Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 351 Teacher, are you almost fifty?

"You mean, let me follow Elder Ju and Elder Ghost to intercept the team of soul masters participating in the competition in the Tiandou Empire?" Looking through the information in his hand, Su Cheng's eyes flashed with something strange.

Bibi Dong noticed the strange look on his face and thought that this disciple still had some mental disorders, so she said in a deep voice: "That Tang San in the Tiandou Royal Academy team is the son of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao who is wanted by Wuhun Palace. He His mother died because of the former Pope of Wuhun Palace, and there is a life-and-death feud with Wuhun Palace. Coupled with the powerful talent of his own twin martial souls, if not eliminated, it will become a big problem in the future. For the sake of the overall situation, use some Special means are inevitable.”

"Big picture?"

"Yes, the overall situation." The female pope's expression was unusually indifferent. "The two empires have been at odds with each other for a long time. If it weren't for the Wuhun Palace to mediate, the continent would have been at war and the people would be in dire straits. Now in these two countries, there are many People who live in corpse positions occupy high-level positions, incompetent nobles control a large amount of resources, common people are oppressed and find it difficult to get ahead, and the promotion channels are almost completely blocked."

Having said this, she looked at Su Cheng, "In fact, if it weren't for our Wuhun Palace to help the people, those soul masters who were born as civilians would not even have a chance to awaken their Wuhun. You are the best example. Su. Cheng, you might as well think about it, if Wuhun Palace had not sent soul masters to perform free awakening ceremonies in various places, would it be possible for you and your sister to embark on the path of soul masters with your background?"

When Su Cheng heard this, he raised his eyes and glanced at her, but he didn't expect the other party to say such a thing.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Teacher, I don't have any objection to your approach, but I am just a Soul King."

Hearing his answer, Bibi Dong was secretly relieved, as long as she could accept this way of handling it.

I'm afraid that this kid is too pure and innocent to agree with Wuhundian's style of conduct.

"Don't worry, this operation will not only be led by two titled Douluo, but also several Contras will accompany them to ensure that there will be no problems with your safety."

"Teacher, you misunderstood. What I meant was, why do you want me to go with you? With a team of this strength, whether I participate or not will not affect the final result, right?"

"What are you thinking about? Of course I'm not asking you to contribute much in this operation. But as a soul master, daily battles are inevitable. This is also an opportunity to exercise. There is no harm in going out to see the world."


Su Cheng was a little helpless.

He didn't want to participate in such a meaningless activity at all.

With Ning Rongrong in the team, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect would probably accompany the team. With the strength of Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin, Ju Gui and the two might not be able to succeed.

Besides Chen Xin, Su Cheng also didn't know what Dugu Bo's current situation was and whether he had any connection with Tang San.

To take a step back, even if these people didn't take action for various reasons, Tang San still had Tang Hao secretly protecting him. If he didn't really take action, it was obvious that Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo alone wouldn't be him. opponent.

The unique technique of the two Kikui and Ghost is nothing more than the martial soul fusion technique Bipolar Still Field.

But with Tang Hao's character, he doesn't talk about martial arts and has to fight you head-on. If he chooses to attack by surprise, these two elders will definitely fall over.

At that time, Su Cheng would not choose to expose himself.

It doesn't take much time for him to return to the god level, and Su Yue is still rapidly accumulating improvements, so there is absolutely no need to make trouble at this juncture.

However, it is obviously difficult to explain these things to Bibi Dong in detail, but if you keep rejecting them, it will inevitably make people suspicious.

After a brief thought, he decided to avoid this matter in another way.

"Teacher, I don't think this kind of action makes much sense."

"What do you mean?" Bibi Dong frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied in her heart.

She has also noticed that this apprentice is a bit resistant to the tasks assigned by her.

"You also said that Tang San is probably the son of the Haotian Douluo who has disappeared for a long time. In this case, will Tang Hao be so worried about his son's safety? His identity is already very sensitive, and now the Haotian Sect Being forced to close the mountain, the relationship with Wuhun Palace is also extremely bad. Now that Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer has been exposed on the field, Tang Hao will definitely be on guard. "


Bibi Dong's expression froze and she fell silent.

