The second team of Tiandou Royal Academy under the name of Shrek Academy successfully qualified for the first place in the competition area, and then rushed to Wuhun City with other teams that advanced to the finals.

Without the strong men arranged by Wuhun Palace to chase them, the whole process went very smoothly. Flanders, Tang San and others also rejoined Yu Xiaogang in the city.

After a few brief greetings and arrangements for the team students to do their own activities, Liu Erlong took Yu Xiaogang back to his room.

"Xiao Gang, how are you?"

When speaking, Liu Erlong's eyes flickered slightly.

She had already known about the fact that the other party came to Wuhun City alone this time to ask for a meeting with Bibi Dong.

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, he sighed and said with a gloomy expression: "She has changed. We haven't seen her for twenty years, and she is no longer the Bibi Dong she was back then, but the distinguished Pope. It seems that I really don't want to be with you this time." You should find her."

In the past few days, whenever I recall the humiliating experience that day, there will be waves of pain in my heart, full of resentment and unwillingness.

Especially that day, the other party refused to even see him, and directly took away the Spirit Hall Elder Token that Tang Hao left for him, and then drove him away from Pope Mountain.

If Bibi Dong holds a grudge, she won't let him go so easily. If she still misses her old relationship, she should meet him.

It was this act of turning a blind eye and contempt that was most difficult for him to accept.

Liu Erlong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "So, you didn't get the method of cultivating twin martial souls from her?"

"No." Yu Xiaogang simply said, without mentioning the fact that he was excluded, and hugged Liu Erlong into his arms, "Erlong, this is Wuhun City, and it belongs to her." Territory. From now on, don’t stay away from me at any time, I’m afraid she will do something bad to me.”

"Just let her come. Am I still afraid of her? What about the Pope? He still lost to me. As long as she can't take you away, I'm not afraid of anything."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's expression finally softened, not as gloomy as before, "Don't worry, she will never be able to take me away. We are husband and wife, even if we only have our names."

Outside the hotel, with the arrangement of free activities, the students of Shrek Academy also dispersed.

Ning Rongrong went to her father's place, and Zhu Zhuqing had no idea of ​​going to see Zhu Zhuyun secretly. Instead, he wandered alone on the street and watched the scenery of Wuhun City.

Unknowingly, we reached the inner city area, near the foot of Pope Mountain.

There are several soul master guards patrolling nearby. If the foreign soul masters want to move forward, they need to pass some additional inspections.

After thinking about it, she took the initiative to stop a Wuhun Palace guard and asked: "Hello, is there a senior named Su Yue in Wuhun City? She asked me to come here to find her a few years ago. ”

"Su Yue? Senior?"

The guard was a little surprised when he heard this, and he hesitated before replying: "There is indeed a soul master named Su Yue here, but she is not a senior. She is also a young soul master who has just joined Wuhun Hall. She looks more... You are not much older. A few years ago, you would not be this person."

At this time, he seemed to suddenly notice something, and winked in the direction behind her and said: "Isn't that the one over there, the silver-haired soul master, and the person next to her is her brother, who is also the Pope? Your Majesty’s new disciple Su Cheng was recruited some time ago. Are they the people you are looking for?”

Zhu Zhuqing turned around and looked in the direction pointed by the other party, and immediately saw Su Yue.

It's just that her silver hair is a bit too ostentatious.


After Zhu Zhuqing thanked the soul master responsible for guarding Pope Mountain, he turned around and walked in the direction of the two of them.

Although he was not sure whether the other person was the person he wanted to see, he had to confirm it, but he didn't feel like the senior he was that day.

The most critical doubt is the level of cultivation.

Now Zhu Zhuqing has the strength close to that of the Soul King, and his mental perception is very strong. Although he can feel that Su Yue's aura is stronger than her own, it is only at the peak of the Soul King.

Apart from his cultivation, there is also something wrong with his temperament and senses. No matter how you look at it, he is not the mysterious strong man who took action that day.

After all, the person who secretly transmitted the message to her that day seemed to be a young man.

Maybe this is a role like a "senior sister" in the future?

Zhu Zhuqing could only guess secretly.

At this moment, Su Chenggang and Su Yue came out of the library and were going to walk around the stadium.

