Looking at the hesitant look in the silver dragon's eyes standing on the cliff, Su Cheng was not in a hurry. ♦♜

In addition to the difficulty in grasping the timing of the opponent's appearance, all developments since the appearance of the Silver Dragon King were within his expectations.

The scene when he was exploring this valley a few years ago came to mind.

At that time, Su Cheng's cultivation level had recovered to a level close to that of a titled Douluo, and then he started to go to the depths of the Dragon Tomb.

Although the Title Douluo's strength cannot be said to be that strong, he can at least protect himself.

As long as you don't take the initiative to commit suicide and act a little more cautiously, the risk is still controllable.

He had to take risks.

This kind of small world is extremely unstable, and it is impossible to predict how much time the start will give him to grow steadily.

He must use the limited time to accumulate enough trump cards to deal with powerful enemies that may appear at any time.

So there is a question of trade-offs.

Should he give priority to improving his strength wholeheartedly, or start exploring the Dragon Valley first?

In Su Cheng's view, the latter is more cost-effective.

At present, penance does not mean much to him. The growth of body and soul takes time, and the efficiency of blindly absorbing energy is very limited.

In contrast, since he has the Eye of True Sight and the Dragon God's bloodline, and has such a treasured land as a testing ground, it is much more cost-effective to figure out the situation of the Dragon Clan first.

But even so, if you want to deeply understand the bloodline of the Dragon Clan, understand this valley, and even understand the power of the Dragon God, it still requires a lot of time and energy, so every minute and every second cannot be wasted.

As he walked forward, Su Cheng's eyes glowed with a faint light of different colors, always maintaining a superficial state of true vision.

In his eyes, although there are many similarities between different keels, there are more differences.

The difference is huge, even more obvious than the difference between the Star Luo Empire's White Tiger Spirit and the Netherworld Spirit Cat.

"Sure enough, they are all incomplete products..."

While Su Cheng understood, more doubts arose in his heart.

Are dragons really creatures born and evolved from nature?

If not, where did this race come from, and what is the meaning of its existence?

And what has the legendary Dragon God done and experienced?

All the answers can only be found out after seeing the Dragon God and Dragon Soul.

As for the Dragon God bloodline in his own body, Su Cheng had already studied it before, but couldn't see much.

In fact, the Dragon God bloodline in his body at this time is still suppressed by the real power and has not yet been fully activated.

This does not mean that the Dragon God's power is lower than his true power in terms of level.

It's because true power is his foundation. As an outsider, the Dragon God bloodline can obviously only stay in a corner without absolute suppression.

It's easy to change this situation.

Su Cheng only needs to spend some time and energy to completely integrate this bloodline power into his physical body, and then he can lift the restrictions on the Dragon God's bloodline.

With his strong control over his body and his accumulation of knowledge about martial arts and bloodline, he is completely able to do this.

But he hesitated for a long time and still didn't do it.

There are many reasons for this.

The faint repulsion between Dragon God's power and true power proved that his guess before entering the simulation was correct.

The addition of a powerful extraordinary bloodline has both advantages and disadvantages for his current state.

This is one of them.

If he really absorbed the Dragon God's bloodline and inherited the Dragon God's power, Su Cheng was not sure whether it would have an unknown impact on this unstable little world in the valley, or even cause him to be born prematurely.

This is the second one.

In addition, there is another most important reason.

Silver Dragon King.

The complete bloodline of the Dragon God must have great temptation for the Silver Dragon King, one of the split bodies of the Dragon God, and is an excellent qualification for promotion.

If their situation is discovered by them, it means that the most fundamental point of opposition and contradiction between them is a conflict of interest.

This will add more variables to his layout and plans.

Su Cheng didn't want to make it difficult for the other party to answer multiple-choice questions, so he simply refused to integrate into the bloodline for the time being.

But that's not enough, you have to find a way to hide the dragon god's aura.

However, it is not easy to hide the dragon god's aura.

Not to mention hiding it, even if you want to cut your own bloodline and cut the concentration to a thin state like in the past, you can't do it.

Although they are both the power of blood, this is not the kind of ordinary martial soul power, but the power of the Dragon God, which can be called the blood of the ancestor of the martial soul.

