"Do you really want to die?"

Seeing that Zhao Wuji had been stuck in place, neither moving nor speaking, but the aura on his body was rising continuously, Ye Zhiqiu clenched his fists and his eyes gradually darkened.

"Why are you so aggressive? It's just a verbal conflict between children. Is it necessary to talk about life and death at every turn?"

Zhao Wuji was also extremely uncomfortable at this time.

Not only due to mental pressure, his body was also in great pain.

Because there is not much energy in the outside world for him to recover, he can only squeeze and stimulate his body's potential and try his best to extract soul power to maintain his own state.

If necessary, I'm afraid I will have to use my martial soul avatar again.

However, that would definitely damage the foundation, and he really didn't want to make this move unless it was absolutely necessary.

What's more, even if the martial spirit avatar is activated again, it will just repeat the previous battle situation and cannot reverse the situation at all.

"...Do you know who she is?"

Zhao Wuji calmed down and pointed to Ning Rongrong beside him.

At this point, all we can do is take a gamble.

"Who is she?" Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the pale girl hiding behind Zhu Zhuqing and asked casually.

"She is the biological daughter of Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and the future heir appointed by the Qibao Glazed Sect!"

"The future heir of the Qibao Glazed Sect? What a big statement!" Ye Zhiqiu sneered, his face full of disbelief.

In fact, Zao Wou-Ki is just pulling the tiger's skin to make a banner.

He only knew that Ning Rongrong was Ning Fengzhi's daughter. As for who would become the heir of the Qibao Glazed Sect, he was qualified to know.

However, this alone is enough.

He turned to look at Ning Rongrong, "Rongrong, release your martial spirit and show this guy."

When Ning Rongrong heard this, she raised her head blankly. Her eyes were dimmed, and there was no trace of the arrogant and arrogant delicacy left in her eyes.

Fear, worry and many other emotions have already filled my heart, and the shadow of death is like an abyss and a prison.

This little princess, who came from a privileged background and grew up smoothly, finally knew she was afraid at this moment.

She looked at the nervous Zhao Wuji, then at the cold and indifferent Ye Zhiqiu, and finally her eyes fell on Zhu Zhuqing's face beside her.

At this moment, only the girl beside her could bring her some comfort.

At this time, strength is no longer the most critical factor in stabilizing one's mind.

Because no matter who is present, they are definitely no match for the powerful Contra player from Canghui Academy.

Just like Xiao Wu had pinned all her hopes on Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing's calm and collected expression was also invisibly affecting her.

Moreover, the other party's previous behavior of silently blocking her also made her trust him even more.

Zhu Zhuqing also noticed this, so he adjusted his condition vigilantly and nodded gently to her.

Ning Rongrong took a deep breath when he saw this, seven-color light flashed across his palms, and the gorgeous pagoda spirit emerged above his palms.

"..." Looking at Ning Rongrong and the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit she summoned, Ye Zhiqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, then fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhao Wuji subconsciously licked his dry lips, nervously waiting for the final judgment.

Little did he know that Ye Zhiqiu was also extremely nervous at this moment.

Deep in the soul, a conversation is going on.

"Senior, do you really want to say that? That's the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect..."

"You are worried about the revenge of the Qibao Glazed Sect, but aren't you afraid of making me angry?"

"Afraid." Ye Zhiqiu smiled bitterly and admitted honestly, "But I think you are different from ordinary people. Thanks to your help, I escaped. If it weren't for you, I would have suffered a big loss today. ."

"It's useless to flatter me." Su Cheng's voice was extremely calm.

"Ye Zhiqiu, in my opinion, this is just a transaction of equal value. Today's experience will be of great benefit to you. With this realization, you can be promoted to Soul Emperor within the next three years, and within five to ten years. Becoming a Soul Saint depends on whether you work hard enough. At that time, it will be more than enough to find a big power to support you.

"You and I just met by chance. I borrowed your hand to take action once, so I naturally have my own purpose. The benefits mentioned above are the compensation I give you.

"As for whether you are satisfied with this transaction, it is not within my scope of consideration. Because I am better than you, so the price is determined by me. You can regard it as me buying and selling by force.

"So you don't have to be grateful to me for this. It doesn't matter if you resent me or even want to seek revenge from me in the future."

