In the small world of Dragon Valley, a young figure sat quietly on the ground.

All around him, dragon-shaped lights and shadows were constantly circling in mid-air, and then every once in a while, a light and shadow would merge into his body.

At this time, Su Cheng's aura would suddenly rise, and then gradually decline.

These large or small dragon-shaped lights and shadows are special energy bodies condensed from the many dragon bones in the valley.

The nature of this energy body is different from the soul power of the outside world. It not only contains strong heaven and earth energy, but also mixed with the power of blood of different attributes.

The ingredients are extremely complex. Even with Su Cheng's knowledge, he couldn't figure out the principles of the formation of these things in a short time.

He could only see that the strong dragon energy fluctuations remaining in these bones would naturally pull the energy of heaven and earth in the small world to converge towards them.

Then in a very short period of time, a new dragon soul light and shadow will be born.

What's even more bizarre is that he can feel that there seems to be a faint consciousness in these dragon souls.

But Su Cheng can be sure that the dragon bones in front of him are definitely real dragons after death. There is no such thing as fake death, and there is no possibility of rebirth.

Even if the future is resurrected for some reason, they will no longer be the same as they were in life, but a brand new life.

Perhaps only after he goes to the depths of the Dragon Tomb in the future and truly sees the Dragon God's bloodline that is constantly calling him can he figure out the most essential reason.

However, although he could not figure out the existence principle of these dragon souls, it did not delay Su Cheng from using the powerful energy in the dragon souls to improve himself.

The number of skeletons in this cemetery is extremely large. At a rough glance, there are thousands of them.

The attributes of the dragon soul formed by different bones are also different.

But to him, it doesn't matter what attributes he has.

This level of energy and thin blood are not enough to affect his foundation. They will be automatically purified by his special physique and smoothly transformed into real power.

Infused with dragon soul energy, Su Cheng improved very quickly.

If compared with the soul master system, it only took a month to achieve the realms of soul sect, soul king, soul emperor, etc. in one fell swoop.

It wasn't until he reached Soul Saint that his improvement speed slowed down slightly.

The reason is not anything else, but encountering a real bottleneck.

His body is too immature and it will take a lot of time to truly grow up.

Even though the energy in this dragon tomb valley is abundant, and the mysterious fluctuations of countless dragon skeletons can efficiently condense a large number of dragon souls for him to take whatever he wants, Su Cheng's cultivation path is not as simple as a simple stack of energy after all.

The nature of true power is unique, and the growth of body and soul is also closely related to strength.

However, the latter requires time to slowly accumulate and settle.

Unless he ignores his foundation and acts to encourage the growth of the country, in his estimation, it will take at least ten years to reach the same peak strength as in reality.

It was obviously impossible for Su Cheng to choose to sacrifice his body's potential and quickly mature his body in order to gain strength in a short period of time.

Even if he did not consider the final mission of this simulation, he was still prepared to push his strength to the upper limit of what he could achieve in this world and pave the way for reality in advance.

In this case, you can't act recklessly.

As for the Silver Dragon King.

If even the first step of the mission requires brash force, then simply give up. Why go out of your way to activate all the energy in the original power at the beginning of the simulation?

However, the current situation is not entirely without benefits.

Su Cheng discovered that due to his immature body, both his body and soul were immature, and even considered weak in his own eyes.

It is this kind of weakness that actually helps him control the various powers in his body during his cultivation.

Compared with the slow progress of integrating the soul into the body in reality, this step is now the easiest to achieve.

So just from a hierarchical perspective, the true power of Ruyi that is now fully penetrated is already stronger than reality.

In this way, half a year passed by in a flash.

Although Su Cheng has not yet reached the level of eating wind and drinking dew, life in Dragon Valley does not require relying on food to maintain physical growth.

The dragon soul is filled with heaven and earth energy. Under the regulation of true power, it is enough to nourish the cells of the whole body, and the effect is much stronger than ordinary food.

During this period, Su Cheng's strength steadily improved, and the research and transformation of this valley was also progressing in an orderly manner.

Although his strength is far from what he is in reality, he already has enough ability to protect himself in this world.

More importantly, he finally made considerable progress in his research on the dragon bloodline.

Su Cheng stared at the huge remains of the fire-type dragon in front of him, with a golden light and shadow projected between his eyebrows, and a strange luster flashed in his eyes.

The pupil of true seeing.

Now that his body has been re-engraved, this externally attached soul bone has naturally come in with him.

Not only came in, but improved a lot.

Although he doesn't know what kind of ability the "Trajectory Magic Eye" in his initial talent is, the real vision shown in his eyes now has changed significantly compared to the past.

The essence has not changed, but the microscopic world that can be observed is countless times more detailed than before.

If there is a difference, it is probably that it has been upgraded from a high-power magnifying glass to a microscope...

The world in front of you is small but delicate, and countless reactions are happening silently in this world.

If someone else were to look at it, they would definitely be confused, unable to understand the meaning at all, let alone the huge amount of information contained in it.

Su Cheng's eyes were extremely focused at this time, and his face even looked a little solemn.

The dragon bloodline was far more terrifying than he imagined.

Yes, it's horror.

The tiny particles in the field of view are incredibly active.

This is simply a huge radiation source that is constantly disturbing everything around it!

Su Cheng couldn't believe it.

There are actually living things that contain such a large amount of radioactive elements in their constituent elements!

In his current enhanced version of the real vision, a large number of particles seem to be constantly dividing themselves, scattering countless new particles and releasing a large amount of energy at the same time.

At the same time, there were bunches of faint red light dots all around.

Tiny electrons move in a straight line and rapidly, radiating outward.

However, everything that happens in the microscopic world is difficult to detect in the outside world.

