Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 316 Your Excellency, I am now the general

Beneath the hundred-meter-long silver spear, Su Cheng's body in his early teens looked as light as dust.

No matter the size or momentum, there is no comparison at all.

Just the impact of the energy aftermath seemed to be enough to grind him into powder.

Su Cheng looked up at the offensive above and shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, the other party immediately made a killing move as soon as they met, without any intention of talking nonsense.

How arrogant...

He took a deep breath and his expression became slightly more solemn, but he was not too nervous.

This situation was originally one of several situations that were very likely to occur in the prediction, and it was the most likely one.

After all, this is the burial place of the Dragon Clan.

Whoever it was, if he saw an inexplicable outsider suddenly appearing in his ancestral grave, his first reaction would definitely be rage.

What's more, there is a being like the Silver Dragon King who is born to be extraordinary and stands at the top of all living beings.

It is natural to take action directly if there is a disagreement.

Su Cheng stared at the huge bright silver gun tip, concentrated on mobilizing the real power in his body, bent his legs slightly, and clenched his right hand into a fist.

The next moment, a transparent sword shadow with substance appeared outside the fist, and it enveloped his whole body in the blink of an eye. Then he suddenly raised his arm and swung it upwards.

Su Cheng did not use the Eternal Life Sword.

Nowadays, the meaning of this martial spirit to him comes more from that special seventh spirit ring and the original power attached to it.

There is an improvement in combat power, but not much.

In fact, Su Cheng has not activated his martial spirit until now.

Now that he is in a special situation, he can be promoted all the way to the god level without resorting to the soul master system.

At least from the perspective of energy accumulation, he currently has no bottlenecks at all.

Compared to the improvement brought by the Eternal Life Sword to his combat power.

Hiding the existence of his martial soul bloodline is of greater significance to him at this stage.


With a huge roar, two extremely powerful energies collided in one place. The ground cracked layer by layer, and a huge pit with a diameter of tens of meters was formed in the center. A large amount of smoke and dust filled the air, covering the That slightly childish figure.

For both parties, this blow was the ultimate strength they could use at the moment, and naturally there was little left to completely control the energy aftermath.

The slight fluctuations that escaped continued to impact the entire valley.

Even the countless dragon bones that seemed to have stood for eternity seemed to be trembling slightly with their fight.


At this time, the Silver Dragon King, who had already spread his wings and was about to leave, suddenly focused his eyes and looked at the dusty area in the deep valley below.

There, although the aura of the human boy suddenly declined, it quickly gathered again.

Although it was not as good as before, it was obviously not too seriously injured.

"...Ahem, pretty good strength. Are you the strongest in this world? Is there anyone stronger than you?"

The dust dispersed, and Su Cheng's figure was revealed again.

The pale face looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were still as bright as before.

Obviously, her attack did not achieve the expected effect at all.

On the cliff, the Silver Dragon King was moved when he heard the words, feeling that what the other party said seemed a bit strange.

However, this man's attitude made her extremely unhappy.

As he spoke, he seemed to feel that he was "just that".

He immediately moved his body slightly, opened the dragon's mouth, and decided to attack again with a stronger force to give the opponent some color.

"Don't be anxious yet."

At this time, she suddenly heard the person below speaking again, and there seemed to be some inexplicable meaning in his words.

"I see that the appearance of these skeletons here is not much different from yours. Are they all the bones left behind by your own race?"


Upon hearing this, a cold light flashed in the Silver Dragon King's dragon eyes, but he did not say a word. Powerful energy fluctuations began to condense in his mouth, and a huge amount of heaven and earth energy gathered together.

Su Cheng noticed this energy fluctuation, but didn't pay attention.

He grinned, raised his right hand, and pointed at the skeleton of a water attribute dragon closest to him.

However, as an energy beam of unknown nature flashed through, nothing happened.

The keel was exactly the same as before and was not damaged at all by him.