It has been nearly half a year since I joined Wuhun Palace.

Su Yue read a lot of books in Wuhun Palace.

Regardless of whether I understood the contents of those books or not, I devoured a lot of things and memorized them.

Moreover, reading is something that becomes easier the more you read it. As the accumulation of various kinds of knowledge increases day by day, and by analogy, the speed of accepting new knowledge will also become faster.

Anyway, later on, Su Cheng was pulled into more of a "study companion" role and basically did not participate in Su Yue's thinking process.

As of today, the Soul Master Competition is about to enter the final stage, and of course he is not prepared to miss the excitement of Tang San and others.

Compared with the original situation, the current Shrek Seven Devils must have undergone many changes, and the series of changes after the finals of Wuhun City are a relatively important node on the timeline.

So under the influence of various variables, Su Cheng wants to observe how the subsequent events will evolve further.

Apart from anything else, without the cover of Lovesickness, as long as Xiao Wu, who had transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast, had any brains at all, it would be impossible for him to appear in this final and be exposed to the sight of many titled Douluo Own.

So the future destiny direction, and whether it can return to the original track, all these make Su Cheng extremely curious.

"Here comes the guy."


Su Yue beside him suddenly reminded him, leaving him unable to react for a moment.

"The guy I met a few years ago had big breasts. Well, they're even bigger now."


Su Cheng was silent for a moment and noticed Zhu Zhuqing walking towards him.

But what makes him feel uneasy is why the Silver Dragon King has become as virtuous as he is now.

Who did you learn this style of speaking from, to speak so openly?

Is my opening method wrong?

"Su Yue, have you been with me since you transformed?"

"You followed me."

"Okay, whatever you say." Su Cheng was too lazy to argue with her about such useless things, "Why do you like to talk like this."

"I read it in a book."

"Which book? Is there such a book in the Spirit Hall?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the guy you like is already here."


"Hello." Zhu Zhuqing looked at the two young soul masters in front of him.

The boy on the right looks ordinary, but this girl is extremely different.

Along the way, she had battles and collisions with many of the top young talented soul masters on the mainland, and also met many beautiful soul masters from the academy.

Not to mention Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong from his own academy, even Shui Bing'er, Huo Wu and others whom he met a few days ago are all outstanding in appearance, and they are all instant choices.

But compared to the person in front of him, there is still some gap.

It's not because of the exquisiteness of her face, nor is it just the strange charm of her unusual eye color.

But Su Yue has a dreamlike and unreal feeling, which is most amazing.

Independent from the world, unstained by dust, it seems incompatible with this world.

Only when she occasionally talks to the person next to her will she feel a little more "human".

On the opposite side, Su Yue was not moved at all when she heard Zhu Zhuqing's polite greeting, and just looked at her lightly.

The silent atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly stood up and smiled at the girl and nodded, "Zhu Zhuqing?"

"Hello, it's me."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't expect that the other party could call out his name, so he turned to look at him.

Su Yue's pair of indifferent purple eyes did put a lot of pressure on people. In comparison, this young man seemed much harmless.

Wait, this voice...

Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes slightly and said in surprise: "Were you the person that day?"

Su Cheng chuckled upon hearing this, "Does it feel like it's not quite what you expected?"

"Yes... no, no..."

Facing his smile, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt his heartbeat speeding up, and an inexplicable panic surged in his heart.

Her usual calmness seemed to have left her, and her mind was in chaos.

What happened today was really weird.

A beautiful girl with silver hair and purple eyes, and a handsome boy about her own age. No matter how you look at it, these two people have nothing to do with the mysterious and powerful man back then.

If there is a relationship, it would be in line with common sense that they should be heirs or something like that.

Logically speaking, this boy should have been in his early teens three years ago. Why did he have such great strength and weird methods?

It's not like Zhu Zhuqing has never seen a strong person who is very good at looking good. This is true for Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, Dugu Bo and others.

But she had never heard of rejuvenation.

And if I remember correctly, the guard just now said that this person named "Su Cheng" and Su Yue were siblings, and he had just been accepted as a disciple by the Pope not long ago.

It’s just that I can’t see his true state. Even a Titled Douluo-level existence like the Pope, a strong man standing at the top of the continent, can’t detect the problem?

