Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 311 At the foot of Poseidon Mountain, at the top of Poseidon Mountain

At the foot of Poseidon Mountain, in front of the circular island. new

Qian Renxue, dressed in black, stood silently, and she was the only one.

As for the other figure, he disappeared without knowing when.

The tall and graceful figure is like a statue carefully carved by an artist, flawless but lifeless.

She silently looked at the Poseidon Mountain not far ahead, but her mind was not focused on the silently flickering Poseidon's light.

From the time she faced Su Cheng, to her touching his body, and then noticing the remaining injuries, to the following conversation...

All the pictures and words were slowly replayed in her mind frame by frame...

No one wants to share their love with anyone else.

Even she herself has a grudge against the existence of another soul, let alone outsiders like Zhu Zhuqing.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, it was even more ridiculous.

Not only is it ridiculous, it’s also shameless!

How could she dare to do this even though she knew her relationship with Su Cheng? What was her confidence?

What kind of mentality did she have that forced her to get between herself and Su Cheng?

Unless her approach has another purpose...

Su Cheng, you are obviously not stupid, why can't you understand this?

Why do you still have to be stupid about this kind of thing?

When will you understand that apart from me, there will be no other person in this world who can treat you sincerely without asking for anything in return...

At the same time, not far behind Qian Renxue, the Snow Emperor was also watching her silently, his eyes flashing with color.

Before today, she had never seen Qian Renxue in black clothes with silver hair and silver eyes.

Looking at the other party's tall back, a hint of enlightenment suddenly arose in the Snow Emperor's heart.

If Qian Renxue, who was fighting against him that day, was in such a state, then neither he nor Bing'er would be able to survive.

That kind of chilling and solemn majesty is really too strong.


Xuedi opened his mouth in thought. After thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to speak. Finally, he could only ask dryly and softly: "Are you okay?"

Qian Renxue turned around when she heard the voice, raised her eyes and looked up and down at the stunning beauty in a plain white dress, her eyes thoughtful.

She naturally knew the origin of this soul beast.

She and the first personality have two souls, with independent will but no distinction between each other. She naturally sees all those experiences.

But compared to the other soul, her character is much more gloomy and cruel.

When you are in a bad mood, it is easy to lose control of your emotions and act recklessly, so you never show up.

She didn't bother to show up.

He was even more indifferent to the existence of Snow Emperor.

For most of the past year, she had been silently studying the techniques and getting a little familiar with how to use the power of the sun.

But after meeting Su Cheng today, although she was still in a bad mood, she was no longer as lifeless as before.

No matter whether the emotion is sadness or anger, it is still active after all.

"...Are you asking me or her?"

After a long while, Qian Renxue spoke calmly, her voice extremely cold.

"If it's her, that guy is hiding and crying and has no time to pay attention to you."


The Snow Emperor looked slightly shocked when he heard this.

She was confused.

In other words, she didn't understand Qian Renxue's bizarre existence form from the beginning.

Half a moment ago, she had been surprised for a while when she saw the other person transform into two people who looked exactly the same but had completely different temperaments.

But if they are really different people, why are they so consistent when facing that guy?

"What is the relationship between that man just now... and 'you'?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Qian Renxue frowned, "This is not something you should worry about."

"..." The Snow Emperor paused for a moment, then remembered the "spare soul ring" the other party used just now, and the anger in his heart was finally a little uncontrollable, and his voice became much calmer and more majestic.

"I follow you not because I am greedy for life and afraid of death. You should give me the minimum respect. Even if you are stronger than me, you may not be able to defeat me in a life-and-death duel."

"……I see."

Qian Renxue looked at the Snow Emperor and nodded slowly, "The pride of a king? Very good."

Upon hearing this, the Snow Emperor raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes became clearer and brighter.

Regardless of strength or will, she has never been weak.

After hundreds of thousands of years of hard training to cope with the catastrophe, she sharpened her mind in a boring life. On the far north ice field, she also commanded countless soul beasts and was honored as "Snow Emperor" by many powerful people.

The Qian Renxue in front of her was indeed very strong, and her strength and demeanor were unparalleled. She was qualified to be called "Lord" by herself.

But she is not a slave, but a follower, and she is definitely not someone to be humiliated at will.

She must make this matter clear to the other party.


The smile that appeared on the corner of Snow Emperor's mouth quickly solidified.

I saw Qian Renxue in front of me, holding a broad-edged long sword tightly in her hand, with a silent silver flame burning on it.

Different from the brilliant and blazing golden flame used by the blond Qian Renxue before, this silver flame obviously does not have any temperature leakage, but it seems to be able to freeze the mind and burn the soul, giving people a great threat.

