"The laws of the world suppress soul beasts. When a soul beast's cultivation reaches the level of one hundred thousand years, it will go through a terrifying test of heavenly tribulation. If it cannot survive it, it will end in physical death.

"But actually, hundred thousand year soul beasts have another chance. They can make a choice and choose to get rid of their identity as soul beasts and become humans to start over.

"However, this opportunity only exists for one hundred thousand years. When the soul beast's cultivation exceeds two hundred thousand years, it can no longer truly transform into a human being. At most, it can only change its external form, but it is still a soul beast in essence. .”

Su Cheng nodded and looked at the Silver Dragon King, "What about you?"


The Silver Dragon King didn't seem to expect that he would ask this question. After hesitating for a moment, he answered: "I can also transform into a human form."

"No, I'm not referring to appearance. I mean, can you transform into a human being and rebuild like the hundred thousand year soul beast you mentioned? I know that you can't only have one hundred thousand years of cultivation, but As the bloodline source of the soul beasts, your situation should not be exactly the same as theirs."


The Silver Dragon King looked at Su Cheng in shock, "But... your so-called method, could it be that you want me to rebuild my cultivation?"

"why not?"

"Why rebuild it?!"

She couldn't understand Su Cheng's brain circuit at all. This idea was too ridiculous.

"Su Cheng, do you know what my strength is now? If I completely recover from my injuries and return to my peak, my strength will be at least at the extreme level of a first-level god. If I can comprehend the power of the Dragon God, it may not be impossible for the God King. . So now you want me to give up my cultivation and foundation and choose to transform and rebuild?"

"You still don't understand."

Su Cheng sighed helplessly.

"What you can heal now is only external injuries. How can it be so easy to restore your original nature? What's more, let's not talk about whether your original injuries still have a chance to completely recover. Even if you do recover, so what? A first-level god? You were before Aren’t you still saying that there are five great god kings in the god world?”

"..." The Silver Dragon King's eyes flickered and he said nothing.

"You will gain only if you give up. If you are reluctant to let go of the glory of the past and indulge in the illusory past, why should you dream of reaching new heights? If the accumulation of the past has become a shackles for you, it is better to simply give up. Now, as the 'Silver Dragon King', this body has become a chain, not only your strength, but also your heart is firmly imprisoned by this identity!"


"Silver Dragon King, have you ever thought about why a soul beast can have a chance to 'transform and rebuild' in a hundred thousand years? As the source of blood, have you ever thought about the reason behind this?"


The Silver Dragon King was stunned.

It was obvious that she had never delved into the subject.

Just treat this matter as an ordinary law of nature.

In the universe, humans are not only found in Douluo Star. This race has existed in every corner of the world a long time ago.

The gods in the divine world often walk in human appearance.

Even the original Dragon God also had a human body in addition to the Dragon God's body.

Now that Su Cheng said this, a trace of doubt suddenly appeared in her mind.

Why did the Dragon God, who was the king of gods and the leader of all races, have another human appearance?

"You said it yourself before, the laws of the world suppress your race, and humans are the darlings of the world today, favored by all parties. But this is not the key issue. The key is that your spirituality is too shallow." Su Cheng criticized mercilessly.

"With your naturally strong body and sharp claws, you could still show off your power back then, but in the end you will be surpassed by those who come after you. Because you are progressing too slowly and will only rely on your innate conditions!

"Now, if you want to catch up again, you should learn to correct the path. If you are heading in the wrong direction, no matter how hard you try, the gap will only get wider and wider!"

"The gap is getting bigger and bigger..." The Silver Dragon King felt depressed.

This is the truth.

It is precisely because of the real dilemma that it becomes increasingly difficult for her to see hope, so she can only remain in a shrinking state.

"What does past cultivation mean? Do you understand how many benefits it can bring to have a higher starting point?"

Su Cheng sneered.

"Many people wallow in the quagmire all their lives, struggling all their lives and never getting ahead. But some people are in the divine realm as soon as they are born, and they are born as the proud sons of heaven. At this time, when comparing the length of cultivation, some Does it make any sense?

“I have seen too many mediocre people with mediocre talents, but they still don’t know how to adapt and are unwilling to give up the interests at hand. As a result, they miss more and greater opportunities.

