Standing on the outside of the hundred-meter-high city wall, Su Yue stared at the huge city not far ahead and asked casually: "Why do you feel so familiar with this continent?"

Half a year has passed since I left the Star Dou Forest.

In addition to staying in the small town near the forest for more than a month at the beginning, they later passed through several villages, towns and main cities.

The two of them walked and stopped along the way, and finally arrived at Tiandou City, the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

Although they are still young now, due to their strong strength, their physical development is much faster than that of ordinary people. They all look much older than their actual age, with the appearance of teenagers and girls.

"I have a mouth." Su Cheng stretched out his hand and tapped his lips to indicate, "You'll find out if you ask, and there's a map."

As he spoke, he raised a roll of drawings in his hand. It was a topographic map of the distribution of cities in the Tiandou Empire that he bought a long time ago.

When Su Yue heard this, she glanced at him slightly suspiciously with her eyes that had turned pitch black again, feeling that these words were somewhat untrue.

But he didn't want to continue to delve deeper, and instead looked at Xiongcheng in front of him.

As one of the two largest and most prosperous cities in the entire continent, Tiandou City's city walls are extremely high and wide, all made of the hardest granite. The flags fluttering above the city head look extremely spectacular.

There are a large number of soldiers patrolling and standing guard above and below the city. Each one of them is wearing a strong sword and exudes a strong aura of killing.

"There are many tricks."

Su Yue snorted disdainfully.

This kind of city wall, not to mention resisting top experts, could easily penetrate it even with the previous level of Zhao Wuji.

Su Cheng chuckled lightly, "This thing was originally created for ordinary people to see. How many soul masters are there in the world, and how many soul saints are there? Ordinary people are the cornerstone of the empire. Without these external objects, how can we show the emperor of the capital? The dignity of the city? When rulers gather people's hearts, they naturally have to consider all aspects. Your thinking is too one-sided. You know, not everyone in the world can be like me and value the inside more than the outside. "

"Stop putting your face on yourself."

The girl curled her lips, didn't bother to say anything more, and walked directly towards the city gate.

After traveling these days, her behavior has become more and more like a normal human being.

Although the eyes are still mostly cold, there is a hint of humanity after all.

After entering Tiandou City, Su Yue couldn't help but be a little surprised when she looked at the wide streets, the shops on both sides, and the people passing by.

Although she said it with disdain, she actually had to admit that this city was indeed quite prosperous and completely different from the main cities she had been to before.

In fact, not only Tiandou City, but also the places she had visited before were constantly refreshing her understanding of the "human" species.

Whether it’s food, clothing, housing, transportation, or all kinds of daily tools, there are so many things that are unheard of and unseen.

As a naturally powerful race, the Dragon Clan values ​​individuals far more than the collective.

They are racially conscious, but not so social.

If you can defeat your enemy by yourself, why rely on others?

Since he was born with a strong body and sharp claws, there was no need to build tools or do useless research.

"When are you going to break through to become a great soul master?"

Walking on the road, Su Cheng suddenly asked.

With Su Yue's accumulation, it didn't take much effort to make a breakthrough in the early stage.

Just wait and see when she feels that her power is complete, and then she can start attaching the second soul ring.

Su Yue did not answer the question immediately, but asked instead: "How much Dragon God bloodline is hidden in you?"

"It's rare that you can bear to ask now. What, do you want it?"

She didn't speak, just looked at Su Cheng quietly.

Of course she wants it.

If she could absorb enough Dragon God blood, she wouldn't have to work hard anymore.

Directly become a new generation of dragon gods, control the power of creation and destruction, and restore the glory of the dragon clan.

"Then tell me more nice things. If it makes me happy, I will give you more."

"Keep it for yourself."

Su Yue lowered her head, covering her eyes with black bangs, and caressed the back of her right hand.

Although some of the previous two rays of blood power were used when he was promoted to soul master, there is still a lot left.

As the strength of this body increases, the blood of the Silver Dragon King is released, and the efficiency of nourishing the blood of the Dragon God is also improved. All it takes is more patience.

And judging from Su Cheng's appearance, he didn't seem to covet the power of the Dragon God.

