A few days later, in order to qualify for the finals, many young soul masters of the younger generation in each division of the two empires showed outstanding performance in their respective arenas.

There are endless numbers of teenage soul masters and masters of the soul sect, and their performance in battle has made countless onlookers cheer and shout for them.

However, all these movements did not affect the normal operation of Wuhun City at all.

Both the young soul masters under the Wuhun Palace and the powerful elder deacons were busy with their own affairs and training as usual, and did not pay much attention to the progress of the competition.

On this day, on the broad street leading from the Library to Mount Pope, a slender and graceful figure walked through the crowd.

The long, crystal-like silver hair shone with a moving luster in the sunlight, and on the cold and indifferent delicate face, those distinctive purple eyes were as crystal clear and flawless as a peerless jade.

The girl is nearly 1.8 meters tall, and she is considered tall and outstanding even among female soul masters.

Coupled with her perfect and straight figure, flexible waist and hip curves, and those two long and graceful legs, at this moment, both the original residents of Wuhun City and the visitors from the outside were inadvertently watching. His eyes were attracted for a while, and his eyes were subconsciously stuck on the girl.

As soul masters, it is not that they have never seen beauties. There are many handsome men and beautiful women in the soul master world. Among other things, the contemporary Pope on the Pope's Hill is an unparalleled beauty.

But even if the aesthetic threshold is high enough, everyone can't help but be slightly distracted when they see this girl.

In fact, this girl is not only outstanding in appearance, her indifferent and earthy temperament, coupled with the unique eye color and hair color, also improve her entire appearance by several levels.

Su Yue ignored those amazed glances and walked up the Pope's Mountain to the door of the Pope's Palace, where she was immediately stopped by the guards.

"I'm Su Yue, here to see Su Cheng." She looked at the leading guard and said calmly.

Su Cheng spent most of his time in the Pope's Palace these days, accepting Bibi Dong's "guidance".

Most of the members of Wuhun Palace also know that His Majesty the Pope has recently accepted a new disciple, who seems to have extraordinary talent. However, he does not appear in public view many times and is not well understood by others.

On the other side, after hearing Su Yue's words, the guards looked carefully and realized that this person was the girl who came with the Pope's new disciple a few days ago.

The other party's appearance actually hasn't changed, but his eye color and hair color are different from before. But just this difference made her look like a different person.

After hesitating for a moment, the guard did not refuse forcefully this time, but turned around and entered the Pope's Palace to report.

Not long after, Bibi Dong and Su Cheng walked out of the Pope's Palace together.

Looking at Su Yue with a new skin in front of her, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with surprise.

Silver hair and purple eyes are really rare. Is it because of the silver dragon spirit with silver body and purple eyes?

But she didn't think too much about it. Aura and martial spirit are the key to identifying a person. Appearance is often affected by martial spirit in the world of soul masters.

As for changing appearance midway, many ordinary soul skills and soul bones can achieve similar effects.

So Bibi Dong guessed that 80% of the previous black hair and black eyes were just a disguise.

This approach is understandable.

After all, the appearance of the girl in front of me is really outstanding now. It is normal for her to cover up a little while walking outside.

She turned her head and glanced at Su Cheng, who had followed him out. Her eyes wandered around him and then she said jokingly: "Are you two really biological siblings?"

"Ah? Hmm." Su Cheng responded vaguely.

"Your sister is much prettier than you."

Although Su Cheng's appearance is also very good, compared with Su Yue at this moment, it is far behind.

Bibi Dong didn't mean to test this by asking, it was just a casual comment.

The martial soul quality and martial soul appearance of these two siblings are very similar, and they are children from the same place. It would be even more strange if they are really unrelated to each other.

"Haha, I think so too."

Su Cheng smiled nonchalantly, but secretly felt strange in his heart why Su Yue suddenly removed his disguise.

Although the impact is not big, it is still a bit inconvenient if it attracts too much attention.

"Su Cheng, I don't understand some of the content in the book. Come and explain it to me."

Su Yue didn't pay attention to Bibi Dong's unintentional words, and his eyes didn't stay on her for a moment.

