Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 344 The three-year period is approaching, the current situation of the seven monsters (trans

Chapter 344 The three-year period is approaching, the current situation of the seven monsters (transitional chapter)

In the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong were gathered in the hall to chat casually as usual.

"Fengzhi, Ye Zhiqiu from Canghui College, still haven't found any problems?" Chen Xin glanced at Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting opposite him, and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, the people sent by the sect have been observing him for more than two years. There is indeed nothing wrong with his behavior, and they have never seen him interact with powerful people from other forces."

Although he said this, Ning Fengzhi's expression did not relax, "However, his cultivation speed is a bit too fast, and he has now been promoted to the soul emperor level. Logically speaking, if he really has such qualifications, he should not It’s only right to be stuck at the Soul King level for so long.”

"It's really strange. Who could be the person who secretly took action at that time..."

Seeing that Chen Xin still couldn't let go of this matter, Ning Fengzhi took the initiative to persuade him: "Uncle Jian, I think you should stop thinking about it. According to Rongrong, she didn't suffer any big loss at that time, she just admitted her mistake and apologized. , not to mention that Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help it at that time. The most fundamental reason is that Shrek Academy's education method is wrong."

Chen Xin frowned when he heard this and reprimanded: "In this case, you shouldn't let her stay in that college anymore. The dean is also a soul saint. Can he teach Rongrong that it is proper to go home early! "

"This is not that Tang San..."

"In the final analysis, you still want to use Rongrong to gain benefits for the sect. Are you a father like you? You can't talk about it yourself?"

"Uncle Jian, that's not what I meant. Rongrong doesn't want to come back. That Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek Academy has helped her a lot. You can't stop your child from making friends, right?" Kan Chenxin was a little unhappy, Ning Fengzhi said He quickly defended himself.

Chen Xin lowered his head and took a sip of tea. He was too lazy to continue arguing and asked instead: "So what you said about hidden weapons, has there been any progress recently?"

As the Protector Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he attaches great importance to the interests of the sect, and he also understands the importance of things like hidden weapons to the auxiliary soul masters.

"Not very optimistic." Ning Fengzhi's eyes became a little gloomy when he mentioned this, "It's the same as Rongrong said, that kid has too many ideas and is not easily impressed. He is also unwilling to exchange production techniques and only agrees to sell the finished product. Give us."

He obviously couldn't accept this kind of cooperation.

After all, the fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes had already been taken away by Su Cheng. Without the fairy grass to promote the evolution of the martial soul, Tang San would have no kindness to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

In this case, Ning Fengzhi would naturally not accept such unequal transaction conditions.

"Besides, he is Tang Hao's son, so it's hard to use other methods. We can only try to get rid of him slowly."

"Well..." Chen Xin nodded and fell silent for a moment.

"By the way, we have met Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, and the Zhu Zhuqing that Rongrong mentioned before. Her talent is indeed excellent. What do you think of her?"

"Why do you ask us this kind of thing?"

Gu Rong, who had been silent next to him, also raised his head and looked at him.

"Ahem, I think that child wants to return to the Star Luo Empire in the future, and joining the sect is unlikely. I was wondering, should you or Uncle Gu consider accepting a disciple?"

"Let's talk about it later. By the way," Chen Xin seemed to suddenly remember something, and her voice became deeper, "Xue Beng's death was caused by Xue Qinghe's moving hands and feet, right?"

"Well, let them handle the royal family's affairs by themselves. We don't need to get involved too much."

Ning Fengzhi sighed and simply hinted, as if he didn't want to say more.

In the huge training room of Tiandou Royal Academy, several young figures were taking turns fighting each other, including Tang San and others.

Without Xue Beng secretly causing trouble, Shrek Academy was merged into Tiandou Royal Academy very smoothly. As the main force of the second team, it competed in this Soul Master Academy Competition.

As for the original members of the second team, most of them were reduced to substitute players.

However, Xiao Wu was not among the people training.

It has to be said that Su Cheng's actions two years ago had some effects.

Without the protection of Xiancao Xiangxinhonghong, Xiao Wu had no way to effectively conceal his soul beast identity. He could only find an excuse to leave the team temporarily, and a member of the original Emperor Dou Team 2 joined the Shrek team. Cooperate.

