"No, she is not my friend, she is just a spare soul ring."

The beauty in black had a calm voice, but what she said was very cold and ruthless.

Su Cheng: "..."

Snow Emperor: "..."

"Teacher, where is your innate power? Your injuries..."

As Qian Renxue circulated her soul power in Su Cheng's body, she gradually discovered the strangeness of the other person's body.

Snow Emperor's blow just now didn't actually cause much damage to Su Cheng.

It is true that the body was injured, but the recovery speed was astonishingly fast. In just a few breaths, there was no serious problem.

But at the same time, she also noticed something unusual inside Su Cheng.

The glazed meridians are transparent and flexible, far beyond those of ordinary soul masters, but there are still little golden embers burning on the inner wall.

What's even more shocking is that the wide meridians are empty, with almost no energy flowing, and only a slight weird power that she can't understand the nature of appears and disappears.

"Your old injury..."

Qian Renxue bit her lip lightly, her eyes extremely complex.

These flames obviously came from the power of the sun she used that day.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Su Cheng said softly, carefully examining the eyebrows and eye lines of the two people beside him.

Their facial features and cheeks are as perfect as before, and their skin is even a little more refined than before.

The improvement in strength level subtly improves every tiny flaw on the body.

But they don't look as beautiful as before.

To be precise, his energy and spirit were gone.

His eyes no longer had the flying look of the past, and the corners of his mouth no longer had the arrogant look that seemed to be absent.

Su Cheng sighed secretly.

Yes, Xiaoxue is such a proud person, no matter how much she threatens and teases her, she may never really think that things like her lover's infidelity will happen to her.

However, Qian Renxue's mind was not on these matters for the time being.

She obviously didn't believe Su Cheng's answer.

Her perception was unmistakable.

The opponent's physical strength is far beyond imagination, but his strength is obviously running low.

Although those terrifying golden flames were small in size, she clearly knew the intensity of power contained in them.

That was a terrifying flame that could burn almost everything. Even she herself would not dare to touch this power easily after that day.

Calculating the time, more than a year has passed since Su Cheng took the sword, but these flames still remain in his body.

You can imagine how much pain the other party suffered during this process.

"I am also practicing hard, and I will definitely cure you. Give me some time, and I will be able to fully control this power. Then I can clean up all these flames for you." Qian Renxue whispered. .

She knew what Su Cheng's original strength was, and it would be difficult for anyone to accept such a huge gap.

As the "culprit" who caused this situation, how could she have no regrets.

The Snow Emperor hurt Su Cheng today. In fact, she wouldn't have been so angry in the first place.

She was not an unreasonable person, she had arranged for Snow Emperor to come and intercept him, so it was inevitable that he would take action when words were ineffective.

But when she saw Su Cheng injured, she couldn't help but recall the scene where she almost killed him.

Looking at Snow Emperor, it was like seeing himself piercing Su Cheng with a sword.

She couldn't bear it anymore.

"Xiaoxue, come back with me."


Hearing this, Qian Renxue fell silent, her eyes a little uneasy.

"I have been looking for you on the mainland for a long time, but I have never found any trace of you. I just wanted to try my luck here, but I didn't expect you to be here. If anything happens, we can go back and talk slowly, and I will explain it to you. of."

"You said you've been looking for her for a long time... What about Zhu Zhuqing? Have you completely broken up with her?"


Su Cheng's expression paused slightly when he heard this, and then he said: "Xiaoxue, Zhuqing's situation is special. She and I have gone through a lot of things, and I can't let go of all those feelings."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Cheng felt the soul power flowing in his body disappear.

The two palms supporting him also left his arms at the same time.

The next moment, Qian Renxue, who was wearing black clothes, stood up straight, then looked down at him, anger flashed in her eyes, and sneered: "Su Cheng, you are really big-hearted, you dare to come here alone. Me. What, are you not afraid that I will suddenly appear in Wuhun City and kill that bitch with one sword?"


"Teacher, please go away and don't come to me again." Another person also said.

Su Cheng sighed when he saw this.

He knew that this matter could not be solved so easily. If it could be solved in this way, Qian Renxue would not leave Wuhun City decisively that day.

Fortunately, he had already prepared for a protracted war and never thought of rushing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity created by Snow Emperor, it was already very good to be able to meet the other party first.

As for Zhu Zhuqing's safety, Su Cheng was not too worried.

With Xiaoxue's strength, it would never be possible for her to master that kind of super-normal power so quickly.

