"Are you their teacher? These students from your college insulted our Canghui College just now. Should you give us an explanation?"

"Explain?" Zhao Wuji sneered, "What's there to explain? Isn't Canghui College just a garbage college? They were right."

Who is Zhao Wuji, the "Fudo Ming King"?

A powerful man of the Soul Saint level had conflicts with Wuhun Palace, and even managed to escape from the siege of sixteen bishops.

That is to say, he lowered his head a little in front of Haotian Douluo a few days ago, and now a mere old bastard at the Soul King level is also pointing fingers at him?

"You!" Ye Zhiqiu's anger surged when he heard this. He didn't care about the remaining diners in the restaurant and walked back into the hotel angrily.

Seeing this, the onlookers stood up and moved further away, leaving only the hotel owner who was sweating profusely and wanted to step forward to mediate.

But under the pressure of that strong aura, as an ordinary person, he did not dare to act rashly.

"The old bastard is quite good at pretending." Zhao Wuji snorted coldly.

He was not a reasonable person to begin with, not to mention that the soul master in front of him was weak.

"Lean back." After waving his hands and saying to Dai Mubai and others, he looked at Ye Zhiqiu with an arrogant expression.

He didn't use his martial soul to possess him, he just raised his right hand, ready to slap the opponent.

However, before he could take action, the body as strong as a brown bear suddenly froze in place, his eyes widened and his pupils shrank suddenly, and drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Not only him, Ye Zhiqiu also paused slightly, with a look of extreme shock and confusion in his eyes.

But unlike Zhao Wuji, the aura on his body suddenly rose, dozens of times higher than before, and he soon reached the level of Contra.

Dai Mubai and others couldn't help but look at each other. Although I didn't know what was going on, I still felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Next, an even more incomprehensible scene happened.

I saw that in the entire hotel, except for the students from Shrek Academy and Zhao Wuji and Ye Zhiqiu, everyone including the seven students from Canghui Academy walked out of the restaurant with blank faces.

Su Cheng's mental hypnosis.

After all, the scenes that may happen next, as well as Ye Zhiqiu's unreasonable strength, are not suitable for too many people to see. If this matter reaches the ears of interested people, it may cause more troubles.

With his current strength and soul level, it is too simple to briefly hypnotize these ordinary people with low strength, and it can be done in a matter of seconds.


Su Yue, who was watching with gusto, suddenly turned her eyes and looked at Su Cheng beside her with some surprise.

The special field outside the opponent's body has just expanded greatly.

What does this guy want to do?

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and looked at the hot girl in Shrek Academy who had been scolded by Zhao Wuji before.

Is it because of this girl?

"Tch, human."

Su Yue curled her lips secretly.

But she actually thought wrong.

Su Cheng didn't take those little things to heart at all, let alone have the idea of ​​standing up for Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhao Wuji would not do anything to Zhu Zhuqing, and Zhu Zhuqing was not that fragile.

In fact, he did this for Su Yue.

He wanted to let Shrek and his friends understand the multi-faceted nature of human beings through their subsequent performances.

Human nature is extremely complex, with good and evil, joy and sorrow, bravery and cowardice, responsibility and dignity...

Whenever an accident happens, different people will always make different choices.

And this kind of complexity in human nature is precisely what Su Yue, who was born in the Dragon Clan, finds most difficult to understand. It is also the deep emotion that is rooted in the deepest part of human thinking and can even defeat nature and instinct.

They not only constantly witness the despicability of human beings, but also always show the greatness of human beings. They are the spiritual color of human beings who continue to evolve until they finally stand at the top of all races.

The more outstanding people are, or the more unique they are, the more distinctive their certain characteristics are.

Therefore, it doesn't make much sense for Su Yue to watch performances by ordinary people. Those passers-by are too stereotyped.

But the people at Shrek Academy are different.

Both their teachers and students are actually quite individual.

These people have good talents and different personality traits, and their inner qualities are much more intense and distinctive than ordinary people.

I have to say that this college is indeed blessed by some luck.

Cold sweat slid down Zhao Wuji's temples, and his pupils trembled slightly, flashing with vague fear.

So strong!

Why is it so strong...

He stared at Ye Zhiqiu opposite, his brain sluggish for a moment.

