Su Yue lowered her eyes, covering up the trace of emotion that flashed in her pupils.

Although she had probably known before that humans had more emotions than other creatures and would often act impulsively.

But observing the conversations between these people in Shrek Academy, it turns out that they haven't been together for too long, and their relationship is probably far from that.

Logically speaking, it is definitely not a wise choice to sacrifice oneself to fight for an almost non-existent chance of survival for those students.

Although the human soul saint looks reckless and vulgar, he is obviously not a stupid person. How could he not understand this?


"A bit." Su Yue nodded without denying, "There is actually no need for this soul saint to work hard. A genius who has grown up can be considered a genius. In comparison, a soul saint whose potential has not been exhausted will have a greater effect on mankind. . And I think even if these young soul masters grow up smoothly, half of them will not become titled Douluo. What's more, even if he really blows himself up, he can't save these children."

"You are wrong. The reason why he made this choice has nothing to do with the talent of these children. When he first selected the students, he may have a lot of requirements for the potential and qualifications of the future successors, but when the mutual relationship was truly established, After the teacher-student relationship, these things are no longer so important. He did this today just because he is a teacher and it is his responsibility to protect his students."

Su Yue's face showed surprise when she heard this.

If explained this way, it makes sense. It has nothing to do with pros and cons, but a certain belief he has.

But what followed was deeper confusion and a touch of disdain.

She mocked: "Can this be considered a responsibility?"

Shouldn't it be the survival of the ethnic group and the justice of the race that are worth paying for with one's life?

If one day she was asked to die to protect Di Tian and others, she would never do it.

Not because she is afraid of death, but because she has a deeper mission.

"Of course." Su Cheng heard her disdain and didn't care. Instead, he turned to look at the other person and asked, "Have you ever thought about what you are pursuing?"

"My quest?"

Su Yue frowned slightly and thought for a moment, then slowly shook her head, "If you are referring to reviving the Dragon Clan, then for me, this is not a pursuit. Because that is my instinct, and what I am doing is Born from this.”

"I see, I use myself to save others." Su Cheng sighed and turned to look at Zhao Wuji, who was full of energy in the field.

"You dragons have been born strong from the moment you were born. With unique inheritance and talents, you have a long lifespan. Naturally, you will not be confused about your own definition, and you will not need to make a choice about the end of the road. .

"We humans are not like dragons or soul beasts. We are born like morning dew. We are born to be short-lived, so we are pursuing it all our lives. Seeking longevity, seeking reunion, seeking peace and happiness... we keep getting it, and then we keep losing it.

"Perhaps it was just a sleep for you, but the human world has already gone through a lot of changes, and has experienced the alternation of life and death for several generations. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has reached today's grand situation.

"It is precisely because of innate deficiencies that we need to make up for them later in life. There will always be countless outstanding people emerging among human beings to promote the development of the race, rather than relying on one person.

"Their temperaments may be despicable, and their methods may be dirty, but they are ultimately promoting progress step by step. Even if they go astray along the way, someone will correct the path. This is the power of inheritance and the power of people's hearts."

Su Cheng looked at Su Yue again, "If you can't understand this, then you won't understand why humans are the spirit of all things."

"Man is the spirit of all things?" Su Yue repeated softly, with a trace of unconcealable sarcasm in her eyes.

If humans are the spirit of all things, then what are the dragons?

Once upon a time, when the Dragon Clan stood at the pinnacle of the world, they were far more powerful than humans today.

But she didn't retort verbally.

Because to this day, she has to admit that there are really many differences between humans and dragons.

They grow incredibly fast.

"Go on and look down..."

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu, who was opposite Zhao Wuji, had a strange look in his eyes, and immediately said: "Since you are ready to go all out, I will give you another choice. As long as you complete three things, I will let you go today."


"No need to talk nonsense. Do you still want to live?"

Zhao Wuji felt extremely unhappy.

