Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 343 Two years, Su Yue’s changes

Time flies by, and two years have passed by in an instant.

In the woods outside the Wuhun Mountain Range, two young figures were walking through the woods.

Compared with two years ago, Su Cheng had not changed much.

It's just that he has grown taller, his face is not as immature as before, and his facial features are more clear and sharp.

Next to him, Su Yue's appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The beautiful short silver hair that she originally had has grown to her waist without even realizing it. Whenever the breeze blows gently in the forest, the silver hair will flutter in the wind, like silk crystals, shining under the light passing through the gaps between the leaves, exuding a unique and gorgeous texture.

At nearly 1.8 meters tall, he is nearly half a head taller than Su Cheng, who is less than fifteen years old. The tight-fitting white clothes that are convenient for fighting perfectly outline the curves of his fully developed body. A pair of straight and slender legs moved forward lightly.

He had the same indifferent and pretty face as always, and looked more mature than Su Cheng, probably around sixteen years old.

The lines between her eyebrows and eyes have long lost their past tenderness, and her big round eyes have become mature and charming. Only the purple pupils in it were still crystal clear and unstained with any impurities, like a bottomless pool.

Now, she already has some of the charming grace that she had when she first transformed into Su Cheng in front of Su Cheng before she was rebuilt.

The reason for this change is simple.

In the past two short years, Su Yue's cultivation level has improved by leaps and bounds. He was quickly promoted from a first-ring soul master to a fifth-ring soul king, realizing a lot of the potential of the Silver Dragon King.

But at this point, her upgrade speed has begun to slow down significantly.

The soul power required for each major level increase increases significantly, and the massive energy once sealed in the martial soul can no longer be filled as quickly as before.

This is not a bad thing, as it allows her to control her powers more naturally.

In fact, for Su Yue, there is not much difference between practicing for three or five years or ten or twenty years. They are just a tiny span of time.

But if you are not willing to spend more time to lay a solid foundation at a low level, then you will have to spend several times more energy to make up for it when you reach a high level in the future.

In the past two years, Su Cheng and Su Yue have traveled to many places.

In the beginning, they mainly traveled around and gained knowledge.

Until more than a year ago, when Su Yue possessed the third soul ring and was promoted to soul master, it was not just as simple as experiencing humanistic customs, but also began the daily life of combat training.

From the Sunset Forest, to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, to the far north and the vast sea, she has fought against many powerful wild soul beasts at the ten thousand year level, as well as soul masters in the soul fighting arena.

Use this to speed up familiarity and control of power.

Of course, dangers and even injuries are inevitable during this period.

But with Su Cheng's support, there will be no real big crisis.

In addition, Su Cheng did not miss the information that should be investigated. He secretly observed Tang Hao, Tang San and his son, and also went to the Blue Silver Grass Forest, but unfortunately he could not find any trace of A Yin, nor was he aware of Blue Silver. The existence of the emperor's right leg bone.

On the contrary, in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, he warned the Blue Silver King once not to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit for Tang San in the future.

As for whether the other party will violate the agreement, it is not within his scope of consideration.

He would not kill the Blue Silver King just for this possibility.

Now Su Cheng has changed a lot in his behavior.

In the past, his strength was low. In order to ensure success, he had to use some thought and means to eliminate all hidden dangers.

But as his strength improves, he also has more fault tolerance and can tolerate similar situations.

In contrast, these "old friends" are more worthy of cherishing.

The two of them were very fast on their feet, and before long, the tall and spectacular Wuhun City was already in sight.

Su Cheng glanced at Su Yue who was walking beside him and reminded: "Okay, stop being so pretty and hide your hair and eye color. We are almost there."

In addition to the changes in appearance and height, as well as the fact that his words and deeds were becoming more and more like a real human being, Su Cheng also found that this guy seemed to be much more prettier than before.

Basically, she rarely hides her extremely special hair and eye color unless necessary, and always likes to show off her silver hair and purple eyes.

Su Yue ignored him, as if she didn't hear his voice, and continued to walk forward in silence.

"..." Seeing this, Su Cheng could only add helplessly: "Sister."

After hearing such a call, Su Yue slightly raised the corners of her lips, and then changed her appearance back to the image of black hair and black eyes.

It was obviously just a simple change to the color of her hair and eyes, but it was like a pearl covered in dust, which instantly weakened her appearance and temperament.

The facial features on the cheeks are still as delicate as sculptures, but they have lost the astonishing beauty that could be described as crushing everything and being lawless.

Looking at Su Yue's changed appearance, Su Cheng felt a slight difference in his heart, but mostly he was relieved.

He had to admit that even he would feel a little pressure in front of Su Yue like that.

Before this, he had never thought that someone could bring some strange sense of oppression to others just by their appearance.

The girl looked up at the tall city in the distance and said calmly: "I know this place."

Su Cheng was not surprised when he heard this and nodded slightly, "Well, the strongest human force on the continent has more than ten titled Douluo among them."

"No, that's not what I'm referring to." Su Yue's eyes were slightly strange, "Actually, before the birth of the Three-Eyed Golden Eye, the power of destiny of Douluo Star was concentrated in Wuhun City. But it was not the one in front of it. , the Wuhun City at that time was not built in this place."

Su Cheng turned to look at each other in surprise.

These remarks were something he had never thought of.

After pondering for a moment, he couldn't help but ask aloud: "What kind of thing is the power of destiny? Why do I feel like you know it very well?"

In the past, Su Cheng only had a general concept in his mind.

Understand that there are definitely fundamental differences in things like destiny, destiny, luck, etc., but in fact, he is not very clear about the specific differences.

For example, the Shrek Seven Monsters, headed by Tang San, are always able to turn danger into good fortune and have constant opportunities.

This kind of protagonist's character situation obviously cannot be explained simply by luck or talent.

And the real self also carries certain missions.

Then looking at the three-eyed golden leopard in the Star Forest, it seemed to represent another situation.

If he could understand this problem, it would be of great benefit to him. At least it should be much easier to identify the child who is associated with life and destiny.

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