The aura of this old bastard, who was only a Soul King just now, is rising steadily.

The soul ring under his feet also changed.

From the original one white, two yellow, two purple, and five ordinary low-quality soul rings, there are now eight top-quality soul rings, two yellow, two purple, four black!

But what was even more terrifying was the feeling of mental oppression, which even surpassed that of Haotian Douluo who had just beaten him up a few days ago.

The two feel completely different.

If Tang Hao showed absolute suppression that day, then at this moment, he seemed to be the enemy of the entire world.

Ye Zhiqiu is indeed not too strong, and the aura of Contra is far worse than Titled Douluo.

But this feeling of loneliness, abandoned by heaven and earth, made Zhao Wuji feel cold in his heart.

However, the one who was more shocked than him was actually Ye Zhiqiu himself.

He is still confused until now.

At the last moment, a sudden and inexplicable external force blessed him.

At that moment, he felt as if he was integrated with the world around him, possessing endless power in every move he made.

"Stop thinking about it, it's just your illusion." At this time, a voice sounded like it was deep in the soul.

"Your foundation is too poor. Unless I directly destroy your foundation, even if I use my domain to bless you, you can only reach the peak combat power of Contra. Let me tell you in advance that the guy opposite you, He is a soul saint."

Ye Zhiqiu reacted quickly and immediately understood that there was someone more powerful than he imagined who had secretly taken action.

Although the first floor of the hotel was now empty except for a few of them, there was no one else at all.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but found it difficult to do so.

"No need to speak, whatever I say next, you do."

At this point, Zhao Wuji still dared to be careless.

Although I don't understand why Ye Zhiqiu's strength suddenly changed drastically, and how he managed to hide his strength before, his aura and soul ring cannot be faked, this is a Contra!

He forced himself to calm down, tried his best to resist the terrifying pressure from the surroundings, and released his martial soul, the powerful Vajra Bear.

The moment the martial spirit appeared, he immediately entered the state of possession by the martial spirit.

His clothes were torn, his body was covered with a thick layer of brown hair, and his height soared to over two and a half meters.

The tight muscles all over the body are bulging, the brown eyes are releasing a domineering aura, and the seven top-matching soul rings are constantly beating at a constant speed around the body.


After the martial spirit was released, Zhao Wuji didn't hesitate at all and raised his head and roared.

At the same time, the seventh soul ring under his feet flashed with light, and a strong light spread all over his body in an instant.

The next moment, his already extremely majestic body rapidly expanded again like a balloon. In the blink of an eye, he was already over five meters tall, and his muscles all over his body expanded in an exaggerated manner.

The brown hair grew crazily, and the whole person gradually transformed into a real giant bear.

The seventh soul skill, the true form of the martial soul!

However, it usually takes a certain amount of time for an ordinary soul saint to activate his martial soul's true form to complete the transformation.

Zhao Wuji felt a little nervous inside.

If this process was interrupted, he would have no chance of winning.

But for some reason, Ye Zhiqiu on the opposite side just looked at him quietly without any intention of stopping him.

Not only that, the man himself didn't seem to have any intention of using his martial soul's true form.

But he didn't know that Ye Zhiqiu didn't have a true martial soul at all.

He is just a soul king, how could he possibly use his martial soul true body.

Although Su Cheng's true power is mysterious and his domain is extremely domineering, in the end it can only enhance his energy and cannot change his essence.

As for the displayed soul rings, they were actually just disguises and did not really help him become a Contra-level powerhouse, so the soul skills were still the same as before.

But at this time, Ye Zhiqiu didn't need powerful soul skills or martial soul avatar at all.

Within the coverage of Su Cheng's domain, the heaven and earth work together, and everything is like a weakling.

This realm is not the kind of realm soul skills of ordinary soul masters, nor is it the Five Elements realm or the swordsmanship realm that he has used before.

It is a truly small world, a special field where “I am the world”.

In this force field, various elements move because of him, suppressing the enemy and adding bonus to himself, all reaching an extremely exaggerated level.

The second soul ring under Ye Zhiqiu's feet lit up.

The wave-like light brought with it a dense coldness and instantly spread to the surroundings.

Originally, this was just an ordinary hundred-year-old soul skill, Xuanshui Frozen.