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly sweated on his forehead when he heard this, and said repeatedly: "Senior is joking, how dare I be disrespectful to you."

"Then just do as I say. Don't worry, I won't push you into a corner."

"I see."

Ye Zhiqiu sighed softly and let go of his unnecessary thoughts.

He didn't know what others thought about what happened today, but in his own opinion, he had earned it.

As a soul master, sometimes he would put his life and death aside in order to seize opportunities, and he may not be able to get what he wants in the end.

Looking back at what happened today, even if you took some possible risks, you have finally received unexpected rewards in advance. What else can you ask for?

He even breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The benefits of clearly marking the price always outweigh the previous panic.

The communication between spiritual consciousness took a very short time. On the surface, Ye Zhiqiu remained calm as before, as if he didn't care about the threats from several people, and said calmly: "Since you said so, it seems that I can't let these people go. ”


Zhao Wuji's heart sank.

This is what he fears.

Before this, why did Zhao Wuji not directly disclose the background of these children, but was hesitant?

Of course it wasn't because Ning Rongrong and Tang San's identities needed to be kept secret at the request of their respective elders.

How could one care about such trivial matters at a time of life and death?

The key is that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and Haotian Douluo certainly have a strong intimidating power in the soul master world.

However, the former sect is located near Tiandou City, and water from afar cannot quench the thirst of the near, and can only be used as a threat; although the latter is powerful, it is a wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace.

If this intensifies the other party's murderous intention to eradicate the situation, it will be even worse.

What's terrible is that Ye Zhiqiu's current attitude just confirms his hidden worries.

"However, you reminded me of one thing..."

Just when Zhao Wuji felt secretly regretful, a smile suddenly appeared on Ye Zhiqiu's face.

But that smile was full of malice in the eyes of Zhao Wuji and others.

"Since this girl's life background is so shocking, I can't let you go so easily. If you can't think about it afterwards, wouldn't it be troublesome to go to the Qibao Glazed Sect to report the news. Although logically speaking, you shouldn't do such a thing Stupid thing, but just to be on the safe side..."

At this point, the smile on his face faded, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "It's up to you to kill that girl from the Qibao Glazed Sect yourself."


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened, and his expression quickly changed from initial shock to extreme anger.

Ning Rongrong's delicate body trembled, and she shrank back subconsciously, not daring to look at anyone else at all.

Tang San glanced at everyone in Shrek Academy with a gloomy look, secretly cursing idiots, and at the same time he became more and more worried.

If Zhao Wuji really defected in the face of battle, I am afraid that his chances of survival would be completely gone today.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Dai Mubai again, somewhat doubting whether he was right or wrong in coming to this academy.

He caused such a big trouble for no reason, causing himself to suffer Wuwu disaster for nothing, and Xiao Wu...

Tang San felt the slightly trembling body of his sister beside him, and the resentment in his heart deepened.

"If that doesn't work, just try to join forces with Zhu Zhuqing and use my hidden weapon. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope for escape."

He glanced at the teacher from Canghui College and swore silently, "Ye Zhiqiu, if you escape with your life today, I will make you pay the price!"

Even Zhu Zhuqing frowned tightly at this time, feeling that his hope was slim.

But he still raised his arm slightly and patted Ning Rongrong's wrist.

She could understand Zhao Wuji's approach of threatening the Qibao Glazed Sect.

At this time, any method should be tried.

In fact, the method of revealing her identity, Dai Mubai's identity, and Ning Rongrong's identity to intimidate and make the other party feel wary was also in her plan.

At the same time, Su Yue, who was sitting not far away and watching, was also staring at Su Cheng with incredible eyes.

That expression seemed to be asking: How did you come up with such a vicious operation? It was simply killing someone.

Noticing her gaze, Su Cheng turned back and said with a smile: "The children are full of energy, let's play a little joke on them."


Su Yue was speechless when she heard this.

Looking back at Dai Mubai, whose face was full of fear and regret, Ma Hongjun, who peed his pants in fear, and Ning Rongrong, whose legs were weak, she did not think that these people would be amused by Su Cheng's "joke" at all. .

But to be honest, she herself found it quite interesting at the moment.

These people's inadvertent facial reactions, subconscious instinctive actions, and strong desire to rack their brains to find a chance of survival all made her watch with relish.

