After flying down the cliff, the huge Silver Dragon King stared at the "little one" in front of him who was no bigger than his own fingernails, with a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

It wasn't until she got closer that she suddenly realized that the young man in front of her seemed to give her a vague sense of intimacy, and was not as disgusting to her as ordinary humans.

However, when she heard what Su Cheng said, her eyes suddenly became a little unhappy.

"Human, don't push yourself too far. Can't you just stand taller?"

Su Cheng smiled, and jumped up smoothly, jumping onto the head of the dragon skeleton in front of him. However, it is still much lower than the Silver Dragon King.

However, his smooth movements caused the Silver Dragon King to stagnate slightly.

Su Cheng didn't care what the other party thought and said again: "Now it's your turn to show your sincerity. If I read it correctly, you should have the power of space, right? Please shrink yourself a little, I didn't turn myself into a big guy. ability."

The Silver Dragon King opened his mouth, but didn't say anything more, and also gave in silently.

As a bright silver mist flashed across her body, her size quickly shrunk dozens of times.

Although the action of the human in front of him standing on the keel seemed a bit disrespectful, the size difference between the other person and the keel was too huge, and it was not that difficult to accept from the senses.

Su Cheng looked at the transformed Silver Dragon King, surprise and amazement flashing through his eyes.

The silver dragon is still huge, but it is much smaller than before. It no longer looks as impressive as before, but more delicate and cute.

But compared to his size, he was actually more surprised by the method the Silver Dragon King had just used.

The previous rhetoric was mostly just a test, but I didn't expect that the other party could actually do it.

What an amazing way to use energy.

The essence has not changed, and the strength has not changed at all, but it is not as simple as a blindfold, the shape has really shrunk.

"Human, are you satisfied now? As long as this is the case, are you willing to teach me the skills you used before?"

"Since we talked about mutual respect, don't call me "human" or "human". I have a name, Su Cheng."

"...Okay, I understand, Su Cheng."

Although there was some impatience in his heart, the Silver Dragon King's voice remained cold and calm.

All the mental fluctuations and emotional changes were not revealed by her.

"what's your name?"

"Silver Dragon King."

The giant dragon gently swung its long tail and responded casually.

"Silver Dragon King... sounds like the title of a racial leader, not like an individual's name. Aren't you trying to deal with me?"

"Human... Su Cheng is just a name. I have no need to hide it."

"That's good." Su Cheng nodded, "Now, there is only one last step left."

He stared at the purple dragon eyes of the Silver Dragon King and said, "Apologise to me and apologize for your rash action earlier."


The Silver Dragon King roared when he heard this, his eyes filled with anger, and his long tail flicked vigorously, creating afterimages, looking a little angry.

As the king of the dragon clan, the new generation of soul beast co-leader after the Dragon God, she has never bowed her noble head to anyone, and she will not bow to anyone in the future!

Apology and the like are even more nonsense!

Su Cheng didn't feel any fear due to her performance.

He said calmly: "Before you came here, I didn't destroy any skeleton here. But after you showed up, you tried to kill me indiscriminately. If I hadn't been able to protect myself a little bit, His strength may have turned into a corpse at this moment.”

Su Cheng looked at her without giving in, "Equality and respect are the prerequisites for all dialogue and communication. If we can't do this, there will be nothing left to talk about between you and me."


The Silver Dragon King thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

If it's just an apology as the price, it's not unacceptable.

"Okay, that thing was indeed my fault. If I apologize to you for that, is that okay?"

This is the third time she has asked something similar.

Su Cheng shook his head, "You don't really respect me, and you don't treat me as an equal."


Silver Dragon King didn't understand.

She clearly didn't mean it.

"If you really respect me, you should take the initiative to apologize for your previous behavior. This is not a quid pro quo, but the compensation you should make."

Su Cheng stared at her, "I have the freedom to forgive or not. But whether you choose to apologize or not is up to you."

After hesitating for a moment, the Silver Dragon King secretly sighed and said softly: "I'm sorry about what I did to you earlier."

After saying this, she fell silent and quietly waited for the other party's follow-up request.

Until now, she didn't think that Su Cheng would really fulfill his promise and reveal that magical skill so easily.

Human beings have always been capricious and greedy creatures.

With such an opportunity, how could it be possible to take it lightly?

However, if the other party's next request is too excessive, she will never compromise easily.

I would rather burn the boat than lose the dignity of the Dragon Clan.

"Well, since you have shown sincerity, I will keep my promise and tell you what happened before."


The long tail that the Silver Dragon King kept flicking suddenly stopped.

She didn't expect that what Su Cheng said before was serious.

"First of all, the method just now was not easy for me to use. It was far less easy than it seemed to you. The skeleton I activated was the result I achieved after trying for a long time."

Su Cheng didn't seem to know what the other party was thinking, and he didn't care about the possible consequences after he revealed all these flaws.

He was just like this, talking calmly to himself.

"As for the rhetoric of activating all the keels in the entire valley, they are just to scare you. In fact, being able to activate a few is already my current limit."

"...are you telling the truth?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at him and asked in a deep voice, his purple eyes as calm as water, not showing any displeasure.

After all, she has lived for an extremely long time and still has some memories of when she was a dragon god. She is not an innocent child.

If Su Cheng did not take the initiative to admit the shortcomings of this method, it would not be a flaw, but a real sharp blade that would always hang over the heads of the dragon people.

"Of course it's true. Do you think there's any point in me deceiving you in this regard?"

