Su Yue was stunned by this question, but before she had time to think about it, the sudden increase in the power of Dragon God's bloodline quickly poured into her body and spread, causing great stimulation to her body.

Not caring about continuing to get angry at Su Cheng, she quickly tried her best to restrain her body's instinctive urge to absorb this blood immediately, and complained: "What are you doing?"

If it were her when she was still the Silver Dragon King, this pure power of the Dragon God's bloodline would naturally be nothing, and she could easily suppress it.

But with her current human body, which had just begun to be rebuilt and most of the Silver Dragon King's bloodline was still dormant and sealed, it was extremely difficult to restrict it.

What's more, Su Cheng instilled it directly in one go, without even considering whether she could bear it.

The pursuit of her original bloodline and her desire for a higher level of power made her body eagerly plunder the blood that had escaped.

For a moment, Su Yue could only feel distressedly as the strands of blood power continued to flow to all parts of the body.

"Don't be so nervous, just start the promotion directly, I will take care of everything."

While saying this, Su Cheng reached out and touched the back of her hand.

At this moment, the Dragon God's bloodline, which was already difficult to suppress, was completely out of control, and the colorful dragon scales on the back of his hands were finally fully revealed.

Around the scales, you can clearly see the colorful rays of light sliding around like broken diamonds, and then dissipating little by little on the surface of the fair and tender skin.

However, although Su Cheng spoke casually, his expression was extremely serious.

Whether it is the perception of the outside world or the control of power, everything has been improved to an unprecedented level of concentration.

The level of Dragon God's bloodline is extremely high, even he must be careful.

The reason why he only used so little of the Dragon God's blood to fill Su Yue's foundation was not that Su Cheng was stingy, but that if there were too many, he would not be able to control the amount.

First, he shattered part of the bloodline power with his true power, and then sealed the remaining part again, and continued to nourish it with the original Silver Dragon King bloodline in Su Yue's body. Su Cheng had extremely rich knowledge on how to deal with the Dragon God's bloodline. experience of.

During the years he spent in Dragon Tomb, he had already studied and mastered many methods.


Su Yue glanced at the fingers tapping on the back of her hand.

Wisps of mysterious true power emerged from there, and then like the finest handmade needlework, every bit of the dragon god's power she now possessed was perfectly integrated into the current human body to the best of her ability.

No, it's not just that...

She raised her eyes again and looked at the other person's focused expression.

Then she pursed her thin lips and no longer suppressed the urge to be promoted.

The next moment, the powerful and majestic Silver Dragon Spirit appeared behind him, and the power of the Silver Dragon King's bloodline and the power of the Dragon God's bloodline were activated at the same time.

The colorless and invisible ring of laws instantly condensed and hovered under the feet, and then a large amount of free soul power swarmed in, quickly filling the inside of the ring.

White, yellow, purple, deep purple...

It didn't take long for the first soul ring to be directly generated and stabilized. It was so fast that it was as if the soul ring was already on her martial soul instead of just being attached to it.

This is different from the situation when Su Cheng condensed the soul ring on his own.

As the Silver Dragon King's incarnation, Su Yue doesn't need to work hard to find a place with abundant energy to stabilize the new soul ring like him. Only relying on his pure bloodline, coupled with past energy accumulation and extremely powerful elemental affinity physique, he can easily complete this step. It can be said that there is almost no promotion bottleneck.

The only difficulty lies in the growth cycle of the human body and the in-depth control of power.

In a certain way, she is actually somewhat similar to Su Cheng's current situation.

Both of them are bound by the physical body and need to gradually unlock the terrifying power hidden in their bodies as they grow up.

However, the initial growth rate of her body is extremely fast, and she can still advance rapidly. Perhaps this improvement speed will start to slow down when one reaches the level of Soul Emperor and Soul Saint.

Su Yue closed her eyes slightly, silently feeling the new soul ring under her feet.

Under the deep purple soul ring, there is still a hint of colorful luster hidden.

The previous feeling was correct, the other party actually helped her further sublimate and perfect her current bloodline.