True power can suppress it or fuse it, but it cannot erase it.

Of course, even if he could do it, he would not be willing to do such a wasteful thing, otherwise there would be no need to choose this talented bloodline to enter the simulation.

There is still time anyway.

After he sees the power of the Dragon God, he will probably be able to transform the Dragon God's blood in him.

After walking like this for who knows how long, a towering dragon skeleton as huge as a mountain appeared in front of them.

Its height is more than a thousand meters, and its overall color is tan, which looks completely different from other keels.

The most obvious difference is that there are no wing bones on its back, and its body is extremely strong, especially its lower limbs, which are as thick as the Optimus Pillars.

The keel exudes an unparalleled heavy aura, causing the gravity fluctuations on the ground thousands of meters around it to be significantly greater than at other locations.


Su Cheng's heart suddenly moved and he suddenly understood.

The huge dragon bone in front of me is presumably the skeleton of the Mountain Dragon King.

But what surprised him was that the skeletal aura of this Mountain Dragon King was somewhat similar to A Yin's soul power fluctuations in reality.

Su Cheng stared at the huge mountain-like skeleton in front of him, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Compared with other dragon bones, the aura of this mountain dragon king's remains is much stronger, and the will contained in it is ten times stronger. It can even be called emotional fluctuations.

It is the anger, resentment, and unwillingness that have not dissipated for countless years...

There is also a huge crack in the middle of its bones, extending from the head to the dragon's tail.

Apparently, it had been cut in half with a sharp weapon during its lifetime.

However, there was no energy fluctuation on the crack, and it was impossible to tell who was responsible.

After a long time, Su Cheng set off again, bypassing the remains of the Mountain Dragon King.

The ground behind it collapsed again, revealing a huge pit with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

When he reached the edge of the pit, the blood in his body seemed to boil at this moment.

As his heart beat vigorously in his chest and thick plasma washed through his body, Su Cheng's face turned faintly red.

The Dragon God's bloodline, which had been suppressed by his real power, suddenly went berserk, and the strong Dragon God's aura rose up with him as the center.

At the same time, there is a strong call that cannot be heard in detail, echoing deep in my heart.

The next moment, the giant dragon bones in the entire valley seemed to come to life, emitting countless deafening roars and whines.

That is a sound that outsiders cannot hear.

It was roaring, weeping, it was the dead real dragons pouring out their endless unwillingness and resentment to him!

Su Cheng frowned, "Sure enough, it's here..."

He immediately closed his eyes and quickly used all his true power.

It wasn't until the fiercely surging Dragon God bloodline power was suppressed again that those sounds were able to subside.

After opening his eyes again, everything had settled down, and the keel bones were still those keel bones, nothing abnormal.

The scene just now seemed like an illusion, as if nothing had happened.

But Su Cheng understood that it was not an illusion.

If he wasn't strong enough and his true power level was enough to suppress the bloodline riots, there would definitely be big problems in this small world.

Of course, those dead dragon bones cannot be truly resurrected, but he himself is afraid that he will really become a pure dragon.

From the perspective of bloodline alone, the power of human bloodline is obviously not comparable to that of dragons.

He couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't blindly explore this dragon tomb before, but instead prioritized improving his strength, otherwise he would definitely overturn.

The Dragon God's bloodline is far more powerful than imagined.

It wasn't until the boiling blood power in his body completely died down that Su Cheng lowered his head and looked inside the pit.

This huge pit was also more than a thousand meters deep. There was a huge mist of colorful light shining inside, blocking his vision and making it difficult to see the true appearance of it.

But he had a strong intuition that if he chose to walk into it, these light mist would not block him at all, but would welcome him.

However, he obviously had no intention of going down.

There was a burning golden light in his eyes, and the Eyes of True Vision were activated at full power.

The light mist formed by the concentration of energy in the pit could not block his sight, and the scene behind him was immediately fully displayed in his true field of vision.

It was a huge dragon soul.

It was twice as big as the skeleton of the Mountain Dragon King, and its whole body shone with colorful light, and the dragon scales on its surface were dazzling, as if they were inlaid with countless gems.

Its head was raised high, and its whole body exuded a powerful aura of majesty and nobility.

The moment he saw this dragon soul, the bloodline in Su Cheng's body showed signs of instability again.