Thinking back when he was hunted down by the Force Clan and hunted down by the Spirit Hall, he never ended up in this situation.

Although he was outnumbered at the moment, the old bastard opposite him was obviously a timid coward, and was frightened by the scene of his own self-destruction.

If that's the case, why are you still making demands?

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to see what he was thinking and said bluntly: "I'm not trying to reason with you, I'm just relying on myself to be stronger and want to teach you people who like to cause trouble a lesson. If you don't agree, then just blow yourself up. . I would like to see how powerful the Soul Saint level self-destruction can be and whether it can kill me."


Zhao Wuji paused after hearing the words, and could only slowly calm down the aura on his body.

He gasped with "ho ho" in his mouth and asked, "Tell me, what conditions are needed to let us go."

"As a teacher in the academy, you don't know how to lead by example, and you are disrespectful in your words and deeds. This is your own fault. Kneel on the ground and kowtow three times to show your repentance."

"What?!" Zhao Wuji looked up in shock, and then anger rose in his eyes, "You are dreaming!"

At this moment, Su Cheng suddenly asked Su Yue: "Do you think he will agree?"

Su Yue looked at Zhao Wuji, whose expression was changing, and thinking of the other person's previous attitude that he would rather self-destruct than compromise, he hesitated: "You will definitely not agree, right? But if he refuses, are you really going to kill them?" "

"If it were you, what would you choose?"

"Of course I would rather die." Su Yue said proudly without hesitation.

"You don't care about the future survival of the Dragon Clan?"


Seeing her silence, Su Cheng didn't ask any further questions, and instead said, "I think he would agree."

"Because of the 'responsibility' you just mentioned?"

"Well, because of responsibility."

"Doesn't even dignity matter?"

Su Cheng just smiled and said, "Let's watch first."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet. It's not so easy to take advantage of you." Ye Zhiqiu didn't care about Zhao Wuji's anger and continued: "That damn fat man, and the kid who made the rude remarks in the first place, also have to deal with me one by one. Each of the students kowtowed three times.”

After saying this, he stopped talking temporarily and did not immediately say the third request.

Dai Mubai: "..."

Ma Hongjun: "..."

Everyone else: "..."

There was silence for a moment, with only Zhao Wuji's heavy breathing echoing on the first floor of the hotel.

After a long while, Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth, lowered her head and whispered softly: "Originally, it was our fault, so it doesn't matter if we admit it..."

Although her voice was extremely soft, everyone present was a soul master and it was silent at the moment, so naturally everyone heard her stammering whisper.

Dai Mubai raised his head and glanced at Ning Rongrong with hatred in his eyes.

He originally didn't like this eldest lady from the Qibao Glazed Sect, but now that he saw her adding insult to injury, he became even more resentful.

Even at this moment, the resentment towards her is greater than that of Ye Zhiqiu, who is standing on the opposite side.

Ma Hongjun looked pale and silent, while Oscar pursed his lips and his eyes flashed.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

She could understand Ning Rongrong's thoughts at this time.

The other party was originally like a little princess, and she was not the one who needed to kowtow and kneel anyway, so naturally she would not care too much. As long as she could save her life, it was enough, and she would not care about anything else.

Not to mention that she already disliked Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, and she had never been very fond of Zhao Wuji and other college teachers.

When Tang San saw someone taking the initiative to speak, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been waiting for the others to speak.

In fact, Xiao Wu also wanted to speak just now, but he stopped her in time.

Tang San knew in his heart that he must not be the one who stood out at this time. The situation has begun to ease, so there is no need to panic.

Speaking randomly at this time can easily become a window for others to vent their emotions afterwards.

Zhao Wuji sighed after hearing this, took a deep look at Ning Rongrong, and was about to say something.

"The third thing." But at this moment, Ye Zhiqiu spoke again.

"Although most of the other people did not say anything rude, as companions, they did not want to be dissuaded and had to kowtow and admit their mistakes. In the final analysis, your so-called 'mediocrity who dare not cause trouble' is just bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. But I do not insist on this, you seven People can do it for each other, and as long as they add five more bells, the matter will be solved."