Even with Su Cheng's strength, if he didn't use the Eye of True Sight, he wouldn't be able to sense the existence of such a thing.

"Is this a fucking normal species?!"

Su Cheng's face didn't look good, and he even cursed subconsciously.

This kind of existence is beyond his cognitive scope. From this point of view, the so-called "Dragon God" who created the dragon clan is definitely not a normal creature, and its origin must be very problematic.

The presence of radioactive elements is not surprising in itself.

The many powerful people in this world are actually powerful radiation sources themselves, containing strong life magnetic fields.

The weird thing is that the radiation from these bones is too powerful.

And more importantly, this is not radiation formed by the energy in the body.

These dragon bones in front of me are all dead objects!

In other words, this was already the case when these dragons were born.

"And judging from the activity of this thing, it will continue to affect the world for at least millions of years in the future..."

Su Cheng raised his head and glanced at the dragon corpses scattered across the valley.

This place has probably existed for about a million years.

Even after such a long time, the dragon bones still contain such high activity. From this, the half-life of the radioactive elements that make up the dragon's body is terrifyingly long.

"No wonder..."

After a long time, Su Cheng put away his true vision and meditated silently.

He finally understood why even though they had been dead for such a long time, many dragons who were not very strong during their lifetime still retained a faint sense of consciousness in their bones.

In other words, will is more appropriate, similar to the instinct of living creatures.

That kind of attachment to his people and the world moved Su Cheng.

But for other living beings, even their instincts should completely dissipate after their death.

The fundamental reason for this situation lies in this special body structure.

"Is this a unique bloodline power, or are there other factors..."

Su Cheng's eyes flashed and he stood there thinking for a long time before regaining his composure.

He took a deep breath and looked deeper into the valley.

"it's time……"

That's where the dragon god's energy is.

With his current strength, he can already try to find out.

This matter cannot be delayed for too long.

Now his strength improvement speed has slowed down a lot.

Su Cheng, who didn't know when this place would be discovered, didn't have much time to hesitate and waste.

He needs to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the power of the Dragon God and even the blood power of the Dragon Clan as soon as possible.

It's best to find deficiencies if possible.

Su Cheng definitely couldn't see anything from the complete Dragon God bloodline, and he knew this very well.

What he needs is some inspiration and clues. If it can be discovered, this will definitely be one of the best bargaining chips in the future.

At least Su Cheng can be sure that there is something wrong with the existence of the Dragon God, and there is something worth optimizing.

Otherwise, with the original strength of the Dragon God, he would not have gone crazy, split, or even fallen.

But with his current strength, it is obviously impossible to study the essential reasons.

He doesn't need to see that, he just needs to find something related to the Silver Dragon King.

Regarding this point, Su Cheng is still very confident.

The birth of any creature in the world is the creation of heaven and earth.

There may be shortcomings that need to be made up, but a blunt division will only amplify the original shortcomings.

Just like Qian Renxue's soul split.

If it weren't for Su Cheng's help to form a stable structure between her two souls, self-destruction would be a matter of time.

Five years passed quickly.

On this day, the peaceful little world of Long Valley suddenly trembled violently.

Huge boulders continued to roll down from the high cliffs, accompanied by an extremely strong spatial fluctuation.

Within a moment, a huge space crack suddenly tore open above Dragon Valley.

"Who are you... who... who are you..."

The majestic voice, so deep that it was difficult to identify its gender, echoed in the valley.

Amid the calmness, there was a very obvious trace of anger and murderous intent.


With a loud noise, a large ball of silver light suddenly emerged from the huge space crack, and then slammed heavily on the cliff.

It was a huge dragon claw, showing a dazzling silver color.

On the giant claw, there are densely covered with hexagonal silver scales, each scale reflecting brilliant light.

A huge slapping sound came down from high in the sky with unparalleled power.

Soon, the complete body of the giant beast squeezed out of the crack in space and stood proudly on the cliff at the edge of Dragon Valley.

A thousand-meter-long silver dragon!

The bright silver dragon scales covering his body were so dazzling that Su Cheng subconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly.

He carefully looked at the powerful creature in front of him, which stood at the top of the Douluo Continent and was filled with strength and majestic beauty.

Third level god.

Su Cheng could tell at a glance the opponent's current level of strength.

And he could barely stay above the threshold of a third-level god, giving him a feeling of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Of course, he is much stronger than himself who has just reached the ultimate Douluo combat power level.

But if you want to kill yourself, it's not enough.

Putting aside other aspects, in terms of life toughness and survivability, the true power in Su Cheng's body is definitely above the god level.

The next moment, the huge silver body slowly lowered its head.

In those huge dragon eyes, a pair of vertical pupils containing strong murderous intent looked extremely cold, staring intently at the extremely small human boy below.

"Answer my question. Who are you and why do you appear in the burial ground of my clan..."

As soon as the words fell, it seemed to suddenly sense something. It twisted its huge dragon head and turned its head to look in another direction.

There, there is an aura that really attracts it.

"never mind……"

It muttered something in a low voice, as if it was no longer too lazy to know the answer to the question.

A hundred-meter-long silver spear condensed and formed in mid-air in an instant.

Immediately, with unparalleled powerful sharpness, he stabbed straight towards Su Cheng, who was standing in the dragon valley.

The powerful force even caused the entire valley to tremble slightly.

The power of this blow is already close to the god level!

Obviously, it also saw the opponent's strength and knew that ordinary attack methods would not be effective.

He simply consumed some of his original power and tried to kill him with one blow.

Although it is also somewhat confused as to why a human being at such an old age can possess a level of strength that is not far behind that of Emperor Tiandu.

But it doesn’t matter.

Just human beings.

Now that he has appeared in the Dragon Clan's burial ground, he already has a way to die!


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