"How does it feel?"

The clear and steady voice awakened Su Yue's consciousness.

She raised her head numbly, her eyes slightly blank, "W-what?"

"My power, don't you feel it?"

Seeing her dumbfounded expression, Su Cheng couldn't help but frown slightly.

Compared with soul power, true power is indeed different.

It's normal for ordinary soul masters not to understand this kind of energy.

But with the Silver Dragon King's knowledge, he shouldn't be unable to appreciate anything special about it.

"Um, oh..."

Su Yue withdrew her palm with force, and there was still a little warmth on it.

After quickly dispelling those messy thoughts, she lowered her eyes and said calmly: "It is indeed different. From an energy perspective, although it is not as good as the power of the Dragon God, it is also stronger than most divine powers.

"Even compared to the powerful Shura divine power, it's not much different. It's not as sharp and aggressive, but it's more comprehensive and tolerant.

"And there should be some other connotations hidden in your power. Is it spiritual power? Or something else?

"Is this a unique ability of your world?"


Su Cheng shook his head, picked up the tea cup and gently blew away the heat above it, and took a sip.

"This is the power I developed myself, called True Power."

"Developed your own... true power?" Su Yue repeated this word in a low voice, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, Zhenli." He put down the tea cup, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at him calmly and seriously.

"I have dabbled in and studied energy, body, soul, and all kinds of power. It took me more than a hundred years to get here step by step. In the future, as long as I continue to move forward along this path, my body and soul will be perfect. Fusion, the will runs through the unity, and the spiritual instincts are indistinguishable from each other. This is the path of cultivation to realize the true self, so I named it 'True Power'."

"Understanding the true self, penetrating the will..."

Su Yue raised her head and stared at Su Cheng, and many pictures seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

About cultivation, about fighting, about growth...

"Want to learn? I can teach you. If you can learn it."

"Taught me?"

At a certain moment just now, she did have some ideas.

But then he gave up that idea.

Who would easily teach others this super-powerful power?

What the other party possesses is not some crappy soul power or the skill to absorb soul rings. It is obvious that there is a huge secret hidden there.

It was true that they were collaborators, but that was all.

The two of them are neither relatives nor friends, they are just using each other for profit, and there will always be some trump cards left.

Just like she once wanted to deliberately conceal the existence of the three-eyed golden beast, and never mentioned the specific situation of the Golden Dragon King.

She thought this should be a tacit understanding between them.

Because Su Cheng has indeed never asked in detail what happened to the other half of the Dragon God and what abilities it possesses.

But Su Yue never expected that the other party would lecture her...

Could it be that he was not at all on guard against himself?

You must know that no matter how powerful the power is, there is a corresponding method of restraint.

Even the original Dragon God had hidden dangers that could be fatal.

Even if he really doesn't care that more people have mastered that so-called "true power", isn't he worried about discovering its flaws and weaknesses and being targeted?

Su Cheng looked at her and said calmly: "I said, power is just a gift, it doesn't matter to me at all. Because I have enough knowledge accumulation, I can continue to make progress in the future. Any difficulties and failures are just Temporarily, if you don’t even have the confidence to go further, what’s the point of seeking truth?”

When he said this, his eyes were shining, and his face was filled with unprecedented confidence, which made Su Yue lose consciousness for a while.

Compared to before, the other person touched her much more strongly at this moment.

The tone of voice, the manner in which he spoke...that kind of confidence was no pretense.

This is also the belief she has always lacked and longed for.

Su Yue lowered her head silently, the expression on her face obscured by the mist lingering over the teacup.

It turns out that not only is his bloodline and abilities incomplete, but his life itself is probably also incomplete, right?

She is a split body of the Dragon God.

From the moment of his birth, he has been the co-master of the soul beasts and the king of the dragon clan. He has never had a "growth" process, which is why the spiritual world is so barren and boring...

So, was this what he expected?

Do it all over again, make up for the shortcomings of the past, and experience everything you have never experienced before?

What kind of mentality should I face the new "life"?

