The deepest part of the Star Forest was shrouded in thick fog. ♦♛

If an outsider walks into it, not only will they lose all sense of direction, but they will also be unable to release any mental power.

Because of this, even the few hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts that live in this soul beast forest and dominate it have never really set foot in it.

Their innate survival instinct makes them subconsciously avoid this thick fog - unlike humans, they have a strong curiosity and desire to explore unknown things.

However, if someone can successfully break through the thick fog barrier and go inside, they will find a completely different world.

In the center of the small world, there is a small lake. The water is as clear as a blue crystal, and a strong breath of life ripples in the lake.

At this time, a tall man was standing on the shore.

Wearing a black robe, he looked to be in his forties, with a handsome and resolute appearance, and a strand of blond hair hanging on one side of his forehead.

The man seemed to have just woken up, looking slightly lazy, but his eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if he was a little confused and confused.

"Di Tian, ​​do you feel it too?"

Suddenly, a majestic and cold female voice sounded in his mind.

Although the voice is slightly deep, it sounds extremely pleasant and magnetic.


The man known as "Emperor Tian" suddenly raised his head, no longer confused and sleepy as before, and his face was full of surprise and ecstasy.

However, amid the surprise, there was also a hint of worry.

"Are you awake?" He asked in a deep voice after calming down a little.

"Well, I feel the breath of my tribe, and there are more than one. They are calling me."

When the word "tribesman" was mentioned, there seemed to be some subtle fluctuations in the woman's voice that were difficult to detect.

Di Tian nodded when he heard this, "It seems that it was not an illusion before. I feel the same way."

"Then get ready and find that space as soon as possible. I've been waiting for too long."

"Is your injury okay?"

"It doesn't matter. If we can successfully find the dragon cemetery this time, it will be worth it even if we end the retreat early."

"But over there in the God Realm..."

Di Tian opened his mouth without hesitating to speak, with some worries in his eyes.

Hearing this, the majestic voice could not help but remain silent for a moment.

Obviously, compared to the "injury" mentioned by Di Tian, ​​the existence of the God Realm made this person more afraid.

After a while, she spoke again and said: "The guys in the God Realm are indeed in some trouble. Use that bug. If you act fast enough, you should be able to do it in time."

"You mean Tianmeng Iceworm?" Ditian was stunned.

"That's right, that guy's mental power is extremely deep and can form a very strong mental barrier in a short period of time. Although it's a pity, compared to the benefits, it is undoubtedly worth it."

The woman's voice was as calm as ever, but what she said was extremely cruel and chilling.

After hearing this, Di Tian's expression changed slightly and he seemed a little hesitant.

Although the other party did not say it clearly, the meaning behind his words was too obvious - at the expense of sacrificing the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm, to prevent the God Realm from noticing his actions.

This approach made him a little intolerable.

As a former god and the leader of the black dragon clan, he is now the fierce beast king whose strength is second only to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Although Di Tian had spent an extremely long time as a dragon and usually showed others a majestic and cold face, he was never a truly cold-blooded person.

The "Tianmeng Ice Silkworm" that the two people call is a spiritual soul beast. Due to some special opportunities, its cultivation has reached a level close to a million years.

It's just that the guy himself has almost no fighting ability at all, so he was caught by a group of ferocious beasts hidden in the Star Dou Forest and used as a tonic, absorbing and devouring his cultivation to help accelerate his own growth.

If you really want to say it, that insect is actually just food for the many ferocious beasts living here to improve their cultivation.

But after getting along with him for such a long time, Ditian subconsciously regarded Tianmeng Bingsi as one of the members of the team.

"My lord..." He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to remonstrate.

"If you have any concerns, just say so."

"Is there any other way to hide it from the perception of the God Realm?"

The woman did not answer his question immediately, but asked: "Ditian, have you ever thought about one thing? The leakage of the dragon's tomb's aura may not occur naturally?"

"You mean, someone broke into my clan's burial ground?!"