Tang Hao had not appeared in people's sight for too long, so she did not think of the existence of Haotian Douluo, who was once famous in the mainland.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Cheng continued: "Tang Hao is a titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year soul ring, and a powerful martial soul like the Clear Sky Hammer. Back then, he could seriously injure the previous Pope, even if he was injured, It was time to recover after so many years of seclusion. If Tang San encountered a life-threatening situation, and Tang Hao chose to take action, the lives of the seniors in the Spirit Hall would probably be in danger.

"What's more, if they failed to achieve success but alerted the snake, but made Tang Hao, Tang San and his son wary, they would simply give up participating in the competition and hide themselves, fearing that it would be difficult to find them. After all, Tang Hao had avoided the Spirit Hall before. Hunted for more than ten years.

"Teacher, if you really want to kill Tang San, wouldn't it be better to find an opportunity to do it after the Soul Master Competition starts? Wuhun City is our home court, and with the help of the elders, we can always find a reason to deal with him. Presumably at that time, even if Tang Hao takes action, he can't save Tang San's life, and he will even be here. "

Su Cheng didn't care whether Tang San lived or died.

If Bibi Dong could really kill him directly in Wuhun City, it would be a good thing. As long as he didn't do it himself and didn't attract the attention of higher-level beings, there would be no problem.

However, he thought that this idea would be difficult to realize, and there would probably be some other variables, and Tang San would be able to escape.

Bibi Dong, who was opposite, raised her eyebrows upon hearing this, feeling that what Su Cheng said seemed to make sense.

After learning about Tang San's situation, I became a little anxious, but in fact there was absolutely no need.

But this apprentice...

She looked at Su Cheng with strange eyes, and said in a playful tone: "You have no burden for this kind of thing. I thought you would reject this kind of behavior as a teacher."

"As a disciple, of course I will stand in the same camp as the teacher." Su Cheng could only explain this, while secretly guessing what the other party was thinking.

The Bibi Dong in this world is very strange. He seems to want to be a good person, but he is often unsure.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong seemed to be extremely satisfied with Su Cheng's answer. She patted his shoulder gently and said softly: "It's great if you think so. As for Tang San's matter, there's no need to be too nervous. Even if He has twin martial souls, and I believe he will not be your opponent in the future."

"Yeah." Su Cheng just nodded and said nothing more.

"Boom, boom, boom."

"His Majesty the Pope."

At this time, there was suddenly a faint knock on the door. Bibi Dong's expression quickly recovered and she said calmly: "What's the matter?"

"Someone holds the Elder Token and wants to see you."

"Elder Token?"

Bibi Dong was a little confused.

Except for the elders in Wuhun Palace, only the elders of the upper three sects can possess the elder tokens.

But among those people, who would come to Wuhun City to ask to see him at this time?

The mental power spread instantly, and the next moment he felt the breath of the people waiting outside the hall.

The cultivation strength of someone in his early thirties and the extremely mediocre quality of his soul power are simply average in the entire Wuhun City.

But Bibi Dong knew this person.

At the same time, Su Cheng also sensed Yu Xiaogang's aura.

"Soul Lord?"

Something moved in his heart.

Yu Xiaogang was limited by his talent and ability, and his cultivation had been stuck at the level of a great soul master for many years. It was absolutely impossible for him to achieve a breakthrough by relying on his own ability.

In other words, Tang San still got some herbs from the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi?

Su Cheng was heartbroken, but he didn't care.

He had already dealt with all the fairy grass there. As for the other rare herbs, they had limited effect on the soul master. They could provide energy to help the soul master improve his level, but they could not fundamentally upgrade his qualifications.

Moreover, this kind of improvement also has side effects. If not handled properly, it will accumulate a lot of poison, which will be detrimental to the future.

If not, even if it was the place where the remains of the Ice and Fire Dragon King were buried, he would clean them all in front of Su Yue.

But Tang San was indeed quite capable, and he didn't know how he was able to concoct an antidote to defeat Dugu Bo without his body's blood, which was invulnerable to all poisons.

Just as Su Cheng was thinking secretly, he heard Bibi Dong directly refuse: "No, let him go back and forth from where he came."