"This is a lack of vision and a lack of structure. Our understanding of the world is still at the stage of 'effort' and 'resources', and we fail to recognize the benefits of 'taking advantage of the situation'.

"The inferior ones borrow the power of others, and the superior ones borrow the general trend. And now, human beings are the general trend! Do you think that the current world is still the past era when the dragons were kings and hegemons?

"Silver Dragon King, if you can gain momentum through accumulation, this is already a huge advantage for you!"

"Humanity is the general trend?" Listening to Su Cheng's conclusion, the Silver Dragon King's long tail flicked slightly, and his eyes changed.

"Is there anything to question?" Su Cheng said calmly.

"The Dragon God is dead, your backer is gone, and you are your backer. In this case, what's the point of continuing to be the Silver Dragon King?

"The dragon body you have now means the most to you, which is just the accumulation of your past cultivation and your current level of strength.

"But what's the use?

"Even when you reach your peak, you can't compare to the hair of the Shura God you talk about, right?"

After speaking, he fell silent and waited for the other party's response.

The Silver Dragon King didn't speak for a while, lowering his eyes and thinking.

After a long time, she raised her eyes and looked at Su Cheng, "If I practice again in human form, will I be able to make further progress?"

"Don't ask such naive questions. There is no 'certain' thing in the world. This is a choice you should face." Su Cheng frowned and glanced at the other party, "If you don't dare to take any risks, I think we There is no need to continue communicating.”

Of course he could make this promise, but he didn't want to do it.

It is natural to take responsibility for one's own decisions. He has shown the Silver Dragon King enough chips, and then it depends on the other party's own decision.

To be honest, although she is the leader of a clan, observation shows that this female dragon has a better background, but her ideological level is not very good.

Not to mention comparing the current Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, even compared with A Yin, they are still worse.

Acting too forward-thinking or, to put it bluntly, too "cowardly".

This problem must be solved for her, otherwise it will be embarrassing in the future.

She can even rely on her past accumulation and the resources and knowledge provided by Su Cheng to help her achieve the level of first-level god.

But the level of the God King is by no means easily accessible, and it is not as easy as it sounds to complete the Dragon God's bloodline.

To be honest, the peak combat power of a first-level god means little to Su Cheng.

He needs a stronger Silver Dragon King.

After a while, the Silver Dragon King took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Then I will do as you say."

"That's the right choice. I'm impressed by you."

Su Cheng snapped his fingers and his expression finally softened.

That's right.

The bloodline of the Dragon God, the secret method of the Dragon Clan, the potential he has shown, and his current apparent strength in the God Realm...

With so many factors in front of her, if she keeps whining, her patience will be wasted.

Su Cheng had to wonder if this Silver Dragon King, who had lived for countless thousands of years, was still weaned.

"You won't regret it. Knowledge, brains, spirituality... these things are much more important in the long run than superficial cultivation. As long as you are not facing life and death, and you must use your strength to save your life, you should start from the long term. .not to mention……"

Having said this, he gave the Silver Dragon King a meaningful look and said, "With your current strength, you can't say it's enough to protect yourself, right? Then why don't you give up?"

"In fact, some time ago I was forced to give up most of my cultivation and start over. But it was a blessing in disguise. I built a better foundation and greatly expanded my future ceiling. You can do the same."

"I hope so." The Silver Dragon King's voice returned to its original calm and low tone, and his eyes showed subtle self-mockery and bitterness, "Become a human, transform and rebuild..."

Originally, apart from the gods of the divine world, the race she hated most was humans.

Because of this, even though Ditian and others had their own human forms, she always maintained her original dragon body and never changed.

But I didn't expect that now I would have to re-enter the world as a human being...

"There is no need to have any psychological burden because of this kind of thing." Su Cheng saw her inner thoughts and said casually: "What do you think the gods in the divine world did wrong, and what did humans do wrong? The current dragon clan, and yours Where did those dependent tribesmen go wrong?”

The Silver Dragon King's eyes turned cold, "Heaven is unfair and humans are greedy. What's wrong with the dragons and soul beasts?"