On the training ground, the outside of Dai Mubai's palm was covered with a layer of bone claw blades as strong as gold and iron. At the same time, a pair of red wings appeared on the back of Ma Hongjun, who was fighting against him.

If Su Cheng saw this scene, he would be extremely surprised.

The organs displayed outside the body of these two people are not possessed by martial spirits or the effects of some special soul skills, but are possessed by external soul bones!

Although there was no help from the fairy grass, in addition to Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun also obtained externally attached soul bones that perfectly matched their own attributes.

This kind of rare soul bone, which had a very low probability of appearing, actually appeared in three students of Shrek Academy at the same time. How could it not surprise people?

In fact, many teachers also find it extremely incredible.

The current members of Shrek's team are definitely among the best among soul masters of the same age.

Zhu Zhuqing possesses the terrifying Netherworld White Tiger martial spirit, Tang San possesses twin martial spirits, plus Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who have obtained external soul bones, the strongest auxiliary martial spirit Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and the food system with innate soul power Soul Master Oscar.

With this configuration, even if Xiao Wu is unable to participate in the battle, the combat power of the Shrek team that originally received the jelly grass will not be weaker at all.

While Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were having a fierce battle, the other main players and substitute members of the second team of Emperor Dou were also standing sporadically on the sidelines watching the battle, and they would occasionally communicate and discuss with each other.

As an auxiliary soul master, Ning Rongrong does not need to participate in this kind of single-player battle. Zhu Zhuqing is very powerful and does not participate in this kind of training either. The two of them stand farther away.

While looking at the two figures walking back and forth on the stage, she pouted at Zhu Zhuqing beside her and said, "These two guys are really lucky. They can actually get something like an external soul bone. Why do we Not so lucky."

After so many years, although the students of Shrek Academy often train and fight together, the relationship between them is no longer as cold and rigid as when they first met, but it is definitely not good. They can probably be called "teammates", but they can only be called "teammates". That's all.

The knots of the past, coupled with the shadows brought about by the changes that happened in the small town that day, have accumulated deeper and deeper marks as time goes by.

Those memories will not disappear, it’s just that no one will mention them deliberately anymore, allowing them to slowly settle in the bottom of their hearts.

Zhu Zhuqing smiled, with a nonchalant look on his face, "It's not like having an external soul bone. With their upper limit of talent, it's hard to say whether they can cultivate to the level of a titled Douluo. Things like soul bones can only add more to them." It’s nothing more than combat prowess, the soul master still has to rely on his martial soul to speak for himself after all.”

"That's true. Even if they get the external soul bones, they are still no match for you." Ning Rongrong nodded, and then sighed softly, "Oh, I really envy you. Even if I have an innate soul power level of nine So what, the shortcomings of the martial soul have already destined you to be like my father at most in this life, and reaching the soul saint is the limit."

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but be silent after hearing this.

In her mind, she subconsciously recalled the methods used by the mysterious and powerful man in that small town that day.

He added three additional soul rings to Ye Zhiqiu, who was at the Soul King level, and raised three major levels of strength out of thin air, directly lifting him from the Soul King to the peak of Soul Douluo.

Maybe, with that person's ability, he really has a chance to help Ning Rongrong make up for the shortcomings of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial spirit.

But she couldn't say much at this time.

On the one hand, I had promised that person to keep the conversation that day secret. On the other hand, if Ning Rongrong was given hope, it failed to come true in the end and became even more cruel.

Ning Rongrong's mood adjusted quickly.

The defect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has been around for a long time. The descendants of the sect have long been used to it. She didn't think much about it at first and just complained casually.

What's more, even if a soul master with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda can only reach the soul saint level in his lifetime, he is still the best auxiliary teammate that countless people dream of, and he has the reputation of being the best auxiliary soul master in the world.

She glanced at the young man standing in another corner watching the battle, and murmured in a low voice: "But Tang San is really stingy. My father has given such good conditions, but he still refuses to agree to exchange his hidden weapons. method."

"It's normal for people not to take out their own things."

Ning Rongrong curled her lips, knowing that there was nothing wrong with what Zhu Zhuqing said, so she turned around and said, "Who is stronger between you and Tang San now?"