Turning his eyes, he glanced directly at him, looked at Su Cheng and said bluntly.

"Um..." Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, then turned to ask Bibi Dong beside him for permission, "Teacher?"

"Go if you want." Bibi Dong's eyes were soft and her voice was calm. "It will be good for you to read more of the books there. If there is anything you don't understand, you can come and ask me at any time. Guard of the Pope's Palace They won’t restrict your access.”


The casual conversation and expressions between the two made Su Yue couldn't help but frown.

Walking on the way to the library, Su Cheng glanced at the girl next to him from time to time, secretly wondering why this guy was stimulated and why he felt a little strange.

Su Yueruo stared ahead unconsciously, seemingly not noticing anything strange.

After walking like this for a few minutes, she suddenly curled her lips and turned her head to look at Su Cheng. Their eyes instantly collided.


"Does it look good?"

She said calmly.


Su Cheng looked away, slightly embarrassed.

Because of the small conflict that happened a few days ago, the two have not seen each other in the past few days.

In fact, it can't be said that it was because of the conflict that day. Su Cheng didn't care much about that matter. Su Yueben often had similar tempers, and he was already used to it.

The main reason was that there were many books in the Wuhun Palace Library, and he felt that he did not need to give any advice.

With the Silver Dragon King's intelligence, as long as he has channels and resources, he should be able to learn all kinds of knowledge very quickly and not be too strenuous.

And he himself has a lot of things to be busy with, the most important of which is cultivating a relationship with Bibi Dong.

Now that she has chosen to recognize the other person as her teacher, she must let her guard down completely. Otherwise, it might not be so easy to leave Wuhun City and act alone after a while.

"What don't you understand?" Su Cheng asked casually.

"Many places. Your human emotions are too complicated. In many stories, the protagonist's motivations are completely illogical, but these things really happened, so you have to tell me." Su Yue said lightly, "Why? , are you no longer willing to teach me?"

"What? No, I didn't mean that."

"Then why are you asking so many questions? If you go to the library, you will know everything. I have collected all the doubtful books."

Seeing Su Cheng's answer, her tone couldn't help but soften a little.

——It is obviously impossible for her to admit her mistake for her previous remarks.

In fact, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her. Su Cheng's behavior was a kind of betrayal.

If you accept the descendant of the Rakshasa God as your teacher, then who do you think you are?

I, the mighty Silver Dragon King, can't compare to a mere mortal who is still receiving inheritance?

However, Lord Silver Dragon King is not that stingy. He simply gave him a step up and pretended that what happened before had never happened.

It's a pity that Su Cheng failed to understand the Silver Dragon King's good intentions at this time, and was still thinking about why the other party suddenly returned to his original appearance.

Su Yue now is no longer the loli she was a few years ago.

With her silver hair and purple eyes, coupled with her beautiful and perfect eyebrows and facial features, she looks a bit too alluring, and people can't help but get distracted.

If he has to get along like this every day in the future, it will be a great test for his character.

Time passed, and the months passed quickly.

For Su Cheng, life in Wuhun City is boring and dull.

Every now and then, he would go to the library to answer Su Yue's questions, chat a few words, and look at the beauties.

Ever since her true appearance was revealed that day, I don't know what she was thinking. She really didn't pretend anymore, and she ignored Su Cheng's persuasion.

Even his personality seems to have changed a bit, becoming more outgoing and lively.

Su Cheng felt a little weird at first, wondering if this guy had been stimulated by something, or had a stress reaction after meeting the descendant of the Rakshasa god.

But as time passed, Su Yue's behavior seemed to be normal, so he stopped asking any more questions.

People are bound to change, and for Su Yue, who has been in the world for a short time, more changes will definitely do more good than harm.

During this period, Su Cheng also "met" many members of Wuhun Palace, including the Golden Generation trio and Ju Ghost Douluo.

In addition, the "master-disciple" relationship between him and Bibi Dong is no longer limited to status. Their daily interactions have become extremely intimate and casual, just like a real master-disciple, and they communicate with each other in every possible way. Not too many scruples.

Regarding this situation, even Hu Liena, a disciple that Bibi Dong loved as his own daughter, found it extremely incredible.