The guard was about to leave, but was stopped by Bibi Dong. Then, under Su Cheng's strange eyes, he continued: "Take back his Elder Order, too. It doesn't belong to him."


Hearing this, the guard outside the door also paused, but the Pope's decision was obviously not something he could question.

Keqing's elder token was originally issued by Wuhun Palace, and was used as a prop to show good will to the three upper sects.

Although it is a bit unreasonable to take it back at will, you still have this right.

What's more, since the Pope said that person is not a real elder, the problem naturally does not lie with Wuhundian. It is also the right thing to take back the token. It is better not to arrest that person.

In fact, these guards were originally wondering why a soul master with such a low level of cultivation could possess the Spirit Hall Elder Order.

Looking at it now, it turned out to be a fake.

After the guards left, Bibi Dong noticed the surprise in Su Cheng's eyes.

She hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative to explain: "That person is an old friend of my teacher, with mediocre qualifications. I haven't contacted him for many years. I don't know where he got an elder token from, and then found it. Wuhun City."

"Since we are old friends, why don't we meet?"

Bibi Dong smiled and said casually: "I haven't noticed any news about him for many years... It has been almost ten years. If he hadn't come here today, I would have almost forgotten this person. Let's meet. It’s not interesting, and it probably won’t be a good thing.”

"I guess that person wouldn't think so, otherwise he wouldn't dare to pretend to be an elder of Wuhun Temple and come to see the Pope of Wuhun Temple." Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly and suddenly asked: "Is this person pretending to be an elder of Wuhun Temple?" Isn’t this practice a bit against the rules?”

"Theoretically, that's the case, but I'm too lazy to see him. It would be a lot of trouble to catch him, so I just take back the token and let him leave. Anyway, he is just a Soul Lord, and he can't make any waves."

"The teacher's old friend is just the Soul Lord?"

"Yes. Although I have joined Wuhun Temple as a saint since I was a child, I have a respected status, but I have never liked to use my status to pressure others. In fact, like you, I have an ordinary background, from a civilian family... Do you want to hear it? What is your previous experience as a teacher?”

"Would you like to tell me?"

"Well, there's nothing I can't say."

Bibi Dong's expression changed, she slowly turned around and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, lost in thought.

The slanting sunlight in the afternoon stretched out the shadows under her feet.

"It's better not to say anything."


Hearing this, she turned her head in surprise.

The exquisite three-dimensional facial features cast a light shadow on one side of the cheek, which is colorful and attractive, but also gives people a slightly depressed feeling.

"Didn't you tell me before that let the past go by and don't be affected by those things, and things will get better and better in the future?" Su Cheng also stepped forward and looked out the window at the setting sun.

He stretched and said softly: "The morning sun still looks comfortable. Every time at this time in the afternoon, people always feel a little depressed."

Bibi Dong also followed his gaze and turned back to look out the window, and said with a smile: "Indeed, the morning sun gives people a better feeling. But it won't take long after sunset, and the brand new sun will rise again the next day. It’s not a pity. But for people, I can’t start over like the sun.”

"Teacher, are you almost fifty?"

Bibi Dong's expression froze, and then a coldness appeared in her eyes, "You don't have to say anything if you don't know how to speak. Do you really think I won't be angry?"

She was just making fun of herself casually. Who knew that this kid really didn't know how to be polite and could answer anything he said.

How dare he talk about a woman's age?

"Age is just a number. How many years has the sun risen and set? No one cares about its true age. I used to hear the old people in the village say that only when a person starts to think about the past and likes to recall the past, then It’s really old.”


Bibi Dong was startled by what he said.

"So, teacher, if you feel that you are still young, then don't think about those messy things in the past all day long. Can't you look forward to it? I read in the book that after cultivating to the level of a titled Douluo, a soul master's Life span will be greatly extended, and it is possible to live hundreds of years more.”

Su Cheng turned to look at her with a smile, "If you continue to tell stories from the past like you did today, then I have to suspect that you are really old."

Bibi Dong's eyes flickered, but she immediately pursed her lips and turned her head, pretending to be serious: "You brat is so glib. When will I need your teaching?"

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