Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 340 Brother, don’t you want me?

Although it was a temporary idea, Su Cheng's purpose was actually very simple.

It is enough for Qian Renxue to have some doubts about Xue Beng's so-called "hiding one's strength and biding time".

As long as she is willing to investigate carefully, she will surely find many clues.

The reason why Qian Renxue didn't take action against Xue Beng before this was not because that guy was hiding well, but because the deaths of the other two princes had made Emperor Xue Ye suspicious, and Qian Renxue herself was too conceited.

But the premise of everything is that the threat of avalanches is still under control.

If Qian Renxue discovered that she had misjudged the fourth prince's character, Su Cheng would definitely take action based on his understanding of her.

He wanted to see if there would be other changes in the Tiandou Palace incident without the obstruction factor of Xue Beng and the royal family without other heirs.

You must know that whether Prince Xue Beng or Prince Xue Xing, they are just questioning and fearing "Xue Qinghe"'s methods of doing things, not discovering that she is actually a fake.

As for what happened after this, it didn't matter whether Qian Renxue could discover that what Su Cheng said today were lies.

He didn't really want to defect to the Tiandou royal family when he came here today, it was just a test.

Pulling out the avalanche and using it as a target was just a random act.

Anyway, Su Cheng will leave Tiandou City soon, so what if Qian Renxue has any misunderstandings?

It was impossible for her to give up the good situation in Tiandou City and do something inexplicable just because Su Cheng appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly.

Perhaps he would be wary of the young soul master "Su Cheng".

But that’s it, and I definitely won’t take it too seriously.

After all, in Qian Renxue's eyes, Su Cheng is just a fourth-ring soul sect, a rare soul master genius. Even if he practices for another ten years, he will not be able to affect the overall situation at all.

On the other side, the Xue Qinghe she disguised as didn't know what Su Cheng was thinking, and thought that all the remarks about Xue Beng were just the other party's unintentional remarks.

The strange color in her eyes just flashed away, and a gentle smile appeared on her face again: "Then why did Brother Su choose to come to see me after he came to Tiandou City, instead of looking for my four-year-old brother? Where is my brother?"

"You and His Highness Prince Xue Beng are both Princes of Tiandou. Is there any difference between whom you meet? I happened to see Brother Xue's carriage and horse on the roadside today. I heard from passers-by that it was the car of the eldest prince of the Tiandou Empire, so I Came right over.”

Su Cheng asked back with a confused look on his face, as if he was really a young man who didn't understand the world.

"Uh..." Xue Qinghe's expression froze slightly when he heard this.

This seems to make sense.

She couldn't explain that she and Xue Beng were not at odds with each other, and that the royal family members killed each other as brothers, right?

Fortunately, Su Cheng didn't seem to want to delve deeper, and instead smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid of your Highness's ridicule. We, brother and sister, come from humble backgrounds. It is extremely difficult to obtain cultivation resources on weekdays, and we have never had a teacher to guide us in our cultivation. I relied entirely on my own exploration and suffered a lot over the years.

"After I reached the soul master level, I felt even more strenuous. I didn't understand anything about the combination of soul rings and soul skills or the choice of the age of the soul beast. Hunting soul beasts was all based on feeling. Now that I've reached the soul sect, it's really I don’t dare to continue messing around, and I have to think about the future.

"It's fine if I'm alone, but I still have a little sister to take care of. She has very good qualifications and will further improve herself in the future. I don't want her to make another detour like me."

"..." Xue Qinghe couldn't help but be silent.

She sighed softly and nodded, secretly feeling that it was not easy for the little brother across from her, having to bear such pressure at such a young age.

He was obviously very talented, but his excellent qualifications were almost wasted because of his poor background.

Now that I have some fate, I must try my best to help him. What's more, for the sake of the future of Wuhun Palace, this kind of talented soul master should be included under his command.

Thinking like this, she subconsciously glanced at Su Yue, who was sitting next to Su Cheng, but found that the child still looked indifferent.

No, not just indifferent…

There seemed to be a slight sneer in her eyes? !

Xue Qinghe frowned, almost wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes.

Her brother thought of her wholeheartedly, and not only did he not know how to be grateful, he also showed such an attitude. This child was really hopeless!

