Deep in the Star Luo Empire, in a certain unexplored canyon, there were six figures of four men, two women, standing intertwined with each other on the ground.

Although these people have different appearances, they all look very imposing and have their own unique charm. They are obviously strong men in the world.

At this time, they were raising their hands high, surrounded by dense light mist, and their eyes were shining brightly. They were trying their best to maintain a huge black crack in the air, which seemed very difficult.

"...I can't hold it anymore. The pressure of the main world's space laws is too strong. What should I do, boss?"

In the sky, the huge crack trembled slightly.

The person who spoke was a muscular, bald man with a sinewy face, looking very fierce and domineering.

The leading black-haired man snorted coldly, his golden eyes unmoved, "Even if it costs us our lives, we must endure to the end. I have already felt the breath of the Dragon God, and the Lord is about to come out. Please continue to hold on for a while." ."

Higher above the heads of several people, there was a white jade insect-shaped soul beast that was more than seven meters long and looked like a silkworm baby. It was twisting its fat body.

Around its body, there is a circle of pale silver flames burning, which continues to emit a wonderful spiritual rhythm to the surroundings.

Even the slightly twisted space in the canyon was filled with a layer of mist under the heavy fluctuations.

"How many days have it been? Didn't you say that the time and space seal is here, and it only takes a few hours..." The wailing sounds that outsiders can't hear are echoing in the heart of the insect beast, "Ah ah... it hurts" Brother is dead... Come out quickly... Brother doesn't want to die... This is different from what we promised before..."

If you observe carefully, you will find that this insect-shaped soul beast looks like a silkworm, with circles of golden lines surrounding the white jade insect body.

Those flames actually burned on these golden patterns.

But by now, those lines had become incomplete, and most of them had disappeared.

But this little soul beast, the most inconspicuous in the field, plays an extremely crucial role.

The movement in the canyon was so alarming, but it was not noticed by any Titled Douluo. It was only because of the strong spiritual field burning on its body that it completely obscured the place, hiding the space cracks and the terrifying aura exuding from the six men and women.

At this moment, there was a flash of silver light, and two figures, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared above their heads, and immediately landed in front of several people.

The boy looked young, still like a teenager, with a childish look on his handsome face. However, his expression is calm and calm, and he has a sense of maturity that belies his age.

But in comparison, the girl next to her was the focus of everyone's attention.

She looked only five or six years old, with amethyst-like eyes adorning her delicate and pretty face like a porcelain doll.

Coupled with the bright silver short hair and the cold and lifeless expression of his eyebrows, he is not like a mortal person at all, just like an illusion that has just come out of a painting, like a dream or otherworldly shadow.

However, Di Tian still recognized the identity of the girl in front of him at a glance.

Those golden eyes that had no waves in the ancient wells trembled violently, and the majestic and steady face couldn't help but twitch a few times.

"Lord, what are you doing?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Su Cheng, who was standing next to the Silver Dragon King, and frowned subconsciously.


Why did the Lord enter the Dragon Tomb and be followed by a human when he came out?

Could it be that this person caused the initial fluctuation in Dragon Tomb? But how did he enter the Dragon Tomb?

And this person’s temperament…

Although there was no aura escaping from the young man in front of him, he felt great threat and pressure.

The combat experience accumulated over countless years has given him strong combat intuition.

Even if he couldn't feel the other person's aura, he could be sure that this seemingly young boy was by no means a weakling.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

The Silver Dragon King glanced around and spoke calmly.

Her voice was no longer deep, but instead sounded extremely clear and sweet, with a hint of childishness. It formed a huge contrast with the indifferent tone when she spoke, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little weird.

The Silver Dragon King didn't know what the others were thinking at the moment, and she wouldn't care if he knew it. He just raised his delicate wrist.

Following the movement, a silver dragon seemed to flash past behind the silver-haired girl.

The next moment, the space crack closed instantly, and the strong energy fluctuations in the canyon dissipated in an instant.

Everyone who was trying their best to maintain the space cracks suddenly felt relieved.


Ditian's eyes narrowed and he noticed the seven-color light on the back of the Silver Dragon King's right hand.

