"The Vast Sea Universe Cover?"

“That’s right, that’s an inherited treasure collected by the Tiandou royal family.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing became more and more puzzled, "Since it is a treasure inherited from the royal family, how could I possibly get it."

"The Tiandou Imperial Family will take the initiative to take it out. To them, the symbolic meaning of that thing is far greater than the actual meaning. They will not use it at all, but just treat it as a precious soul tool. The Tiandou Empire seems to be calm on the surface now. In fact, there are undercurrents inside, and one day it will explode sooner or later. At that time, the Vast Sea Universe Cover will be one of their bargaining chips," Su Cheng explained softly.

"However, I don't know how they will take it out and for what reason. And I can't guarantee whether you can get it. It depends on your own abilities and opportunities. . It doesn’t matter if you don’t get it, just do your best and don’t put yourself in danger.”

He thought about it, but still didn't tell Zhu Zhuqing that this thing was related to the Poseidon inheritance.

It's best to let nature take its course and give it a try.

If Zhu Zhuqing really knows the key function of the Vast Sea Cosmic Shield, I am afraid that given this girl's character, she may not be willing to give up easily, and then the risk will be difficult to control.

At the critical moment, if she wanted to compete with Tang San for luck, she would definitely be far inferior, even though her strength and potential were now much higher.

"Okay, that's all for today. You can prepare well for the next finals."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded blankly, still quickly digesting the large amount of information he had just obtained from the short conversation, and thinking about the hidden clues in it.

Seeing her lost in thought, Su Cheng smiled and stopped staying, preparing to leave with Su Yue.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that he was about to leave, the girl subconsciously shouted, "Why do you want to tell me so many things? These must be some very important secrets, right?"

Su Cheng turned around and said casually: "I like it."

After saying that, he waved his hand and said, "Come on for the game."

Seeing his smile, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she nodded slowly without answering.

"Ha, you look pleasing to the eye." As they walked on the road, Su Yue imitated Su Cheng's accent in a weird way, "You are old enough to be considered an ancestor, so you are not ashamed."

Then he glanced at the plump girl not far away who was looking at the two people's backs, and sneered: "That guy is also strange. We just met once, and it's love at first sight? I don't think there's anything special about you."

"What nonsense did you say? Why did you fall in love at first sight? I just said a few words normally."

"I'm not blind. That little girl's expression is obviously wrong. And it's written in the book that this kind of situation between you usually represents a problem."

These few words she said made Su Cheng once again doubt the correctness of letting her study independently.

"What kind of books have you read?"

"It's none of your business." Su Yue curled her lips, "But why don't you want to take her to practice? Didn't you still miss her a few years ago?"

Su Cheng shook his head, his eyes calmed down, "It's not necessary, it's better to let her continue to practice step by step."

His thinking has changed a lot from a few years ago.

At that time, Su Cheng didn't understand the true situation of this simulation, so he just wanted to train people with potential as helpers as before, and also complete the task of changing destiny.

But as time went by and after many attempts, he discovered that too much micro-manipulation was not necessarily a good thing, and he could not rush it to avoid causing unnecessary variables.

Opportunities should be kept on the edge of the knife. It is better to leave everything until later.

The final process progressed very quickly.

After the Soul Master Competition has reached this stage, the rules of the competition system are very simple. The first few games are to catch pairs and eliminate them, which takes much less time than the previous qualifying ranking games.

In just a few days, Huangdou Team 2 entered the finals under the leadership of Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San.

During this period, the strength displayed by the seven team members was much stronger than that of the members of the main team of Emperor Dou.

Whether it is Zhu Zhuqing who has a super-standard martial soul, Tang San who has twin martial souls, or the attack-type soul masters Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who have obtained external soul bones, they are all very powerful.

And besides them, there are also two auxiliary soul masters with amazing potential, Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Coupled with the passerby's armor-sensitive attack-type soul master who replaced Xiao Wu, there was almost no opponent before the final battle.

The last day came quickly, and members of the Imperial Fighting Team 2 and the Wuhundian Academy Team walked into the center of the square at the same time.