"...How are you going to teach me?" Su Yue's mood was a little agitated at this time, but her tone remained calm and calm, "Since leaving the Star Dou Forest, you have let me see many different people and many things, but You didn’t tell me much truth. What exactly do you want me to understand?”

At this moment, she finally let down all her guard and sincerely asked about the confusion in her heart.

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard what she said, "It's not what I hope you understand, but what you want to understand yourself."

He carefully observed the expression of the girl opposite him, and said slowly after considering his words: "Su Yue, I thought you had understood it a long time ago. I just asked you to see, observe, and understand. Every extraordinary creature in the world must have something. Without his unique character background, he is destined to be unable to go far. This is the truth that character determines destiny.

"If you want to master your power better, I can teach you some techniques. I have some experience in this area. But that's all.

"As for the rest, you have to see it yourself. The most I can do is express my personal thoughts, and I will never interfere with you, because this is your own life."

"My own life?" Su Yue's eyes lit up slightly.

For some reason, she suddenly felt some very strange and strange emotions, maybe joy, maybe excitement.

"Yes, this is your life. I have no right to control it, and I don't deserve to control it." Su Cheng leaned on the back of the seat with a lazy smile on his face, "Don't forget, you are the Silver Dragon King. Countless Over the years, you have held on to distant hope and protected the survival of the ethnic group. How can you be swayed by the worldly thoughts of a mere human being?"


Su Yue's eyes wavered a little, and her fingers on the teacup tightened slightly.

"Just laugh when you hear it. There's no need to be so serious."


The tea cup was broken.

A full cup of tea flowed down the edge of the table.

"Ahem, speaking of which, when we were in the Star Dou Forest, I also had a few chats with Di Tian and learned some things about your soul beasts' cultivation after they transformed. It is said that after transforming, the more you come into contact with human geniuses, the better they become. Is it easy to grow and be promoted?" Su Cheng coughed lightly and changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"That Xiao Wu we met before was the hundred thousand-year-old soul beast incarnate, right? I think she has a close relationship with that Tang San, and she no longer has any opinions.

"Although I am not a transformed soul beast, according to my senses, it is not a good thing to rely too much on humans to the point of almost losing oneself. Those experiences are just summed up by the transformed soul beasts in the past, and they may not necessarily be correct. You still have to walk the road yourself.”

His voice rang in Su Yue's ears, "Understand humans, learn from humans, but you are yourself, don't lose yourself."


After thinking silently for a moment, Su Yue suddenly raised her head and glanced at him, with a bright smile that she had never seen before on her face.

There seemed to be some deep meaning hidden in the smile, which made Su Cheng feel a little baffled.

"Why are you laughing?" he couldn't help asking.

"I think you're right." Su Yue responded casually. There was a hint of joy and relaxation in his voice, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Then, she turned her eyes to the table, looking at the broken teacup pieces and the spilled tea, and whispered, "Ah, I accidentally spilled it. Please give me another cup."

"Didn't you say you don't care about these appetites?"

"Are you going to ask for it or not?"

"...Okay, I'll get you another one."

With that said, he was about to call the waiter in the store to come over and change the tea.

"Go and bring it to me."

"Are you crazy?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows displeased, "I'm not your servant, why should I serve you tea."

Su Yue didn't care about his dissatisfaction, but just looked at him quietly, with a faint smile on her lips, "Do you have to be a servant to do such a thing? Can you even help friends?"

Su Cheng choked at her words and was speechless for a moment. He had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, turned around and walked out of the quiet room.

Watching his leaving figure, Su Yue's eyes gradually calmed down, her gaze drifted away, and she fell into deep thought.

In fact, Su Cheng ignored one thing.

The first human being whom the Silver Dragon King had deep contact with, what he saw was not others, nor the conflict between the Shrek Seven Monsters and Canghui Academy, but Su Cheng himself.

Many of her concepts or behaviors were subconsciously compared and observed with Su Cheng as the standard. From the moment she transformed and came into contact with humans, someone had already placed a deep imprint on her heart.