This kind of character, no matter how talented you are, will be a disaster in the future!

Not wanting to see Su Yue's ugly face anymore, Xue Qinghe turned his gaze back, looked at Su Cheng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Su, to tell you the truth, there are many complicated affairs in the palace, and the interior is not as glamorous as you outsiders see. You are still young and have such a talent, so if you get too close to me, you may attract attention and may even be dangerous."

"..." There was a hint of disappointment in Su Cheng's eyes, and then he lowered his head and said, "I know Brother Xue, and I won't make it difficult for you."

"Brother Su, please don't worry, just listen to what I have to say." Xue Qinghe waved his hand and said with a smile: "Although it is not convenient for me to keep you here, Tiandou Royal Academy is a good place to go. No matter where it is, The training environment and teaching staff are definitely among the best in the Tiandou Empire. Why don't you study there for a period of time first. I have a good relationship with several members of the Tiandou Royal Academy Education Committee. I will inform them when the time comes. Hello, with your qualifications, it is not difficult to enter the academy."

Su Cheng's face was shaken, and he said repeatedly: "That's fine. Actually, I don't understand these things very well. But since Brother Xue said this, I guess it's not false."

Xue Qinghe nodded lightly, "Of course I won't lie to you."

After saying that, she seemed to suddenly remember something, her eyes turned to the top of Su Yue's head, but she did not meet her eyes, "But brother Su, your sister is still young, and it seems that she has not yet reached the level of a great soul master." Her cultivation level means that she cannot enter the advanced soul master academy for the time being. In my opinion, it is better to let her practice in the junior academy in Tiandou City for some time. When her cultivation level improves, it will not be too late to go to the advanced academy to find you. "

"Brother, don't you want me anymore?" Before Su Cheng could respond, Su Yue said to him first, "Are you going to find the sister with a good figure and big breasts that you met before?"

"..." He turned his head and looked at Su Yue in disbelief, his scalp numbing.

Child, do you know what you are talking about now?

Su Yue raised her eyebrows at him provocatively.

"...I didn't expect that Brother Su is still a romantic young man." Xue Qinghe joked with a half-smile.

"Brother Xue is laughing at me. I told you before that my sister is a bit rebellious and likes to talk nonsense. Please don't pay attention."

Su Cheng gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to beat Su Yue up immediately, and said calmly: "As for the matter of enrolling in school, let me consider it first. Su Yue is still young and has never traveled far away. Doucheng is helpless and may not be able to do without me in a short time."


Xue Qinghe was silent for a moment, then slowly nodded and said: "That's fine."

After drinking two sips of tea in silence, she raised her head and glanced at Su Cheng, "Brother Su, do you mind if I touch your bones to test your exact age?"

"Oh, no problem."

Seeing that he agreed, Xue Qinghe was not polite, stretched out his cold fingers and kneaded his phalanges, knuckles, tiger's mouth, wrists and other places vigorously a few times.

Su Cheng's expression remained unchanged, but he quietly mobilized the power within his body.

The next moment, the subtle real power followed the opportunity of skin contact, slowly climbed up and attached to the other person's fingers, and then blended into it without anyone noticing, lurking between the skin and meridians.

Seeing him today, all other rhetoric and actions were done casually. Only this secret move was his main purpose.

He wanted to leave a mark on Qian Renxue and wait until the critical moment to use it.

The nature of true power is completely different from that of soul power.

Soul power is just ordinary energy.

After they leave the soul master's body, there are only two results: either they explode with corresponding power, or they slowly dissipate over time.

But Su Cheng's true power can be said to be an extension of his limbs. As long as he does not personally withdraw the spiritual power from it, it will not disappear naturally no matter how long it takes.

Therefore, even if Xue Qinghe didn't take the initiative to mention it today, he would definitely find a way to have skin-to-skin contact with him.

Of course, the amount of real power he left behind was too small after all, and its power was extremely limited. It could only be used as the last straw to break the camel's back, and it was not a time bomb.

Only in this way can Qian Renxue avoid being discovered.

Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, no matter how special the nature of his real power is, it is impossible for the other party to be unaware of it based on his strength.

Xue Qinghe didn't know about the little tricks Su Cheng did secretly.

Her eyes were extremely solemn and focused, "She is really only twelve and a half years old..."