Although the situation has not happened so far, there haven't been many unexpected places, but it looks quite interesting.

Of course, it's just "interesting".

Su Yue was neither moved nor bored by this, nor did she have superfluous emotions such as sympathy and pity.

She was just watching a stage play.

Looking at the "performance" that Su Cheng had promised her previously.

Although this former Silver Dragon King has now become Su Yue, her body and soul are no different from those of a normal human being, but after all, she has never really had a "human heart", nor does she have many human emotions and thinking patterns.

As if aware of her state of mind, Su Cheng smiled and asked, "How do you feel?"

Su Yue's expression was calm, and the figures in front of her were reflected in her clear black pupils, "Just give it a try."

"Don't worry, the fun has just begun."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a huge change in the scene.

"Fuck! Old bastard, I will fight with you!" Zhao Wuji's face turned red, and veins popped out on his forehead, "Little monsters, find a way to protect yourself, and then run away!"

After roaring, he punched his chest with both fists, and then his whole body began to expand rapidly, and his skin glowed with blood red light.

The next moment, surging aura surged out of the body like a wave, and the shadow of the huge powerful Vajra Bear martial spirit behind him shone with bright golden light.

The intensity of the aura around him has approached the Contra level in an instant, and has no intention of stopping there, and is still rising rapidly.

Under the suppression of the domain, there is only one reason why such power can be generated——

He's going to blow himself up!

"Wait a minute!" Ye Zhiqiu's expression suddenly changed and he shouted.

His strength has indeed reached the level of Contra, but his physical fitness is still far from it.

At such a close distance, he was not sure whether he could withstand the opponent's fatal blow, or whether the senior would choose to stand by and watch.

The powerful sense of power emanating from the Soul Saint in front of him made him feel suffocated.

It was like countless sharp steel needles were pricking her, causing a dull pain in her skin.

That's a warning of bad omen!

This time, before Su Cheng could say anything, he hurriedly shouted to stop, and at the same time, he used his soul skills, and a large amount of cold air spread to the surrounding area.

Fortunately, Su Cheng quickly sent a message to him.

He never thought of letting Zhao Wuji die in this way.

Su Cheng doesn't care about this guy's life or death, but he still needs the other person to continue performing. If he dies like this, who will be the protagonist next?

Zhao Wuji chose to self-destruct, which was not beyond his expectation.

But this is only a relatively low possibility. I didn't expect the other party to be so strong.

However, if you want to prevent a strong man above the Soul Saint from self-destructing, let alone the current Ye Zhiqiu, even an ordinary titled Douluo can't do it. Unless Su Cheng personally intervenes, otherwise Ye Zhiqiu can only resist this force. attack.


Seeing that Ye Zhiqiu seemed anxious, Zhao Wuji stopped his movements in time, breathing heavily like a blower from his mouth, staring at him coldly and silently.

At this time, his Wuhun riot was still in its early stages, and he could still control it to a certain extent.

If the other party retreats because of this, it might not be a bad thing.

Who in the world does not hesitate to die? If he could save his life, Zhao Wuji naturally didn't want to play this trick of dying together.

And he knew in his heart that even if he really blew himself up, it would not pose a life threat to the Contra in front of him. This was just a last resort operation.

Ye Zhiqiu said coldly: "You are very brave, even risking your life to fight to the death.

"But have you ever thought that if you choose to self-destruct, even if the main target is me, your students will be hurt by the aftermath.

"And you should know that this blow cannot kill me. Are you so sure that they will be able to escape my follow-up pursuit after you die?"

"So what if I can't escape?" Zhao Wuji snorted coldly.

At this time, his eyes were bloodshot, and capillaries were constantly breaking and breaking on the skin surfaces of his face, chest, arms, etc.

Blood had already stained every corner of his body, and he looked as ferocious as a bloody man.

The violent aura on his body was even more ups and downs, and it had obviously reached the limit of control. His body, which was already as strong as a brown bear, expanded twice more, like a powder keg that could explode at any time, and it possessed a considerable degree of intimidation. force.

He solemnly said: "At least this way, they can still have a glimmer of hope, and I have a clear conscience."

When the students of Shrek Academy saw this scene, their eyes couldn't help flashing with light, and the fire of hope was rekindled.

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