Having said this, he found a chair and sat down, and said calmly: "I will give you five minutes to think about it. Whether you live or die, it depends on your next choice."

"He actually plans to agree..." Su Yue on the other side also saw Zhao Wuji's attitude at this time and felt a little surprised.

Then he looked at Su Cheng, "What do you mean by your last request, asking them to admit their mistakes on each other's behalf?"

"People are also different. Although these young soul masters are all quite outstanding, haven't you noticed that their behavior styles are actually very different. Justice, selfishness, kindness or hypocrisy, these qualities are just external appearances. It doesn’t determine their ultimate achievement.”

Su Cheng explained this, but there was actually another reason he didn't say.

This is his attempt.

He wanted to see if he could break up the Shrek Seven Devils' team directly here.

This time the simulation has a task to "change the fate of key characters".

Logically speaking, this is almost not difficult at all. It cannot be called a task, it is just something that is done casually.

After all, the fate of many people in reality has already changed because of him.

However, there was something that made him feel a little unusual.

Zhu Zhuqing clearly awakened a different martial spirit and possessed the powerful Netherworld White Tiger, but still joined Shrek Academy.

Although it makes sense in theory, it is too much of a coincidence.

After all, no matter the time she left the Star Luo Empire, or her origin and circumstances, a lot of changes should have taken place.

But with so many variables, Zhu Zhuqing still chose this college. I am afraid it cannot be explained by simple coincidence.

On the other side, Zhao Wuji stood silently like a giant stone, his breath calm.

If it weren't for the occasional flash of light in his half-closed eyes, one would almost think he had fallen asleep.


"Teacher Zhao, we have caused trouble for you."

Upon seeing this, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun secretly looked at each other, lowered their heads and spoke one after another, with fear hidden in their words.

"...Okay, I can't blame you entirely for what happened today."

After a long time, Zhao Wuji finally spoke, with deep exhaustion in his voice.

"Then Teacher Zhao, let's..."

Dai Mubai hesitated to speak.

He really didn't want to do what Ye Zhiqiu said and kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake.

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire and a talented young soul master, how could he do something so degrading to his dignity?

So Dai Mubai looked at Tang San with hope again, "Xiao San, your hidden weapon..."

Tang San shook his head, his eyes twinkling slightly, "Boss Dai, there's nothing we can do, the strength gap is too big. That's Contra, the strongest under Title Douluo."

Zhao Wuji sighed helplessly, "As a teacher, I can't protect you because I am incompetent. What happened today can be considered a lesson. But you don't have to be discouraged. The other party is just bullying the younger ones because of their age. Forget it. Nothing. As for the last request Ye Zhiqiu said..."

Having said this, he looked at the students who followed him out with a slightly hesitant expression.

It was okay for Oscar, he just knelt down, but the others were not easy to deal with.

Behind Tang San stood Tang Hao. If the big boss found out about this in the future, I'm afraid it wouldn't be something that could be solved with another beating.

Ning Rongrong was from the Qibao Glazed Sect. If she complained to Ning Fengzhi, the consequences would probably not be much better.

As for Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, the former obviously has an extraordinary family background, and his martial arts aptitude is surprisingly good. He doesn't seem like a master who can swallow his anger. Besides, today's incident has nothing to do with her, she is purely implicated.

As for Xiao Wu, this child is extremely close to Tang San, and their relationship is as close as the same person, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to control.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuji returned his gaze to Dai Mubai and Dai Mubai, "Mubai, Hongjun, why don't you two feel aggrieved and bow your heads and admit your mistakes for these juniors?"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his head with a look of disbelief, "Teacher Zhao——"

"Don't refuse in a hurry." Zhao Wuji waved his hand, "It's just an admission of mistake, it's not as serious as you think. I don't care anymore, what else do you have to worry about? I believe in your fellow students. , will also remember your efforts."


