As the true power spread rapidly, the powerful domain like a small world quickly completely enveloped the cave.

All the details in the cave were reflected back to Su Cheng's mind.

A pale golden light flashed in his eyes, and his true vision expanded. Various elements were clearly and intuitively revealed in their most essential forms.

"What a weird energy distribution..."

In this place, the proportion of gold and fire elements is extremely low - this is a normal phenomenon. These two elements are mostly concentrated in special environments such as mineral veins and volcanoes.

But the strange thing is that the wood element and the earth element account for more than 50%, both of which exceed the water element by a lot.

It is understandable that there are more earth elements, after all, it is in the mountains.

But the concentration of the wood element even exceeds that of the water element, which is a bit wrong.

Unless there is a strong person who has used powerful wood attribute soul skills here, such a situation is possible.

But not to mention that there are no traces of battle around, even if it is the elemental energy summoned by the soul skill, it should dissipate quickly and not affect it for too long.

The elements here are very inert and extremely stable. It is obviously not something that can be formed in a short time.

For a time, countless speculations flashed through Su Cheng's mind, but each of them had some unexplainable aspects.

"Is A Yin also one of the so-called sons of destiny? But it doesn't make sense. Alas, there are too few clues..."

He rubbed his forehead in distress.

In Su Cheng's view, the possibility that Ah Yin is the son of destiny is very small.

This is not the real world.

Before I appeared, the development of all events was proceeding step by step and normally - this has been verified countless times in the past half year.

Even though some changes had taken place in Zhu Zhuqing, whether she left the Star Luo Empire, or later joined Shrek Academy, or even participated in the hunt for soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, during which she had conflicts with Canghui Academy, she did not avoid them. .

In this case, in such a world background that has not been much influenced by Su Cheng, the person most likely to be selected, apart from Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, two extremely talented soul masters, is probably the Silver Dragon King , three-eyed golden eagle and the like exist.

No matter how bad it is, it should be Ning Rongrong, the descendant of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, or Oscar, the food-type soul master who has never appeared with innate soul power, or even Shui Bing'er, Feng Xiaotian, Feng Qingyu and other talented people. Young soul master.

No matter what, it's not Ah Yin's turn.

Zhu Zhuqing's ability to awaken the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit was beyond his expectations, but if the Martial Spirit mutated, there was indeed a slight chance that the Netherworld Civet Cat's blood would return to its ancestors.

Although this explanation is slightly far-fetched, there is still a glimmer of possibility.

Zhu Zhuqing, who possesses the Netherworld White Tiger, is as talented as the original Qian Renxue, whose innate soul power level is as high as 20 and whose soul has not mutated.

What about Ah Yin?

Soul beasts like the Blue Silver Emperor are indeed very special. The only king among a prosperous ethnic group, they possess extremely impressive bloodline power.

But the problem is that she is no longer the original hundred thousand year soul beast.

She is just a Blue Silver Emperor seedling. No matter how different her bloodline is, what's the point?

Until now, Su Cheng has not figured out what the rules for selecting the "son of destiny" mentioned in this simulation are.

After a trip to Tiandou City, I found nothing strange about Qian Renxue, who I originally thought was the most likely candidate.

However, if the world really proceeds according to its original trajectory, there is no reason for Ah Yin to disappear into this cave. The influence he has brought so far should not affect Ah Yin, who has not yet been resurrected.

Maybe the real reason for the occurrence of this variable is the so-called "Son of Destiny Accompanying Life".

"...What happened?"

At this time, a cold and low voice suddenly sounded behind Su Cheng.

He turned around in surprise and found that a beautiful girl with silver hair and purple eyes had also arrived in the cave behind the waterfall at some point.

Although the clothes on the other party's body were dry and neat, they were slightly wrinkled, as if they had just been steamed dry.

Not only that, her short silver hair also had some slight moisture on it, and a few strands stuck to the side of her cheeks, making her look a little embarrassed.

"Why did you come in too?"

With Su Yue's current strength, it would not be easy to climb up the rock and enter this cave against the pressure of the huge waterfall.

Even though she controls a wide variety of attributes and possesses physical fitness that far exceeds that of ordinary soul masters, her level is still too low and she needs to take considerable risks.

This can be seen from her almost bottomless soul power and her unsustainable appearance.

"What happened?"

She didn't answer Su Cheng's question, but just repeated what she had just said.

"It's nothing."


After watching him silently for a moment, Su Yue turned around and walked in the direction she came from, "Just leave if you have nothing to do."

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, then looked back at the empty little dirt bag at the end of the stone room, sighed secretly, and walked out with the other person.

There is no point in thinking too much now, it is only reasonable to look for relevant clues.

No matter who gets to this place first, a hundred thousand year old soul bone cannot be abandoned.

As long as the aura of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone leaks even slightly, and the distance is no more than a city, he will definitely be discovered.

Perhaps, this could actually be an opportunity.

Unexpected changes certainly disrupted his original plan, but in this world where the fate line is so stable, it is not necessarily a bad thing if there are more unexpected situations that break the deadlock.

It is easy to fish in muddy water.

Everything he has done in recent times is just to muddy the water.

It just had little effect.

With this thought in mind, Su Cheng unknowingly arrived near the entrance, and in front of him was a huge stream of water rolling down.

The waterfall outside the cave entrance crashed down from a cliff hundreds of meters high. Its power was even stronger than the full blow of a high-level soul master. It was obviously no longer something Su Yue, who had exhausted her soul power, could resist. .

Glancing at the petite figure standing silently at the entrance of the cave, and then at the torrent of waterfalls that blocked his view, Su Cheng smiled knowingly.

He didn't say anything, just walked forward and put his arms around the other person's thin shoulders.

Su Yue stiffened slightly, lowered her head and remained silent.

Su Cheng used his true strength to form a substantial circular barrier, and immediately led the opponent directly through the waterfall barrier and jumped out of the dim cave.

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