Su Cheng looked at Ah Yin who looked confused in front of him, and many thoughts flashed through his heart.

Although they were all deep in the Bluesilver Grass Forest at this time, far away from the outside world, Tang Hao's voice could not be heard.

But the external domain barrier was obviously built by Ah Yin with the help of the special environment of this forest. She was the core of this small world, and she could definitely sense the situation in the outside world, and she must have heard Tang Hao's call.

Yet she had no reaction to it, which was telling.

In addition, after eliminating many possibilities, Su Cheng quickly determined the obvious change in A Yin's expression when he first saw him, coupled with the special energy fluctuations that were not exactly the same as his soul power. The other party's current situation is very special, and it is very likely that he has inherited the state of the real world like himself.

Su Cheng figured it out, but Ah Yin, who was standing opposite, didn't react so quickly.

Due to the lack of intelligence, she was somewhat unable to understand what was happening.

Ah Yin looked at the hesitant Blue Silver King, then looked at Su Cheng, a young man with smiling eyes not far in front of him, and a vague guess emerged in his heart...

Su Cheng was also reborn? !

It was hard for her to accept this fact, but she couldn't think of any other explanation.

If not, how could Su Cheng, who was only fifteen years old, have such great strength.

In my memory, although he was very good at the same age, he was only a super peak soul king whose combat power was comparable to that of a high-level soul douluo.

Looking at it now, it is too exaggerated to see that the other party can easily break through the energy blockade outside the Bluesilver Grass Forest without any sound.

You must know that that heavy barrier is not only extremely powerful, but also built on the entire forest. Even if the Ultimate Douluo comes, it will be difficult to break it without using violent means.

However, since Su Cheng was also reborn, why didn't he find him immediately and take away his sleeping self?

Thinking of this, Ah Yin couldn't help but reveal a trace of gloom and grievance on his face.

What do all the thoughts and efforts I have put in over the years count?

Su Cheng noticed the subtle change of expression that briefly flashed on that delicate and charming face.

He quickly explained: "Actually, I went to look for you, but when I arrived at the cave, I found that both you and your soul bones had disappeared."

"After I gained consciousness, I first slept there for three years, and then stayed there for another three years after I woke up." Ah Yin said lightly.

Hearing this, Su Cheng also had a look of surprise on his face. He realized that the time between the two of them happened to be staggered, so he said frankly: "Earlier, I was trapped in an independent space and practiced. It was nearly six years before I left there, and I didn’t wait too long before looking for you.”

"..." Ah Yin looked at him suspiciously upon hearing this, thinking about the authenticity of these words.

This guy really had too many criminal records, so she had to think more about it.

"Hey, are you suspecting that I'm lying to you?"

"That's right." Ah Yin snorted, not hiding his attitude.

"..." Su Cheng's expression paused, and then he pointed at the Blue Silver King who hadn't figured out the situation yet, "If you don't believe me, ask him if I was here before."

"Uh..." Blue Silver King, who was suddenly affected, sighed helplessly, but did not dare to refute, so he could only reluctantly admit: "That's right."

"Is that really what he said?" Seeing its hesitation, Ah Yin emphasized: "Tell me all the details of the situation at that time, and don't hide anything. Don't worry, with me here, he doesn't dare to do anything to you. "

Hearing Ah Yin say this, an obvious bitter smile appeared on the old face composed of a large number of roots.

"Your Excellency did come here once a few years ago, before you returned. He..."

"What did he do to you?"

"It's not that big of a deal. I'm just warned that I can't help a human being with the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit to have a second awakening in the future."

Su Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything excessive at that time, otherwise it would be really difficult for Ah Yin to explain.

And this old tree is obviously very knowledgeable, and knows not to talk nonsense, so it can overcome the conflict in one word.

It's a pity that Ah Yin is not as easy to deceive as before, and he is keenly aware that there is another hidden secret in it.

She glanced at Blue Silver King with disappointment and said calmly: "Are you even going to lie to me now?"