Zhu Zhuqing was protected by Bibi Dong. As long as Xiaoxue didn't use her previous fusion state, even if Bibi Dong was defeated, she would still have enough support until she arrived.

Of course, Su Cheng thought she understood the other party. With her character, if it was to nip things in the bud, she would naturally not care about a human life.

But now that she has confirmed that she and Zhu Zhuqing have an affair, if she really wants to kill Zhu Zhuqing, with her pride and confidence, she will not attack him without her knowledge.

Otherwise, after she took the sword a year ago, Bibi Dong tried her best to save herself but had no intention of caring about Zhu Zhuqing.

At that time, Zhu Zhuqing was completely undefended, and Qian Renxue was able to kill him easily.

But she didn't do that.

Because Qian Renxue knew very well that the key to the problem now was not Zhu Zhuqing, the third party, but Su Cheng's own attitude.

When I chose to leave afterwards, I didn't think about how I should face this situation.

On the other side, after they finished speaking, the two of them stood up and walked towards the woods one after the other.

Su Cheng quickly stretched out his hand to grab the first personality in white, thinking of trying to say a few more words.

Compared to the other one, at least this Xiaoxue has a much better temper.

But what Su Cheng didn't expect was that the moment his fingers touched Qian Renxue's cuffs, the other party suddenly threw his arm away as if he was stressed, and screamed: "Don't touch me. !”

The tone and movements when speaking were as if the person behind him was no longer the lover whom he loved most and admired, but some kind of filthy thing that had been tainted, which made Su Cheng stunned.

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue paused in her steps, as if she wanted to look back, but she restrained herself.

None of them looked back, and quickly continued to move forward, disappearing from Su Cheng's sight in a blink of an eye.

When the Snow Emperor saw this, he quickly turned around and followed Qian Renxue into the woods.

Before leaving, she glanced at Su Cheng with a proud and slightly contemptuous look.

After watching for so long, she roughly understood the relationship between the two people and the story that happened.

In his heart, he secretly labeled Su Cheng a series of labels such as poor strength, scheming, and lustful.

At the same time, I thought to myself: "I must find an opportunity to persuade Qian Renxue to stay away from this man. Otherwise, it would be okay to be saddened by a scumbag again. If my great future is delayed because of this, it will be too late to regret it." "

What's more, she herself has to rely on this unprecedented human genius to help her get rid of the shackles of the Soul Beast Heavenly Tribulation.


Su Cheng stood in the distance silently, staring blankly at the figures that disappeared one after another, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, interrupting his thoughts, "Where is my Poseidon Scepter?"

Su Cheng came back to his senses, glanced at Bo Saixi, who had arrived at an unknown time, and said casually: "In Wuhun City."

"Did you put it in Wuhun City?" Bo Saixi's eyes were slightly suspicious, "You said, if I restrain you now and take you in exchange, given how much Bibi Dong values ​​you, I will Won’t you agree to hand over Poseidon’s scepter?”

"Please." Su Cheng waved his hand lazily.

"..." Bo Saixi looked at him carefully after hearing this. After all, she did not choose to take action, but asked, "What is your relationship with that descendant of the angel family?"

She has been curious about this issue for a long time.

In other words, the main reason why she showed up at this time was to ask about this matter.

Qian Renxue had been guessing about this ever since she landed on Poseidon Island, and the scene just now seemed to have confirmed her thoughts.

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?! Do you think I'm blind? There's obviously a story behind the chat you just had. What, is she your lover?"

"You know it and you still ask."

Seeing Su Cheng's perfunctory attitude, Bo Saixi suddenly felt unhappy.

No matter what happened in the past, the other party at least still respected me very much.

Whether it's cheating or pretending to be stupid, at least I never talk to myself in this tone.

"Give me back the Poseidon Scepter."

"I'll give it to you." Seeing that she was obsessed with that thing, Su Cheng was a little impatient, "But it's really not with me now. When I return to Wuhun City, I will bring that broken stick back to you. "

In a few months, when the power is completely integrated, his strength will break through to the level of a second-level god. At that time, let alone the arrival of the different gods, even if the Poseidon himself comes in person, even if he is not an opponent, there should be no problem if he wants to save his life.

What's more, with his strength, even if Bo Saixi really wanted to sway someone, it would be difficult to do so.

Sacrifice also takes time, and this time is enough for him to interrupt the process of summoning the gods thousands of times.


After hearing Su Cheng's indifferent answer, Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment.

I didn't feel happy about it, but felt a little bit disappointed.

