Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 339 Qian Renxue and Su Yue’s first meeting

Qian Renxue, who was disguised as Xue Qinghe, only then noticed the black-haired boy coming towards her from the opposite side of Yuexuan.

Although the other person is not very old, he looks like he is in his early ten years, but his features are pretty and his eyes are calm, and he exudes a special aura that is hard to ignore.

The guards following Qian Renxue also noticed this uninvited guest and immediately prepared to step forward to stop him out of habit.

This fake eldest prince has always shown an image of being approachable and kind to others. Naturally, she cannot personally do this kind of thing to stop outsiders.

The soul masters who can serve as her personal bodyguards are all close followers from Wuhun Palace. They have long been accustomed to this and will be responsible for handling similar trivial matters every time they go out.

But this time there was something different.

Looking at the young man's still slightly immature face, for some reason, Qian Renxue's heart suddenly felt ripples, and she raised her hand to stop the guard's movements.

Just like that, he stopped and stood not far in front of Yuexuan Gate, waiting quietly for the other party to approach.

Arriving in front of Xue Qinghe, the young man saluted slightly and said, "My Excellency, Su Cheng, is a soul master from Fenghua Town in the Balak Kingdom. I have met His Highness the Prince."

"Fenghua Town?" Xue Qinghe looked him up and down and said gently: "I remember it was a small town near the Star Dou Forest, right? It's quite a distance from that place to Tiandou City. I see you You’re not very young, so it’s not easy to come all the way. Aren’t the elders in the family accompanying you?”

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that she even knew this place. He quickly replied: "When I was very young, my parents died in the hunt for soul beasts. I have been living with my little sister all these years. We depend on each other and rely on the help of our neighbors to survive until now."

"That was really not easy. When I was your age, I was just an ignorant boy." Xue Qinghe's eyes softened and she sighed softly. The inexplicable intimacy made her feel a rare pity in her heart. "Little brother, why did you come to me today?"

"Your Highness, your Majesty, although both my parents are dead, I am fortunate to have good talents. Now I have reached the level of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect, so I want to see if there is a chance to join Your Highness."

"Four Ring Soul Sect?" Hearing this, Xue Qinghe's eyes flashed with surprise and asked: "How old are you this year?"

"I will turn thirteen in less than half a year."

"Twelve-year-old Soul Sect?!"

Xue Qinghe became more and more surprised.

Even with her talent, she only had this level of cultivation when she was twelve years old.

Even though she was busy fighting for power in the royal family and wasted some time on training, her talent was by no means comparable to that of ordinary soul masters.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"I dare not deceive His Highness." As he spoke, a light golden mist appeared behind Su Cheng, and four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, were circling around his feet.

"It's actually the best soul ring configuration. What kind of martial soul do you have?"

"I'm not very sure either. When the martial soul was awakened, the soul master responsible for guiding the awakening in the Wuhun Palace couldn't tell it, and said that there was a high probability that it was a useless martial soul. But as I tried to develop it little by little over the years, I found that My martial spirit can strengthen the body to a great extent, and its performance in battle is no weaker than ordinary martial arts. It seems to be some kind of unknown beast martial spirit."

"I see, it's probably some kind of mutated martial spirit." Xue Qinghe nodded lightly, and after looking at the golden mist behind Su Cheng again, he turned to look at the Yuexuan gate and said, "My little brother is extremely talented, and you are willing to come I naturally want you to come to me, so how about we sit down and have a chat?"

"It won't delay your business, will it?"

"Those are just trivial matters."

Xue Qinghe waved his hand nonchalantly at first, then noticed that Su Cheng seemed a little embarrassed on his face, and asked: "What's wrong? Is there any inconvenience?"

"My sister came with me and is still waiting for me over there." Su Cheng pointed in the direction of Su Yue.

"I thought it was some big deal. It doesn't matter, I just asked my sister to come and sit with me. Since we are biological siblings, I think her talent will not be bad. Although I am average in strength, I still have many capable people under my command, maybe I can give you some advice."

"Then thank you, Your Highness."

With that said, Su Cheng waved to Su Yue on the other side of the street.