The Silver Dragon King tilted his head in confusion upon seeing this, not understanding what he was doing.

But the next moment, her huge vertical pupils suddenly shrank into a long slit, and she looked at the keel pointed by Su Cheng in shock.

The keel was lying on the ground in a crouching posture at this time, and its head raised high still carried some of the fighting spirit of the past. Its body was also hundreds of meters long, and it was obvious that it was extremely powerful during its lifetime.

However, this kind of strength was not considered strong among the Dragon Clan in its heyday.

After Su Cheng pointed at it, the keel still maintained its original posture, with no change in appearance, movement, or even the color of the bones.

But that kind of smell...

"Have you felt it, the strong man in this world? The kind of power that comes from the blood of your own race."

Su Cheng's voice was filled with admiration and ridicule, "What a strange creature. It is born with such a powerful radiation ability. What a terrifying physique to be able to carry such a huge amount of radioactive elements when it is born. It's very strange. It’s hard to imagine that this could be a living creature..."


The Silver Dragon King was silent.

She didn't know what the other party meant by "radiation" and "radioactive elements".

However, as the king of the dragon clan, she could clearly feel the strange fluctuations emanating from that skeleton.

All true dragons, whether alive or dead, have similar fluctuations in their bodies. Of course she knows this.

On the Douluo Planet where she now lives in seclusion, the fundamental reason for those strange spirit beasts of varying strengths and weaknesses, and even the various martial spirits produced by humans, is due to the subtle and continuous influence of the dragon bloodline for a long time.

However, the strange fluctuations produced in the water dragon's bones that can affect other low-level creatures have become dozens of times stronger in an instant, and are still growing.

It is no exaggeration to say that if an ordinary beast with a tough enough physique is randomly obtained at this time, as long as it can withstand this kind of impact and is lucky enough to survive, it can immediately transform into a soul beast with extremely strong bloodline!

If a stronger soul beast comes, the bloodline can even be strong enough to be close to that of a dragon!

Noticing the look of shock in the eyes of the silver dragon on the cliff, Su Cheng raised the corner of his mouth and continued: "There are many bones buried in this valley. It seems that there was a war countless years ago, which caused harm to your tribe. Not small. Moreover, I see that you have some hidden wounds that have not yet healed. I guess there are powerful enemies outside the space crack behind you and in the world where you live every day, right?"



"You might as well guess, if I activate all the dragon bones in this small world, what will happen next? What does it mean to the world you live in now?"


The Silver Dragon King was silent.

The huge dragon claws clung uneasily to the edge of the cliff, and many expressions such as murderous intent, fear, worry, etc. flashed through the dragon's eyes.

She's not stupid.

Just a dragon corpse, under the other party's inexplicable manipulation, has exerted such a powerful influence.

If you continue, let alone the corpses in the entire Dragon Valley, even if you only activate dozens or hundreds of them, and then leak that kind of fluctuation, it will be enough to easily transform all the creatures in the entire Douluo Star into dragons!

Not only that.

In this process, those ordinary humans or other creatures who cannot bear the changes in their bloodline will die on the spot.

Even based on the most optimistic estimates, there are definitely less than 10% of creatures that can survive the influence of the dragon clan's power.

She doesn't care about the life or death of other races.

But the problem is that such a big movement cannot be hidden from the eyes of the gods in the divine world.

At that time, the death of the dragon clan and the soul beasts will probably follow soon.

"……how did you do it?"

After a long time, the Silver Dragon King finally spoke again.

This time her voice was no longer as calm as before.

In other words, now her voice is more pretending to be calm, but she is actually a little panicked.

She couldn't understand it at all.

As a clone of the Dragon God, I couldn't even imagine or do something similar.

But this tiny human boy in front of him can actually completely arouse the remaining dragon power in the dragon bones? !

"You don't understand even if I tell you." Su Cheng looked at the other person up and down.