Appearances may be deceiving, but generally speaking, unless you have a top-level soul bone such as an angel's armor, it is almost impossible to fake the growth and development of your bones.

This is also the reason why most soul master academies with higher requirements will judge whether students meet the standards by observing bone age when enrolling students and testing their age.

After a moment, Xue Qinghe retracted his arm, took out a gold medal from his arms with a smile and handed it to Su Cheng.

The gold medal is simple in style, but it contains a special energy flow, with the word "天" engraved in the center.

"Brother Su, please think about it slowly. Keep this sign yourself. If anything happens in the future, you can take it to find me in the palace to ensure smooth access. Just be careful to cover your whereabouts and appearance. .”

"Okay, thank you, Brother Xue."

After leaving Yuexuan, Su Cheng and Su Yue walked side by side toward the outside of Tiandou City.

Su Yue's little face was as cold as ice, and her whole body seemed to be enveloped by a chill.

Seeing this, Su Cheng glanced at her, "What's wrong with you?"

"Pretentiousness is disgusting. The level of human hypocrisy once again refreshed my understanding." Su Yue sneered, "Also, didn't you say you wanted to call me sister? Why don't you call me sister if you are so insignificant? "

"..." Su Cheng rubbed his forehead helplessly.

He felt that the guy walking beside him was getting more and more alive, and his temper was getting louder and louder.

In a sense, this should be a good thing, indicating that Su Yue has become more like a human being.

But being willful is really a bit frustrating.

Of course, naughty children are scary, but naughty children who possess great power and have no scruples are truly terrifying.

"Don't worry, I will scream. Your physical development will be faster than mine. You only need to be promoted a few more times and you will be more mature than me in terms of height and appearance. By then, even if I say you are my sister, no one will Will believe it.”

"Tch, I knew you would find excuses." Su Yue sneered, and then said: "Do you know that Xue Qinghe?"

"Why do I know everyone?" Su Cheng curled his lips, pretending to be unhappy, "When you first met Zhu Zhuqing, you said that I knew her, but later it turned out that she didn't pay attention to me at all, and you even ridiculed me. How come the eldest prince of the Tiandou Empire can recognize me, a nobody like me?"

"Heh, there's no truth in your mouth. Also, what kind of college do you really want to go to?"

"Of course not." Su Cheng shook his head without hesitation, and then said: "It's not because you said that this person is extraordinary and that he is your kind, that's why I thought of testing him. And I Judging from the subtle atmosphere between the two of you, maybe you have known him for a long time. You have stayed on this planet much longer than me."

Su Yue narrowed her eyes, not bothering to pay attention to his words, and asked directly: "If we don't go to the academy, then where will we go next?"

"Don't you feel the breath of the dragon?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, Su Yue's expression suddenly changed slightly, her brows furrowed, "Where is it?"

"Sir Silver Dragon King is nothing more than that. His perception of his fellow humans is actually not as good as that of a human like me." Su Cheng shook his head and sighed.

"..." Su Yue gritted her teeth and glared at him with wide eyes, "You better not be talking nonsense!"

Su Cheng shrugged and said nonchalantly, "You'll know when you get there."

After finishing lunch, he walked towards Sunset Forest.

The place he wanted to take Su Yue to next was naturally the Ice and Fire Eye hidden in the Sunset Forest.

The reason why that spring treasure place was created was due to the energy of the remains of the Ice and Fire Dragon King after his death.

However, even Su Yue could not sense the dragon aura now, and with his unfused Dragon God bloodline, he naturally could not sense it at all.

But who has allowed him to see it in person?

Analyzing the answers couldn't be easier.

However, asking Su Yue to meet the Dragon Soul and Bones of the Ice and Fire Dragon King was only a secondary reason.

What's more important is that he wants to clean up all the fairy grass in that place!

Those fairy grasses are useless to him, but they are useful to the Shrek Seven Devils.

Isn’t the destiny line of this world strong?

Then he would confiscate all the biggest cheats that could be said to have changed the fate of all the Shrek Seven Devils.

Su Cheng wanted to see how Tang San could escape from Dugu Bo's control.

And when these people go to Poseidon Island in the future, will they be able to obtain the original top-level assessments?

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