After seeing his gesture, Su Yue frowned slightly, secretly wondering what Su Cheng was up to.

However, after hesitating for a moment, she came over.

When she came closer, she remained silent, her eyes darting between the two of them, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Your Highness, this is my sister Su Yue."

"I'm too stupid - um -"

Hearing Su Cheng introduce herself like this, Su Yue raised her eyebrows and almost blurted out "I am your father".

She didn't care about the consequences of talking nonsense. Anyway, the advantages could never be taken advantage of.

Even if the person opposite was a prince, or even if he had extraordinary qualifications to become a god, she would not take him seriously.

After all, he is just a human being.

Moreover, she had an instinctive dislike for the secretive guy in front of her.

Fortunately, Su Cheng had quick eyesight and quickly covered her mouth as soon as he realized something was wrong. He explained to Xue Qinghe with a slight embarrassment: "This child has reached his rebellious stage. Please understand."

Then he sent a message to Su Yue, "Lord Dragon King, please restrain yourself. Can't you please wait until this matter is over and I call you sister?"


As her red lips and cheeks were pressed down by the palm at the same time, her body stiffened suddenly and her brain sluggished for a moment. But soon, she reacted and forcefully opened the palm covering her pretty face, breathing a little faster.

Su Yue lowered her head, and her scattered bangs covered her eyes, making her expression unclear. She didn't continue to speak, she just stood aside silently, and the atmosphere seemed a little subtle.

Xue Qinghe stood aside, watching the scene of the intimate interaction between the two, and felt a sense of displeasure in his heart.

This displeasure came out of nowhere, but the young man in front of him was extremely talented, and his sister's temperament was also slightly mysterious, which was obviously extraordinary.

For the sake of her future career, she would naturally not let such sudden and inexplicable emotions interfere with her judgment.

The expression on Xue Qinghe's face remained unchanged, and he chuckled: "My sister looks like she is not yet ten years old. It is understandable that she is naughty."

After saying that, he turned around, winked at the driver behind him, and then walked towards Yuexuan, "Little brother, come with me. Even in the bustling Tiandou City, the environment of this place is definitely one of the best. of."


Su Cheng nodded, and followed Xue Qinghe with Su Yue, walking into Yuexuan.

Looking at the back of the young prince in front of him, Su Cheng looked calm but kept thinking in his heart.

With his current strength, he can actually test it in more direct ways.

Just like what he did to Zhu Zhuqing before, talk to him as a peerless strong man, reveal his identity directly, and use coercion and inducement to change Qian Renxue's short-term goals and even his future development path.

But he didn't do that.

Because of his previous experience in Fenghua Town, he smelled something strange and realized that this crude and simple method might not work.

The binding power of fate was surprisingly powerful in this simulation.

Moreover, Qian Renxue's breadth of knowledge and complex relationships behind her are definitely not comparable to those of the lonely Zhu Zhuqing.

On a smaller scale, with the Wuhun Palace, Qian Daoliu, and Bibi Dong and others as backers, the Peerless Douluo's cultivation may not be able to frighten her. Wouldn't it be troublesome if it was self-defeating and promoted the occurrence of various incidents.

More seriously, Su Cheng now has no idea what happened to the original Angel God and Rakshasa God.

He is far from being invincible now, and with a sensitive figure like the Silver Dragon King by his side, he cannot act without any scruples.

Rather than trying blindly, it is better to use other methods to add fuel to the flames.

Try to accumulate the variables as large as possible and wait until the critical moment to detonate them. The effect may be much better.

Changes in details are actually insignificant, the key is only in those important time nodes.

Is there any essential difference between Qian Renxue returning to the Spirit Hall now and returning to the Spirit Hall after her mission failed?

Actually there is none.

The final result was the failure of Wuhun Palace, and they were defeated by Shura Divine Sword together with Bibi Dong.

After all, this is not reality. If we don't consider the issue of potential development, it doesn't matter if we let Qian Renxue stay in the Tiandou Empire for the time being.

On the third floor of Yuexuan, in a separate tea room, three people were seated as guest and host.

