Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 335 Silver Dragon King’s Little Emotions

"Ha, Ye Zhiqiu's personality is not charming enough? You must have succeeded this time if you took action personally, right?"

Su Yue was keenly aware of Zhu Zhuqing's strange behavior before leaving, and immediately understood that it was probably Su Cheng who had not given up his previous idea and was continuing to try to retain him.

But since the little girl chose to leave the hotel, this guy obviously failed.

"It didn't work." Su Cheng grinned and sighed: "Oh, looking at it, it turns out that you are the best to lie..."


Su Yue suddenly turned her head and looked at him with eyes like lightning.

Purple light loomed in the black pupils, as if a lavender flame had been lit.

Although there was no power fluctuation, a chilling aura hit his face, and even the surrounding air seemed to be completely frozen, astonishingly cold.

That is the majesty of the dragon.

"Hey, don't be angry, I'm just joking with you, how dare I lie to you."

"It's not funny."

After Su Yue said coldly, she turned around and ignored him.

However, the stagnant air around him has gradually returned to normal.

Su Cheng shook his head helplessly.

It's obviously just a transformation, so why does he really look like a child?

The previous Silver Dragon King was not so easily angry.

Without thinking too much, he glanced at the Shrek Academy people who were far away, and rethought the question about the Shrek Seven Monsters.

If you just want to break up the team, or to complete the second mission, there is actually an easier way - directly kill Tang San, the core figure in the team.

As a result, not only will the so-called "Shrek Seven Monsters" cease to exist, but many incidents will be settled as a result, and the fate of countless people will also change.

It is not difficult for Su Cheng to complete this matter.

And if it is to be completely wiped out, even if the figures in the God Realm want to resurrect it, it will be absolutely difficult to do so.

Just like what he said to Zhu Zhuqing, although the power of luck is wonderful, it is only an external force after all. In the face of the absolute strength gap, it is still not enough.

What's more, the destiny of a family never belongs to one person alone. When the son of destiny dies, there will naturally be another new son of destiny to take his place.

The problem is that Su Cheng still has to worry about the final task of the finale.

Since the target is in the God Realm, we must not alert the enemy.

Not only could Tang San not be able to touch them for a short period of time, but even the places where the divine examinations were located could affect the whole body, so you need to pay attention to them.

Thinking of this, he looked at Su Yue sitting next to him.

This Silver Dragon King is undoubtedly a key figure...

On the other side, as the eight people from Shrek Academy retreated, Ye Zhiqiu also felt that the powerful forces that had blessed him and the mysterious feeling of merging with heaven and earth were quickly disappearing.

In just a short moment, he transformed back into the "weak" soul king he once was, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

However, the previous feelings are still engraved in my mind.

Moreover, at this moment, he also found that the interaction between himself and the natural soul power of the outside world had become extremely smooth. Although he is not as good as before, he is still far stronger than his former self, and the natural growth rate of the soul power in his body has increased several times compared to the past.

Not only that, his level has also risen by more than two levels without realizing it.

It is only because of the strong sense of emptiness brought about by the significant decline in strength that this improvement is not particularly obvious.

"Thank you, senior, for taking action today. Your kindness will be remembered by this junior for the rest of his life."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. In the future, don't be like those people at Shrek Academy who blame each other and resent me." Su Cheng walked out hand in hand with Su Yue while making the final sound transmission.

"Ye Zhiqiu, you should take care of yourself. Try to be promoted to Soul Saint as soon as possible, and then join a big force such as Wuhun Palace. Otherwise, even if the elders of these children do not come to you, they will come to you when they grow up to wash away today's shame. of.

"This realization is of great significance to you. If you work hard enough, it is impossible to achieve Contra in your lifetime. At that time, everything you just experienced will truly become your power.

"You don't need to worry about Canghui College. I know the Qibao Glazed Sect's behavior very well. Your college is a registered college of the Tiandou Empire. With Ning Fengzhi's temperament, he will not express his anger towards others. At best, he will be embarrassed. Just you.