Su Cheng also saw the girl's confusion at this time. He thought for a while and said comfortingly: "Zhu Zhuqing, you don't need to think about it now, and you don't need to ask too much. Those things are not important to you. This competition is over. After that, you should be facing pressure from the Star Luo Empire, right?"

"Huh? Well..."

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly came back to his senses and responded, feeling a little surprised at the same time.

The person in front of me seemed to know a lot about his situation.

With the Netherworld White Tiger's martial spirit exposed, it would be difficult for the Xingluo royal family to sit still, and the Zhu family would inevitably be under pressure.

At that time, there will definitely be turmoil in the high-level circles of Xingluo, and as the person at the center of the whirlpool, she will definitely be unable to avoid it.

Of course, she could also choose not to participate in this competition and hide it for a while. But as long as something like Wuhun is wandering around, sooner or later it will be exposed to the eyes of the world, especially for a peerless genius with excellent qualifications like her.

After all, although the Star Luo Empire's intelligence network does not have branches in various countries and cities like Wuhun Palace, it does not completely become deaf and blind. Even if there is no Soul Master Competition, the relevant information cannot be hidden for long, and it will have to be faced sooner or later.

Su Cheng added: "Perform well in the finals, show your strength and potential, and it is best to win the championship. This will make it easier to take advantage of the situation when you return to the Star Luo Empire. The Dai family has the final say there. , The nobles are all outsiders, and there is no shortage of gamblers among them. In addition, you must learn to use your connections in the academy. I told you at the time, your classmates are all from extraordinary backgrounds, and they all have experts behind them."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing finally confirmed that the man in front of him was really the mysterious strong man from back then.

No matter the tone of the other person's words or the content of their words, they are all too similar...

"But I probably don't need to give you too much advice in this regard. Just do it as you originally planned."


Hearing what he said, Zhu Zhuqing opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak.

She really wanted to ask about the promise she made three years ago, but whether it was still true or not, but she was too shy to ask.

I didn't follow what the other party said, and rushed to Wuhun City before the game started, and missed the agreed time. This was one of them.

Out of her own dignity, she didn't want to take the initiative to ask for help. This was the second reason.

Even if the person in front of her was indeed powerful and mysterious, it was not enough for her to let go easily, especially because she still had an inexplicable mentality in her heart that made her unwilling to show weakness in front of this young man.

Fortunately, Su Cheng didn't seem to have any intention of embarrassing her, and said proactively and considerately: "You don't have to worry about practicing with me. With your qualifications, there is almost no bottleneck before the Peak Douluo. In the future, you only need to Following Tang San and the others, opportunities will continue to come, and the upgrade speed will not slow down until it reaches a bottleneck period, and it is not too late to make changes."

Having said this, Su Cheng stretched out his hand to condense a ball of concentrated real power, and then patted Zhu Zhuqing on the shoulder, instantly integrating it.

Different from the previous time when he secretly left real power on Qian Renxue, this time he used a lot of energy and consumed a lot of soul power.

When this power was integrated into Zhu Zhuqing's body, she felt a shiver from the inside out without any need to sense it.

It's like a rabbit encountering a giant dragon. Under that terrifying deterrent, even his thinking almost stagnated.

Fortunately, this feeling was only fleeting and disappeared quickly, and the power seemed to have disappeared deep into the body, making it difficult to find.

"Don't worry, these powers will not cause any harm to you, nor will they affect your future practice. They are just some trump cards I left for you. They are not as powerful as the gods' spiritual thoughts, but when you encounter life danger , there is no problem in automatically activating it to save your life.”

"..." Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Su Cheng silently.

She didn't know how much of what the other party said was true or false, but at least she could finally fully confirm the other party's identity. Moreover, I didn’t dare to tell anyone what happened today.

However, a title in Su Cheng's words just made her a little curious.


Does God really exist in this world?

The person in front of me actually understood God’s situation and even dared to compare it with him.

Regardless of the gap between the two, they should be similar in level.

"By the way, I have an opportunity to remind you. When your affairs in the Star Luo Empire come to an end and you return to Tiandou City, if you have the opportunity, you can try to save the one that the Tiandou royal family has kept. I got the Vast Sea Universe Cover in my hand."

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