The fourteen people on both sides looked at each other, and each other's auras instantly released and collided fiercely.

At this moment, both the leading teachers of the two teams, the powerful elders from Wuhun Palace, Ning Feng Zhichenxin, Pope Bibi Dong and others all focused their attention on the arena.

Su Cheng and Su Yue were also standing behind the crowd at Wuhun Hall, watching the game.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was at the front of the Second Imperial Team, seemed to be aware of this. He turned his head and glanced here, meeting Su Cheng's eyes.

Then she saw the other party gently nodded at her, and then gave a thumbs up.

A smile appeared on the girl's face, and her tense mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

Her teammates were secretly surprised when they saw this. They didn't understand how Zhu Zhuqing, who usually didn't like to show emotions, showed such an attitude.

Is there someone she knows in Wuhun City?

Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun and others also subconsciously followed her gaze, but they could no longer see Su Cheng and Su Yue.

In another corner, Su Yue snorted coldly, broke away from the pulled right arm, but didn't say anything more.

She looked at the people in the team, and her heart moved slightly.

Except for Xiao Wu, who had transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast, the others were still in the same configuration as before, without any changes.

In just a few years, they have all grown up, and their cultivation speed is not even much slower than themselves. They can't help but secretly sigh at the terrifying talent of the human race.

If the same progress in strength is placed on a soul beast, no matter how talented the soul beast is, it will take thousands of years to calculate, and the difference between them is too huge.

I just don’t know if they still remember the humiliation they once suffered, and what kind of psychological changes they have experienced over the years.

At this time, Su Cheng's voice suddenly came to Su Yue's ears, "Who do you think can win among these two teams?"

"Of course it's the Wuhun Palace."

With her previous strength as a foundation, even if her cultivation is still shallow now, her eyesight is still there, and she can naturally see the strength gap between the two teams.

He couldn't help but feel a little gloating, "I'm afraid that little girl you're interested in is going to be frustrated. All her teammates are just dragsters."

Theoretically speaking, Su Yue's point of view is indeed correct.

Although the Shrek Seven Monsters have two more external soul bones than before, and there is Zhu Zhuqing, a soul master with the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, but because they have not taken the fairy grass, the other people's spirits are still inferior regardless of their quality. The soul power level is lower than what they should be.

In addition, Xiao Wu was not in the team, and was replaced by a passerby who only had Soul Master cultivation. The overall strength was almost the same as the original configuration.

Opposite them, there are three soul king-level experts in Wuhundian Academy, two of whom have killing moves like Wuhun Fusion Technique.

From a clear perspective, no matter how strong the tactics of Shrek and the others are, there is no reason to win.

It's a pity that she didn't know that Tang San also had a cheat, and if he used all his trump cards, his real strength would not be weaker than Zhu Zhuqing's now.

"If you ask me, Huang Dou Team 2 can win."


"Would you like to make a bet?"

"..." Su Yue turned to look at Su Cheng suspiciously, her eyes a little unhappy, "Are you going to help that little girl secretly?"

"Of course not, I don't plan to do anything. How about, do you want to take a gamble?"

"No." Su Yue's expression slowed down and she turned back, saying calmly: "I don't want to play such boring games."


The battle started quickly. The seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team moved almost at the same time, and surging soul power burst out from their bodies instantly.

Not to be outdone, the members of the Second Imperial Team quickly formed their formation.

As the only control-type spirit master, Tang San was in the middle of the dispatch, while Zhu Zhuqing, the most powerful, took the lead in the charge as an arrow.

On the opposite side, Xie Yue and Hu Liena, with the help of the auxiliary soul masters at the rear, also immediately used the martial soul fusion skill Youmei.

The red light curtain suddenly exploded, covering nearly half of the venue like a ball of light, completely enveloping everyone...

The early stage of the battle was not much different from what Su Yue had deduced in his mind, but at the last moment, under the restraint of Zhu Zhuqing's powerful combat power, Tang San successfully used the Tang Sect's hidden weapon technique of "Bat Wing Reincarnation" to complete a desperate comeback.

The ending was as expected, these people from Shrek Academy won the final victory game and won the championship.