The golden light in Di Tian's eyes flashed, and his expression was no longer as calm and steady as before. The powerful aura wavered faintly, and strong anger and murderous intent appeared on his face.

The Dragon Clan Cemetery represents more than just precious blood and energy.

There is also the spirit and will of the Dragon Clan that has been passed down for countless years!


The majestic voice did not cause as much emotional fluctuations as his, and still seemed extremely calm.

She continued calmly: "In fact, I not only feel the breath of the dragon, but also the power of fate."

"The power of destiny?!" Ditian's expression changed slightly, and he was a little confused, "But the auspicious beast is still in the Star Forest."

"No, it's not as simple as Douluo Star's power of destiny. I'm just aware of it, but that kind of feeling is specious, and I can't be very sure."

At this point, she seemed to sigh softly, "I have lost too much power, and it is difficult to grasp this level of energy fluctuations. Ask the auspicious beast, maybe its feeling is clearer."


"Well, let's get ready."

"As you wish, Lord."

"If possible, I will try to save its life."

After saying this, the fluctuations of consciousness in Ditian's mind disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

His face seemed to relax a little.

He knew that the other party was referring to the extremely timid guy Tianmeng Bingcan.

But soon, Di Tian's expression became serious again.

He has lived on this continent for hundreds of thousands of years since the decline of the dragon clan and his fall from the god level.

This was not the life he originally wanted.

But responsibility and faith are supporting him to move forward.

This time, whether it was success or failure, everything began to change.

Maybe he can be liberated from now on.

Whether it's life or death...

Turning his head to stare at the lake, accompanied by strong mental fluctuations, a golden light flashed in the man's eyes.

It was as if it was echoing his movements.

The next moment, several extremely astonishingly powerful auras that far exceeded those of a hundred thousand year old soul beast emerged one after another under the lake.

New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

A beautiful woman wearing an emerald green dress appeared first and quietly came behind Di Tian.

"What's wrong? Why did you wake us up suddenly?"

"The Lord feels the breath of the Dragon Clan Cemetery, and I feel it too."

"Dragon Cemetery?!"

The woman's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly calmed down.

If Di Tian can take the initiative to wake them up, and even alert the Silver Dragon King, what Di Tian wants to do next will definitely not be as simple as just telling them about this matter.

"The Lord asked me to find the location of that space and be ready to take action. But just in case, I need to use the huge spiritual foundation of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm as support to create a spiritual barrier to block the perception and prying eyes of the outside world. ."

"I understand." The woman in green nodded subconsciously at first, then suddenly realized something was wrong and turned to look at the other party, "Wait a minute, Di Tian, ​​do you mean to kill that guy Tianmeng..."


Noticing the worried look on the woman next to him, and considering the compassionate and kind-hearted character of the woman, Di Tian hesitated, but still did not tell the whole story about the previous conversation.

He avoided the seriousness and said calmly: "Don't worry, the Lord said he will protect it."

The woman did not doubt that he was there, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."


Just as the two of them were talking, several more figures appeared next to them one after another.

These figures, both male and female, with different body shapes, although their appearance looks the same as humans, in fact, they are all spirit beasts.

And they are all powerful soul beasts that have been cultivated for more than 200,000 years and have successfully survived at least one catastrophe.

Soul beast masters of this level are also called ferocious beasts.

The human form they present at this time is just an appearance.

Unlike Xiao Wu or A Yin, who chose to transform into a human form and practice again after reaching the 100,000-year level.

But it just changed its external form.

Regardless of the way of cultivation, living habits, and even the structure of the body, they are all very different from real humans. In essence, they are still soul beasts.

In fact, they no longer have the option of rebuilding.

When a soul beast has reached 200,000 years of cultivation, unless it encounters an extremely special opportunity, it will permanently lose the opportunity to become a real human being and follow the path of a soul master again.

Constantly overcoming tribulations and experiencing the test of heavenly tribulations, until like the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, pushing their cultivation to a million years is the only possibility for them to transcend.

