The bright moon hangs high, and the night is as cold as water.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Bibi Dong left Wuhun City with four titled Douluo, following the auras of Tang Hao and Tang San.

And further away, there are figures of Su Cheng and Su Yue.

They did not follow in secret, but followed Bibi Dong's permission to "see the world". However, because of their lower strength, they had to stay farther away.

Based on their superficial cultivation, their speed was naturally not as fast as those of the titled Douluo. However, Tang San and his son were ahead of them. It was enough to be stronger than Tang San.

After leaving Wuhun City for some distance and making sure that no one nearby would be noticed by interested parties, Bibi Dong and others began to speed up, and it didn't take long to catch up with them.

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, Tang Hao also discovered several powerful auras coming from behind.

The only force that can dispatch so many titled Douluo is Wuhundian.

He instantly understood that he had been exposed, and immediately stopped and turned around, protecting Tang San behind him.

There is no point in continuing to run forward at this time. Instead, it will expose your back. It is better to face the enemy head-on.

It wouldn't work to let Tang San escape alone. With Tang San's strength, it was impossible to escape the Title Douluo's pursuit. Leaving him would only be more dangerous.

With Tang Hao's combat experience, he would naturally not make similar stupid mistakes.

A moment later, Bibi Dong and others descended from the sky. Without any intention of talking nonsense, they directly summoned their respective martial souls, and attacked them overwhelmingly with several powerful soul skills in an instant.

The poisonous silk spinning of the Death Spider King, the shadows of the two dragon-coiling sticks, the shadowy dagger shot from the sky, the colorful light spreading across the sky from the strange velvet Babel Chrysanthemum...

Facing such an offensive, Tang Hao's expression changed dramatically, and the harsh words he originally wanted to say were swallowed back into his stomach.

The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand faced the wind and expanded more than ten times in an instant. He gripped the handle of the hammer tightly with both hands and swept forward.


Along with a huge and lasting roar, the surrounding vegetation and boulders splashed away, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

Tang Hao stepped on the center of the pit, his muscular arms trembling slightly, and the outer trousers of his legs that were used as support for his lower body were directly shattered, exposing two thick calves.

Bibi Dong did not continue to step forward, glanced at Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo, and said solemnly: "Six offerings, seven offerings."

The two worshipers immediately understood each other, their soul rings flashed under their feet, and they rushed straight towards Tang Hao with their coiled dragon sticks in hand.

This is a tactic that has been decided for a long time.

First, use a large-scale attack to suppress the opponent's momentum, greatly consuming his soul power. Then Qianjun and Jiangmo take action, while the others hold down the formation around them.

This would not only put pressure on Tang Hao, but also prevent him from dying together or escaping.

This is the safest tactic.

After all, in terms of strength alone, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo are definitely no match for Tang Hao.

As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong is obviously not suitable to take the lead, and there is no need.

As for the swarming, the combat effect may not be much better. The tacit understanding between Qianjun Jiangmo and the Titled Douluo brothers is enough to defeat or even kill Tang Hao.

Even if this is not possible, you can still use wheel fighting. When both sides are almost exhausted, Bibi Dong will take over and clean up the mess.

Seeing this scene, Tang San, who was standing behind Tang Hao, looked at the people in Wuhun Palace with eyes split open, but was unable to do anything.

His current cultivation level is too low. If he casually joins the battlefield, it will only distract Tang Hao. Even once he leaves Tang Hao's protective range, he may be killed directly.

For a while, I could only take out the hidden weapon from the soul guide and wait for the opportunity, forcing myself to calm down and silently look for the right opportunity to take action.

But at this time, Tang Hao no longer cared about Tang San's thoughts.

He could only try his best to protect his son behind him and face the two Douluo alone.

As soon as the battle started, Tang Hao decisively blew up the fifth and sixth ten thousand year soul rings, pushing his cultivation and combat power to the limit.

Even so, they are still no match for Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo.

The two major enshrined martial souls, the Coiling Dragon Stick, are not inferior to the Haotian Hammer in terms of quality, but they are slightly inferior because they do not have the extremely powerful matching soul skill of the "Great Sumeru Hammer".

However, the gap in numbers and cultivation between the enemy and us was here, and Tang Hao had hidden wounds in his body, and he had to guard against the other three people in Wuhun Palace being unable to fully perform their duties. After just a few dozen rounds, he was completely at a disadvantage.

The face with a shaggy beard was pale, with blood overflowing from the corners of the mouth and nose. Even the seventh soul ring was forced to explode, and the crumbling body was already close to the limit of what it could bear.