It was a diamond-shaped scale less than the size of a fingertip, and it contained an aura of nobility that was hard to detect.

This kind of aura has great suppressive power on all dragons and soul beasts.

If we say that the Silver Dragon King sat in the position of co-master of the soul beasts because of his special identity and powerful strength.

So even if the owner of this aura does not have any power to support him, just leaking a ray of aura is enough to make any soul beast unable to resist at all.

Dragon God bloodline!

However, what is left in the dragon tomb should not be the remaining will of Lord Dragon God, a fragment of his soul. Why is there still bloodline left?

His bloodline should have long ago returned to the split body Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King.

At this time, Di Tian had too many doubts in his heart.

For example, where did the Lord's Dragon God bloodline come from, why did the Silver Dragon King delay in the Dragon Tomb for so long, and whether the core of the Dragon God was obtained...

Also, why did she suddenly choose to turn into a human form, and she was still in a juvenile state, giving up the powerful power she once had? What's going on with this human being...

He felt that his mind was confused, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

After a pause, he finally looked at the two of them and asked, "My lord, who is this?"


The Silver Dragon King looked at Di Tian, ​​then glanced at Su Cheng, who was looking at the canyon landscape curiously with a leisurely look on his face, and frowned.

She didn't know how to introduce it.

Seeing this, Su Cheng took the initiative to answer the question and looked into the golden eyes of the middle-aged man in black, "Hello, are you the tribesmen mentioned by the Silver Dragon King? You should be the Dragon God's personal guard commander she mentioned, the golden-eyed black dragon. Wang Ditian? My Su Cheng is a friend of the Silver Dragon King."


Ditian was stunned when he heard this.

Friend of the Lord?

What does this mean? The Silver Dragon King has gone into the Dragon Tomb to make friends?

Damn it.

Could it be that I have been shrouded in the spiritual realm of Tianmeng Iceworm for too long, causing me to fall under the illusion...

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to Di Tian, ​​who was a little dazed. He just scanned the surrounding environment and silently estimated the current timeline in his mind.

When the Silver Dragon King introduced him to the external situation before, he only briefly explained the camp comparison between humans and soul beasts, as well as the training system of human soul masters.

As for the internal disputes among human beings, the Empire, Wuhun Palace and other various forces, she obviously did not know the specific situation, let alone who was in power in Wuhun Palace now - she would not care about such things at all.

Su Cheng still needs to slowly collect relevant information.

Then, he examined the distinctive figures standing in front of him.

As expected, judging from their auras, all of them were powerful soul beasts. They were probably the top combatants on the Douluo Star under the command of the Silver Dragon King.

Three men stood closer to the front, including a muscular bald man, a skinny middle-aged man with green eyes, and a strong red-haired man.

They should be the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear King, the Demon Eye Demon Tree Ten Thousand Demon King, and the Three-Headed Red Demon Mastiff Red King that the Silver Dragon King told him before.

The strength is not very strong, but the properties of the demon-eyed tree are a bit interesting.

In addition to the three of them, there were two beautiful women standing a little further away.

Among them, the beauty with black hair and purple eyes was wearing a black dress. She had a very hot figure. The other one was wearing a long aqua dress. She looked much more symmetrical, and her temperament was more gentle and friendly. When she was looked at by those eyes, she even lost her mind. Everyone calmed down.

But Su Cheng's attention was focused more on the former.

It's not because her figure is better, but because of her body...

Pure blood dragon clan.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly. Darkness and water were perfectly blended. It had very special attributes and characteristics. It was very unusual and different from the dragons in the valley.

Of course, the attributes of the other non-dragon mother soul beast are also very good.

After looking at it for a while, he stopped sensing it in depth. He raised his head and pointed at the burning insect beast suspended in mid-air.

"You don't care about that guy? I see it looks like it's about to die."

After hearing this, Tianmeng Bingsi was shocked and suddenly felt moved.

No matter who the person speaking below is, I finally remembered my brother!

It didn't even have the strength to speak at this time.

