Seeing Zhao Wuji and Ma Hongjun looking at each other in silence, Ning Rongrong pursed her lips and said no more.

He took the initiative to pull Zhu Zhuqing to Ye Zhiqiu, bowed and said: "Senior, I was a little offended by your wording before, but it was really just unintentional words. I apologize to you here.

"But this friend of mine has never said a word against you from beginning to end, and has never agreed with the actions of those classmates. It's just because we are estranged from each other that it is really difficult to stop him.

"If today's matter can be revealed, I can guarantee that my father and sect will never cause trouble for you in the future. In addition, I can also make the decision to compensate you."

"You are quite smart." Ye Zhiqiu looked up and down at the slightly nervous Ning Rongrong and pondered for a moment.

Then he said calmly: "Little girl, you have an extraordinary background and have never taken the initiative to provoke you before. Today I will not continue to embarrass you. As for compensation, there is no need for it. I will not covet the things of a junior like you, otherwise I will not It’s not like the people in your college who have become corrupt people.”


Seeing Ye Zhiqiu letting him off so lightly, several other people in Shrek Academy suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Dai Mubai, in particular, was dumbfounded in disbelief.

In this case, what does it mean to kneel down and admit your mistake on behalf of Tang San and others?

Needless joke?

"Okay, thank you for your generosity, senior."

Ning Rongrong's expression relaxed, and a joyful look appeared on her face. As she spoke, she pulled Zhu Zhuqing and wanted to turn around and leave.


"Senior, is there anything else you can do?"

"I'm not talking about you." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Zhu Zhuqing, "I'm talking about her."

Ning Rongrong's face changed slightly, she stopped and said bravely, "Senior, I thought you were a reasonable person."

She looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a stubborn look on her face, completely different from her previous slightly weak look, and even a bit strong.

Ye Zhiqiu seemed a little surprised when he saw this, "You are very loyal. Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask her a few words."

After saying that, he ignored Ning Rongrong and looked at Zhu Zhuqing next to him.

"Little girl, I think you have a good talent and a good character. Shrek Academy can't teach you. Are you interested in coming to study in our academy?"

"Your Mightiness!"

Before Zhu Zhuqing responded, some people were already unable to sit still.

Zhao Wuji shouted loudly, as if he was about to say a few words, but when he was glanced at by Ye Zhiqiu's cold eyes, he immediately became silent and did not dare to continue speaking, but he was still worried in his heart.

He still doesn't know that Tang San has the special talent of twin martial souls, so in his opinion, among the current Shrek Academy, if his background is not taken into account, Zhu Zhuqing is undoubtedly the one with the best talent, which can be said to be the top level. A genius, a monster among monsters.

An eleven-year-old three-ring soul master can easily defeat Dai Mubai, who has a stronger soul power. What is this concept?

At least from Zhao Wuji's perspective, he has never heard of similar cases in the past.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing did not agree immediately, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was thinking about it.

The Ye Zhiqiu in front of her was indeed very strong, and her Contra-level cultivation was enough to guide her. She was at least much better than the teachers in Shrek Academy, and almost the same as her father.

Moreover, the environment and atmosphere of Shrek Academy were not very to her liking.

But if she went to Canghui College, she would have to be separated from Ning Rongrong. This was a resource she was reluctant to give up.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is undoubtedly far stronger than Canghui Academy.

If the Xingluo Dai family really accidentally learns the information about the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit and travels thousands of miles to hunt her down, Canghui Academy cannot protect her, but the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously glanced at Ning Rongrong beside him.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to understand what she meant, and immediately turned to look at Ning Rongrong, "Miss Ning, are you interested in joining Canghui College? I think the atmosphere of your college is not very suitable for young people to grow up. .”

Surprisingly, Ning Rongrong shook his head and rejected his proposal without much thought, "Thank you, senior, for your love, but the teachers in our college are all pretty good to me. Today, Teacher Zhao went above and beyond for our safety." Risking one’s life to save others also moved me very much.”

After finishing speaking, she looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a pleading look on her face.

If the other party chooses to leave Shrek Academy, his future situation may not be very good.

The previous behavior of rejecting Ma Hongjun's overtures undoubtedly greatly affected the relationship between them. In addition, she and Dai Mubai were not getting along, and the college teachers seemed to be a little biased against her.

Although politely rejecting the rhetoric Ye Zhiqiu used may be able to restore some of Zao Wuji's goodwill, the effect is really unpredictable.

As for what he said just now, it was a solid lie.