This kind of shocking power made the Snow Emperor, who was the incarnation of ice and snow and the Empress of the Far North, feel chills in her heart.

"Put away your pride, this kind of thing is not worth mentioning in front of me."

Qian Renxue's cold eyes still contained a hint of disgust.

The look in the soul beast's eyes in front of her inexplicably reminded her of that little girl Zhu Zhuqing.

The same ignorance, the same unfounded pride.

Little do they know that this kind of self-righteous pride is simply fragile in the face of real strength.


Looking at Qian Renxue with murderous intent in his eyes, the Snow Emperor's expression changed several times.

The hands behind his back clenched and unclenched, his powerful aura fluctuated, and the extremely powerful Snow Emperor's three skills were ready to go...

next moment--

"Okay, it's okay."

As the sword disappeared from Qian Renxue's hand, her waist-length silver hair was dyed golden again, and her eyes once again had a golden halo.

The Snow Emperor was stunned when he saw this, and then he put away the surging Qi in his body.

The familiar Qian Renxue is back again.

Although he is also not easy to get along with, he is much better than the person who just drew his sword immediately after a disagreement.

I have to say that many times it is only after comparison that people can appreciate what they see before them more.

"That one just now was..."

Emperor Xue opened his mouth and asked anyway.

Although the best choice now is to give up as soon as possible, otherwise if Qian Renxue is angered again and the scene from a moment ago is repeated, there will be no more steps to go down. I am afraid that a fight will have to happen, and maybe even It's possible to get killed.

But the other party's state was so weird and mysterious that she couldn't hold back her curiosity.

What's more, the situation of this "Lord" is very likely to affect her own future, so she can't help but care.

Fortunately, Qian Renxue didn't care about it and just said calmly: "She is another me."

"Another...second personality?"

"Well, you can say that, but in fact it's not that simple. There is no priority between the two of us, and it's not just as simple as 'personality'. We are both complete individuals."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes and remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

The Snow Emperor was too sensible and did not continue to ask any more questions, but just thought secretly in his heart.

Is the reason why Qian Renxue is so powerful now related to this special state?

She had heard of twin martial spirits, and she also knew about split personality, but she had never seen one person transform into two complete individuals.


Two souls, two consciousnesses, even two bodies.

Moreover, they have the same powerful strength, the same terrifying talents, completely different attributes, and independent thoughts and wills.

I just don’t know whether this special twin state in Qian Renxue is born like this, or is it the result of some accident or chance, or does it have a unique way of practicing?

After all, normally speaking, if there are two souls living in one body, it is obviously similar to a mental illness. No matter how you look at it, there is no reason for this state to exist healthily.

Even if a temporary harmony can be maintained, conflicts will inevitably arise between them over time. What's more, these two wills have extremely strong personalities and different temperaments. There is no reason for one of them to compromise weakly without a bottom line.

To take a step back, even if there are no big conflicts, there is no reason to be so stable. At least there will be a certain degree of internal friction.

It is clear that one person's power is bright and pure, while the other person's power is dark and profound. Not to mention that they are in opposition to each other and restrain each other, they are definitely not complementary to each other.

But the power between the two of them seems to be able to transform and borrow from each other, which is quite weird.

Therefore, Snow Emperor guessed that the other party might have some special skills to maintain a stable situation, and even used this to go one step further, perfectly demonstrating the powerful talents of the two.

So if this is really the case, can I use this method to improve myself...

Looking at Qian Renxue who was in a daze in front of him, the Snow Emperor couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

What method did that damn guy use to confuse the person in front of him?

At the same time, it's a little hard to understand, how could someone like Qian Renxue fall so completely in love with a philandering scumbag?

Even though he knew that the other party was half-hearted, he was still reluctant to let go.

It's not that she doesn't know that human beings have rich emotions, especially when it comes to love.

But she doesn't think this kind of emotional problem can trouble someone like Qian Renxue.

"It seems like there's no point in trying to persuade her to turn back. How about finding an opportunity to take action against that scumbag? His strength is nothing to worry about, but we have to find a way to avoid Qian Renxue's perception first..."

The Snow Emperor was very hostile to Su Cheng.

Neither Qian Renxue nor Su Cheng had expected this at all.

After all, on the surface, there was just a slight quarrel between the Snow Emperor and Su Cheng. In the subsequent battle, the person who suffered the loss was not the Snow Emperor. No matter how you look at it, it's not her turn to be angry.

But in fact, the Snow Emperor really didn't care much about the slight offense caused by his words.

You can give her a slight punishment, or you can directly expose her, it all depends on her mood at the time.

Although Su Cheng's attitude at first made her a little unhappy, it didn't cause her to have other thoughts.