"Is this the accident you're talking about?" Su Yue glanced at Su Cheng with a somewhat disdainful expression.

The situation of the battle ahead is clear at a glance.

Even though Tang Hao can still hold on with strong Qi, he is actually on the verge of reaching his limit.

In less than ten rounds, he will prosper and then decline, and he will be defeated quickly.


Su Cheng suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction.

His attention had not been focused on the battlefield ahead. In addition to paying attention to Tang San, he was more focused on observing the changes in the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, reinforcements arrived late.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and a bit of ridicule.

It was quite a coincidence that Tang San's reinforcements turned out to be them.

Soon, Su Yue also noticed the movement in the distance, and her delicate brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

Before her, the stronger Bibi Dong and others had already sensed the two powerful auras approaching quickly.

Its energy fluctuations are much stronger than those of the two Juguis, and even more powerful than Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo.

The sound of giant beasts running on the ground began to appear, and then quickly became louder.

In just a moment, a black giant ape like a hill rushed over, its dark hair shining faintly in the moonlight.

As it rushed forward, it pushed aside the big trees blocking the way.

Those hardwood trunks that are more than ten meters high are as fragile as dead branches and rotten leaves in his hands.

The giant ape was lying on all fours, but its shoulder height was still more than seven meters and its body length was more than fifteen meters. On its shoulders, there was a pretty girl wearing a white dress sitting.

It was clear that the giant ape was running very fast, but its upper body was extremely stable. The girl sat there unmoving, with only her long scorpion braid being blown and fluttered by the sweeping air current.

Behind this black giant ape, there is also a behemoth with an even more terrifying aura.

The huge bull head with a diameter of more than four meters is connected to the back by a thick snake body that is thirty meters long. A cold light flashes on the scales of Aomori. It is obviously much more powerful than the giant ape.

Xiao Wu, Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python!

Xiao Wu knew when the soul master competition ended.

After the competition started, although she did not participate in the competition with the people from Shrek Academy, she stayed in the academy. It was not until shortly before Tang San and others went to Wuhun City to participate in the finals that she found a reason to return to Star Dou University. forest.

As the final ended, she originally wanted to come directly to look for Tang San, but two hundred thousand year spirit beasts were worried about her safety and were determined to escort her for a while, then put her down when they were nearby, allowing her to return to human society and Tang San. Three reunions.

Unexpectedly, on the way here, I happened to sense a few fierce collisions, and also discovered the existence of Tang Hao, Tang San, and everyone in Wuhun Palace.

After the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python informed Xiao Wu of this incident, they came to help out at her request.

"Two hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts?! What kind of soul beast is the one following the Titan ape?"

"No, three."

Except for Tang San, the few people present were all titled Douluo. Naturally, they could tell the situation of the person in an instant, and their faces showed a bit of solemnity.

Needless to say, the strength of the Titan Giant Ape is a powerful soul beast recorded in the Wuhun Palace. It is a genius race that can fight across levels. The unknown breed of bull-headed snake-body soul beast following behind seems to be a bit stronger. .

If Xiao Wu's appearance was an unexpected gain, then the other two powerful hundred thousand year soul beasts made the situation a bit confusing.

The same is true even for Bibi Dong.

She is currently suppressed by the Rakshasa Divine Examination and is temporarily unable to exert her full strength. Moreover, even if she can really kill all three soul beasts here, with her accumulation, she will never be able to directly continuously attach to the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor. Three hundred thousand year soul rings.

At the same time, Tang Hao and the two ministers, who sensed the changes in the external situation, also tacitly agreed to temporarily stop fighting.

Tang Hao was able to take a breather and immediately raced against time to recover from the old injuries in his body that were almost unbearable.


After arriving nearby, the Titan Giant Ape stood up straight and roared at Bibi Dong and others.

Those citrine-like eyes suddenly lit up, like two suns in the dark night, and a breath as thick as a mountain was released unbridled.

The heavy breath coming out of his mouth blew the surrounding trees and caused them to fall in all directions.

"Xiao Wu!"

Looking at the beautiful figure on the giant ape's shoulder, Tang San's expression behind Tang Hao changed slightly, and he felt confused.

The incident happened so quickly that he couldn't react for a while. He didn't understand why Xiao Wu was with the Titan ape he had met before. He seemed to be very close to her.

Moreover, why did they suddenly appear at this time...

"elder brother!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu jumped down from the giant ape's shoulder, jumped directly into Tang San's arms, and immediately began to quickly explain what happened in a low voice.

As he spoke, he looked at the other person's expression with a hint of worry, worried that Tang San wouldn't be able to accept the fact that he was a transformed soul beast.