We don't care what the situation will be in the future, but during the period since she entered school, the impression left by Shrek Academy on her was not very good.

The reason why he wanted to stay here was actually because Ning Rongrong had other plans in mind.

She was extremely interested in the hidden weapon techniques used by Tang San.

For a sect with an auxiliary soul master as its core, self-protection is always an unavoidable problem.

If you can get some hidden weapons from Tang San and use them to strengthen yourself, even if you are not as powerful as an attacking spirit master, you can still greatly improve your combat capabilities. You won't be completely helpless in the face of emergencies and can only do one thing. Just a lamb for the slaughter.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw Ning Rongrong expressing his stance like this, he also said: "I would like to thank the seniors for their kindness, but it is a pity that the juniors do not have this blessing. You may have some prejudice against our academy, but Shrek Academy is not as unbearable as you said."

"okay, I get it."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded gently, his expression as calm as before, not unhappy at the two people's rejection, and maintaining the attitude of a senior.

"It seems that people look down on you." Su Yue said softly. Although his tone did not fluctuate, Su Cheng could still hear the faint gloating in it.

"What does it have to do with me? It's obviously because Ye Zhiqiu's personality charm is not enough." He curled his lips and retorted, feeling a little confused, "It's really strange. Is there anything attractive about Shrek Academy? No matter how you look at it, Canghui Academy The teaching force shown must be far stronger than that of Shrek Academy."

"I think you feel good about yourself. You're not even a soul master, so if you can teach others, don't mislead others."

"I'm not a dragon yet, so I can still lead you to practice."

"This is because you promised me before that you would see results in five to ten years." As she said that, Su Yue glanced at him suspiciously, "Are you bragging?"

"First pull out the scale on the back of your hand, and then tell me this."


Time passed quickly and the appointed moment arrived.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly stood up, and the huge Contra-level pressure once again enveloped the entire audience.

"Five minutes have passed. Have you thought about it?"


Zhao Wuji was a bachelor, so he walked forward in silence.

The strong figure knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Ye Zhiqiu.

He had rich past experiences, and after accepting the fact that he was inferior to others today, it didn't take him long to calm down.

Now that we've reached this point, it's not that hard to accept.

After him, Dai Mubai followed closely and kowtowed three times to apologize and admit his mistake.

This was the punishment he bore for Tang San, Xiao Wu and Oscar.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at them and said calmly: "Very good, now it's time to apologize to my students."

As his words fell, seven young soul masters from Canghui Academy also walked back to the hotel one after another.

The expressions of these people all looked extremely natural, with a hint of sarcasm in their smiles, which was very suitable for their situation at this time.

But in the deepest part of their eyes, there seemed to be a layer of gray veil covering the confusion in their pupils.

However, at this time, the students of Shrek Academy were experiencing drastic changes and were experiencing ups and downs of mood. In addition, they had no understanding of these Canghui Academy students in the past, so they did not notice this disharmony.

Of course Ye Zhiqiu could see it, but he wasn't too worried.

Before that, he had heard the secret message from the senior and knew that his sanity was only temporarily affected and would not leave any sequelae.

This is also for his own good, to prevent more people from talking and leaking more rumors, and the situation will become difficult to deal with in the future.


Looking at these young men who were only a few years older than him, they were also the defeated men he had ridiculed before, but they were only weak soul masters at the level of great soul masters.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun gritted their teeth, their faces becoming paler.

"Stop inking."

Seeing that they didn't move for a long time, Ye Zhiqiu frowned impatiently and pointed directly at Dai Mubai, "Let's start with you."


When Dai Mubai heard that he was directly called out, he had no choice but to drag his legs, which were as heavy as lead, and slowly walked towards the young soul master opposite.

It is embarrassing to kneel down and kowtow to a strong man of Contra level, but there is a huge difference in age, strength and cultivation between them. At least they can comfort themselves, saying that they are bowing to their seniors.

But facing a young soul master with low strength, his feelings were completely different.

This is a real insult!

Dai Mubai lowered his head and gritted his teeth, his cheeks bulging high.

Because he bit too hard, his teeth were almost broken, and blood even flowed from the corners of his mouth.

His whole face became a little distorted, and his voice sounded like it was squeezed out between his teeth.



As he spoke, he bent his legs and kowtowed with a snap of his head.

"Be sincere, state your birth name and apologize, otherwise no one will know you."


Dai Mubai closed his eyes tightly, took a few deep breaths, and then opened a crack again, hiding the resentment and resentment in his eyes.

"Dai Mubai, a student of Shrek Academy, I'm sorry."




