerate and nurture. It not only strengthens Su Cheng's physique and strength, but also greatly improves the progress of the complete integration of his soul and body.

After the two of them completed the true physical fusion of each other, the deep energy poured back into him, which helped him much more obviously than the previous assistance from soul power.

Su Cheng estimated that at this rate of progress, it would only take another month or two for him to break through the final hurdle.

By that time, he will be able to enter a new realm, and the speed of improvement in strength will also reach another level.

After the physical body has completely reached the limit of the power it can bear, you can start preparing to shatter the final seventh soul ring and try for subsequent breakthroughs.

When he came to Poseidon Island this time, he came just in case, but he didn't expect to actually find traces of Qian Renxue here.

In fact, this harvest surprised him a little.

No matter how you look at this place, it has nothing to do with Qian Renxue.

"Can you do it? Do you need me to do something for you?"

At this time, an illusory figure appeared beside Su Cheng.

The person who spoke was none other than Ah Yin.

Her body is currently inhabiting the Sword of Eternal Life. At the moment, it is just a soul clone constructed with the help of domain power.

"No, I will make it clear to her."


Ah Yin was a little hesitant to speak when he heard this.

"What's wrong?" Su Cheng turned to look at her.

"It's nothing." Ah Yin shook his head, "Why don't we hide the things between us from her, so as not to make her sad anymore. Well, maybe..."

As she spoke, her voice deepened again.

Now to say something like "It's actually wrong for us to do this" or "I'm sorry for Qian Renxue" would be insincere and too hypocritical.

Although sometimes I wonder if the relationship with Su Cheng is progressing too fast, I should at least wait for the situation between him and Qian Renxue to stabilize first, and I really shouldn't let the other person's temper run wild.

But in the past period of time, facing Su Cheng's pressing step by step, she could not help but feel soft-hearted, and she really couldn't refuse forcefully.

not to mention……

Ah Yin's mind could not help but think of the tricks the other party used between the beds.

At the beginning, although it made her embarrassed, even a little angry and dissatisfied.

But when she really tried to do it, and then enjoyed, indulged, and gradually lost herself in the process, she experienced countless indescribable and unimaginable happiness.

If she were asked to let go, she would definitely not be willing to do so now.

"Hide our affairs? What, do you want to be an underground lover?" Su Cheng laughed.

"What kind of underground lover, what you say is so unpleasant." Ah Yin curled his lips, "I mean, just apologize to Qian Renxue properly, and don't talk about other irrelevant things, let alone worry about my thoughts. I don’t really care about these.”

"Don't worry, I won't hide your existence. However, you have to wait until I comfort her first." Su Cheng stopped smiling and his expression became serious, "You don't need to have any psychological burden. It's something I have to face sooner or later, and I have delayed it for too long in the past."

Having said this, he suddenly turned his head and looked serious, "Someone is coming, you should go back first."


Shortly after Ah Yin's figure disappeared, a figure walked out from the vast forest of Poseidon Island ahead.

Not those Poseidon warriors who patrol Poseidon Island all year round.

Instead, she was a young woman wearing a plain white dress, with white hair reaching her ankles, and a cold and stunning appearance.

With her appearance, the warm and humid air seemed to become cold and dry, and the sound of the wind suddenly became much chillier.

"Please stay."

The Snow Emperor lightly opened his red lips, looked at Su Cheng with cold eyes and said calmly.

Looking at the man not far in front of her, curiosity surged in her heart.

She couldn't see through this person.

Regardless of his cultivation level or age, he seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, even more mysterious than Qian Renxue.

She has never seen such a person.

It has been more than half a year since he followed Qian Renxue out of the Far North and entered the human world. Snow Emperor believed that he had a lot of understanding of the human world.

Her ability to learn and understand is very strong, and she can understand a lot of things just by seeing them a few times.

In the past, she actually hated humans. She believed that this race was selfish and greedy, and regarded other races as their food. They always invaded and disturbed the territories of foreign races.

But after truly observing it, she found that the world was completely different from the scene she originally knew.

Human beings have strong creativity and are constantly changing the natural environment.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this naturally weak race has such an astonishing growth rate and rules most of the world's territories.

Although she didn't say it, she was actually gradually attracted by this new world.

Compared to the boring, eternal Arctic ice sheet, the outside world is very different.

The unknown is both scary and exciting.

"Soul beast?"

Su Cheng, who was standing opposite, could tell the identity of the Snow Emperor with just one glance. He was secretly wondering how the other party got involved with Qian Renxue.