Su Cheng chuckled lightly, "I relied on the power of the powerful energy body deep in the valley to achieve this step. However, I cannot master that power at all and can only use a very small part of it. "

Having said this, he tilted his head and looked into the Silver Dragon King's eyes, "I think your abilities are somewhat similar to that big guy's, almost coming from the same source. If it were you, I'd say Maybe we can actually achieve that kind of scene.”

With that said, Su Cheng taught the other party how to use the power of the Dragon God to stimulate these dragon bones.

He did not deceive the Silver Dragon King.

After the Silver Dragon King learns it, he can indeed use the same method to do the same thing.

Just like applying formulas to answer questions and learning exercises to improve your level. Even if you don’t know the principles, mastering the routine is enough to reproduce it.

Even as one of the clones of the Dragon God, she is more suitable for this method of intensifying the keel radiation than Su Cheng himself.

Of course, I'm afraid she won't be able to actually use it in her life.


After listening, the Silver Dragon King nodded silently, his eyes slightly strange.

Even with her identity and character, it was inevitable that she would be a little curious about Su Cheng at this time.

Whether it is the countless dragon bones scattered throughout the valley, or his own powerful strength and extraordinary bloodline, or even the core of the Dragon God deep in the valley that is always attracting him to look for...

Don't these things have any allure to the human beings in front of them?

There was one more thing that concerned her.

"Can you harness the power of the Dragon God?"

Although the other party said that only a very small part could be used.

But as a human being, how does he do this?

Is this person really, as he says, not from this world?

So, in the world where he originally lived, were there creatures similar to himself?

What is the relationship between humans and other races there?

"The power of the Dragon God?" Su Cheng repeated softly, "You mean, the energy body deep in the valley is called the Dragon God?"

"That's not the Dragon God." The Silver Dragon King's voice was slightly deep, with an inexplicable deep emotion. "The Dragon God has passed away. It's just the core of the will left by the Dragon God."

"……I'm very sorry."


The Silver Dragon King was stunned for a moment.

"That Dragon God is a very important ancestor to you, right? I don't mean to be blasphemous. I just saw that special energy body, and its form of existence is different from the corpses in the valley, so I don't know what you mean. The situation of the Dragon God in the mouth. As far as I know, certain special energies can also form similar phenomena."

"There is no need to apologize for this." The Silver Dragon King lowered his eyes and said calmly, "I don't care about this."

"Respect is mutual. You may not care, but I can't help but take it to heart." Su Cheng explained very seriously, "We are not acquaintances. We have many friends and many paths. No matter what, you It can be regarded as the first friend I have made in this world."


Upon hearing this title, the Silver Dragon King seemed startled.

She had no friends and never needed friends.

She only needs her tribe and subordinates.

What's more, making friends with humans?

Silver Dragon King's eyes turned cold and he said indifferently: "You think too much. You and I are not really friends."

Su Cheng didn't care when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Is that so? I thought the hostility between you and me had turned into friendship."

"I am willing to respect you. This is not only because of the conditions I agreed to you before, but also because of your strength and integrity. But it is better not to talk about friends. What's more, being friends with me is not necessarily for you. It’s a good thing.”

"Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, I know it myself." Su Cheng shook his head noncommittally.

"You don't understand anything at all." The Silver Dragon King raised his eyes, and his eyes became cold and indifferent again.

"Since you say you come from other worlds, let me believe what you say. I also know that the universe is vast, and it is not surprising that things beyond my understanding occasionally appear. I am not that strong in curiosity.

"As for where you come from, what secrets you hide, and why you appear in the burial ground of our clan, these are not important.

"Because after I take away that part of Dragon God's energy, this small world that has lost its core of existence will soon be washed away by the power of space, and I don't know where it will float in the future.

“So, you should leave here as soon as possible.

"It would be best for you and me to go our separate ways after we get out."

The human being in front of me is very special and extraordinary.

Both his ideas and his acting style were unique and recognized by her.

There was also the faint feeling of intimacy that existed vaguely, and the seemingly absent power of fate, which made her a little concerned.

But not everyone can participate in the Dragon Clan’s path.

To rashly involve an outsider in the situation, it would be fine if he was just an insignificant weakling, but Su Cheng was obviously not a weakling.

If the other party is involved, it may not be a good thing for himself, the Dragon Clan, or him.

Silver Dragon King has an inexplicable intuition.

If he gets involved with the human being in front of him, the future will become very troublesome.

She didn't dare take risks.

Let alone bet on the future of the ethnic group.

She has been stable for so long and has been waiting for so long. She cannot let her investment and efforts go to waste.

This harvest has exceeded expectations.

As long as he gets the core of the Dragon God deep in the Dragon Valley, his trip will be worthwhile and he will make a lot of money, not to mention getting a magical secret method.

Although this secret method is destined to be impossible to use, based on it, it might be able to help her understand the power of the Dragon God.

As for Su Cheng...

The Silver Dragon King silently stared at the human boy in front of him.

She did not think that as a human being, Su Cheng would have the possibility to help the Dragon Clan after he walked out of the small world of Dragon Valley, entered the Douluo Star, or even entered the God Realm in the future.


"After today, maybe you and I will become enemies. When that happens, I hope you won't regret what you did today."

"Is that so? It seems that the situation in this world is much more complicated than I imagined. Shouldn't I have casually joined the enemy before? Is it the right thing to just leave this place?" Su Cheng said casually like a joke.

The Silver Dragon King did not smile at all, and said in a very serious tone: "We dragons are not like humans, we have our own bottom line. If we are really enemies in the future, I can promise to let you go. Of course, if it is me I am not as skilled as others and I am defeated in your hands, so you don’t have to show mercy to me. After all, you don’t owe me anything.”

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