"No, you said the opposite. You are the ones who are at the biggest fault." A cruel smile appeared on Su Cheng's lips, "Weakness is the biggest fault!"


The Silver Dragon King was speechless.

She felt that this argument was very problematic, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Because to some extent, this is true.

The strong make the rules and the weak can only obey the rules.

"...I always feel that your thinking pattern is very dangerous."

"That's because you are the weak side now. When the situation reverses and your position changes, you won't think so."

"No, even if the Dragon Clan rises again, we will not bully the weak."

The Silver Dragon King's eyes were very serious.

This is what the Dragon God did back then.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to prove it to me when the time comes."

Su Cheng shrugged, looking indifferent.

This kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

The Silver Dragon King was moved in his heart, looked at him and said seriously: "I will prove it to you."

Without waiting for his response, he asked instead, "Can you give me a drop of your blood?"

"Didn't I give it to you?"

"I'm not talking about Dragon God's bloodline, but your blood."

"Okay, that's okay," Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to do?"

"Your body is very unusual. It's different from ordinary humans. I want to try to make a reference."

"You want to start transforming and rebuilding now?" Su Cheng looked surprised, "Don't be so anxious, I still need to study the plan. And don't you need your fellow clan members to protect you? Here, there are only two of us. . After rebuilding, all your strength will be cleared."

"You said that we are friends, right?" The Silver Dragon King stared at him, "Although I don't quite understand what friends mean, we should at least trust each other, right?"


Su Cheng didn't know how to answer this.

Is this big guy in front of me naive or bold? He was obviously so timid before, why did he suddenly change his gender?

"Don't think of me as a fool." The Silver Dragon King said in a calm voice, "Since I have chosen to follow your advice when it comes to rebuilding, I don't think I need to be on guard against you in this step."

"You misunderstood. I don't think you are stupid."

Su Cheng smiled awkwardly and explained quickly.



A small drop of blood fell directly in front of the Silver Dragon King.

The next moment, the blood beads shattered and turned into a blood mist.

The Silver Dragon King simply looked at her for a few times, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. Immediately, a rich silver mist appeared outside the huge body, covering her whole body.

Immediately afterwards, the light mist began to shrink rapidly.

From hundreds of meters to hundreds of meters, and then to tens of meters...

Su Cheng subconsciously opened his true vision and observed the energy transformation within it.

That is not the power of space, it is filled with the color of all attribute elements, and then derives endless changes.

Even he couldn't see it clearly.

Half a moment passed.

The huge silver dragon has disappeared.

She transformed into a tall and beautiful woman and stood in front of Su Cheng.

The silver hair that reaches her waist and hips is spread behind her, with a wonderful texture like silver crystal.

On her pretty fair face, there is a pair of deep, calm and slightly dazed purple eyes, which are clear and transparent, and extremely sultry.

A long skirt that fits perfectly around the body.

It was obviously just a very ordinary plain white dress, but it looked extremely sexy when she was wearing it.

How should I put it, perfect, almost like a character that only belongs in fantasy.

It was so beautiful that it was almost unreal, like a virtual character in the second dimension coming into reality, and it even gave him an extremely unreal feeling.


Su Cheng's eyes changed, "Why did you become like this?"

The corner of the girl's mouth seemed to have a slight arc that could not be detected, but it disappeared in an instant.

He returned to that calm face with almost no emotion.

The change in his expression just now seemed like an illusion.

"Isn't this what you want to see?"

"?" Su Cheng opened his eyes slightly, "Can you see through my thoughts?"

"I can't see through it." The Silver Dragon King shook his head, "Your power level is too high."

Su Cheng was relieved.

That is, how could this happen.

Due to the special nature of his true power, it is impossible for someone who has just passed the threshold of a third-level god to see through it.

No matter how bizarre her attributes are, she can never do it.

As for appearance...

Probably just a coincidence.

After all, even Su Cheng himself didn't have a specific portrait before.

The Silver Dragon King glanced at him with a flat expression, lowered his eyes again, and said nothing more.

What she didn't tell the other party was that despite her special mental ability, she couldn't observe Su Cheng's spiritual world.

But you can follow that drop of blood and detect a subtle trace of it.

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