He had no scruples and asked bluntly: "If you don't stay well in your own territory, why did you come to the human world? What is your relationship with Qian Renxue?"

The relationship between the other party and Xiaoxue determines Su Cheng's next course of action.

If it was just a coincidence, forget it, but if it was a friend, then even for Qian Renxue's sake, he would not be too harsh on the soul beast in front of him.

I felt a little relieved in my heart. I didn't expect that with Xiaoxue's character, she could actually learn to make friends.

Although he is a soul beast friend.

When the Snow Emperor heard this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

When the other party asked questions, it was clear that he didn't take himself seriously.

It's just that Qian Renxue is powerful, so what does this person have to rely on? Faced with his undisguised powerful aura, he still appears to be talking and laughing calmly.

But she didn't attack immediately. She just said in a calm voice: "Are you here to see her? Then you can go back. She doesn't want to see you."


Su Cheng glanced at her, said nothing, and walked toward the island.

After getting closer, he made a slight detour, but he had no intention of letting the other party obstruct him.

Seeing this, Emperor Xue finally couldn't hold back his emotions anymore.

As the absolute king of the Far North, how many people dare to ignore her majesty like this? !


The next moment, a terrifying cold wave centered on her body and spread to all sides.

The humid air condensed into pieces of ice and snow, covering her body and turning into a holy and gorgeous white dress.

The beautiful dark blue eyes are like ice that has been frozen for thousands of years, becoming increasingly clear and deep, as if they can illuminate the world.

The snow-white hair that reached her ankles turned into an icy blue and fluttered behind her.

A powerful momentum comparable to that of a peerless Douluo swept across the sky, covering the entire island without any scruples.

Poseidon Peak.

Bo Saixi's eyes trembled slightly as she watched the scene happening on the edge of the island, and also saw the two people confronting each other.

The powerful soul beast following Qian Renxue, and... Su Cheng.

Her body subconsciously moved slightly, but then she paused in place, her expression changed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Under the seven holy pillars distributed throughout Poseidon Island, several holy pillar douluo also felt the shocking aura fluctuations, and their eyes looked helpless.

here we go again.

Poseidon Island, which used to be peaceful and stable, has been experiencing a series of accidents in recent years.

There are also endless powerful men whose strength is comparable to that of the high priest.

First, a few years ago, the young man brought back by the high priest escaped unharmed after making a big fuss on the island. Even the high priest could not do anything to him, and he seemed to have suffered a small loss.

And more than half a year ago, another powerful soul master with the Seraphim spirit came. His strength was also extremely terrifying, and the titled Holy Pillar Douluo could not even take a single move from him.

The other woman who was following the man gave people an extremely terrifying feeling even though she had never taken any action.

What's going on today?

Why does it seem like the fight is about to start again?

And it seemed that the one who took action was the white-haired woman with a cold breath.

Unfortunately, the environment there was completely shrouded in a blizzard of ice and snow, and with their level of mental power, it was difficult to see the details clearly.

But at this time, these people just sighed inwardly, but no longer had the interest to take action or watch the excitement.

No matter what the situation is over there, it is obviously not something that their strength can handle.

If Bo Saixi chooses to take action, they will naturally not stand idly by.

But since the high priest didn't say anything, there was nothing wrong with it, so there was no need to humiliate himself.

Outside the circular island at the foot of Poseidon Mountain, Qian Renxue also clenched her fists inadvertently, eyes flashing with light, silently staring into the distance.

Looking at Su Cheng, looking at the man who made her long for her.

Island shore.

Facing the Snow Emperor who took action directly, Su Cheng narrowed his eyes, and soon the Eternal Life Sword appeared in his hand.

As martial souls and soul rings appeared, the corresponding "Soul Saint" level cultivation levels were also revealed.

"A soul saint with only one soul ring? And this soul ring..."

A flash of surprise flashed in Emperor Xue's eyes, and he didn't understand Su Cheng's current state of cultivation.

She also has some understanding of the human soul master training system.

From the first ring to the ninth ring, one step at a time, the human cultivation system is clearly divided. There seems to be no other case so far.

Even with Qian Renxue's strength, her strength is far higher than that of the same level, but on the surface, she is still a Soul Douluo with eight soul rings, and he will even absorb the ninth soul ring to be promoted to a titled Douluo.

But what is the situation of the person in front of him, and where are all the soul rings in front of him?

Moreover, this soul ring looked a bit special, with pure aura and light pink color. It was different from the soul ring she knew the soul beast formed after its death.