"I don't know. If he fights normally, he will definitely be far inferior to me, but maybe he has some special means hidden. Tang San has always been a mysterious person."

"Indeed." Ning Rongrong nodded, his eyes thoughtful, "It's just that a martial spirit like Blue Silver Grass can have full innate soul power, but this guy's upgrade speed is not slow at all, which is a bit strange. normal."

"Well, his martial spirit is probably not an ordinary blue silver grass."

Zhu Zhuqing chatted casually with Ning Rongrong, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.

It will soon be three years since the encounter in Fenghua Town outside the Star Dou Forest.

The agreement she made that day is still fresh in her memory.

So, should I go to Wuhun City to meet that mysterious strong man?

As Zhu Zhuqing's strength has grown rapidly in the past few years, she has met more and more powerful people, and her experience and knowledge have also continued to expand.

But the more this happened, the more she felt the power and terror of the mysterious man she met.

According to Ning Rongrong, her father and Sword Douluo personally went to Canghui Academy to confirm Ye Zhiqiu's strength, and he was just an ordinary Soul King. Other than that, no clues were found.

What is even more exaggerated is that those students knew nothing about the series of events that followed that day, and had no memory of the scene where Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun knelt down to admit their mistakes.

There's no way they were lying.

Under the pressure of Sword Douluo's peak Douluo level, ordinary students whose strength was no greater than that of a great soul master could not resist mentally.

In addition, Zhu Zhuqing also gradually understood what the mysterious strong man said at that time, "a person who naturally has a special position" meant.

Xiao Wu's recent departure seemed very strange.

The relationship between her and Tang San was obviously heating up day by day, and she was extremely eager for the upcoming Soul Master Competition.

As far as he knew, Xiao Wu was an orphan and had no relatives at all. However, at a critical moment before the start of the competition, he voluntarily left the team to attend to his own affairs.

If there was no special secret, Zhu Zhuqing didn't believe it, but he just couldn't figure out the key for a while.

Besides Xiao Wu, another outrageous guy was Tang San.

She discovered that Tang San had an extremely profound prejudice against Wuhun Palace.

Although this guy's martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, he is actually a direct bloodline of the Haotian Sect, and he is the son of the famous Haotian Douluo.

But the strange thing is that the source of his prejudice does not seem to be the Haotian Sect and Tang Hao, but his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

But no matter where Tang San's extremely firm stance came from, it was already destined that sooner or later he would end up on the hostile side of the Spirit Hall in the future.

"By the way Rongrong, what do you think of Wuhun Palace?"

"I don't feel anything, but my father occasionally mentioned it a few times, saying that Wuhun Palace has great ambitions and wants to incorporate various major sects. Moreover, the current situation on the mainland where the two empires are confronting each other is because of Wuhun Palace's secret guidance Yes, it’s hard to say what their purpose is.”

"That's it..."

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing continued to ask: "You tell me, if there is an opportunity now to join the sect of a strong man whom I don't understand at all and have never really met, should I agree?"

Ning Rongrong turned her head and looked over in surprise.

She knew that since the other party raised this question, he would not just ask casually. He must have encountered similar things.

"How strong?"

"Probably stronger than Sword Douluo, much stronger."


Ning Rongrong fell silent, feeling a little unbelievable. But she also knew very well that Zhu Zhuqing had never been one to exaggerate.

After pondering for a long time, her expression became much more serious, "I suggest you wait first."

Worried that the other party would misunderstand, he quickly explained.

"What I say has nothing to do with the Qibao Glazed Sect. I think that since they want to accept you as their disciple, that person must have taken a fancy to your talent and potential.

"Think about it, now we have the strength to compete for the championship in the Soul Master Competition. Even the two lagging guys, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, have obtained external soul bones, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

"There is not much time left before the start of the Soul Master Competition. Why not wait until you have achieved results to prove yourself before you consider it?"

While talking, Ning Rongrong suddenly remembered a few things.

In the small town that day, Ye Zhiqiu specifically asked Zhu Zhuqing if he wanted to enroll in Canghui College.

But afterwards, she learned from Chen Xin that the person who took action that day was not actually Ye Zhiqiu, but a mysterious and powerful person hiding in secret.


Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong's eyes widened slightly, "Zhuqing, could the person you are talking about be in Fenghua Town that day...?"

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