It can be said that what happened today was completely beyond Ye Zhiqiu's imagination from beginning to end.

First, I met several young boys in their early teens, who talked nonsense and took the initiative to provoke, and also showed unusually powerful talents.

Just when he thought he had met the second generation of a playboy soul from a powerful sect, who came out to stir up trouble and bully the weak, he did not expect that the other party was from a "Shrek Academy" that he had never heard of. middle.

However, just as he let go of his worries, the leader teacher who suddenly appeared from the other side turned out to be a top-level expert at the Soul Saint level.

Fortunately, for some reason, there was a mysterious strong man in the secret who used some incomprehensible special method to greatly enhance his strength. He directly jumped to the Soul Douluo level and easily crushed the Soul Saint.

Not only that, Ye Zhiqiu also had a vague premonition at this time.

After the real experience of just controlling a power far beyond his own, and the special realization of the unity of heaven and earth, it will be easy for him to be promoted to Soul Emperor in the future.

Even the realm of soul saint that was originally out of reach might have a chance to be touched in one's lifetime.

But while he was happy, there was also some faint worry in his heart.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

At Ye Zhiqiu's age, he has come a long way with ordinary talents, and he understands that behind all blessings there is a corresponding price.

Regardless of everything else, these children on the opposite side alone are a huge hidden danger.

After all, the power today does not really belong to him, but these people in front of him will all grow, and the growth rate must be quite astonishing.

Whether it is this Soul Saint or these promising children, it is hard to say whether they will take revenge on him in the future.

Moreover, he also had no idea what the attitude of that mysterious strong man hiding in the darkness was, and what was the real purpose behind what he did today.

This kind of powerful existence beyond imagination always brings inexplicable fear to people.

But on the other side, compared to Ye Zhiqiu, who was worried about gains and losses, everyone in Shrek was really worried.

Especially Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, their faces turned pale and frightened.

Who would have thought that in this small remote town, a little-known Canghui Academy, their leading teacher would actually be a hidden master.

You know, how many Contra-level experts are there in the entire continent?

Even in the powerful Star Luo Empire, such a level of existence is still in the strongest echelon below the emperor.

It can be said that except for Wuhun Palace, Contra Soul Douluo is definitely the person in high position in any force.

If he were in the academy camp, he would be at least the dean, deputy dean or something like that. How could he go out for training with a few young soul masters with average qualifications?

Zhao Wuji can naturally think of the questions that Dai Mubai and others can think of.

Although he looks rough, his mind is very delicate, otherwise he would not be able to avoid being hunted by forces like Wuhun Palace for more than ten years and remain unharmed.

However, in his opinion, strong men of this level generally pay more attention to their appearance and are rarely willing to bully others.

All I need to do is admit defeat and apologize sincerely, and I'll probably be able to get this matter over with.

When these little monsters in the academy grow up in the future, it will not be too late to regain their place.

Anyway, the other party is from Canghui College, and they all know this.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuji, who had regained a little strength, got rid of the support of Dai Mubai and others and tried to straighten his body.

Then he bowed to Ye Zhiqiu with a pale face and said: "I'm really sorry. What happened today was that I was not strict in discipline and I bumped into you. We will retreat now."

After saying that, he turned to look at Dai Mubai and other people who had taken action before, and reprimanded: "Why don't you hurry up and apologize to your seniors."

Dai Mubai gritted his teeth, glanced at the exhausted Zhao Wuji, and understood that the current situation could not help him speak harshly.

A real man can bend and stretch, and there is nothing shameful in bowing his head to a Contra.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I was speechless earlier, please forgive me."

"Senior, I'm sorry, I just said something mean. Please don't remember the villain's fault and forgive me, junior."

Ma Hongjun has never had any independent opinions. Seeing that his biggest backer was unreliable, Boss Dai once again acted as an example and took the lead, and immediately apologized very straightforwardly.

On the other side, the pale Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment, then prepared to admit her mistake.

If there was anyone present who was most afraid at this moment, it was undoubtedly Xiao Wu.

At the same time, she felt a little lucky in her heart.

Fortunately, the person opposite was just a Contra. If she met a titled Douluo and her true identity was exposed, she would definitely die today.

But at this moment, her wrist was pulled by Tang San beside her.

Looking back, she saw him shaking his head slightly towards her.

Tang San didn't want to bow his head and admit his mistake.

He didn't feel like he had done anything wrong either.

