Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 324 Ditian: The boss is about to be abducted by a kid

Although the Silver Dragon King, who is now in the form of a little lolita, contains extremely deep energy reserves in his body, the actual combat power he can exert is actually very weak.

After all, she had just embarked on the path of transformation and reconstruction, and had not yet broken away from the shackles of soul master training.

Therefore, before the soul ring was generated, the terrifying power hidden in her body could not be used at all.

With the help of the reshaped body strength, it can be comparable to Jianhunzun.

As for the remaining energy that once belonged to the "Silver Dragon King", it has now been divided into two parts with the help and guidance of Su Cheng.

Most of it has been deposited in her Silver Dragon Martial Soul, which will be continuously absorbed and fused with her subsequent improvement in cultivation. This is also the origin of the so-called "innate hundred-level soul power".

In addition, there is still a small half of the energy, which was sealed by Su Cheng with the help of the Dragon God's power to nourish the Dragon God's bloodline, which is the colorful dragon scale on the back of the Silver Dragon King's hand.

After Su Cheng's observation, this is the best way for the Silver Dragon King to utilize the Dragon God's bloodline.

It is true that the level of Dragon God's bloodline is extremely high, but as half of the split body of Dragon God, the power of Silver Dragon King's own bloodline is not bad either.

The quality gap between the two is limited, but the quantitative difference is like a firefly and a bright moon, not on the same order of magnitude at all.

If it is directly integrated into the body like this, it will be quickly assimilated and consumed by her, and the improvement it brings will be limited and very wasteful.

But taking this opportunity to transform and rebuild, the meager dragon god's bloodline has the possibility to grow with the human body, getting the best of both worlds.

In the canyon, the Silver Dragon King looked at the Tianmeng Iceworm high in the sky and waved gently.

Following her movements, the white jade-colored silkworms were suspended and burning, and the circle of silver flames lingering outside her body was instantly extinguished.

The next moment, the huge insect body fell to the ground.

It weakly raised its body and looked at Su Cheng with its small golden eyes, "Thank you very much."

"You are welcome."

Su Cheng responded casually, and immediately an almost imperceptible wave spread out from his body, seamlessly connecting to the previous mental barrier, covering everyone.

Compared with the previous rough energy use methods, Su Cheng's methods were much more delicate.

This is no wonder Tianmeng Iceworm.

The Silver Dragon King's injury has not healed, and he cannot move lightly due to his strength. The attributes of the others do not match, so he cannot shield the god-level perception.

Only Tianmeng Ice Silkworm has both spiritual attributes and years of cultivation. Unfortunately, he is a loser and only got such a level of power by luck.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to control powers far beyond it by forcibly ascending to the god level by burning the spiritual source?


There seemed to be a faint buzzing sound passing through the canyon.

Ditian's eyes suddenly condensed.

Not only him, but also Xiong Jun, Zi Ji and others looked at Su Cheng with horrified faces, their expressions changing from curiosity and confusion to fear and solemnity.

Extreme Douluo!

The power fluctuations shown by the young human who looked like a teenager in front of him just now showed a strength that was at least above that of Ultimate Douluo!

It can be said that among all the top experts of the soul beast group gathered here, except for the leader Di Tian, ​​no one else is likely to be his opponent.

Moreover, his energy aura is extremely weird. It is not the soul power that everyone knows, but some unknown energy.

"Your Excellency is so powerful. You are only in your early tenth year, right?" Di Tian couldn't help but test him.

Having lived in seclusion on Douluo Planet for hundreds of thousands of years, he had never seen such a powerful human cub.

"Senior Ditian is so complimentary."

Su Cheng's voice was calm and he did not respond to the other party's question.

His previous actions were intentional.

With the characteristics of true power, even if it is used, it can be done without leaking any breath.

But there is no need for him to play the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

It's not a bad thing to let these people know his general strength. He doesn't need to rely on the Silver Dragon King to show off his power.

What's more, this is just his current strength.

In the next three to five years, when his body grows bigger, his strength will make a further leap.

Ditian's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this, and he stopped talking and began to feel the new techniques used by Su Cheng.

Not only him, but the Silver Dragon King's face finally showed some curiosity, his eyes rolled, and he looked around quietly.

Different from the previous spiritual barrier of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, that method was to create a god-level barrier at the cost of burning the spiritual origin of the spiritual soul beast for millions of years, blocking the perception of the outside world and even the divine world.