Xue Qinghe personally poured fragrant tea for Su Cheng and Su Yue, and said with a smile: "The green tea here tastes quite good, you can try it. Although I know that genius soul masters like you have never pursued this kind of material enjoyment. , but I guess it’s okay to relax once in a while.”

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly thanked him and took it.

This interaction made Su Yue next to her feel contemptuous, and secretly cursed this guy for being so pretentious.

Xue Qinghe smiled and waved his hand, and said warmly: "Brother Su, don't call me His Highness. If you don't mind, please call me Brother Xue."

Looking at her every move, Su Cheng was almost completely sure that this was indeed not the Xiaoxue he knew.

When had the man in his memory ever been so "courteous and virtuous"?

Even if he was pretending, he would never be able to look like this.

Su Cheng's heart moved, and he followed Xue Qinghe's words and said, "Brother Xue is really as approachable as the rumors say. On the way to Tiandou City, we also met many imperial nobles, most of them were arrogant. Domineering and superior to others. I thought the rumors were false, but I didn’t expect that the imperial royal family is really different. Both you and Prince Xue Beng behave completely differently from other nobles."


During the first half of listening, Xue Qinghe's expression remained natural, but at the end, his smile froze slightly.

It is certainly true to say that I am approachable.

In order to one day steal the throne, she has paid great attention to public reputation in these years.

But she knew very well what kind of virtues her "fourth brother" had. How come Su Cheng had turned him into a gentle gentleman?

"...and Brother Xue, I am not boasting. Although my sister is a bit naughty, she can be considered a rare beauty in the world in terms of appearance. But your two highnesses, after seeing my sister, your eyes were clear. There is no trace of desire, which makes me feel very good."


Su Cheng's words of admiration were very straightforward, looking like a young man without any scheming, but Xue Qinghe's fingers holding the tea were stiff.

Avalanche will disdain beauty?

That's a joke!

In recent years, Xue Beng's sensual and sensual appearance has had a very bad reputation among the public, and most of the problems stem from the word "beautiful".

But after hearing Su Cheng praise Su Yue, she subconsciously glanced at the girl who was sitting next to him and drinking tea quietly.

It happened that Su Yue also looked at her at this time.


Xue Qinghe's eyes froze.

What kind of look is that...

Like the bright moon in the night sky, it is deep and mysterious, but there is an indifference in it, colder than the frost and snow in the cold winter night.

There was also the almost undisguised suspicion and suspicion, which pierced her heart as if she had seen through her disguise.

"This little girl..."

Xue Qinghe's heart sank, and his impression of Su Yue became even worse.

It was not jealousy of a beautiful woman with outstanding skin, but some vague and strange threat.

This sense of threat made even her feel strange.

Of course, this girl's appearance and temperament can indeed be regarded as the first-class beauty in the world. Even though he is still young, he is still dazzling.

But there are so many beauties in the world, and she has never put others in her eyes.

Why is this little girl in front of me, who looks only eight or nine years old, so disgusting?

She glanced at Su Cheng again, feeling inexplicably irritated.

Xue Qinghe suppressed the strange emotions in his heart, turned his eyes away from Su Yue, looked at Su Cheng and asked: "Brother Su, are you sure the Prince Xue Beng you are talking about is my fourth brother?"

"He seems to be the fourth prince, right? I remember the person next to him introduced him like this..."

Su Cheng had a look of reminiscence on his face and described the appearance of the avalanche.

Those words he just said were of course nonsense. How could he have the time to meet passers-by like Xue Beng?

However, although he has never met Xue Beng himself in this world, he has met him a few times in the real world and knows what he looks like, so there is no pressure to describe him at this time.

"...It's a coincidence that I was trying to use the fourth soul skill in the suburbs at that time, and I happened to be seen by Prince Xue Beng. At that time, he also invited me to his house as a guest, saying that he had many Talented young soul masters like me can communicate with each other a lot. But I wanted to come to Tiandou City to see it first, so I didn’t agree immediately."

After finishing speaking, Su Cheng lowered his head and drank tea silently.

At the same time, while lowering his head to sip tea, he secretly observed the changes in Xue Qinghe's expression.

As expected, a cold light flashed in the other party's eyes, as if he had murderous intentions.

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