So what if there is a Contra in front of him? Right is right and wrong is wrong. It's just because he has lived a few more years that he can do something to bully the smaller ones.

Of course, the most important thing is that he feels that things may be turning around.

Tang San glanced at the two people at the table a little further away from the corner of his eye.

Ning Rongrong.

This is a trump card.

If this little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect reveals her identity, will the Contra in front of her still have no scruples?

The deterrent power of the Shangsan Sect is no joke. It’s not sure who will apologize when the time comes!

If it is really impossible to do something, it is not too late to pretend to admit your mistake.

"..." After noticing Tang San's attitude, Zhao Wuji felt a little anxious.

But he had some concerns about forcing Tang San to bow his head.

He already knew Tang San's true identity.

If this kid's father found out about this later, he would probably get a beating.

Fortunately, Ye Zhiqiu didn't seem to care about the attitudes of Tang San and Xiao Wu.

In fact, he didn't even look at the students.

Ye Zhiqiu just stared at Zhao Wuji with murderous intent, his tone still cold.

"That's easy to say. Your students provoked me with bad words first, and then hurt my students. You yourself stood up for the students who made mistakes and insulted our Canghui Academy without feeling that there was anything wrong with you at all.

"If I hadn't been more skilled today, the final result could be imagined. Why, do you think now that a simple apology can end this matter?"

When it comes to "better in skills", Ye Zhiqiu's face feels slightly hot.

He knew the truth very well. With his little strength, he would have definitely suffered a loss today.

However, the strong man secretly asked him to say this, so Ye Zhiqiu naturally did not dare to have any objections.

Zhao Wuji frowned when he heard this, feeling that the situation was a bit tricky.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, but you. Have you thought about how you will die today?"

At this point, terrifying murderous intent swept over him.

The unparalleled sharp cold light was like a sharp sword, hanging in everyone's throat.

No matter whether it was Dai Mubai and others who had provoked them before, or Zhu Zhuqing or Ning Rongrong who remained on the sidelines, no one was spared.

"…What exactly do you want to do?"

Su Yue's eyes swept across the figures in Shrek Academy.

Although her current strength is very weak, with the assistance of Su Cheng's domain, her perception is extremely strong and she can easily detect all the details in the field.

It can also be felt that at this moment, Su Cheng treats everyone equally and shows strong killing intent towards everyone.

Even Zhu Zhuqing didn't receive any special care.

Although this murderous intention is somewhat false, those people cannot feel the difference, and they are all under extremely huge psychological pressure.

Zao Wuji, who is frightened and anxious; Dai Mubai, who is mixed with regret, resentment, and fear; Oscar, who has worried eyes, and Ma Hongjun, who is confused; Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, who are panicked; and Wei Er, who seems to be able to hold on barely. Calm Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing...

Finally, Su Yue's eyes fell on Su Cheng's face again.

This time she couldn't understand.

The other party's behavior didn't seem to be what he imagined. He wanted to stand up for Zhu Zhuqing.

Su Cheng glanced at Su Yue and said calmly: "I'm going to let you watch a performance. Watch it carefully and don't think about it."

On the other side, when Zhao Wuji really felt Ye Zhiqiu's murderous intention, his eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief, "You want to kill?! Are you crazy to kill for such a trivial matter? We couldn't do it before!" I never thought about killing anyone!"

"Are you the one who made the rules about hurting people and not killing people? Are you the Pope of Wuhun Palace?" Ye Zhiqiu mocked.

He moved his eyes away from Zhao Wuji, whose aura was fluctuating violently, and looked meaningfully at Dai Mubai and others with different expressions, "These boys have extraordinary talents and huge potential. They may have the opportunity to become a titled Douluo in the future. I must We have to cut the grass and get rid of the root cause, otherwise we may have endless troubles.”

"Your Excellency, you are worrying too much. I can guarantee that this will never happen." Zhao Wuji gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice under tremendous pressure.

"I can't trust people like you."

"...Your Excellency has such a high level of strength and cultivation, why is he so narrow-minded? Do you have to bully the small ones today?!"

"Bullying the small with the big?" Ye Zhiqiu sneered, "It's wrong to bully the small with the big, so is it right to use the strong to bully the weak? You dared to speak rudely before, didn't you just think that you are stronger? You are provoking for no reason and you can't take it easy. You use words when you see that your strength is insufficient. Do some moral kidnapping. What, is this how you become a teacher? No wonder I have never heard of 'Shrek Academy' in the past. I'm afraid those students were killed by others, right?"