At this moment, not only was Su Yue secretly surprised, but Bibi Dong in the audience also felt more murderous intent in her heart, and was determined to find an opportunity to kill Tang San to avoid future troubles.

With the emergence of the champion, the Soul Master Competition also ended hastily.

Because of the defeat of Wuhundian Academy, the ceremony at the end of the competition became extremely concise. All the preparations originally made by Wuhundian were in vain. They simply handed out three soul bones as rewards and let it go. .

Although Tang San and others complained a few times, they didn't take it too seriously.

It is enough to get the soul bone prize, other things are not important.

After playing this long game, it also meant that Tang San and others had officially graduated, and they all decided to temporarily separate and practice separately for a while.

Ning Rongrong naturally returned to the Qibao Glazed Sect and began to slowly take over some of the sect's affairs.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun were going to follow Flender and other teachers back to Shrek Academy.

The situation of the remaining few people is quite special.

After Dai Mubai advanced to the finals, he was approached by Davis alone.

As expected, the moment the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit appeared, the most restless one was the Xingluo royal family.

For a time, the senior family officials no longer cared about their Dai family's bloody tradition of brotherly killing each other, and were ready to recall Dai Mubai to understand the situation and discuss countermeasures.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't care about this either.

Because she was also secretly looked for by Zhu Zhuyun a few days ago, and she will also return to the Star Luo Empire in the near future.

And Tang San finally met his father Tang Hao, who disguised himself as an ordinary person and sneaked into Wuhun City.

The other party was going to take him out to practice alone for a few years.

However, before parting, everyone at Shrek Academy still agreed on a time to meet again in a few years.

Although because of what happened in the small town outside the Star Dou Forest, there were some long-term emotional barriers between the few of them.

But because of this, they are better able to calculate the talents and value of their teammates.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, everyone else has no fundamental conflict of interest and is a natural future ally.

Especially Tang San, who is always thinking about rebuilding the Tang Sect in this world, Ning Rongrong, who comes from a powerful sect, Dai Mubai, who has to go through the bloody struggle of the Star Luo royal family, and Zhu Zhuqing, who is under the pressure of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit...

These people, who are bound by their own forces behind them, all have their own thoughts.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural to make some plans for the future.

Three days later, Su Cheng came to the Wuhun City Library to find Su Yue. He took the book away from her and said, "Get ready to go."

"Where to go?"

"Bibi Dong is going to lead people to hunt down Tang San, let's go along and see the excitement."

"It's boring, you can go alone, I won't go." Su Yue waved her hand impatiently, not interested in this kind of fate.

"It's definitely not boring. There may be some kind of accident. Just follow me."

With that said, Su Cheng directly pulled her up and left the library.

This time, the pursuit team led by Bibi Dong was truly luxurious.

Because she considered Tang Hao's presence, in addition to Bibi Dong herself, she also brought four titled Douluo along with her.

They are Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and the two worship brothers Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo.

To be honest, with this lineup, not to mention Bibi Dong herself, even Su Cheng couldn't imagine the possibility of overturning.

Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo were both peak Douluo with a cultivation level of ninety-sixth level, and they were biological brothers who worked together tacitly. Although Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo are relatively weak in cultivation, they possess the martial soul fusion skill of Bipolar Static Domain.

Not to mention, Bibi Dong himself is definitely not comparable to ordinary titled Douluo.

Although her current strength is suppressed by the Rakshasa Divine Examination and cannot exert her full power, she has a hundred thousand year soul ring and her temperament is not crazy, which is enough to rival the level of peak Douluo.

On Tang San's side, if Bibi Dong didn't take action to scare the snake in advance, he would never be too defensive.

During this trip, except for Tang Hao, who secretly took him away to practice, there was no other strong person accompanying him at all.

Chen Xin wanted to escort Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong back to the clan, and Dugu Bo was still with his granddaughter. Under such circumstances, how could Tang San survive?

Explosive seeds also have to be logical. No matter how much Tang Hao explodes the ring, even if he has a hundred thousand year soul ring, he will never be able to defeat one against five.

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