Although Bibi Dong has always been kind to her, she is not a "loving mother" type of person, and the tenderness in her heart is rarely shown.

On weekdays, he not only has a majestic demeanor, but also has strict requirements on all aspects of his disciples.

This caused Hu Liena to remain in awe of her even though she was close to her on the inside, and did not dare to go out of her way in the slightest.

But Su Cheng is different from her.

Sometimes this junior brother doesn't seem to treat Bibi Dong as a teacher, and even occasionally subconsciously refutes some of Bibi Dong's statements.

This kind of inadvertent interaction between master and disciple, and Bibi Dong's repeated concessions, always made Hu Liena secretly puzzled and surprised.

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong flipped through a pile of documents in his hand and frowned slightly.

"Clear Sky Hammer?"

These information were transmitted from the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City, and the contents were all about the excellent performance of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy in this soul master competition, and the Platinum Bishop Sara of the Wuhun Temple. Si's personal comments.

It was clearly written on it that Tang San, the vice-captain of the team, had used the Clear Sky Hammer to defeat powerful enemies in competitions.

But his Clear Sky Hammer is only the second spirit and has not yet been attached with any spirit ring. The other first spirit, Lan Yincao, has a fourth spirit ring that is ten thousand years old.

The twin martial souls of Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, who are close to fifteen years old, coupled with the excellent qualifications of innate soul power...

When these clues are connected together, Tang San's identity is already revealed.

This is the son of Tang Hao and the 100,000-year-old transformed soul beast, the future enemy of Wuhun Palace.

In addition to Tang San, there was also information about team captain Zhu Zhuqing. It says that this girl's soul power level is higher, her strength is even more than that of Tang San, and her martial soul is the Netherworld White Tiger that has never appeared before.

But she didn't pay much attention to this message.

Compared with an extremely powerful special martial spirit, Tang Hao's son, who has a life-and-death feud with the Spirit Hall, is obviously a greater threat.

Moreover, she knew exactly how strong the potential of the twin martial souls were.

If it is allowed to grow, it may cause a lot of trouble in the future.

"Tang San, Tang Hao..."

After thinking for a moment, Bibi Dong already made a decision in her heart.

We can't keep this guy here. It's better to eradicate him as soon as possible while his level is still low.

In the next period of time, the teams that have advanced to the finals will come to Wuhun City to meet up. They can take this opportunity to send a few Titled Douluo to intercept them halfway.

Not only can it kill Tang San, but it might also be able to deal with other threatening geniuses...

At this time, Bibi Dong seemed to suddenly think of something, and summoned several Pope Palace guards, "Tell Su Cheng to come to the Pope Palace to see me."

She was going to tell this apprentice her next plan.

There was even the idea of ​​asking Su Cheng to go with the team and participate in this operation.

The reason for making this decision was not that Bibi Dong was worried about Su Cheng and wanted to test him or train his strength.

Her idea is actually very simple. She simply feels that it is best not to hide too much about such things.

If he accidentally learns about it later, it may cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Different educational methods should be used to treat different young soul masters.

Bibi Dong asked herself, if it were her younger self, the Saint of the Spirit Hall who still held the light and ideals despite possessing the two evil spirits of the Death Spider Emperor and the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

When she encounters such a situation, she is likely to be irritated.

Su Cheng's martial spirit is equally dark and evil, and his heart is as bright and pure as his young self, so his character should also be very sensitive.

Concealing such a trivial matter from him is totally worthless.

What's more, these days, whenever Bibi Dong takes a teaching test, this disciple can always hand in an answer sheet that satisfies her, which shows that this child has seen through many things and understands that some issues cannot be judged simply on the basis of right and wrong. He must have enough psychological preparation.

If it were another of her disciples, there would be no need to think so much.

Hu Liena has been taught and trained by Wuhun Palace since she was a child, and she understands very well how Wuhun Palace behaves in daily life. She will put Wuhun Palace's interests first in everything, and there is no need to worry about character building.

Bibi Dong gently put down the materials in her hand and looked out the window in trance.

"I have never met a good teacher, but I hope that I can be a good teacher. Su Cheng, please don't let me down..."

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