However, if these soul beasts really reach that point, it is also difficult to say whether they can be tolerated by heaven and earth, and by the gods.

Dragon Valley small world.

Su Cheng, who is only six years old, is still unaware of all the changes that have taken place in the outside world.

However, he had some guesses about the Dragon Clan's reaction and never stopped improving.

Whether it is his own cultivation or sorting out the mission ideas for this simulation, they are all progressing in an orderly manner.

He even had some plans on how to deal with the possibility of this world being discovered, and how he would deal with powerful beings such as the Silver Dragon King if they really came to this world.

Su Cheng didn't know much about the Silver Dragon King's situation.

Nor does he need to know much.

As the leader of a powerful ethnic group, he was once a powerful man at the level of a god king. After being frustrated, he was willing to live in a small place like Douluo Star for hundreds of thousands of years without making a move.

During the period of silence, neither human intrusion, past failures, nor even the harsh conditions had any impact on her decision.

No matter what the reason is for making this choice, whether it is an old injury that has not healed or whether it is concerned about the divine world, it can actually reflect the most essential characteristic of the other person's character - stability.

To put it nicely, it means being steady enough, knowing how to weigh the pros and cons, and likes to make decisions before taking action, quietly waiting for the best time to arrive, and then striking out with lightning.

To put it bluntly, it means hesitant and tolerant, unable to make a decision, and would rather die slowly than fight hard.

This kind of decision cannot be said to be good or bad.

Perhaps some opportunities that could have been grasped were missed due to hesitation, and a great opportunity was wasted.

But it could also be that a moment of impulsiveness could lead to a catastrophe, worsening the already difficult situation of the Soul Beast clan and ruining the place where they could sleep peacefully.

Being the leader of a group is not that easy.

For those with a stronger sense of responsibility, even this life no longer belongs to him.

But in Su Cheng's view, there are actually some problems with the choice of this soul beast co-master.

You have spent so long recuperating, gathering food, and accumulating strength. Have you ever considered how you, a member of the God Realm that is already stronger than you, will develop during this period?

Even ordinary humans who are originally inferior to you will gradually surpass you because of their broader resources and numbers.

You must know that reality is not a game, there is no economic overflow, and it is not a 5v5 fair competition.

There is no situation where the disadvantaged side tries its best to avoid fighting and delay development, waiting for both sides to reach their upper limit before facing off again.

While you are improving your strength, the opponent will only progress faster than you.

Even the most powerful people might crush you.

Unless you can get the general trend of heaven and earth and the blessing of fate, let the soul beast clan give birth to a son of luck to change your fate against the heavens.

But judging from the situation in the past when the soul beast clan was suppressed by the laws of the world, it is obviously a dream to think that this possibility will arise.

Therefore, Su Cheng felt that in addition to being "stable", the Silver Dragon King's character also had a hidden "arrogance".

It is not an arrogance that comes from one's strength and position.

It's self-righteous blind arrogance.

However, this personality is worth exploiting.

If you want to plan something, look for people first.

A person's character background is often the easiest thing to exploit.

Of course, Su Cheng is very capable, and all preparations must be based on the premise that he can speak when he has the opportunity.

Therefore, the current priority is to improve his own level of strength.

The weak have no confidence and are not qualified to negotiate with the strong.

In addition, it is best to have other means of checks and balances or threats.

The above is just the first step.

Strength can win respect or fear.

But if you want to achieve cooperation, you need to be sincere and able to bring benefits to the other party. Otherwise, everything is just empty talk.

The Silver Dragon King's status is impressive, and his background is even more astonishing.

Using threats to seek cooperation and using the other party as a tool is the worst way.

Giving the other party a visible future and striving for a win-win situation is the way to go.

Regarding this point, Su Cheng already had a rough idea.

In fact, these days, his main goal is to focus on research in this area.

The dragon clan's burial ground in front of him was his testing ground and the best resource he could utilize.

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