"Boss Dai, I have wronged you."

Just as Dai Mubai was about to speak, Tang San was the first to pat him on the shoulder.

"Teacher Zhao is right. What happened today is right and wrong. It is up to the people. He is just bullying the small with the big, so he is not a hero. At the moment, he is just enduring a moment of anger. This is not a shameful thing. You are doing it for your companions. Sacrifice, we all take it to heart.”

After saying that, he winked at Xiao Wu again.

Xiao Wu immediately understood and said softly: "Boss Dai, I thought you were lustful and showy before, but now I realize that you are indeed very responsible. Didn't the dean say that our Shrek Academy is a school that only recruits monsters?" Soul masters, in this case, must be different from ordinary people. Not only must their talents exceed them, but they must also have more courage!"


Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but seeing the sincere faces of Tang San and Xiao Wu, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and his emotions gradually calmed down.

He glanced at Oscar next to him again, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ao, don't worry, I will take care of your business for you."

There was a bit of heroism and heroic spirit in his words.

However, after he finished speaking, there was nothing more to say, and he deliberately did not look at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Ning Rongrong frowned and said bluntly: "It was you who caused the problem, why are you pretending to be there!"

Zhu Zhuqing said nothing.

She didn't want to ask for a favor because of such a stupid thing.

"Okay, let's stop talking about those irrelevant things when the matter comes to a head!" Zhao Wuji waved his hand impatiently.

He looked directly at Ma Hongjun and ordered: "Hongjun, you take the place of Zhuqing and Rongrong."

"Ah?" Before Ma Hongjun could calm down, he was suddenly arranged to do such a thing, and he was a little surprised.

"I am just a little girl. As a grown man, you should be more responsible and learn to endure humiliation and bear the burden."

Zhao Wuji said, and at the same time, he secretly sent a message to him, "Silly boy, think about it carefully, the Qibao Glazed Sect is standing behind Ning Rongrong. If you take on the task for her today, the Qibao Glazed Sect will eventually do it too. Thank you for your love. What’s more…”

At this point, he paused for a moment before continuing to transmit: "Today's matter will definitely not be so easy. That old bastard is just a Contra. If the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect wants to crush him to death, it will be worse than crushing him to death." How difficult it is for ants to survive. By then, won’t the situation be restored?”

When Ma Hongjun heard what he said, he couldn't hesitate any longer.

Anyway, today is embarrassing enough. If I can regain some favorability, it may not be a bad thing.


"Wait, I don't want to owe you a favor. Tell me how much it costs, and I'll pay you to admit my mistake."

Ning Rongrong suddenly spoke at this moment and unexpectedly rejected Zhao Wuji's proposal.

After thinking about it, she quickly changed her words: "No, I will replace you twice, mine and Zhuqing's, you can share it together. If the money is not enough, just tell me what resources you need, and I can make the decision to give them to you." .”


Being snatched away by this moment, Ma Hongjun was stunned again.

He looked at Ning Rongrong and then at Zhao Wuji, looking a little at a loss.

Zhao Wuji took a deep look at Ning Rongrong.

After all, this kid still failed to integrate into the team.

After what happened today, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult in the future.

Moreover, the reason why she changed her attitude and said this now is that she probably saw the true purpose of Ye Zhiqiu.

I have to say that children who grow up in large sects are still somewhat clever.

Although I was frightened before, when I came back to my senses, I immediately made an accurate judgment on my situation.

Regardless of the reason why Ye Zhiqiu finally changed his attitude, whether it was because of the threat of his own self-destruction or whether he was concerned about the existence of the Qibao Glazed Sect, in the final analysis, his murderous intention has been eliminated, and now he only needs one more step.

The key to this step is the three troublemakers, Zhao Wuji, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun.

Other students can only be regarded as additions.

The last condition was just a deliberate attempt to disgust myself, otherwise there would be no need to use words like "replacing".

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