Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 312 The Son of Destiny (It’s the end of the month, please vote)

Standing on the edge of the mountain, Bo Saixi was speechless. new

The memory of the dream and the truth of reality were intertwined, making her thoughts a little confused.

Or maybe there was no dream at all.

That's just another possibility of happening in another world, who knows.

After sitting in this temple on the top of the mountain for many years, what did I want to understand?

The occurrence of many things is not caused by a single factor, but by the superposition of positions, cognitions, concepts, emotions and other situations, which contributes to the final choice.

After a long time, Bo Saixi spoke again and whispered: "I'm sorry for what happened two years ago."

"It's okay, it's understandable."

Su Cheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would apologize for that matter.

At that time, of course he was extremely unhappy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have drawn his sword and struck with all his strength as soon as he broke through, snatched away the opponent's Poseidon Scepter, and said those words.

But time has changed, and Su Cheng doesn't actually care much anymore.

When a person's strength and confidence far exceed his original realm, his vision will naturally be different from the past, and he can easily let go of many things.

"But to be honest, your actions really surprised me. In fact, I had a similar conflict with Bibi Dong earlier, and there was some potential hostility and threat. You didn't know much about her character at that time. Pope Bibi Dong is quite crazy and extreme.

"But even though she was like that, she didn't take action against me directly because of some illusory possibility. At best, she was just wary."

Bo Saixi was a little surprised.

Su Cheng is much younger in reality. Pushing forward a few years, I'm afraid he would only be in his teens.

If it wasn't for that dream, how did he and Bibi Dong get involved?

No matter how you think about it, the Pope of Wuhun Palace with extraordinary strength and high status would not be wary of a child.

Bo Saixi blinked and asked tentatively: "Then what's going on between you and Bibi Dong now..."

"It's not easy to tell you the details about her and me."

Su Cheng smiled and waved his hand, refusing to answer the question, and said instead: "By the way, if you make up your mind one day and want to change your way of life and want to live for yourself, then tell me, I might I can help."

Having said this, he turned his head and stared into the other party's clear blue eyes, "After all, you are not too old, and you still have plenty of time to waste."

Bo Saixi's cheeks turned red and she said angrily, "You are such a young kid, you just like to talk nonsense."

Su Cheng curled his lips and refused to comment on her rebuke.

"Speaking of which, the celebration ceremony at the Poseidon Island market is about to begin, right? Do you want to go and have a look then?"

"Poseidon Celebration?"

Bo Saixi was startled when he heard this.

She didn't even remember this incident.

Nominally, such a celebration was held to thank Poseidon for his protection, but it was actually more like an entertainment program and folk tradition.

It does not have any official nature, and there is no need for her, the high priest, to preside over it.

On the other hand, those Holy Pillar Douluo often attend and participate.

The last time I participated was how many years ago...

"You take your time and think about it."

Su Cheng glanced at her, then turned around with a smile and walked down the mountain.

"Where are you going?"

"I'd better go live in Haenyeo City. It's too high here and I can't stand it."

"...Is it too high?"

Watching his back gradually walking away, Bo Saixi pursed her lips and looked back at Poseidon Island down the mountain.

As an envoy of Poseidon, his only duty is to serve Poseidon wholeheartedly and protect Poseidon's people. There is no need to go into the world in person.

On the contrary, in that profound dream memory, his "apprentice" used all kinds of sweet words to "lure" her to the foot of the mountain.

But it turns out that the other party actually had an ulterior motive for doing that.

But now, a similar choice is before me again, how should I choose?

At night, in an ordinary house in Haenyeo City, Su Cheng quietly sat cross-legged on a clean bed.

Including Sea Dragon City, which has the largest population, none of the seven holy cities on Poseidon Island are fully occupied, and there are many vacant rooms.

With Bo Saixi's approval, it is not difficult to move in.

As for Poseidon Mountain, he definitely couldn't stay for long.

Su Cheng had to always consider Shanxia Qian Renxue's thoughts. If the other party misunderstood and thought too much because of this, it would be more than worth the gain.

However, now that he was ready for a protracted war with Xiaoxue, he really needed a place to stay.