"..." When Su Cheng saw this, he suddenly thought something was wrong.

Sure enough, the Blue Silver King couldn't stand her behavior. He didn't dare to hide anything anymore and no longer cared about Su Cheng's thoughts. He quickly added: "Your Excellency is too strong and his aura is a bit scary. Tell me. If you don't listen to the advice, this forest will be leveled directly afterwards..."

"Su Cheng!" Ah Yin raised her eyebrows and glared at Su Cheng and shouted angrily.

To her, the Blue Silver King was the elder she had grown up with. Regardless of their status in the clan, they still had family ties. What's more, Su Cheng actually threatened to destroy the Bluesilver Grass Forest. How could she accept this?

"Hey, you old tree, don't talk nonsense. I was obviously just warning you, and I didn't really want to do anything to you." Su Cheng hurriedly defended himself.

He was really just talking casually.

Even if the Blue Silver King really helped Tang San awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit, he had no intention of taking revenge.

After all, even if the forest is destroyed afterwards, it will not help.

What's more, in a world with such a powerful power to correct fate, if Tang San was able to awaken, it wouldn't necessarily be the Blue Silver King's fault. There was a high probability that there would be many other factors influencing it.

If the other party was just a stranger, Su Cheng would directly choose an approach similar to that in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, to eliminate future troubles first.

But since he was an acquaintance in real life and a relative of Ah Yin, he didn't want to do anything too extreme.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please don't be angry." Blue Silver King also said, "If it weren't for Your Excellency's kindness, he wouldn't have to threaten me at all. With his strength, he can completely destroy me directly."

"..." Ah Yin glanced at Su Cheng lightly when he heard this, then snorted and revealed the matter.

"May I ask Your Majesty, what is your relationship?" King Blue Silver asked again at this time.

It naturally sensed that the atmosphere between the two people in front of them was very subtle, almost like a young couple having an quarrel.

But if you want to describe it this way, it's a little weird. The age of the two people is really not right.

However, since Su Cheng is so powerful, he may not be as young as he seems on the surface. Maybe it's due to special circumstances.


After hearing its question, Ah Yin's pretty face turned red, and a flash of embarrassment flashed in her eyes.

Different from the real situation, Su Cheng is not yet fifteen years old now. Even if soul masters develop faster and generally mature earlier, they still look like teenagers.

At the moment, the Blue Silver King doesn't know the whole story. It would be too shameful for him to directly admit the relationship between the two.

Su Cheng didn't seem to care. He walked up directly, put his arms around her waist, and said casually: "Oh, I am her lover, can't you tell."

"Hey, don't..." Ah Yin twisted her body in panic to avoid the arm, and at the same time reached out to push it away.

Even though she lowered her head, she could still see the light pink on her face quickly deepening and turning into crimson in the blink of an eye. It was obvious at a glance that she was hiding something.

Su Cheng put his mouth close to her ear and whispered: "You doubted me for no reason before, and you haven't apologized to me yet."

The hot air blew in, causing the pink earlobes to be smeared with blood, making them look crystal clear under the light.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault..." Ah Yin didn't want to tangle with him here, so she said anxiously: "Behave yourself..."

"Don't move, I want to check on you."

Su Cheng calmly clasped her palm tightly and slowly transferred his true power to it.

After feeling this power, Ah Yin finally stopped struggling, but still lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head. His face was even redder than before, and even a little hot.

After a long time, seeing that Su Cheng remained silent, she asked in a voice as thin as a mosquito, "Are you okay yet?"


Although he said this, Su Cheng gently rubbed the slender jade knuckles in his palm with his fingers, without any intention of loosening them.

Then he greeted the Blue Silver King like this and said with a smile: "We will leave for now. Take care of yourself. Don't forget to guard against people outside so that you don't get discovered."

Blue Silver King: "..."

Ah Yin: "..."

Now that Ah Yin has been resurrected, there is no need to worry about Tang San awakening the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit.

