There is no opening text introduction, nor any explanation of the origin of the identity. ♧♚

After his consciousness merged with his body, Su Cheng opened his eyes and took a look at his surroundings.

A hint of surprise flashed across the young face inadvertently.

"What a powerful aura."

At this time, he was in an extremely vast and huge valley.

There was a faint mist all around, and the steep rock wall in the distance seemed to be thousands of meters high.

But what is even more amazing are the countless behemoths covering every corner of the valley.


Dragon beast bloodline, which is extremely difficult to find on Douluo Continent, can be found everywhere here.

Moreover, they are not those hybrid dragons, but real dragons!

However, they are not living creatures, just the remains of real dragons.

These skeletons with different postures are standing or crouching in various poses, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are big, surprisingly big.

Among them, the short ones are tens of meters high, and the larger ones are even more than a hundred meters high.

The powerful aura that Su Cheng felt was emanating from these bones.

To be precise, those breaths are actually hidden inside the keel.

If you look at it from another person, although you can also find that these skeletons are unusual, the energy fluctuations on the surface are not actually strong.

It's only because Su Cheng's perception ability is strong enough and he has a special bloodline that he can sense the strong will and energy deep within that cannot be completely erased by time.

The dragon's bones stand upright, but its power still remains!

At the same time, he also felt that the blood in his body was faintly boiling, as if it was echoing with the entire valley, and there was an inexplicable sadness welling up in his heart.

At this moment, it seemed like the whine and roar of countless giant dragons resounded in my ears.

"Is it the burial place of the Dragon Clan... Sure enough..."

Although he did not expect that after entering the simulated world, he would appear directly in the dragon cemetery, but Su Cheng was not completely unprepared.

He had already guessed.

If the power of the simulator is fully activated this time, there is a high probability that it will touch the existence of those top powers, and the Dragon God lineage is one of them.

Therefore, he had specifically consulted a lot of information about soul beasts, including various records about the history of the continent.

Although there are only fragments of historical data about the Dragon Clan in the collection of books in Wuhun City, and the content is incomplete, it can help him deduce a lot of secrets.

Staring at the countless dragon bones with no end in sight.

In addition to the sorrow and hatred brought by the resonance of blood, Su Cheng was actually mostly surprised.

This place is extremely suitable for cultivation.

His accumulation is enough, and he can reach the god level without needing too many additional resources.

The information contained in this dragon tomb is excellent training material for him.

He even thought to himself, wouldn't it be great if he could continue practicing here until he reaches his upper limit and then choose to leave the mountain?

However, it is estimated that the situation is not that simple.


Su Cheng raised his eyes and looked at the core of the valley.

There, there is a vague call constantly coming, attracting myself, who has the blood of the Dragon God, to explore.

"Is it the dragon soul core of the Dragon God... Perhaps the source of the dragon's power is hidden inside..."

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes, feeling a little excited.

Not because of its power, but because of the desire for the unknown.

He was very curious as to why the legendary Dragon God could be so powerful.

It's obviously the same system, but its strength is much stronger than that of a god-king level being.

Su Cheng had experienced some of the power of Shura's divine power in the Killing City.

In his opinion, Shura's divine power has reached the ultimate level of divine power in terms of characteristics, strength and other aspects.

In this case, why is the Dragon God's power so obviously stronger than Shura's power?

If the particularity of the Dragon God itself is related to his status, then why are his descendants so powerful?

In particular, the Mountain Dragon King lineage can even be transformed into mountains, rivers and earth, which can be regarded as almost a creator-like power.

The secret is probably hidden in the bloodline.

However, although his desire for knowledge was extremely strong, Su Cheng had no intention of going in that direction at this time.

Being so far away, he felt a little uncontrollable.

It is conceivable that if he really gets close, with his current strength, he may not be able to control the situation at all, and it is hard to say what the consequences will be.

After all, what is flowing in Su Cheng's body now is not the incomplete power of the Dragon God, but the complete power of blood.

He rashly went over to check, and whether it caused subsequent changes in his body or caused this small world to lose control, it was not the result he wanted to see.

Of course, you have to go.

but not now.

At least he has to wait until his strength reaches a certain level before he can get close to that side.

It was just a matter of studying the power of blood. He had no intention of transforming into a real dragon.

Compared with the power of the Dragon God, he felt that the true power limit that fully suited his own situation was higher and the future was brighter.

"...It's better to seize the time."