The colorful halo in the soul ring appears because of the Dragon God's bloodline.

Color is just an appearance. In fact, deep in the ring of laws, there are other more profound energy changes that she cannot control for the time being.

The power of time, the power of destruction...

Su Yue opened her eyes and took a deep look at Su Cheng.

When he helped him integrate the Dragon God's bloodline previously, he not only integrated it into this human body, but even took care of the origin of the bloodline.

This is something even she can't do herself.

She can absorb them, but she cannot perfectly integrate them, and there will inevitably be conflicts between them.

Although the two come from the same source, they are two bloodlines after all.

The greater probability is that the Dragon God bloodline will directly replace the original Silver Dragon King bloodline.

In the long run, this is not a bad thing. It can even be said that this is her lifelong pursuit.

But in the short term, this will slow down her promotion a lot.

Because the source of the huge hidden power in the body is the huge amount of blood energy accumulated during his time as the Silver Dragon King.

But Su Cheng's action helped her solve this problem perfectly.

In fact, how could Su Yue know that Su Cheng's research on human bloodline martial arts was so profound that no other person in the world could match it.

In addition, his many years of research in the Dragon Tomb were not in vain. He had an extremely deep understanding of the Dragon God's bloodline, and he already had extremely pure and deep Dragon God's bloodline in his body.

Although he himself does not have the ability to control various attributes such as time or light and darkness, all he needs to control is blood. He only needs to treat it as the integrated power of the Dragon God and coordinate it uniformly.

In fact, if he didn't have any scruples, he would have been able to integrate the Dragon God's bloodline that he was gifted into his current body.

"The first soul ring of eight thousand years..."

Looking at the purple soul ring hovering next to Su Yue, Su Cheng nodded secretly.

The first soul ring was close to the ten thousand year level, so he was not surprised by this.

Su Yue's physical fitness is already comparable to that of the Soul Lord. Coupled with her control over her body and her rich experience with powerful power in the past, it is not surprising to generate such a soul ring.

Moreover, this soul ring is only the limit of her current body, but it is not the limit of this soul ring.

This soul ring is of extremely high quality. In the future, as Su Yue grows older and improves in strength, the age level of the soul ring will also continue to become stronger. This is also a growth-type soul ring.

"What is your number one soul skill?"

"Element extraction can also be called elemental tide." Su Yue said lightly, "I can directly extract the mixed heaven and earth energy floating around into pure attribute elements for use in combat."

"Are all attributes allowed? Including special elements such as light and darkness?"


"Amazing ability."

Su Cheng was slightly surprised.

It's not surprising that the Silver Dragon King in the past could master multiple attributes. That was one of the powers of the Dragon God.

However, after retraining, it is not that easy for the opponent to achieve this step at the soul master stage with the power of a thousand-year soul ring. This shows that Su Yue has extremely profound experience accumulation in the control of elements.

This kind of power can be called an upgraded version of the power of the five elements that Su Cheng once possessed.

After all, his original five-element power was acquired.

He relied on his understanding of the body and martial arts, the accumulation of various knowledge, and the absorption of soul rings from soul beasts with extreme attributes to supplement his own abilities.

Compared with Su Yue's innate talent, it is undoubtedly much inferior.

It wasn't until he condensed the fifth soul ring on his own in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, fully comprehended the power of the Five Elements, and upgraded the Five Elements domain that he was able to achieve a breakthrough in the quality of the Eternal Life Sword.

But even so, it only has the power of the five elements, which is still far behind Su Yue's full attribute elements.

Not to mention that it is even more rare for Su Yue to possess the power of light and darkness at this stage.

In fact, in terms of level, these two elements are not higher than the power of the Five Elements, but the power of these two attributes is relatively extreme and purer. They have some "special attack" attributes and can display quite outstanding effects at certain times. Effect.

If there is only one of them, it can be said to have advantages and disadvantages, and it may be restrained, but having both attributes at the same time can definitely greatly increase the combat power level.

Standing opposite Su Cheng, after hearing his sincere praise, the corners of Su Yue's mouth seemed to twitch slightly.