"When the time comes, just put all the responsibility on this mysterious person like me. Everyone knows your strength clearly. Even Sword Douluo and the others can never see anything wrong.

"As for whether you can get away with it in the end, it all depends on your own performance. It's best to think of a way to deal with it in advance. Don't blame me for not warning you in advance.

"By the way, if you can really enter the Wuhun Palace, I can give you some more opportunities..."

After leaving the hotel, Su Cheng did not return to his residence with Su Yue, but came to a deserted forest in the outer suburbs.

After carefully examining the delicate-looking little loli in front of him for a moment and feeling her breath, Su Cheng nodded with satisfaction.

"You can try to generate the first soul ring."

"Now?" Su Yue was a little surprised.

She looked down at the back of her right hand.

There, there are hidden the colorful dragon scales transformed by the Dragon God's blood. He said with some hesitation, "But I haven't cultivated too much Dragon God's blood yet."

Su Cheng told her before.

In the past, not only was her bloodline and strength incomplete, but she also had many problems with her understanding and comprehension of energy.

Because her appearance stems from the split of the Dragon God and she is an incomplete life form, the upper limit has long been completely locked.

During this reconstruction, she not only had to re-grow in a human body, but also enhance her understanding of power and lay a solid foundation. He must also take advantage of this opportunity to continue to grow the bloodline of the Dragon God and gradually integrate it into his own body to make up for the shortcomings in the integrity of life as a split body of the "Silver Dragon King".

"You don't have enough Dragon God blood, but I do."

As he spoke, Su Cheng smiled and stretched out his palm.

The next moment, a drop of crystal clear blood appeared above his palm.

Inside, the bloodline power that makes the soul beasts tremble in awe and makes the Silver Dragon King affectionate and obsessed is constantly emitting.

"Dragon God Bloodline?!"

Su Yue opened her eyes wide in shock.

The originally calm and indifferent young face, combined with her expression at the moment, brought a strong sense of contrast, which was extremely cute.

"Why do you still have it?"

"Tell you a secret." Su Cheng's expression became a little more serious.

He first looked around carefully, and then whispered: "Actually, my true identity is the spiritual core left by the Dragon God, which is the human will regenerated over time by the Dragon God and Dragon Soul. Then after an unknown process After tens of thousands of years, through the special environment of the burial place of the Dragon Clan, a new life was finally condensed. So... I am the Dragon God!"


On Su Yue's delicate little face, her bright eyes opened a little wider again.

In those round and clear eyes, the scattered pupils trembled slightly, looking at Su Cheng in disbelief.

No wonder...

No wonder he knows so many things and got the blood of the Dragon God. It turns out that this book belongs to him...

At this moment, Su Yue suddenly thought of a lot...

Why did we meet at Dragon Tomb;

Why do I feel an inexplicable closeness to him?

Why would he be willing to help himself...

But, how is this possible?

The Dragon God has obviously passed away completely. If Su Cheng is the Dragon God, then who does he matter?

The spiritual core of the Dragon God is just "will", not a complete soul!

She just stood there in a daze, with all kinds of thoughts swirling in her brain.

The inherent concepts of the past seem to be shattered and reshaped at this moment...

Until she saw the evil smile on the corner of Su Cheng's mouth.

"...Su! Cheng!"

The huge shadow of the Silver Dragon King's martial spirit condensed and formed behind her.

The smooth short black hair instantly returned to its former brilliant silver color.

In the purple eyes, the pupils continued to stretch upward and downward, turning into ruthless vertical pupils like beasts...

"Su Yue, haven't you noticed that you are more human than before?"


The strong murderous aura that suddenly arose was paused for a moment.

"In the past, you wouldn't have had such violent mood swings because of something like this."

Su Cheng reached out and threw the drop of Dragon God's blood directly onto the back of Su Yue's hand.

The moment the two parties came into contact, the blood beads quickly disappeared and merged into the colorful scales.

"At that time, you might occasionally feel angry, but your thoughts were simple. To kill or not to kill, that's all."

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