If everything is normal, it would be okay, but if you are unlucky and divine consciousness happens to sweep down, you will sense an obvious blank gap at this location.

This is not the case with Su Cheng's methods.

When his power spread and covered, everyone's aura seemed to blend into the canyon, inseparable from the natural environment, as if they had become a part of this place.

This method is more similar to camouflage, not only less lossy, but also extremely difficult to detect.

"What should I do next? Send them back first?"

Su Cheng didn't care what these people thought, and looked directly at the Silver Dragon King and asked.

Di Tian couldn't help but frown slightly. What did "send them back first" mean? What other actions did these two people take?

But before he could think about it, the Silver Dragon King had already spoken, "Well, let's go back to the Star Dou Forest first. Ditian, take me with you."

When they came, several people came here directly with the help of her space power.

But in her current state, it is obvious that she cannot tear apart the space and return directly to the Star Forest.

Di Tian suddenly understood, and a light emerged from his body.

The next moment, the body disappeared and was replaced by a hundred-foot-long black-skinned dragon surrounded by an ominous purple-black halo.

The originally vast and empty canyon suddenly became crowded with the appearance of the dragon.

The Silver Dragon King jumped lightly and stood directly on the back of the black dragon.

In contrast, it was like a small silver dot falling on the black mountain peak - her silver crystal-like short hair was really too conspicuous.

After she stood firm, the black dragon spread its wings like hanging clouds and immediately took off into the sky.

Su Cheng smacked his lips when he saw this, and followed with the other soul beasts.

When he was about to fly out of the canyon, the Silver Dragon King, who was standing on Di Tian's back, silently turned his head and glanced at the corner below.

There is the space portal of the small world of Dragon Valley.

Su Cheng, who was flying not far away, saw her thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it won't take long, we will come back here."


In the Dragon Tomb, both the thousands of dragon bones and the deepest core of the Dragon God are still stored in the valley safely and have not been taken away by them.

Now they can't use that power at all, and it would be a waste if they took it. It would also very likely cause the small world to collapse because it lost its core, and the gain outweighed the loss.

Anyway, the coordinates of this small space have been found. As long as the portal is not exposed to the world, several people can re-enter at any time.

Generally speaking, the space structure of a different space attached to the main world is not stable.

Even some relatively fragile small planes may collapse and be destroyed at any time.

However, the small world of Dragon Valley has the core of Dragon God as its support, and its structure is much more stable. As long as it is not subjected to too severe energy impact, there will be no problems.

The location of the largest entrance may shift, but that will only happen after a long time, and it is unlikely that there will be much change in thirty or fifty years.

If we talk about the most stable subsidiary spaces, they are undoubtedly the secret realms of divine inheritance hidden in the mainland, such as Poseidon Temple, Angel Temple, and Hell Road.

Not only is its internal structure self-contained, but even the location of the entrance can be firmly locked in a certain place without changing for tens of thousands of years.

Of course, what we are talking about here is just the spatial structure.

If a powerful alien energy invades, it is actually not difficult to destroy this secondary plane from the inside.

Even if the power is weak, it can be destroyed if you can use clever power.

For example, the deep water pressure used by the Poseidon Temple to maintain balance, or the river of magma and blood on the Hell Road that is the foundation of existence. As long as these central points are destroyed, they can be easily destroyed.

After embarking on the return journey, Ditian finally couldn't help but feel doubts and concerns in his heart, and took the initiative to send a message to the Silver Dragon King: "My lord, are you choosing to re-cultivate? Why did you suddenly make such a decision? Your previous strength , and what about your injuries?"

"I'm sorry you took so long to ask."

Silver Dragon King said calmly.

If there is anyone among the spirit beasts present who is the most loyal to her and can gain her full trust, then it is definitely Di Tian.

Unlike other local soul beasts who grew up in Douluo Star, the opponent was the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King who had served under the Dragon God since the Dragon World was at its peak. The former leader of the Black Dragon Clan, one of the nine dragon kings, the most powerful person in charge of the dark attribute, a half-god-king-level existence.

However, with the death of the Dragon God in the last battle, he also fell from the god level and lingered in the body of a soul beast on the Douluo Star.