After kowtowing three times, he goes to the next person and repeats the previous actions.

The third, fourth...

Dai Mubai just walked past every student in Canghui College, then knelt down to apologize, and was looked down upon by indifferent eyes.

He seemed to feel endless ridicule, disdain, and contempt coming from all directions.

Gradually, his expression changed from the initial humiliation and resentment to numbness, and his whole person looked like a zombie.

At the end, kneeling, apologizing, and kowtowing, the whole movement was completed in one go without any lag.

Even the expressions of Tang San and others who were watching gradually calmed down from the same hatred at the beginning, and they waited quietly for him to complete this process.

After Dai Mubai finished, Ma Hongjun also repeated it one by one...

"From now on, can these two people still hold their heads high in their academy?" Su Yue asked casually with her chin in one hand.

"This is their business." Su Cheng said calmly, "If you want to know, wait a few years and let's take a look together."

"In how many years?"

Su Yue's eyes flashed, and some curiosity suddenly arose in her heart.

A few years from now, I don't know what will happen to these "people who are favored by human destiny" in Su Cheng's words.

How will their relationship develop?

When they first met, although she could sense that there was some resentment between these people, it was Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong who seemed a little out of place, while Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Tang San, Xiao Wu and the others were quite different. Considered acquaintance.

And after today's changes, can they really maintain their original equal relationship?

Even if others don't say anything, can Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, the two initiators who have suffered humiliation but brought it upon themselves, have no regrets?

And how will you deal with other people who have witnessed your humiliation?

Compared to Su Yue, Su Cheng was thinking even deeper.

Zhu Zhuqing no longer needed the martial soul fusion skill of Netherworld White Tiger, nor did he need to marry to fight for the throne, but he still chose to stay in Shrek Academy, backhand rejecting the recruitment of a powerful Contra level man.

The reason why she stayed seemed to be related to Ning Rongrong?

It seemed that in this world, the fate of the Shrek Seven Monsters was much stronger than in reality, and much stronger than he expected.

"By the way, wouldn't it be convenient for you to take that three-eyed golden leopard out for a walk in the Star Dou Forest?"

"What do you want to do?" Su Yue glanced at Su Cheng with alert eyes, "I advise you not to take advantage of it."

"Don't be so protective of your food, I won't do anything to it."

Su Cheng coughed slightly and explained: "Didn't you say before that the three-eyed golden tiger has the power of destiny? I want it to see how many powers similar to it are carried by these people. I am not interested in this. If you don’t study things deeply, you can’t see them clearly.”

"It is impossible for these people to carry the power of destiny." Su Yue frowned, "The power of destiny of the Douluo Star is all in the Three-Eyed Golden Raider. What you said before is not the power of destiny. And if it is the power of destiny If so, I can tell."

Speaking of this, she subconsciously looked at Su Cheng.

The person next to him has a rather weird and complicated destiny entanglement, but it doesn't come from the Douluo Star under his feet.

"Yes, I am indeed not talking about the destiny of this planet, but the luck of the human race. The two are different. Luck is born from powerful races, or is controlled by some powerful beings. So. It will move according to people, condense and shift, and it is not destined to remain the same.”

"According to what you said, it's even more impossible for the three-eyed golden beast to see it."

"But you can give it a try. There are some similarities in attributes."

"I'll think about it later."

When all the dust settled, the spirit of everyone in Shrek Academy seemed a bit sluggish, without the previous flamboyant and wanton energy.

Zhao Wuji felt a little helpless when he saw this scene.

These children were originally the proud sons of heaven and were arrogant. It is inevitable to suffer such a huge blow suddenly and feel frustrated.

But with some adjustments, you should be able to recover. In life, no one has encountered some setbacks, and they are not necessarily all bad things.

In contrast, he was more worried about whether he would be held accountable afterwards. There is also the slogan that the college has always adhered to - those who dare not cause trouble are mediocre, so why don't you continue to persevere?

Of course, I can no longer stay in this hotel.

Zhao Wuji did not delay and soon left this chilling hotel with the students.

There are many places to stay in the town, so you don't have to stay here.

When he walked out of the hotel, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to hear something, his eyes moved slightly and he turned his head, and his steps slowed down a bit.

Ning Rongrong noticed her strangeness immediately and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing."

Zhu Zhuqing came back to her senses, shook her head calmly, and finally looked back around the hotel, as if looking for someone.

But in the end, he found nothing and had no choice but to leave with everyone in the academy.

Just a moment ago, someone made a secret agreement with her.

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