"It's just so-so, just some superficial use of elemental energy. You're not bad either."

"That's true." Su Cheng nodded in agreement, "Although there are many types of elements you can use, in the final analysis, the method of use is still a bit low-end and primitive. The body is a treasure house, and people in your world focus too much on using external energy. , which is the so-called soul power, but ignores its own potential that deserves to be explored in depth."

"..." Su Yue's eyes turned cold, and she suddenly lost interest in continuing to communicate.

"Aren't you happy?"

"When did I become unhappy?"

"Since I agree with your statement."

Su Yue raised her eyebrows and said, "I haven't finished what I said before. It can not only activate ordinary elements, but also the power of time and space. Are these also low-end and primitive?"

"Time and space? Real or fake?" Su Cheng glanced at her suspiciously, "Are you bragging?"

The dragon god's bloodline does contain the power of time and space, and perhaps this part of the power rules is indeed hidden in the core rules of the opponent's first soul ring.

But he didn't believe that a soul ring that was less than ten thousand years old could operate this level of ability.

Su Yue did not refute his doubts, but looked away and said calmly: "Believe it or not, Ai."

"...Of course I believe it. I believe whatever you say."

Seeing her expression, Su Cheng immediately understood that his judgment was correct.

At this time, she had just obtained her first soul ring and was promoted to soul master, so she probably had not really touched the power of time and space.

The higher the level of power, the deeper the foundation required to use it. It is almost impossible for a small horse to pull a big cart.

Even if it can be used, it is still a double-edged sword.

Not only does it hurt others and yourself, it may also lead to weakness in subsequent generations or even backlash.

Therefore, even if Su Yue really mastered some power of time and space as she said, it would not be able to be used in actual combat.

However, Su Cheng didn't expect that the other party would be unconvinced and stubborn because of a few words.

He did not continue to dwell on this issue, and instead looked Su Yue up and down, "Speaking of which, have you grown a lot taller?"

Although the little girl in front of her is still petite, her limbs are as slender as a willow, and her delicate little face like a porcelain doll is as childish as ever.

However, he is about ten centimeters taller than before, and his short silver hair is also longer than before.

Su Cheng stretched out his hand and gestured, and the other person's head could already reach his chest.

He himself is only twelve years old now.

At this rate, the former six-year-old girl would probably be much better than herself if she was promoted two or three more times.

"The growth rate of transformed soul beasts in their infancy is already very fast, and the energy released from level promotion will also stimulate physical growth."

"That's it." Su Cheng nodded and looked at Su Yue's short, soft hair that had returned to silver, "Sure enough, white hair looks better..."

Hearing his low voice, Su Yue raised her head and mocked: "Human beings are indeed a race that only pays attention to appearance and has no connotation. If I change back to my original shape, will you still think it looks good?"

"Return to original form..."

Su Cheng subconsciously recalled the scene when he first met the Silver Dragon King, and the appearance of the silver dragon emerged in his mind.

The slender dragon body, broad wings, powerful dragon tail, bright silver crystal scales, majestic and deep dragon eyes and vertical pupils...the eyes can't help but shine slightly.

Then he shook his head with regret, "The original shape is naturally more beautiful, but it's a pity that you can't change back now. You have really sacrificed a lot for your future prospects. Wait until you reach the Soul Saint level and have a martial soul. After taking the real form, there will probably be a chance to regain the silver dragon form."


Su Yue looked at Su Cheng blankly, her pure and bright purple eyes trembling slightly.

After a long silence, she slowly said: "You are indeed an elite among human beings. Your shamelessness and perversion shocked me."

"What are you talking about?" Su Cheng was unconvinced by this evaluation. "This is an inclusive aesthetic and a love across races. Without this kind of mentality, how could I offer to help you, a non-human race?" ?At this time, you should encourage and recognize him instead of slandering him."

"..." Su Yue looked at him with complicated eyes, "When we first met, you were obviously not so shameless."

As a result, the noble Silver Dragon King gained a deeper understanding of the diversity of the human species.

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