"You fart!"

Hearing the other party insulting his own academy, which he was proud of, Zhao Wuji's face turned green and red.

But he was not a person who was good at debating. He couldn't think of anything to refute in a short period of time, and he felt anxious.

The powerful aura of the Soul Saint level fluctuated, and the shadow of the powerful Vajra Bear's martial spirit reappeared.

"..." Cold sweat slid down the sides of Dai Mubai's temples, and his whole body was trembling slightly uncontrollably. The fierce white tiger martial spirit was also revealed behind his back.

It's not that he had the intention to resist like Zhao Wuji.

It is an uncontrolled stress response under tremendous pressure from the outside world.

Next to Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun's reaction was even more exaggerated.

He even felt a surge of heat gushing from his crotch, and then the temperature quickly cooled down in the special environment. Soon it turned into waves of coolness, and his body shivered.

Although Su Cheng's murderous intention was false, not everyone could bear it.

In comparison, Ma Hongjun seems to be the weakest among these people.

Oscar's performance is better than him.

Although he was also trembling with fear and his mind went blank, he still subconsciously moved closer to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, as if he wanted to protect the two girls.

Although this makes no sense - as a food-type soul master, he has no fighting power at all.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhuqing made an unexpected move at this time.

She moved her body slightly and stood in front of Ning Rongrong.

Zhu Zhuqing's idea at this time was actually very simple.

Escape, there is definitely no way to escape.

If the Contra opposite was really determined to kill everyone on her side, there was no way she could escape with her life in the hands of a Contra.

If you try hard, you might still have a chance, but it depends on how Zhao Wou-Ki performs next.

It seems that this Soul Saint is ready to fight tooth and nail.

However, if Zhao Wuji had no other trump cards, he might not be able to survive this level.

The previous battle between the two was a one-sided situation, and the gap was really too big.

If you look at it this way, your final life or death may still depend on the other party's attitude.

In this case, it is better to take the opportunity to win Ning Rongrong's favor.

If it is impossible to escape death, then naturally everything will stop.

If he can stay safe and sound, he might be able to rise to prominence, establish the most profound connection with this little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and gain some cultivation resources.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that he hadn't been stupid before and followed Dai Mubai to offend the leader of Canghui Academy.

In fact, it is not difficult for her to sort out the pros and cons and make a choice like this.

But in the face of the fear of life and death, how many people can think calmly?

At this moment, among everyone present, only Zhao Wuji, Tang San, and Zhu Zhuqing still had some sense left.

Zao Wou-Ki's growth has not been smooth sailing. He has been on the run for many years in the past. Every time he was able to escape, he was naturally not as vulgar as he appeared.

Tang San had a special experience. He looked like a child but his mind was too ordinary.

In his previous life, he took the initiative to jump off a cliff, so that he would not be so frightened that he completely lost his mind.

Zhu Zhuqing is in a similar situation.

It can be said that the threat of life and death has been with her all year round as she grew up.

During the years she lived in the Netherworld Duke's Mansion, both her parents and her sister were worried about her martial soul being exposed.

Of course, Zhu Zhuqing's actions were not all based on profit considerations.

There are only three female students in this academy.

Xiao Wu was stuck with Tang San all day long, so Ning Rongrong had a good relationship with her.

Growing up, Zhu Zhuqing had almost no chance to go out. So far, Ning Rongrong can be regarded as her only friend.

Just when the scene was at a stalemate, Ye Zhiqiu spoke again.

He looked at Zhao Wuji and said calmly: "As a Soul Saint, if you really want to fight me no matter the cost, I'm afraid it will cause quite a stir. Although I can kill you, it might attract the attention of others. So. , I decided to let you go, but I can’t keep these students of yours. You can go away. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the venue changed subtly again.

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others looked increasingly panicked.

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his eyes and quickly thought of a countermeasure in his mind. Ning Rongrong reached out and grabbed the skirt of her clothes.

Tang San's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at Zhao Wuji suspiciously from the corner of his eye.

Zhao Wuji looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a gloomy face, "Aren't you afraid of my revenge later?"

Ye Zhiqiu sneered, "At this age, you are only a Soul Saint. Do I need to be afraid of you?"

"..." Zhao Wuji did not argue, his eyes subconsciously fell on Ning Rongrong and Tang San.

He was hesitant to use the background of these two people as a threat.

As for the idea of ​​abandoning the students and escaping alone, it only flashed in his mind for a moment and was immediately forgotten.

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