Fortunately, Xiaoxue saw that after he arrived at Poseidon Island, he had no intention of turning around and leaving for the time being. Thinking about it, he was also hesitant, leaving room for mediation in the situation.

So he planned to enter the new simulation directly and take advantage of the opportunity of another world to affect reality to see if there would be other changes.

Of course, if it's not possible, there's no need to force it. In reality, there will always be other solutions.

In contrast, completing the simulation task is the most critical.

After all, Su Cheng himself is not sure what variables will appear in this simulation and how it will be different from the past.

There was only one thing he understood.

Whether it is his own future or the future fate of the members of the Wuhun Palace who are closely related to him, it is firmly tied to him alone.

Never delay more important events because of temporary emotional conflicts.

After everything was ready, as the energy circulated, the familiar light blue panel finally unfolded in front of him again.

[The villain life simulator is starting...]

[Please select the final mission goal of this life simulation:]

[1. Kill the descendant of Poseidon and survive successfully. Mission reward: a large amount of original power; difficulty: B]

【2. Kill the descendant of Shura God and survive successfully. Mission reward: full attribute divine power sample; difficulty: A]

【3. Kill the Poseidon himself. Mission reward: Enhanced external soul bone; Difficulty: S]

Looking at this screen of light, Su Cheng's heart moved slightly, but he did not make a choice or other action immediately.

Instead, he thought silently for a moment and analyzed the hidden information.

Immediately, he calmed down and mobilized the true power in his body with all his heart, then gathered it all and struck towards the original power hidden deep in his blood.

Just after his power touched the original power, the originally condensed energy group suddenly fluctuated, and the flexible surface began to form traces of being torn apart.

Obviously, the current level of true power is so high that it can shake the powerful source power.

Compared with the fusion state of innate power, the transformed power in Su Cheng's body has undergone tremendous changes in its fundamental nature.

At the same time, the panel in front of him gradually became obviously unstable as he moved, turning into a blurry afterimage.

Seeing that it was effective, Su Cheng immediately began to increase his intensity, squeezing his body's potential with all his strength, forcing more of his true power to condense into a sharp sword shadow, and mobilized to attack one place.

This kind of powerful collision that occurred inside his body, even deep in his blood, made him uncomfortable. His face turned pale, and subtle signs of fragmentation began to appear on his internal organs.

Fortunately, the true power and the physical body are integrated, and they can easily blend and separate from each other.

This characteristic greatly cushioned the huge pressure he was experiencing in his body at the moment.

Otherwise, even with Su Cheng's current strength of bones and flesh, he might be severely damaged by the aftermath of the continuous collision, making it difficult to continue.

Time passed by minute by second, and half a moment later, the original power was finally completely dissipated by him, and the light curtain in front of him also collapsed. Then it merged again, and a large number of garbled and distorted words flashed in turn...

Not long after, a new prompt appeared.

[Simulator operation error...fixing in progress...]


[Correction completed! 】

As the words "Correction Complete" appeared, the light curtain returned to normal.

Looking at the content on the panel again, there have been huge changes compared to before.

There are no descriptions of mission options, and there are no mission rewards.

Just three lines of extremely simple text.

[Mission·Origin: Find the source of the changes in Douluo Star and establish contact with it. 】

[Task·Reshape: Change the fate of key characters. 】

[Mission·Final Chapter: Change the original pattern of the world. 】

Su Cheng looked at these three tasks carefully, squinted his eyes, and noticed some details.

In "Mission·Origin", the description used is "Find the source of changes in the Douluo Star", but in "Mission·Final Chapter", the description is "Change the pattern of the 'world'".

From this point of view, the "world" pointed to may not be as simple as this continent.

What's more, when he had not fully activated the simulator's energy previously, all S-level tasks were as difficult as killing the Poseidon himself.

Now that all the huge energy is fully activated, how can the mission requirements stop at a mere Douluo planet?

Therefore, the scope of this "world" refers to, I'm afraid...

"Spirit world?"

Su Cheng took a deep breath, all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he calmed down.

This was something that had been expected for a long time. He didn't feel too much nervousness and fear, but instead felt a little faintly excited.