In the past, the other party was obviously very concerned about matters related to Poseidon.

"How come you suddenly become so talkative?"

"It's hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words. Someone has to devote his life to guarding that empty and insubstantial temple. What can I do?"

Bo Saixi's eyes flickered, but she wasn't angry because of his words. Maybe she was used to it.

"You are very arrogant now."

"I've always been so arrogant."

"This is my territory. You are no longer as strong as before. If you still talk like that, I will kick you out."

"Otherwise you just kill me directly, otherwise I will definitely not leave." Su Cheng glanced at the other person and responded casually.

Bo Saixi didn't say anything after hearing this, she just raised her eyebrows and looked him up and down.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Cheng was actually in no mood to make jokes with Bo Saixi here.

The result of the brief exchange with Qian Renxue just now was not very optimistic, and the other party's attitude was very firm.

In this case, he has not thought of a good countermeasure for what to say or do next.

"That little girl, is that important to you? I have never seen you so impatient before."

"Really? I'm not in a hurry."

"You're in a hurry."


Su Cheng was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Okay, it's a bit urgent. She is very important to me, so I have to take her back no matter what this time."

"You mean, are you going to stay here and waste time with her?"

"That's the idea."

"Then you'd better treat me with a little more respect."

"..." Su Cheng didn't say anything, he just looked at her with a strange look in his eyes.

The implication is obvious: "What can you do to me?"

But Bo Saixi asked casually as if nothing had happened: "The Pope of Wuhun Palace is Bibi Dong now, right? I don't know how Qian Renxue, the authentic successor of Seraphim in Wuhun Palace, gets along with the real Pope. How about it. But I guess she definitely doesn’t know the relationship between you and Bibi Dong..."

Listening to her hesitant words and meaningful eyes, Su Cheng's expression changed slightly.

It's not surprising that Bo Saixi can guess that she and Bibi Dong have a close relationship.

She herself still has the memory of that simulation world, and it is not difficult to deduce that Bibi Dong may have had a similar situation.

In that simulation, the story between Su Cheng and Bibi Dong was quite extraordinary.

It just so happens that Su Cheng now belongs to the Wuhundian camp. Based on this analysis, it seems reasonable that the two of them have some other relationship in reality.

But that's not what Su Cheng is worried about.

The relationship between himself and Bibi Dong was innocent, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The problem lies with Qian Renxue.

Originally, because of Zhu Zhuqing's incident, there was already an extremely serious crisis of trust between her and herself.

If she heard Bo Saixi casually say a few gossips again, who knows if she would think more deeply about it.

The current situation is already troublesome enough, and Su Chengcheng doesn't want to add any more twists and turns.

"Okay, okay, you win. Dear High Priest of Poseidon Island, I wonder if you can let me stay in Guibao for a while? Do you need me to do anything for you?"

"There's nothing you need to do for now. You'd better recover from your injuries first."

The corners of Bo Saixi's mouth slightly raised, and a proud smile appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

Over the past two years, the faint clouds that have shrouded my heart and the complex emotions that have always been difficult to calm down seem to have suddenly broadened a lot.

The whole person seemed to have become much younger, and the bright red robe and dress suddenly seemed lively.

At this time, she turned her head and glanced in the direction of the woods, "I see that the little girl is very wary of me. She keeps staring here, for fear that I will do something bad to you. Have you mentioned anything about me to her? ?”

"She knows you've brought me here before."


Hearing what Su Cheng said, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Bo Saixi's face.

The trip to leave Poseidon Island for the mainland was not only a useless effort, but was also fooled around by this "apprentice". It was obviously not a good memory.

The other party's decisive words when he left are still unforgettable to her.

"Come with me." After a long silence, Bo Saixi said.

"Where are I going with you?"

"You don't need to ask any more questions. Why, don't you want to just stay here?"

"Otherwise? Wait..."

Su Cheng looked at her, then glanced towards the core forbidden area on the island, "Are you planning to let me go to the Shenshan Mountain with you?"

It seemed that Bo Saixi, as the high priest, did not need to personally take him to other places on Poseidon Island.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng's eyes looked a little weird, and then he chuckled knowingly.

"Why are you laughing?" Bo Saixi frowned upon seeing this, feeling displeased with his reaction.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something funny."

It seems that the mentality of the high priest in front of him has changed a lot from the past.

Even a holy place like Poseidon Mountain didn't mind that an "outsider" like herself followed her there. What on earth did she want to do?


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