Seeing that he really wanted to leave so directly, Ah Yin couldn't help but said: "Wait, you--"

"What, you don't want to come with me?"

"No, but-"

"If not, then don't talk about it for now. Let's talk in detail later when we go out to find a place."


After leaving the Bluesilver Grass Forest, Ah Yin, who had been silent all the way, gradually calmed down his complicated emotions.

I couldn't help but ask: "Where are you taking me, what have you been doing in the past few years, why is there no news about you on the mainland?"

After saying a series of questions like this, she turned to look at Su Cheng, who was about the same height as herself, and asked suspiciously: "Is my rebirth related to you?"

"Rebirth?" Su Cheng repeated this word in astonishment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"What about rebirth...wait a minute," he suddenly turned his head and looked at Ah Yin, a hint of joking flashed in his eyes, "don't you think that you are a unique and destined rebirth, so you have been making plans silently? Then you will hibernate and practice, waiting to one day rule the world and amaze everyone, right?"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Ah Yin was ashamed when he heard this.

She did think about some random things before, and even had some extravagant hopes in her heart, but it was definitely not as exaggerated as the other party said.

As for the situation of ruling the world and ruling for eternity, it is even more ridiculous.

"Do you dare to say that you haven't thought about it?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows lightly, "And -"

"Okay! Stop talking!"

Ah Yin, whose cheeks were red, pinched the palm of his hand hard. Knowing that she couldn't speak to the other party, she directly changed the subject, "You haven't said where you want to take me yet?"

Su Cheng smiled, stopped teasing, and replied: "Let's leave this mountain range first and go to the nearest Rock City. When I passed through the main city before, I saw a hotel that looked very nice from the outside. "

"What... hotel? I'm not going!"


"You, how old are you now? We can't..." Her voice became smaller and smaller. In the end, she stopped explaining and just repeated firmly: "I'm not going anyway."

"It has nothing to do with age. What are you thinking about? You have to find a place to settle down first. Then I can tell you what has happened over the years, what I have been doing, and what I have been preparing for."

Su Cheng explained seriously: "Don't worry, I will tell you everything exactly as it is, and I need your help. I really didn't expect such a change in you before. It's really an unexpected surprise. "

"Need my help?"

Ah Yin's eyes trembled slightly, and then waves of numbness surged from the depths of his heart, and then spread throughout his body.

For some reason, this sentence struck her far deeper than those sweet words or promises.

After a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief and nodded very seriously, "Okay."

Su Cheng noticed her reaction and laughed too.

It is an experience I have never had before, and it feels quite good to have such teammates who are completely trustworthy and can share all the information.

Su Cheng never thought of deceiving Ah Yin. He really wanted to find a place to sort out everything.

Of course, besides that, there are also many things that should be done.

This is called work-rest balance.

While Su Cheng and Ah Yin were walking towards Rock City, Tang Hao and his son wandered outside the Bluesilver Grass Forest for three full days.

Three days later, the energy barrier that gradually weakened as Ah Yin left finally completely dissipated.

Tang Hao, who looked sluggish, was shaken up. He quickly called Tang San and walked into the forest together.

But after entering, he immediately noticed a faint sense of rejection coming from all directions, as if the entire forest came alive, releasing substantial hostility towards them.

Tang Hao could no longer care about this at this time.

He just wanted to know whether all these changes were related to Ah Yin, and why the other party refused to come to see him.

However, the father and son wandered around in this forest for a long time, and could not even find the location of the Blue Silver King, let alone A Yin.

With Ah Yin's help, Blue Silver King's control over this forest became much stronger than before.

Although it is impossible to build a real small world like Ah Yin, it can make the creatures who enter it completely lost.

At least with Tang Hao's level 95 mental strength, he couldn't break through this layer of confusion.

The two people spent more than a week and got nothing.

In the end, in desperation, Tang Hao, who was full of worries, could only take Tang San away from this place, taking him to practice the Clear Sky Hammer Technique and train his soul power.

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