Higher and farther scenery, more terrifying enemies, this is so interesting.

As for whether the mission rewards are displayed or not, it actually doesn't matter.

He didn't feel that the new round of simulation that he finally formed after activating all the power of the simulator at once would be any worse.

Of course, what he will get depends on how he plans to complete this simulated world mission.

Soon, the task interface disappeared and a new panel prompt appeared.

[Initial talents: True Physique (re-engraved), Locus Magic Eye (semi-sealed), Bloodline Purification (Insufficient Awakening Energy)]

Similar to the mission display, in terms of initial talents, this time there was no room for him to choose.

Instead, three talents were given directly, two of which seemed to be unable to be realized immediately. Only the first one, "Real Physique (Reproduction)", was complete.

The effect seems very intuitive, it should be to copy his real body state into the simulated world.

This alone can be called Tianhu's start.

But correspondingly, it also reflects that the difficulty of this simulation is far greater than before.

It's not that Su Cheng thinks too highly of himself.

With his current physical fitness, he can definitely be called a crushing fault talent in Douluo Continent.

Even with all the accumulation, if he starts from scratch, his innate power can be integrated, but there is absolutely no way to achieve true power.

It can be said that the formation of this extremely special power relies on the convergence of many opportunities to take shape.

The deep foundation of innate power, the tempering of Qian Renxue's sun fire, and the cultivation of Bibi Dong's special soul power, these conditions are indispensable.

In other words, at least with similar conditions and environment, he had the opportunity to reproduce it.

However, with the power of the sun and the energy level of the water soul core, where can we find similar energy?

Su Cheng even suspected that if the energy were not sufficient this time, even in the simulated world, the simulator would not be able to replicate his current special state.

After the content display of the initial talent disappears, a new panel appears.

This time I finally had a chance to choose.

[Optional initial bloodline: None, Elemental Affinity, Dragon God Bloodline, Melee Intuition, Natural Sword Type]


Looking at the five options in front of him, Su Cheng hesitated.

To be honest, if he only considered the final reward, he would be more inclined to choose "Melee Intuition" or "Natural Sword Type".

This bloodline selection might itself represent one of the potential mission rewards.

Although the name of the last "natural sword type" seems a bit unfriendly and even insulting, it will definitely greatly improve his future combat power.

When it comes to skills, Su Cheng is not much better than others.

Although he also has a few self-created soul skills, they are only inferior. Looking up, among the gods who have lived for an unknown amount of time in the God Realm, none of them have a few special skills.

His own sword skills may be considered top-notch in the world of soul masters, but they are far inferior to those of the beings in the God Realm.

"Dragon God, swordsmanship... and why is this 'nothing' listed among the options alongside other bloodlines..." Su Cheng frowned and thought.

"Does a pure physical body without any bloodline also have unique advantages...or is it that when other bloodlines are mixed in the body, the effects may not be all beneficial? In fact, there are pros and cons? And that talent, bloodline that case..."

[The initial bloodline selected is: Dragon God bloodline. 】

After a long while, Su Cheng finally made his final choice.

This kind of choice cannot only be based on the future. The key is to be able to complete the task of this simulation.

If he has the blood of the Dragon God, it will be easier for him to find allies.

It is definitely the best shortcut to complete "Mission·Origin".

What's more, the Dragon God's bloodline itself is also of great research value.

As an existence that was once the pinnacle of the world, there must be uniqueness in its bloodline.

As for whether or not it will be taken out in the future, and what impact it will have on the actual body, those are just guesses. There is no need to give up eating because of choking.

[Note that everything in the life simulation is a projection of the real world and will also affect the fate of this plane. Please take it seriously. 】

[Attention, there is too much energy left in this simulation. Four spiritual cores have been placed. As the companions of the Son of Destiny, please pay attention to screening. 】

[Note that there is plenty of energy left in this simulation, and an unlimited amount of spiritual seeds have been invested. As a potential child of destiny, please pay attention to screening. 】

[Simulation begins. 】

As the prompt appeared, before Su Cheng could think deeply about the meaning of "spiritual core" and "son of destiny," his consciousness instantly left his physical body and entered another world that seemed to be real.


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