However, no matter how strange the soul ring is, after all, it is just a little soul saint.

As for the hidden aura before, I am afraid it was also caused by this special soul ring.

But even so, Snow Emperor was not too careless. After seeing Qian Renxue's unusual behavior, she became a little frightened.

The delicate white palm slowly raised.

The endless ice and snow flying in the air suddenly began to rotate regularly with her movements, forming tornadoes, and the temperature dropped sharply within a short distance.

In such an environment, even boiling water will freeze into ice in an instant.

This palm was not Snow Emperor's special move, it was just a very ordinary probing attack.

Although she didn't know what the relationship between the man in front of her and Qian Renxue was, they obviously knew each other, so she wouldn't kill him directly.

Su Cheng's pupils on the other side also reflected the beautiful scenery of swirling wind, snow and drifting frost.

And in this beautiful scenery, the delicate palms of the world-famous beauty contain a biting and terrifying murderous intention!

The momentum of this palm was unparalleled. Although it was only issued at will, its power was already comparable to a peak Douluo's full blow. At least a strong soul master of Tang Hao's level would definitely be killed instantly when faced with an offensive of this level. It would be absolutely unreasonable.

But there is no doubt that this move is not enough in the eyes of Su Cheng today.

He frowned and raised his sword blade, ready to split the wind and snow directly, and then go straight to look for Qian Renxue's traces.

However, when he drew the sword, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart. He actually put away most of his real power and only used the power of the Soul Saint to resist. And he was just resisting, without any intention of fighting back.

The true power and his body are perfectly integrated and indistinguishable from each other. The movement between sending and receiving is as natural as breathing, and outsiders cannot see through his depth at all.

Naturally, Emperor Xue didn't notice the change in Su Cheng's aura at all, and he didn't even think that he dared to take the initiative to withdraw his strength in the face of such a powerful attack.

The next moment, the sword edge and flesh palm collided, and Su Cheng's face instantly turned pale.

The blood in his mouth and nose immediately condensed into ice as soon as it flowed out, making it look a bit ridiculous hanging on his face.

His whole body was knocked straight away and fell out. He only squatted on the ground holding the Eternal Life Sword to prevent him from looking too embarrassed.

It's just that the whole person's face is like gold and paper, and his energy is like gossamer. One look at it and it's obvious that he has been severely injured.

Seeing that Su Cheng was hurt by him so easily, the Snow Emperor immediately frowned.

This attack was just a test, but it only used part of her power, and it was not difficult to withdraw the power. The wind and snow in the sky quickly dissipated.

She looked at Su Cheng, who was in a sluggish mood, and her cold eyes revealed a trace of contempt inadvertently, "I thought you had such strength and courage, but it turns out you are just a mere soul saint. In the final analysis, It’s just relying on——”

"Who asked you to hurt him?!"

Before the Snow Emperor finished speaking, in the blink of an eye, a sword light struck from a distance without mercy, piercing her vital parts.

The strong murderous intention contained in it made the Snow Emperor break into a cold sweat and quickly ducked away.

At the same time, a huge bottomless crack appeared on the ground, which was only a hair's breadth away from where the Snow Emperor was standing.

This sword was meant to take her life!

Even with Snow Emperor's indifferent nature, he could not help but feel resentful and aggrieved at this moment.

It was obviously you who asked me to stop this man, but he insisted on coming over and was not strong enough. So what can I do?

Do you still need me to coax him off the island?

Thinking of this, she glared at Su Cheng again, and a burst of anger surged in her heart.

No wonder!

No wonder this guy dared to act like this even though he had no strength. He seemed to have no scruples. It turned out to be because he had Qian Renxue as his backer!

But Qian Renxue, who walked out of the woods, obviously didn't pay attention to the Snow Emperor's mood.

The next moment, she transformed into two figures and flew to Su Cheng's side, supporting him on one side and pouring soul power into his body.

"Is your injury still healed?"

"Are you stupid? Why don't you know how to fight back?"

"Xiaoxue." Su Cheng looked at them and gasped with a smile in his eyes: "Since she is your friend, I can't do anything to her no matter what. Besides, she can't be blamed for this. It's really my fault. , she is also doing it for your own good."


Hearing this, both Qian Renxue in black with a cold expression and pretending to be calm, and Qian Renxue in white with lowered eyebrows who couldn't hide her longing, both had red eyes at the same time.

Snow Emperor: "..."

This man is really a good dog.

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