If he were not absolutely loyal, with Ditian's strength and accumulation, he could completely start over and do many of the things he really wanted to do. There was no need to still protect him in the current situation where the Dragon Clan was almost hopeless.

The Silver Dragon King knew this very well, so he never thought of hiding anything from him.

"My original injuries have been completely dissipated with this reconstruction, but this also means that those higher-level powers are also gone."


Ditian couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

In fact, he had expected this.

Since the opponent chooses to rebuild, there is no reason not to give up the severely damaged part of the Dragon God's origin.

"Don't worry." The immature voice of the Silver Dragon King was still calm and calm, "I have seen a better way, a way to go further without merging the blood of the Golden Dragon King."

"Because of that human?"

"Because of that human."

Ditian: "..."

This time he didn't know what to say at all.

Talk about that boy’s human identity?

This is an obvious fact, why use him to say it.

Analyze that guy’s suspicions?

The Silver Dragon King himself can also see all kinds of doubts that he can see, such as the timing and location of the opponent's appearance, etc., and may even know more about it, so it is impossible to ignore the past.

So there is no need to mention these things again.

What else can be done?

His identity and his beliefs determine that he will not refute any decision made by the girl standing behind him at this moment.

Whether the decision is right or wrong.

"Now that you have lost all your strength, I will support you to practice again."

"Don't worry now, let's see what Su Cheng says when the time comes."

"You seem to trust him very much?"

"..." The Silver Dragon King said nothing, with a daze in his eyes.

"My lord?"

"He... is very different from other humans." After thinking for a moment, she spoke again.

"He obtained a trace of Dragon God's blood in Dragon Valley. And if he hadn't taken the initiative to reveal it, I wouldn't have noticed it."

The Silver Dragon King did not use her unique spiritual skills to transmit the images directly into Ditian's mind about everything that happened in the Dragon Valley, nor did she repeat what Su Cheng said.

She simply stated this reason.

Di Tian was a little surprised, thinking of the flash of aura he sensed on the Silver Dragon King when they first met, "Did you take your Dragon God bloodline from him?"

"No, he gave me the dragon god's blood directly."

"...Maybe he can't understand the power of the Dragon God." Di Tian commented dryly.

But in fact, even he himself did not believe this conclusion.

Even if Su Cheng knew nothing about the Dragon God's bloodline, the situation in the Dragon Tomb could not be false.

What's more, how could a strong man whose strength was at least at the Ultimate Douluo level not feel the specialness of the Dragon God's power?

"Maybe." The Silver Dragon King did not refute.

During this time, she often thought about what Su Cheng's real thoughts were and whether she was worthy of her trust.

"Lord, you just said that it was because he took the initiative to reveal himself that you were able to sense the dragon god's bloodline? Then could it be that he -"

"Di Tian, ​​I know what you are thinking, but it is no longer important."


Di Tian sighed helplessly when his words were interrupted, and changed his words: "Are you planning to practice with that Su Cheng? But in your current situation, it will be very dangerous without the protection of your clan members."

"My power has not completely disappeared, it has just been deposited in my martial soul bloodline. If it is re-detonated, it will allow me to return to god level instantly."

"That's good."

Di Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Little did he know that the Silver Dragon King only spoke half of what he said.

If the energy in her martial soul is completely detonated, it is true that she can be directly promoted to the god level.

But that also means that the source is completely lost and the power is permanently degraded.

As a result, the third-level god level will most likely be her eternal limit, and there is almost no possibility of reaching the top again.

So even if she dies, she probably won't do anything similar.

Just when Su Cheng, Silver Dragon King and others left the Dragon Tomb to return to Douluo Planet and rushed to the Star Dou Forest, at the border of the Tiandou Empire, a pair of talented soul master sisters were also engaged in the most important battle in their lives. A separation.

"Xiao Qing, don't blame your father, he can't protect you. Unless you stop practicing from now on, as long as you continue to stay in the Star Luo Empire, your martial soul will be exposed to outsiders sooner or later. It is impossible for the royal family to tolerate you. exist."

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, "I understand, eldest sister, just send it here. When I reach the level of Titled Douluo, I will return to the Star Luo Empire. By then, the Zhu family will no longer need It’s restricted by the Dai family.”

After the words fell, a confident smile appeared on that cold and pretty face.

The wanton expression between his brows and eyes made Zhu Zhuyun lose his mind for a while.

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