"The Dragon Soul of the Dragon God."

He whispered in an affirmative tone.

Very strong.

The power fluctuations of the dragon soul energy body condensed in the dragon tomb in front of him are definitely comparable to the god level.

Fortunately, this thing has no consciousness, otherwise Su Cheng would not be sure he could defeat this kind of thing.

He didn't dare to get too close at all.

If this thing took the initiative to come over and stick to him because of the Dragon God blood in his body, his small body would not be able to bear it.

I'm afraid that by that time, the bloodline will completely lose control and go berserk, and even the real power will not be able to suppress it.

So, Su Cheng just sat down cross-legged on the edge of the pit, and then silently stared at the huge colorful dragon soul in front of him with the eyes of true vision, observing and analyzing bit by bit. From the whole, to the parts, to the core...

During this process, he also constantly relied on the power of the bloodline in his body and compared it with each other to understand the special features of the Dragon God's bloodline.

In this way, he sat quietly in front of the Dragon God and Dragon Soul for more than three years.

Except for occasionally leaving here for reference research or testing the influence of one's own bloodline on other keels, he has not done anything superfluous.

The time he spent here was much longer than practicing.

It was also at that time that he finally formulated and perfected his follow-up plan and figured out how to face the Silver Dragon King and others in the future.

Regardless of factors such as strength, environment, and even profit and loss, all factors have been considered, and different response strategies have been planned for different situations.

With such preparations, he certainly has enough confidence...

"Human, you have made up your mind to be my enemy?"

At this time, the Silver Dragon King's deep voice awakened Su Cheng from his memories.

He raised his head and looked at the other person, "What you said makes no sense. I don't want to be an enemy to anyone, but you attacked me as soon as you came up. How should I explain it?"


The Silver Dragon King was speechless.

This incident was indeed a misjudgment on her part, and she secretly regretted it.

Seeing that the Silver Dragon King was at a loss for words, Su Cheng felt that the heat was almost over, so he took the initiative to change the subject and said: "Did you just call me 'human'? In other words, there are creatures similar to me in the world you live in, right? ?”


The Silver Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.


From the first time they met, she always felt that there was always something strange in the other person's words, but she never figured out what was wrong.

Could it be that the other party is not a creature of this world?

By the way, the power this man used before was completely different from the strong human beings he knew.

It's not soul power, nor divine power, but an extremely mysterious power.

There seemed to be no such thing as a martial spirit in him.


She was about to ask a question, but was interrupted by Su Cheng.

"Promise me a condition. I can directly teach you the method I used before. Even if you don't understand the principle, you can use it easily. And I can guarantee that after you learn it, you can use it again. Don’t worry about the hidden dangers this may bring to your race.”

"...what conditions?"

Silver Dragon King's eyes were slightly lowered, and his voice became extremely cold.

The Dragon Clan is never threatened by anyone.

If this human being wanted to use such despicable means to coerce himself, he might have made the wrong calculation!

"Treat me with all due respect."


Upon hearing this, the giant beast's eyes widened again, and an obvious look of astonishment flashed through its purple eyes.

The mysterious human boy across from me with strange methods had been struggling for so long, and he held such a heavy chip in his hand, but in the end he only had such a simple request?

"You just said that there is only one condition, right?"

"Yes, this is my condition."

Su Cheng's voice was calm, as if he didn't feel the other party's surprise.

Silver Dragon King was a little suspicious and asked: "How do you want to respect me?"

"The first step is to get down to the ground. Don't talk to me in such a condescending manner."

"……I see."

The giant beast moved its dragon claws.

After hesitating for a moment, he murmured in a low voice, then spread out his huge wings, flew down from the edge of the cliff, and landed in front of Su Cheng.

"Is it okay?"


Su Cheng looked closely at the huge silver dragon in front of him, and felt more and more its beauty and majesty.

This kind of creature, which is born to stand at the top of all living beings, possesses a sense of beauty that transcends races.

The slender dragon body, sharp claws, broad wings, powerful long tail...

The perfect and smooth body lines, as well as the clean scales shining with bright silver luster all over the body, all interpret the ultimate strength and beauty.

"Do you think looking down at me like this can be called respect?"

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

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