To be honest, when the Silver Dragon King stopped pretending to be deep, his voice was quite pleasant.

"Quantum mechanics, do you understand it?"


The Silver Dragon King's claws tightened, and the rocks under his feet were instantly turned into powder.

She had reason to suspect that the other party just made up a term to deceive her, but she still subconsciously asked: "What kind of study?"

"Quantum mechanics. The body composition of your species contains a large number of radioactive elements. The atomic structure of these elements is very unstable, so a decay process will occur. When this process proceeds, it is extremely radioactive to the outside world. The particle rays emitted will have a huge impact on other living things. Generally speaking, it is extremely difficult for the outside world to interfere with the decay process. However, I have found a way to make these nuclei absorb a large amount of rays in a short period of time. Increase their instability. In this way, from a probability perspective, the number of nuclides that decay in a short period of time for each skeleton will naturally be greatly increased. It is indeed difficult for me to affect the half-life time of a single atom, but when placed on the entire keel, The radioactivity in a short period of time can be hundreds of times higher than before."


After hearing what Su Cheng said, the Silver Dragon King's expression became a little unnatural.

I have no idea what this guy is talking about.

"...Human, it seems I have underestimated you. You do have something."

The Silver Dragon King looked at Su Cheng, his aura as calm as a mountain, but he did not continue to act rashly, and kept thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

The current situation is very unfavorable to her.

Relying on strength to use strength is obviously a bad idea.

If possible, she would of course want to completely control the other person and then explore the other person's memory, so that she could easily figure out everything.

However, this human being is very powerful.

The fight just now proved that he did not have the ability to kill with one strike.

If you continue to fight and entangle, it will be easy to defeat the opponent, but it will be difficult to find an opportunity to truly deal with the opponent. Once it fails, it will make the situation even more out of control.

As for catching alive, it is more difficult than killing.

And if you want to use your spiritual consciousness that has not yet fully recovered to explore the memory of a strong man of this level, it will be even more difficult to reach the sky.

Unknowingly, I became a relatively passive party.

This was something she had never expected before this trip.

The thing that bothered her the most and couldn't understand it was this person's weird methods.

It was precisely because of the other party's special abilities that she found herself in a dilemma.

The Dragon Valley beneath her feet was of course the burial place for the dragon clan after their fall, and it was of extremely important significance to her.

But if this place has to be abandoned or destroyed for the sake of the overall situation, it is not impossible.

She has never been pedantic.

The continuation of the race and her own responsibility do not allow her to act casually.

But the problem is that now she has no idea what the other party's operation is.

And judging from this guy's explanation, it seems that whether the activity of the dragon bones can be further activated has little to do with the integrity of the dragon bones.

Silver Dragon King himself knew this well.

The dragon clan's strong influence on all living things is a special innate talent and a wonderful manifestation of their extraordinary bloodline.

Any true dragon, whether alive or dead, will always have some impact on the nearby creatures wherever they exist.

Therefore, it is completely unfeasible to block the human threat in front of us by destroying these dragon bones first.

She had been completely blocked by the other party and all her escape routes were blocked.

At this moment, the Silver Dragon King was even secretly regretting that this action seemed a bit too reckless.

The previous rash action pushed the situation into an increasingly unfavorable situation.

But who could have thought in advance that this person could step on his own Achilles' heel so accurately.

"...Human, I can let you leave here. But you have to promise not to do anything detrimental to the remains of my people."

After the two faced off for a long time, the Silver Dragon King finally spoke first and took the initiative to break the deadlock.

She spoke in a calm and indifferent tone, as if she had made a huge concession.

"No, no, no, you made a mistake." Su Cheng shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't need you to let me go. If I want to leave, you can't stop me with your strength. You The crack in space that was torn open has given me a signpost to go out."

He stared at the other party's strange and dazzling purple dragon eyes, the smile on his face faded little by little, and his expression became serious and cold.

"Your Excellency, I am now the general."

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