The key reason actually lies with Qian Renxue.

Snow Emperor now attaches great importance to his "lord" and almost completely regards the other party as his hope for the future.

Although this description may not be appropriate.

But to the current Snow Emperor, the significance of Qian Renxue's existence is not far different from that of Tang San to Yu Xiaogang.

"It's really a nice view."

Standing on the top of Poseidon Mountain, Su Cheng looked around and admired from the bottom of his heart.

Although in the last simulated world, he had climbed this holy mountain and personally destroyed the Poseidon Temple on the top of the mountain, as well as the artifact Poseidon Trident in the temple.

But at that time, he had no time to look at the scenery here.

All I can think about is seizing every minute and every second to complete the final task.

Looking again at this time, I also noticed many sights that I had not noticed before.

The area of ​​Poseidon Island is not large, and Poseidon Mountain is not very high. At least it is far behind compared to Wuhun Mountain Range.

But overlooking the small Poseidon Island is more than enough.

The layout of this island is also extremely unique.

Seven holy pillars stand tall and straight across the island. There are different statues on the top of each holy pillar, depicting the images and charms of sea dragons, sea horses, sea witches and many other sea soul beasts, which look lifelike.

Dense forests surround Poseidon Mountain in regular patterns, shrouded in a layer of mysterious energy. Viewed from above, mixed with the humid air, it looks quite foggy.

The thousands of miles of blue waves outside the island make the whole picture infinitely wider, and the senses in this aspect are much better than Wuhun City.

There, you can't see this endless scene.

"What a beautiful view?" Bo Saixi raised the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were very dull, and she did not feel any joy because of this compliment. "If you have been watching this place for decades, I'm afraid you won't think so. .”

Su Cheng was stunned.

Bo Saixi looked into the distance, her eyes blank, as if she was lost in memories.

Her tone was slightly sad, "I can't remember exactly how many years it was. I just stood here and watched. Watching the old friends of the older generation passing away one by one, and the new generation of young people constantly emerging. As time goes by, I've become numb myself. Except for a few old friends, everyone else seems to have turned into a string of numbers."

Su Cheng looked sideways at the supreme leader of Poseidon Island, who was also the most powerful person standing at the top of the world's pyramids.

She obviously still looks so young.

The appearance is exquisite and beautiful, and the skin is smooth and white.

When the mountain wind whistled by, her robe was blowing, and her curvy figure was still proud.

But in fact, she has lived for more than a hundred years.

"In that case, why are you so persistent? No one can force you to do anything. Don't you also have the memories of those experiences? You can choose your own future."

"Really? I don't think so." Bo Saixi turned to look at Su Cheng, her eyes a little complicated.

"Su Cheng, do you think I'm stupid and hopeless? You've obviously given me a chance and you've always done it for my own good, but I don't appreciate it?

“But you don’t understand how easy it is to let go of many things.

“Ever since I awakened my martial spirit, I have been working hard to one day be able to serve the God of the Sea.

"When I reached the top eight exams, it was the happiest and most glorious moment in my life. From that day on, I was destined to become the next high priest of Poseidon Island.

"Tell me, how could I leave behind the glory of Poseidon's messenger and deny my past?"

"..." Su Cheng's expression changed slightly, he shook his head and sighed softly: "High Priest, you are wrong."


Seeing that Bo Saixi was in a daze, he continued to explain: "I have never said that I am good for you, and I have no idea of ​​​​forcing you to make any changes. What I hate most is to impose my own knowledge on others.

"If you think about it, if I hadn't been kidnapped here by you and forced to take the divine test, would I have taken the initiative to come to Poseidon Island to provoke you?

"In fact, it is you who have been speculating on me from your personal perspective. Maybe it is because of vigilance, or maybe because of your own strong belief that you want to nip it in the bud. You may even think it is for my own good. , and chose to take the initiative.

"But is it reasonable to attack me because of things that haven't happened yet?"

Having said this, Su Cheng took a deep breath and looked much more serious.

"As for those memories, they are just a dream, both to you and to me.

"In reality, I have never done anything detrimental to Poseidon Island before, and I have no thoughts in this regard for the time being.

"Even if we really want to be enemies in the future, it will be because of the conflict between the camps and we have to be enemies with each other, but it is definitely not for people to find their way back. Those things are all personal choices and have nothing to do with me.

"Of course, in this world, strength speaks for itself, and principles are the most useless things. Everyone has their own reasons, but in the end, having a big fist is the last word.

"I am not saying this to defend myself, I just want to tell you my position."

After hearing these words, Bo Saixi couldn't help but remain silent, with some bitterness in her eyes.

I really did something stupid.

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