In fact, Xiao Wu originally didn't want to reveal her true identity like this, but when she learned about the danger Tang San encountered, she no longer cared about these trivial matters and rushed over with the two spirit beasts.

On the other side, while the boy and girl were talking in low voices, the two die-hard followers of Xiao Wu, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, had already taken action.

Seeing that Tang Hao was still adjusting his breath, the Titan Giant Ape jumped forward and jumped forward.

The next moment, both Qianjun and Demon-Conquering Douluo felt that the surrounding environment instantly became solemn.

His body felt as heavy as lead, and his speed suddenly dropped. All the lights, shadows, and colors in front of him seemed to be slightly distorted.

Titan's gravity field!

This is the extraordinary talent of the unique soul beast race.

Moreover, the Titan Ape's gravity field is different from ordinary gravity-type soul skills. It can control the change of gravity at will to enlarge or reduce it. Although it is not to the extent of manipulating the direction of gravity, it is still extremely terrifying.

The Titan Giant Ape punched out and headed straight for Demon-Conquering Douluo.

All the earth elements in the surrounding air seemed to be condensed into this punch.

Under normal circumstances, the best way to deal with such an attack is to dodge first, wait for its strength to be used up, and then use a secondary move.

However, with the effect of the gravity field, the Demon-Conquering Douluo's speed was greatly reduced, and it was difficult to completely dodge for a while, so he could only choose to resist forcefully with his stick.

Qianjun Douluo, who was farther away, was also in the field and unable to support him.

Looking at the long stick swinging in front of him, the giant ape's yellow crystal eyes flashed with light. The gravity that was originally ten times stronger suddenly disappeared, and the gravity was transformed from ten times stronger to ten times weaker in an instant.

This gave Demon-Conquering Douluo, who was struggling to break free from control, no chance to react at all. Not only did his movements of swinging the dragon stick change, he also accelerated and crashed into the terrifying fist of the Titan Giant Ape.

When Bibi Dong and others saw this, they naturally would not sit idly by and join the battle with their martial soul avatars.

The blue light on the surface of the azure bull python is spreading outward at this moment, and another realm is covering it, the realm of slowness!

Tang Hao was extremely keenly aware of the opportunity. He already knew Xiao Wu and had already understood that these two spirit beasts were friendly reinforcements.

Without continuing to rest and recover, he gritted his teeth and swung the Clear Sky Hammer and stepped forward...

Looking at the increasingly chaotic battlefield ahead, Su Cheng sighed softly, "I see..."

In fact, there is no need to read further. Bibi Dong's operation will definitely fail.

Although even at this moment, Wuhundian's side is still stronger than the other side, it is no longer an absolutely crushing match.

Even in the previous situation, something unexpected could happen. When the situation progressed to this point and everything began to turn around, it would be even more impossible to kill Tang San today.

Unless he takes action himself.

"I told you there would be accidents."

"It's true, but it's too much of a coincidence."

Su Yue still frowned, staring at the two hundred thousand year soul beasts not far ahead.

To be honest, Su Yue didn't know who Xiao Wu was before meeting her for the first time in Fenghua Town, but she had heard from Di Tian about the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, two extremely gifted hundred thousand year souls. The existence of the beast.

It's just that these two soul beasts have just entered the threshold of one hundred thousand years, and they have not yet been taken under their command.

The cultivation levels of the three soul beasts, Xiao Wu, Titan Giant Ape, and Azure Bull Python, are not much different. The latter two are gifted with different talents and their cultivation speed is faster, but they are still friends of the same age, so it is understandable that they have a close relationship with each other.

Considering that after Xiao Wu transformed, she developed feelings for Tang San. Wuhun City and Star Dou Forest are both at the junction of the two empires. The distance between them is not too far. Tang San happened to be in trouble on the way. Xiao Wu pulled his brothers over to help. The whole thing seemed to be logically logical. make sense.

But the development of events is unreasonable.

Not to mention the timing is such a coincidence, they appear at the critical moment.

Even if it were another time, two hundred thousand year soul beasts could leave the Star Dou Forest so easily and be exposed under the eyes of human soul masters?

For soul masters, a hundred thousand year soul beast is undoubtedly the supreme treasure.

No matter how strong they are, there are only two of them, and they are not as strong as Ultimate Douluo.

But there are about twenty human titled Douluo, so how dare they?

Even if anyone discovers the entire process, it will definitely leave huge hidden dangers.

Logically speaking, someone who can cultivate steadily to the level of a hundred thousand years has lived for at least tens of thousands of years. He has grown up slowly from a weak period. How could he not be vigilant?

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