However, at the same time, there was always some subtle resistance deep in her heart.

This resistance is not due to subjective dissatisfaction or disgust with Su Cheng, but due to her own pride and persistence.

It wasn't until Su Cheng woke her up today that she completely relaxed. She lost the resistance she had in the past and was ready to let everything take its course.

Even Su Cheng didn't care about those things, so what did he have to fear?

Now that you have decided to rebuild, let’s experience what it’s like to be a “human being”.

A few days later, in the core business district of the Tiandou Empire, in front of a four-story building with a "Yue Xuan" plaque hanging, crowds of people and horse-drawn carriages came and went.

The boy and girl stood quietly on the side of the street, their eyes fixed on the young man who was slowly walking down from a luxurious royal carriage.

The location of this squatting point was not decided randomly, but carefully selected.

As a social place frequented by imperial nobles, the eldest prince Xue Qinghe, who coveted the position of crown prince, was naturally a frequent visitor here and often came here to maintain relations with all parties.

It can be as short as a few days, or as long as half a month. With a little patience, there will be a day to wait.

Of course, Su Cheng would not tell the truth. He said that his real purpose was to meet Qian Renxue and see if there were any changes in him.

The reason he gave was high-sounding: As the imperial city of the empire, the proudest people from all over the country gathered here, and there were endless talents. Now that I'm here, I have to see you.

Although Su Yue was a little confused, she didn't ask any more questions.

The two of them looked through the crowd and focused on the young man who got off the carriage.

"This person is very unusual." Su Yue suddenly said softly.

"How do you say it?" Su Cheng responded casually without taking his eyes away from Qian Renxue.

He didn't find anything similar to Zhu Zhuqing's situation in Qian Renxue.

The martial spirit is still a seraph, the cultivation level is mediocre, and his words and deeds are different from Xiaoxue in reality.

But it shouldn’t be...

"I feel the same kind of aura in him."

"What?" When Su Cheng heard this, he glanced at Su Yue in surprise, and said with a dumb smile: "You don't mean to say that he is also a soul beast, right?"

Su Yue frowned, as if she was a little offended by his impolite words and attitude, and said coldly: "I am referring to his martial spirit, which has the potential to become a god."

"Oh? Listening to what you said, I also feel that this person is indeed a bit different."

Su Cheng said casually and didn't take it to heart.

After all, Qian Renxue possesses an exaggerated martial soul with an innate soul power of up to level 20, and unlike the Silver Dragon King who has accumulated a huge amount in the past, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has the qualifications to become a god.

He is still thinking about the question just now.

Why was Zhu Zhuqing able to awaken the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit? Qian Renxue, who seemed to him to be different, did not show any change...

At this time, Su Yue seemed to notice that he was distracted, and looked sideways at him.

A pair of bright eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said calmly: "Is that guy pretending to be a woman?"

"Really? Really?"

Su Cheng's heart moved, and he turned around to look at Su Yue in surprise.

Although this was pretense, he really couldn't see Qian Renxue's disguise now.

To be precise, it is impossible to see the camouflage of gender and appearance.

The soul bone was not old enough, and the disguised soul skills were flawed, so the fake swan martial soul could not hide it from him.

But with the combination of the human skin mask and the physical corset, the appearance and gender were indeed hidden from Su Cheng's eyesight.

Seeing that his expression didn't seem to be fake, Su Yue tilted her head slightly, feeling a little unsure for a moment.

Even Su Cheng couldn't see through the disguise, and she certainly couldn't see through it either. But I always felt that the aura of this person was concealed, and the appearance and essence of the martial spirit did not match at all. It was obviously someone else pretending to be him.

On this basis, combined with some incongruous details in the other party's movements and behavior, this suspicion arose.

Su Cheng turned around and took another look, seeing that the other party was about to enter Yuexuan.

After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his head and said to Su Yue, "Wait for me here first." Then he walked straight in the direction of Xue Qinghe.

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