Su Cheng seemed to see what she was thinking and said with a smile: "Are you sure that I will give you all my inventory sooner or later? That is the power of the Dragon God. You say you are at the top of all living beings. The strongest one, maybe one day I can’t help but use it.”

"I can grab it."

"Hehe, you are such a big little cub, but you have quite a breathy tone."

Su Yue ignored him.

Seeing this, he stopped joking and said seriously: "I do still have a lot, but it is definitely not enough for you to exchange for blood, unless you can give up the blood of the Silver Dragon King in your body. But I don't recommend that you do this, Dragon God's The power is not trivial, and there are many self-contradictory and strange laws in it, which you may not be able to grasp with your ability. Rather than that, it is better to improve step by step."

"You can leave it to me for safekeeping. Otherwise, if you die, won't these bloodlines be lost?"

"Can you say something nice?" Su Cheng rolled his eyes and was speechless, "Don't worry, I won't die even if you die. Just wait until your strength surpasses mine before you say such things."


"Moreover, you don't think you can keep the pure Dragon God bloodline well, do you? You can't suppress your devouring instinct at all."

Su Yue pursed her lips and fell silent.

She knew it was the truth.

For her, the allure of Dragon God's bloodline was too strong, and she simply could not refuse the strong desire to absorb evolution.

This has little to do with the strength of her willpower, but her current body is too weak.

"...Can you tell me where you got these Dragon God bloodlines?"

After asking, seeing that Su Cheng didn't answer immediately, he continued to add: "And you obviously haven't truly integrated the power of the Dragon God, but I feel that your understanding of the power of the Dragon God is deeper than mine."

This is a question that she has wondered about for a long time, and she has also thought about it seriously for a long time, but she can't think of an answer.

It is true that there are a large number of dragon remains in the dragon tomb, and there is also the spiritual core left by the dragon god there, but extracting a trace of the dragon god's blood from it is already extraordinary.

Judging from Su Cheng's appearance, it was obvious that he still had a lot of inventory in hand, so it was unlikely that he got it from the Dragon Tomb.

I originally thought that the days were still long, so I could slowly test and observe first, and then slowly figure it out.

But at this moment, perhaps because of the dismissive and casual attitude of the other party, or perhaps because of all the help he had brought to her during this period, Su Yue suddenly didn't bother to bother anymore and simply asked directly.

Su Cheng looked at her, thinking of the extreme desire for the Dragon God's bloodline that Su Yue often showed, and paused after pondering for a moment.

Then he looked around and said, "Let's sit down somewhere and talk."

After speaking, he walked towards the tea house not far away. Su Yue followed him silently, wondering what she was thinking.

In a separate quiet room, the two of them each had a cup of fragrant tea in front of them. The mist steamed away, and the fragrance of tea filled the room.

The environment of a store that can be opened in Tiandou City is not bad. The soundproof walls are made of excellent materials and completely cut off the noisy people from the outside world. It is like forming two worlds.

Of course, based on the intensity of perception of the two of them, this sound insulation effect has little impact.

Su Cheng picked up the cup and took a sip, then smacked his lips and commented: "Just average."

Then he looked at Su Yue, who was sitting upright and motionless opposite, "Don't you want to try it?"

The girl shook her head, showing no interest in these things at all, and said lightly: "It's just for food and drink."

"When you are in this world, you must know how to enjoy it. Cultivation is not the only thing in life."


Su Yue stared blankly at the green smoke rising above the tea cup in front of her, her eyes a little dazed.

Enjoy it?

Now she has no time and no qualifications to enjoy it.

Su Cheng didn't think much about it. After taking a sip of tea, he tapped his fingers on the table and asked in a deep voice: "Su Yue, do you think strength or knowledge is more important?"

When Su Yue heard this, her eyes moved slightly and she did not answer the question.

Of course strength is important.

As long as you have strength, you can regain everything you lost before.

As for knowledge?

What it is.

Dragons never learn that kind of thing and don't bother to understand it.

But she guessed that this was not the answer Su Cheng wanted, so she simply stopped talking.

But Su Cheng had no intention of getting a response from her.