But with the addition of the domain, it was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami rushing toward Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji's expression changed drastically, and the soul rings under his feet flashed one after another.

The brown hair changed color instantly, shining with golden light, and then a pair of bear paws were vigorously slapped forward.

The body of the Immovable Ming King and the powerful Vajra Palm!

However, after he used his soul skills, he realized that the soul power in his body was extremely stagnant, and the soul skills he used were not even powerful.

The essence of soul skills is to use one's own soul power to activate the ring of laws in the soul ring, and then use this to activate the energy of heaven and earth from the outside world, to exert an extremely powerful offensive that far exceeds one's own ordinary attacks.

If one's own level and the amount of external energy are regarded as base numbers, then the strength of the soul ring is an amplifier and a multiplier. One's own level x soul ring strength x external energy is the power of the final soul skill. In the spirit avatar or other blessed states, other bonuses can be obtained.

But at this time, there is no external energy to stimulate him within the scope of the domain, which puts him at an absolute disadvantage.

Looking back at Ye Zhiqiu, even though he only used ordinary soul skills at the millennium soul ring level, his power suddenly increased greatly with the huge blessing of heaven and earth energy.

Sure enough, before Zhao Wuji's pair of huge bear paws could actually be released, they were frozen in place and unable to move.

Not only that, the entire first floor of the hotel was completely enveloped by the biting chill. Even Dai Mubai and other students who were only slightly affected by the aftermath were shivering with cold.

As time passed by, Zhao Wuji's breath and vitality gradually weakened.

Even with Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing's eyesight, they could see that if this continued, he would probably freeze to death in the ice.

Tang San lowered his eyes, and his fingers, which were almost unconscious due to the cold, had quietly touched the belt.

Inside, there are some hidden weapons stored.

However, facing a strong man at the Contra level, he had no idea whether this thing would be effective.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was pale, her delicate red lips had lost half of their color, and a huge white tiger with purple eyes appeared behind her.

At this time, we must work together to try to win.

"Don't... act rashly..."

At this time, Zhao Wuji, who was trying his best to resist the coldness, also noticed the small movements of several of his students, and spoke with difficulty to stop their thoughts.

the reason is simple.

He himself was aware of the surrounding situation in such a state, let alone the Contra opposite him who was far stronger than him?

In fact, Ye Zhiqiu did notice Tang San's movements, but didn't pay much attention.

His perception at this moment was even stronger than his displayed strength.

The nearby area is almost completely under his control, and any sneak attack is absolutely impossible.

After a while, Zhao Wuji finally spoke again...

"I surrender."

There was nothing he could do.

In less than ten minutes, Zhao Wuji's strong soul power had bottomed out in order to resist the biting cold that continued to corrode his body and organs.

The power of Ye Zhiqiu's soul skill Xuanshui Frozen is too powerful. If left unchecked, even with his strong body of a powerful diamond bear, he will definitely be seriously injured by the freezing, and he can only continue to use his soul power to resist.

However, the martial soul's true body consumes a lot of soul power, and without any external energy to supplement it, it cannot sustain it for a long time.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he waited for a while. He didn't stop outputting soul power until Zhao Wuji, who was opposite him, was about to completely exit the martial soul avatar state due to exhaustion of soul power.

As the chill subsided, Zhao Wuji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The light outside the body quickly faded, and the body returned to human form from the original giant brown bear.

He weakly took two steps backward, and it was only thanks to the support of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun that he didn't fall to the ground.

But his clothes were already in tatters and could barely cover his body.

But this has nothing to do with Ye Zhiqiu.

It was after he transformed that his clothes burst.

The reason why the pants are barely intact is because they are specially made for the martial soul's real body.


The pale-faced Zhao Wuji was breathing heavily, and his whole body could not stop trembling slightly.

"You just said that you are from Shrek Academy, right?"

After the brief confrontation, Ye Zhiqiu had no intention of taking action again, and just asked calmly.

"So this teacher from Shrek Academy, I heard your students say before that the motto of your academy is 'Mediocrity means those who dare not cause trouble'. Congratulations, you have caused big trouble now and succeeded in irritating me. So, What are you going to do next?”

In his eyes, there was still a bit of excitement that had not faded away, as well as a trace of unnoticeable tension and worry.

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