Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 334 Come to Wuhun City to find me

"Little girl, you did a very smart thing today. In the future, like this time, you should think more about everything by yourself. Learn to distinguish between right and wrong, and choose what is good.

"Some people are just older and have higher cultivation levels, but they talk like farts and are full of fallacies. They are not worth listening to."

Just when he was about to leave the hotel, a voice sounded in Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

She glanced at Ye Zhiqiu subconsciously, and immediately denied the speculation.

not him.

Both the tone and timbre when speaking are completely different.

Although Ye Zhiqiu acted calmly and calmly before, he had the demeanor of a strong man when he spoke.

I didn't feel much about it at the time, but when I compared it now, the latter seemed a bit deliberate.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly thought that when this teacher from Canghui College first revealed the Black Turtle Martial Spirit, he was still only at the Soul King level.

Moreover, at the beginning, he seemed to be slightly afraid of the talented soul masters of Shrek Academy, and seemed to lack confidence, but then he suddenly changed.

It becomes not only the strength of cultivation, but also the attitude when speaking.

It's just that the change happened so quickly that she didn't have time to think too much about it.

Looking back now, there are indeed many doubts in it.

At this time, the other party seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and admitted frankly: "You are right, Ye Zhiqiu was helped secretly by me to successfully suppress the Soul Saint teacher of your college today. As for him himself His strength is indeed just that of an ordinary Soul King.

“Whether Ye Zhiqiu’s Soul Douluo-level cultivation strength in the battle or the soul ring configuration he showed before, I gave him temporarily.

"There are many strong people in this world, so don't underestimate others and don't act impulsively. You never know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

"You guys do have some luck. But when the gap in strength between you is too large, these things cannot make up for the absolute lack of strength."

There seemed to be a faint smile in that voice, but Zhu Zhuqing was secretly shocked.

She didn't know what the other person meant by "luck", but the meaning of the previous paragraph was very clear.

The reason why Ye Zhiqiu was able to possess eight top-quality soul rings and show powerful strength at the Contra level was all due to the help of this person.

Zhu Zhuqing was born into a noble family, and his family valued him and taught him since he was a child. He considered himself to be a visionary, but he had never heard of such an ability in the world.

It's not that I'm pretending to take action, but that I'm directly increasing the strength of another person by a large amount, even giving him a soul ring!

Soul rings come from soul beasts. This has been an iron law in the mainland for countless years, and no one can break it yet!

Even if it is only a temporary gift, it is still a powerful method that is beyond her understanding. It is simply unbelievable...

But Zhu Zhuqing had to believe it.

What Ye Zhiqiu showed was indeed Contra level strength.

Even though her current cultivation level is shallow and her observations may be wrong, Zhao Wuji is a real soul saint. Looking at the mainland, he can be regarded as a strong man. He is definitely not able to tell whether the person who took action is Ye Zhiqiu himself.

Just when she was a little stunned, the voice sounded again, "Let me ask you one last time, are you really not willing to practice with me?"

"..." This time, Zhu Zhuqing really hesitated.

It turns out that the person who takes a fancy to him is not Ye Zhiqiu from Canghui College, but this mysterious strong man.

Being able to directly elevate a mere Soul King to the Soul Douluo level out of thin air. If you say that this mysterious strong man is a Titled Douluo level existence, you are probably looking down on him.

But is there a higher level than Titled Douluo? she does not know.

And the strange thing is that the voice in his head sounds clear and transparent, as if he is not too old.

Zhu Zhuqing was certain that she had never heard a similar timbre, but it gave her a faint sense of intimacy, and even made her have the urge to agree on the spot...

But in the end, reason finally restrained the inexplicable impulse.

She shook her head silently.

The unknown means uncertainty. She doesn't dare to gamble, and there is no need to gamble.

A mysterious strong man who appeared out of nowhere might not really be coveting her as a soul master.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing?

Those unpredictable methods are chilling to the bottom of your heart.

The intimacy in the voice may just be an illusion caused by this.

Zhu Zhuqing does not lack adventurous spirit.

If she really needed to take a gamble, she could take the risk.

But it's not like she has no choice now.

Ning Rongrong's line has been completely laid out, and he has an extremely powerful martial soul as a guarantee.