He just glanced at her and continued, "Having knowledge also means you have power, but not necessarily the other way around.

"Whether it is soul power or the power of the Dragon God, they are just tools to embody and apply the laws. In fact, the soul power is originally derived from the power of the Dragon God. But do you think that has any impact?

“Even though the physique of human beings is far different from that of the dragons, with the help of martial souls and soul rings, they can still catch up with and surpass the dragons, and there are even strong men who have reached the god level.

"What I want to tell you is that if you can understand the nature of various powers and understand their laws, the others are just bonuses.

"And the more knowledge you learn and understand, the easier it will be to connect with others, and it will be much easier to master other abilities. This is why I can understand the power of the Dragon God."

Su Cheng looked at her, his tone serious and solemn, "Su Yue, have you ever thought that if you really have the confidence to return to the top, will you still be afraid of failure?"


Su Yue clenched her fists on her legs silently, her delicate eyebrows slightly frowned.

She wanted to refute, but was unable to do so.

She is indeed afraid of failure and of losing power.

This reconstruction was a gamble that she had to make.

Because she had waited too long and was not confident enough in her future, she was persuaded by Su Cheng.

Especially when she saw that trace of pure Dragon God blood, the balance in her heart was completely tilted.

"...Why can't you, as a clone of the Dragon God, spend hundreds of thousands of years to make up for the missing origins? To tell you the truth, when I first came to this world, I was weaker and weaker than you are now. You also have a huge accumulation of energy from the past as a starting point.

"But it only took less than six years to achieve a level of strength comparable to your world's Ultimate Douluo. Why can I do this?"

Su Yue opened her eyes in surprise.

She knew that Su Cheng's body was not very old.

It was for this reason that she believed Su Cheng's words about "coming from other worlds".

Because other than that, she really couldn't think of any other reason for a child to have such great power.

No one can be as talented as this.

But even so, Su Yue did not expect that the other party only spent such a short time to reach such a height.

Even if she had the energy reserves from her time as the Silver Dragon King, she still couldn't be sure that she would be able to achieve Ultimate Douluo in such a short period of time.

Little did she know that what Su Cheng said was actually a bit exaggerated.

The real-force physical replica provided by the simulator plays a very key role in this process.

But even without these, if he wants to cultivate innate power as a transition, it won't be too difficult.

"Ahem, actually in this place, you can consider changing back to your previous appearance. No one else can see it anyway, so you don't have to worry about attracting attention."


Su Yue, who was listening intently, suddenly heard what he said, and could hardly maintain her calm and indifferent expression. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and then he lowered his head and didn't bother to respond.

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Su Cheng sighed with regret.

He thought he didn't have any strange thoughts. After all, he was just a little loli, and his Taoist heart could not be shaken. However, the white hair was indeed very eye-catching.

Picking up the tea cup and taking a sip, he continued the previous topic and said: "As long as you master the core principles, what if you lose your strength temporarily? You can still practice it back. After all, you still don't have enough confidence. .

"Strong power can only give you temporary confidence, but once it is lost, you will be nothing.

"The dragon clan is very strong. I have seen the thousands of dragon bones in the dragon tomb. The body structure is simply beyond my imagination. But given time, these things cannot be copied.

"This is why I advised you to retrain at the beginning, and I have always advised you not to rush to improve. Power is just an accessory, and whether you can master the laws and regulations of the world is the most critical."

At this time, Su Cheng seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said: "Give me your hand."

Su Yue was stunned for a moment, a little confused, but she still stretched out her delicate palm and handed it over.

Immediately afterwards, the slender white hand was firmly grasped by another much larger and powerful palm, and then a very special energy flowed along the skin of the two of them.

"Feel my power carefully and see how it compares to the power of the Dragon God."

While saying this, Su Cheng conveyed his own powerful true power to her, letting her feel the mystery within it.


Su Yue's eyes suddenly became a little panicked.

At this moment, her heart, which had transformed into a human structure, suddenly beat a little fast.

The perception of the outside world seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment.

All the senses are concentrated in the palm of your hand.

Maybe it's because of the resonance between the Dragon God's bloodlines? Or something else. She couldn't tell the difference for a moment.

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