Su Cheng calmed down and quickly looked away and calmed down.

He had clearly felt that with his appearance, the dragon cemetery began to undergo some strange changes.

The free energy in the air becomes more active, and countless sleeping dragon souls are slowly awakening...

And as I continue to practice and stay here longer and longer, the aura of this place will probably become more obvious until it leaks out.

The spatial structure of this small world is already quite unstable, and it is inferior to places like the Poseidon Temple. It is probably only a matter of time before the surviving dragons come to visit.

So it is obviously unrealistic to want to stay here until Invincible comes out.

And even if Su Cheng was given enough time, he wouldn't be able to achieve "invincibility" at all.

Even in reality, he has just gained the strength of a second-level god. Even with the power of the Dragon God, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through to the level of a god king.

Therefore, regardless of threats from external factors or for his own initiative, he cannot stay here for too long.

After roughly understanding the environment he was in and confirming that he was the only one here, Su Cheng felt relieved and began to feel the current condition of his body.

This body is not strong.

Compared with reality, the gap is too big, and it is only about the strength of the Soul Sect.

But for a child who is only six years old and has not yet awakened his martial soul, this kind of strength is terrifying.

That's right, Su Cheng at this moment is a boy who has just turned six years old.

He looked down at his white and delicate hands, as well as his much smaller torso and limbs, and shook his head helplessly.

Although such a situation made him laugh a little, it was not too surprising.

It's not that easy to replicate his physique in reality.

Even the reproduction is not complete.

Perhaps it was because the level of the sun's fire was too high, or perhaps it was to prevent his weak body's meridians from being scorched by the flames.

The trace amount of solar fire that had remained in his body in the past did not appear in this body.

But in other aspects, it is indeed exactly the same as myself in reality.

He could even feel the existence of the seventh soul ring.

As long as he activates his martial soul, he can regain the precious soul ring containing the original power.

"Before practicing, you must first think about how to complete the task."

Su Cheng pressed his forehead and sat down on the ground to meditate.

"There is no need to think too much about the task of 'Final Chapter' for the time being. 'Origin' and 'Reshape' need to be carefully considered. It is not just a matter of completion method, there are too few task descriptions, but also the degree of completion needs to be carefully considered."

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

The way of entering the world this time is completely different from the past few times.

In previous simulations, he had a fixed background bloodline, a real identity and related blood relatives.

Whether it was the biological father "Wufengjian" Su Shan who never appeared in the first simulation, the Xingluo Su family behind the second simulation, or the surviving son of the people outside Poseidon Island last time, at least they were reproduced normally. of.

But this time it was completely different.

He was six years old when the body appeared, like a character made up out of thin air.

Identity and background are not important.

The key is that if you can make good use of this, you may be able to make a fuss on this basis.

Also, when entering this world, what do the "child of accompanying destiny" and "child of potential destiny" in the prompt mean? Who exactly are you referring to?

If you say that the real child of destiny in this simulated world is you, then you are right.

Based on this, it can be inferred that the so-called "sons of destiny" should be certain people who can play an important role in the subsequent mission process.

Not only that, the "key figures" mentioned in "Mission·Reshape" may also include these "sons of destiny".

But four seems to be a bit too many people.

Candidates who can be called "key figures" must at least have the ability or potential to influence the situation on the mainland and even the future of the mainland, right?

But where are there so many top-qualified talents in Douluo Continent today?

If the current timeline of the outside world is not much different from reality, then Xiaoxue should be one of them.

Bibi Dong, who also has the talent to become a god, also has a good chance of becoming a god.

What's more, as the Pope of Wuhun Temple, the latter also has the ambition to unify the continent and become emperor. If he succeeds, he can be said to have an impact on the future.

But apart from them, who are the remaining two?

The Silver Dragon King hiding in the Star Forest? Or even people from other planets or even the gods? After all, the simple description of this mission does not limit the scope to Douluo Planet.

It can't possibly be a member of the Shrek Seven Devils headed by Tang San, right? Those are all class enemies.

And if they had not benefited from the help of the fairy grass, those few people themselves would not have the qualifications to become gods.

After thinking for a long time to no avail, Su Cheng shook his head and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​studying the specific list of Destiny's Children.

It doesn't make much sense to think about these things now.

He didn't even know what year Jin Xi was, and he could only roughly guess what the criteria for selecting a so-called "son of destiny" were, and how to make a judgment.

It doesn't matter if you don't think about it, it's troublesome if you think about it wrong.