Zhao Wuji had limited knowledge and guessed that the Netherworld White Tiger might be a super spirit level existence. However, as the legitimate daughter of the Xingluo Zhu family, Zhu Zhuqing, who was familiar with the characteristics of the Netherworld White Tiger's martial spirit fusion skills, knew very clearly that the Netherworld White Tiger was definitely more powerful than ordinary people. The super martial spirit is even more powerful.

Much more powerful.

This is the source of power that the royal family Dai has used to rule the Star Luo Empire for countless years.

Even ordinary martial souls can experience a leap-forward increase in strength after performing martial soul fusion skills.

The White Tiger, as a top martial spirit, and the Nether Civet Cat, who is close to the top martial spirit, have an almost perfect fit. How could the fused Nether White Tiger stop at the level of an ordinary super martial spirit.

Seeing her shaking her head in rejection, the mysterious man seemed to sigh, but he didn't force it too much.

"You'd better not tell others about my existence, and don't let others know about it in any way. At least don't expose it easily until you meet a strong person who can break through my previous methods.

"You are a smart girl. I believe you should know what you can and cannot do."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's tense mind immediately relaxed a lot, and he was finally sure that this person had no ill intentions.

He nodded quickly to show his understanding.

After she expressed her stance, the other party made no move.

For some reason, Zhu Zhuqing felt a little disappointed. She breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave with Zhao Wuji and others.

As he walked out of the hotel, the mysterious voice suddenly sounded again.

"...Well, if you change your mind in the future, you can go directly to Wuhun City to find me before the start of the Soul Master Competition in three years. I should be there by then. Well...just say you are Su Yue’s friend.”

"Su Yue?"

Zhu Zhuqing was inexplicably happy when he got the three-year contract.

Before she could respond, the other party continued: "In your team, there are many people with unique backgrounds, and they naturally have their own special stance. Remember what I told you, think more when things happen, and learn how to Make your own decision. Just like today, don’t be coerced by other people’s positions and will. Remember..."

Thinking back to the previous conversation with the mysterious strong man, Zhu Zhuqing, who was walking on the road, suddenly touched Ning Rongrong beside him and asked in a low voice: "Rongrong, have you ever heard that you can forcibly raise the level of others?" And soul rings, a special method that allows people to cross several large levels in an instant and gain several more soul rings in a short period of time?"

Ning Rongrong looked at her with a strange look on his face when he heard this, "Zhuqing, what are you thinking about? How is this possible! If you improve your strength, you have a good chance of doing it. The auxiliary effect of our Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit is It can increase the combat power of teammates a lot, but it is too exaggerated to increase the level, let alone several large levels.

"If my father can personally bless a low-level soul master of more than ten levels, he might be able to raise that person's strength to the soul master level. As for increasing soul rings, that is definitely impossible unless the soul beast is hunted. Otherwise, how can it be possible to increase the number of soul rings by relying solely on humans?"

At this point, there was a hint of worry on her face, "Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

"Nothing, just asking."

"Zhuqing, don't think about reaching the sky in one step. I know you have a strong personality, so you will inevitably feel a little frustrated and helpless when encountering something like this today. But we are still young now, and your talent is so good, let alone Contra, in the future Even if you become a Titled Douluo, it will definitely not be a problem for you."

"You're overthinking it. I'm really just asking casually." Zhu Zhuqing smiled and said something casually.

"Martial Soul City..." She thought silently in her heart, "Is that mysterious and powerful senior from the Spirit Hall?"

This is not surprising.

After all, Wuhun Palace is recognized as the number one force in the soul master world. A strong man of this level can only come from Wuhun Palace.

But what does the other party mean by "there are many people with unique backgrounds in your team"?

It should not be referring to Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai.

The identities of these two people are clear to me, and the mysterious man should also understand the situation.

Could he be talking about Tang San?

Those weird and magical hidden weapon techniques, the extremely talented innate soul power, and his surname is Tang... but his martial soul is Blue Silver Grass...

And that Oscar seemed a bit mysterious. She had never heard of a food-type soul master with innate soul power appearing in the world before.

As for Xiao Wu, apart from her innate soul power, there seems to be nothing special about her.

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