When Di Tian heard this, he glanced at the petite Silver Dragon King and saw that the other party had no intention of speaking, so he took the initiative to explain: "It can't die yet. We still need to use its power to cover up the movement."

Tianmeng Iceworm: "..."

"No, let it come down." Su Cheng shook his head, "I can protect your breath."

In the past few years, he has not gained nothing.

Although limited by physical condition, the progress of strength improvement is slow, but some real power application techniques have made considerable progress.

The special environment of the Dragon Tomb, with various elemental powers and bloodline powers mixed together, brought him a lot of inspiration.

Especially the power of Dragon God, which is almost all-encompassing.

Although the bloodline is not completely integrated, some uses of power are of great reference significance.

"This..." Ditian seemed a little hesitant when he heard this.

What is the identity of the human boy in front of me, and is it trustworthy?

And this person is too weird.

Regardless of age, strength, the location and timing of the opponent's appearance, and his relationship with the Silver Dragon King, it was completely illogical, making him feel inexplicably uneasy - he was worried that his leader had been deceived.

Compared with the Silver Dragon King who sleeps and heals in the Lake of Life deep in the Star Forest all year round, he has more time to observe the changes and development of the human world.

Therefore, Di Tian knew much more about the human race, and the hostility and prejudice in his heart were much more serious.

In fact, if he wasn't careful and there were too many questions that he didn't know the answers to, Di Tian would definitely test him even if the Silver Dragon King was in front of him.

As for the others, although they had different thoughts at this time, it was obviously not their turn to speak at this moment.

"Just listen to Su Cheng."

A slightly immature and plain female voice sounded.

The Silver Dragon King spoke.

After these days of getting along, she and Su Cheng have developed a great understanding.

Although it only seemed like a few days to the outside world, in fact, more than a month had passed in Dragon Valley.

As a small world attached to Douluo Continent, originally the time flow rate between Dragon Valley and Douluo Star was exactly the same.

However, when the Silver Dragon King arrived earlier, in order to prevent the outside movement from changing too late, he specially consumed the source to create a space-time seal, which caused the time flow rate between the small world and the main world to differ by about ten times.

Although she only has part of the authority of the Dragon God and controls the power of space, she still has a very small amount of time attributes.

It's just that this kind of power is extremely limited. With her physical condition at the time, barely creating this difference in time flow rate was the limit of what she could do.

If she hadn't been unable to maintain the space-time seal after her transformation, the two of them would have stayed in the Dragon Tomb for a while longer, continuing to study the power structure of the Dragon God's core and practicing with the power of the Dragon Soul.

According to her calculations, both Di Tian and the others, as well as the spiritual origin of Tian Meng Ice Silkworm, could still sustain it for some time.

As for how much Tianmeng Iceworm's spiritual origin will be lost after everything is over, it is obviously not within her scope of consideration.

Of course, for the Silver Dragon King, the harvest from this trip was huge enough, even far exceeding her original expectations.

This human body...

The Silver Dragon King lightly clenched his fists. This body has great potential, and it is almost the same species as ordinary humans.

If judged by the talent of a human soul master, it would be "innate level 100 soul power."

At that time, Su Cheng told her seriously that this was called "innate divine body".

In the future, she only needs to slowly release the power deep in her bloodline step by step, and she will be able to reach the level of god step by step. There will be no bottleneck before level 100.

But it doesn't matter.

A hundred-level god is only a third-level god, and compared to her original strength, it is still far inferior.

Even compared to the injured dragon body, there is a big gap in combat power.

And after level 100, if you want to go further, the difficulty of practicing again will be far greater than the difficulty of recovery.

The key is that the spiritual strength of her soul after transformation is completely different from the past, giving her an extremely mysterious feeling and doubling her confidence.

It is true that the current Silver Dragon King has embarked on the path of rebuilding mankind, but it is different from the ordinary soul beast transformation.

The power belonging to the Silver Dragon King, in addition to being used to reshape the bones and blood, fill the new body, consolidate the foundation, and form a perfect human soul and body, there is still a lot left.

With her foundation and strength level, even if she chooses to rebuild, she will not be able to squander all her original energy like ordinary hundred thousand year soul beasts.

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