However, Su Cheng didn't know at this moment that at the moment he appeared in the small world of Dragon Valley, extremely subtle changes seemed to have taken place in the Douluo Continent outside.

Tiandou Palace.

The eldest prince Xue Qinghe, who had just returned from Qibao Glazed Sect, was walking towards the study accompanied by his personal guards.

At this time, a flash of blazing white light suddenly flashed in his eyes, but disappeared again in an instant.

If the guard beside him noticed something, he glanced at him in surprise, "Young Master, what happened?"

"You feel it too?"

When Xue Qinghe heard this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and then he was sure that it was not his imagination.

"It seems like a kind of mental wave flashed through you. It was very weak, but very scary."

Snake Spear Douluo's expression was somewhat solemn and nervous.

Just now, an astonishing majesty suddenly emerged from his young master's body, as if a god had descended into the world, which made him feel dazed.

But that fluctuation is only momentary.

The speed was so fast that he almost thought he had just had some kind of hallucination.

"I don't know either." Xue Qinghe frowned and shook his head in confusion, "I seem to have forgotten something extremely important. But when I thought about it more carefully, I found that I had not forgotten anything."

"Do you need to send a message to the great worshiper and ask?"

Snake Spear Douluo asked quickly, worried that there was something wrong with the other person's health.

Xue Qinghe thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"No, it should be nothing serious. I'll just check it myself. Don't bother grandpa now."

Star Luo Empire, Netherworld Duke's Mansion.

Zhu Zhuyun rarely had time to return home from the academy.

After greeting her parents, she immediately found the little sister at home.

Looking at the sister he loved most, Zhu Zhuyun's face was very gentle.

She asked softly: "Xiao Qing, you will awaken your martial spirit in less than a year. How are you preparing?"

"Already ready." The young Zhu Zhuqing nodded, with a bright smile on his beautiful young face.

"So confident?"

"Yeah! I will definitely have a higher innate soul power level than my sister."

This was a strong intuition that suddenly emerged from her.

I will definitely be able to awaken a powerful martial spirit that will amaze everyone!

Although she didn't understand where this inexplicable confidence came from, she was convinced of it.

"Really? Come on, Xiaoqing, my sister's innate soul power level is close to level eight."

When Zhu Zhuyun heard this, he gently stroked Zhu Zhuqing's soft black hair, with a hint of complex emotions in his eyes.

I hope your martial arts talent will never be too good.

Because in that case, we would never be able to get along like we do now.

When that time comes, I won't show any mercy.

At the junction of the two empires, Wuhun City, the holy land of the soul master world, stands on the Wuhun Mountains that stretch thousands of miles.

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong, who was working on documents at his desk, felt inexplicably drowsy for a moment.

She subconsciously raised her head, and her eyes seemed to be instantly brightened, becoming transparent and spotless.

The cold and crazy energy that was originally hidden deep in his eyes seemed to have dissipated.

Bibi Dong closed her eyes, exhaled deeply, and felt relieved.

Since starting the Rakshasa Divine Examination, the mental pressure that had never stopped has suddenly eased a lot.

She could feel that there were some changes deep in her soul that she couldn't understand.

But she couldn't figure out what was going on there.

With Bibi Dong's strength, she can naturally use the power of soul.

But it is just for use, not for controlling one's own soul.

Regarding the internal changes in her soul, she couldn't investigate deeply, otherwise she wouldn't have been tortured to death by the Rakshasa test for many years.

Located in a hidden mountain range in the hinterland of the Tiandou Empire, a huge waterfall poured down from a high mountain top into a pool below.

Very few people know that there is a cave hidden behind this waterfall.

It was pitch black inside the cave.

There is only a small hole in the deepest sky, from which a small amount of sunlight shines on a gently swaying blue and silver grass with golden patterns.

Suddenly, a faint light flashed across the grass blades, and a soft and illusory figure of a woman suddenly appeared.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around blankly, feeling as if she was in another world.

"Why did I come back here...Su Cheng..."

But before she could think about it for too long, she quickly fell silent.

Her body was too weak to support her soul's awakening for too long.

As she woke up and fell asleep again, the entire cave seemed to undergo some wonderful changes in the process.

A large amount of thick soul power with special properties began to gather from the depths of the ground, and then continued to merge into the tiny blue silver grass.

The color of the grass blades is also slowly changing at a speed that is difficult to discern with the naked eye...

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